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The Start of the China Adventure

his sections starts with the parties journey to China. The chronicle was written by Lee Ho.

Week 27 / 3 : Day 1 (Year of the Cock)

Landfall in Pusan, which is the major port city of an unusual land called Korea, Buddhists here were friendly and there fighters looked fierce but had carried no Mon.

Stocked up on rice and vegetables as the Portuguese food is very coarse and inedible. Purchased treats for the horses and a prize for the coming training tourney.

Week 27 / 4 : Day 2 (Year of the Cock)

Set sail. Tell Yamabushi of training tourney.

Training tourney prize. A full set of good clothing.

The Portuguese have a lot of trees of a very large size. Picture of the sail on the Portuguese ship when sailing.

Box now understands simple orders. It may now be considered an entity like a Bakemono.

tenwa-chapter2.1709741727.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/03/06 16:15 by tim45tenwa