This is an old revision of the document!
Actual Game date (2000-01-12)
The return to Baamebu Daa. MeBe receives a visitor from the Imperial Court. It is lady in waiting and Head retainer for the Imperial Princess Easilo who is the fiancé of MeBe they have come to see if MeBe's house is suitable for and Imperial Princess. Being a small house outside the Baamebu Daa main complex, it is completely unsuitable, and they let this me know. MeBe decides to look for a suitable location in the local area for a new house. Having found what he thinks is a good location, he invites the Imperial representatives, Lee Ho and Tokyo to inspect the site, and to ensure it has good Fengu-Shui. They all approve that it is a good site. MeBe now approaches Lord Krappi to buy the plot of land for the house.
Here is Lord Krappi's response to MeBe's request
I am afraid that I cannot sell you the piece of land you have found. All land must belong to either a Daimyo or the Emperor. It is my ability to grant loyal clan members authority to settle areas of my holdings. They are in effect given leases and pay me rent.
However. I although foremost I am a Daimyo, I am also proud to have you as my closest friend. Not only shall I grant you permission to use the land for the building of a house, but I shall let it to you for no rent in perpetuity until your line has no more sons to pass it down to. This I give for our friendship.
As a wedding present to both you and your wife, I shall have the new home built for you. Constructed by the best craftsmen in Kurokawa.
There are but a few provisos.
Lord Tenwa
Here is MeBe's response to Lord Krappi's Offer
You do me a great honor, by giving me and my future wife permission to have a house and live on your property. I would never dream of having a house anywhere near as grand as my great lords.
I gladly accept your offer to build the house, the gardens I had always intended to be for contemplation, with some small water feature. The only food that will be produced there will be from one and hopefully more Peach tree's that I will attempt to cultivate, In a quite corner.
After much soul searching I will agree to become a member of your clan, although I have little knowledge of how a senior advisor should act. But I will endeavor not to cause any problems while I learn. While also trying to become a cultured man, so that I will not cause the Emperor to have regret about giving me his 2nd cousin to marry.
Your Humble Servant MeBe.
Word reaches the party that the city of Kyoto has been destroyed by Altuzu's forces. The only building that survived was the The Golden Pavilion Temple, where the Emperor needs to preform the ceremony of Ot the rice. There is no indication that the Emperor knows of the destruction or that he plans to go and preform the ceremony to bless this years harvest.
Actual Game date (2000-01-19)
Lord Krappi magically summons a Kirin and the party travel on mass to Yedo to see if there is any reason why the ceremony was not performed. When we arrive, we are summoned by the Emperor for an audience. Lord Krappi then inquired about the ceremony but was told by the Emperor that the ceremony did not have to performed at Kyoto. Which was not what Lord Krappi knew to be the truth. So Lord Krappi asked for it to be checked, the minister of the left, took exception to this, and said that every thing was in order, and what did Lord Krappi know about it. Lord Krappi said he had been informed by a Kami about the state of the ceremony, and if the minister of the left would only double check, and if Lord Krappi was not correct he would commit Seppuke right there. This offer seemed to sway the court and a check was made and Lord Krappi was found to be correct. The Emperor then dismissed Lord Krappi while he considered this new situation.
The party then returned to our compound to prepare for what was to come?
While waiting to be summoned by the Emperor again, the party mingled with the locals in the castle. Toriyoshi reports some rumors that he had heard to MeBe concerning his future wife. Which seemed to indicate sympathy for MeBe as he was getting the Princess Easi Ko, because see was becoming a embarrassment to the court because she had little or no moral character (palace bike) and she had been though most of the palace guards!
MeBe took this badly and over the following few days spend his free time in the form of a mouse looking for who ever was spreading these scurrilous rumors. MeBe also attempted to get in to see Princess Easi Ko in the form of a cat. He crept passed the main Imperial compound guard, and was walking down one of the corridors, when he was confronted by a Buddhist priest, trying to shoo him out of the compound. He retreated and tried to go round the priest. The Priest then pointed at the main doors and said 'Out', and then began casting some form of spell. MeBe guessing that the gig was up returned to his human form, he bowed respectfully to the priest, and left. The Priest followed him to close to the door where he then sat on a stool and watch.
Toriyoshi and Lee Ho are attempting to get maps for the journey to Kyoto and of the city of Kyoto, and also how the ceremony needs to be performed. They do not have much success, but Toriyoshi manages to make contact with one of the priest who may have access to the ceremony information, but can not let Toriyoshi have a copy. But he is interesting in seeing Toriyoshi's bell. Toriyoshi agrees to let him see the bell, and later that day the priest arrive, he also brings a scroll with him, that is the ceremony information, so while the priest studies the bell, Toriyoshi studies and memorizes the ceremony.
Lord Krappi and MeBe then go into town to buy some gifts. Lord Krappi buys a some gifts for Lady Mi-Lan and there son. MeBe buys a single perfect Chrysanthemum, a exquisite porcelain Vase to contain the the flower, and a exquisite lacquered Box to contain both, he also buys a exquisite piece of Chinese porcelain.
The next day MeBe puts the Chrysanthemum in the Vase and puts the Vase in the Box, and had a note written to say who it was from, and seals the box. He then put the box and the Chinese porcelain in a sack, and turns into the form of a cat. He then returned to Imperial compound. Shortly after entering he was approached by the same priest, who tried to shoo him out of the compound. MeBe then returned to his human form. And spoke to the priest, saying. Hello honorable sir, I have come looking for you to beg a boon. I have a small gift for the Princess Easi Ko, and if he would agree to make sure see gets it, He would give the priest the piece of Chinese porcelain for the inconvenience. The priest agree to do it this once, but warns MeBe to only return to Imperial compound when formally invited.