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The Imperial Court


==== Week (Unknown) (Year of the Unknown)) ==== ddd Actual Game date (2000-01-12)

The return to Baamebu Daa. MeBe receives a visitor from the Imperial Court. It is lady in waiting and Head retainer for the Imperial Princess Easilo who is the fiance of MeBe they have come to see if MeBe's house is suitable for and Imperial Princess. Being a small house outside the Baamebu Daa main complex, it is completely unsuitable, and they let this me know. MeBe decides to look for a suitable location in the local area for a new house. Having found what he thinks is a good location, he invites the Imperial representatives, Lee Ho and Tokyo to inspect the site, and to ensure it has good Fengu-Shui. They all approve that it is a good site. MeBe now approaches Lord Krappi to buy the plot of land for the house.

tenwa/tenwa-chapter8.1710689694.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/03/17 15:34 by tim45tenwa