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Session 006: 09 Dec 24





Game Session Summary

**Setting and Scenario**


GM - PB : 0:02 - 0:11

Looking at the the sprawled frost giant you think that in legend they seemed bigger but it's definitely sort of bluish and frosty looking.

Delor - HT : 0:13 - 0:15

Legends are always like that.

Kasula - TW : 0:18 - 0:24

Well baby frost giants have to come from somewhere and you know it's not like they're exactly going to be full grown.

Tazre - TE : 0:26 - 0:35

It wouldn't fit through the door.

It's a dwarf frost giant.

Kasula - TW : 0:36 - 0:49

It's a petulant teenager. It decided to mix with the wrong crowd because it was not getting enough respect back home you see.

It was a bad boy.

Delor - HT : 0:50 - 0:59

I'm checking it really is dead and slitting its throat just in case saying The myth of Timotham saluted it.

GM - PB : 1:01 - 1:01


Kasula - TW : 1:02 - 1:05

But we pillaged everything of value.

Tazre - TE : 1:06 - 1:08

There was fuck all up here.

GM - PB : 1:08 - 1:22

No, I'll come to that in a second.

You also raised some various other NPCs and you've done a bit of first aid on them.

Kiri - DF : 1:23 - 1:25

Let me get my focus point back.

Delor - HT : 1:26 - 1:26


Kiri - DF : 1:27 - 1:29

Let me get my focus point back.

GM - PB : 1:30 - 1:44

If it's ten minutes, yeah, sure. Valerie is looking very dodgy. Harry is pretty dodgy and Amiri is raring to go though.

She's not exactly full health but better than nothing.

Delor - HT : 1:45 - 1:48

Which one's that? This one?

GM - PB : 1:48 - 1:51

That's Harry is here.

Delor - HT : 1:52 - 1:55

I don't see a name when I float.

GM - PB : 1:56 - 2:14

Harry is the dwarf picture. Amiri is the barbarian lady. And Valerie is the warrior type.

And she's not looking well. But better than she was when she was lying unconscious on the bed.

Delor - HT : 2:15 - 2:36

Good stuff. Well, with my boyish enthusiasm, have I got any consumables left? I don't think I have any.

I don't have any healing pouches left. Or any healing left.

GM - PB : 2:37 - 2:46

On that front, on that front. You said you took absolutely everything. Well, there's a pile of bodies in this room. You've done a cursory inspection.

Delor - HT : 2:49 - 2:53

I've actually laid them out in a nice orderly manner.

GM - PB : 2:54 - 2:58

Make a flat check.

Delor - HT : 2:58 - 3:00

A flat perception?

GM - PB : 3:00 - 3:02

No, just a D20 roll.

Delor - HT : 3:03 - 3:07

Okay. Let's see.


GM - PB : 3:08 - 3:10

And make a…

Delor - HT : 3:10 - 3:39

A flat D20 roll.

Not a very good one, but it's flat. Yes. With boyish enthusiasm, I go over and offer to bind her wounds and give her a healing potion. Because they're bloody excellent!

GM - PB : 3:40 - 3:41

I thought you didn't have one.

Delor - HT : 3:42 - 3:57

Actually, no. I have… I've got a quantity of nought.

Damn. So, yes. I've got a potion of fire retaliation.

Can't have had… We didn't get that. I must have picked that up by accident.

GM - PB : 3:58 - 4:00

No. Fire retaliation.

Delor - HT : 4:01 - 4:15

Yeah, we did get that. Yeah, we did. I think we gave you one.

Fantastic. Fire retaliation. Yeah.

If someone fires at you and you've dropped the potion, you burp or something.

GM - PB : 4:16 - 4:21

Fire resistance. I gave you a potion of, not fire retaliation.

Delor - HT : 4:24 - 4:31

Yeah. I remember fire resistance, but I don't remember retaliation. I'm going to delete that and add a potion of fire resistance.

GM - PB : 4:32 - 4:34

Yeah. Lesser potion of fire resistance. You do have.

Delor - HT : 4:34 - 4:36

Less or minor.

Kiri - DF : 4:36 - 4:38

I think you have a bark skin potion here.

Tazre - TE : 4:39 - 4:40

Yeah, we did pick that up.

GM - PB : 4:41 - 4:45

So you've got four minor healing, a bark skin potion and a lesser potion of fire resistance.

Delor - HT : 4:49 - 4:54

I doubt I got all of them, but yeah. As in the party got.

GM - PB : 4:55 - 4:56

Indeed, yes. The group got them.

Kiri - DF : 4:59 - 5:01

So we searched these bodies.

GM - PB : 5:01 - 5:19

Yeah. Just wanted to see how many rolls you need to make. Okay.

You can make 11 rolls.

Delor - HT : 5:24 - 5:24


GM - PB : 5:25 - 5:28

Well, yeah. I mean, the party needs to make 11 rolls.

Delor - HT : 5:28 - 5:37

It needs a straight roll. Just roll 11 D20. Yeah.

Yeah. Somebody roll 11 D20.

GM - PB : 5:39 - 5:42

Okay. You've got 10 more, actually, because they've lost one already.

Delor - HT : 5:48 - 6:04

Goodness. If you click on the 87, you can see what the individual numbers are. You've got a 20 and you've got a one.

Good spread. Someone worked on their random numbers.

GM - PB : 6:04 - 6:09

You find three more potions of minor healing.

Delor - HT : 6:10 - 6:15

Three more potions of minor healing. Minor healing.

Kiri - DF : 6:16 - 6:23

Well, we can give one to Vallowy and one to Hassan.

Delor - HT : 6:25 - 6:29

Yeah. I would very much like one to have, but.

Kiri - DF : 6:29 - 6:32

Yes. I've still got one.

Kasula - TW : 6:33 - 6:35

Yeah. So, you take the third.

Delor - HT : 6:36 - 6:38

Thank you. So, healing minor.

Kiri - DF : 6:39 - 6:43

So, how do you want to do Vallowy and Hassan? Do you want to roll on yourself, B?

GM - PB : 6:45 - 6:46

Harim, do you mean?

Kiri - DF : 6:46 - 6:47

Harim, sorry.

GM - PB : 6:48 - 6:53

Roll a D8, whatever the number is.

Delor - HT : 7:03 - 7:06

Yeah. We're consistent on those.

GM - PB : 7:06 - 7:08

Roll a D8 and roll one for.

Kiri - DF : 7:11 - 7:14

Well, you can do that, Howard, because she's your friend.

GM - PB : 7:15 - 7:15


Kiri - DF : 7:16 - 7:17


Delor - HT : 7:18 - 7:21

I can do. What am I rolling?

Kiri - DF : 7:21 - 7:21


Delor - HT : 7:22 - 7:34

D8 for Vallowy. D8 for Vallowy. Okay.

Let's see how well Miss Vallowy does. Much better. Not bad.

GM - PB : 7:41 - 7:43

She looks roughly eight times better.

Delor - HT : 7:44 - 8:52

Okay. So, I'm going to be chatting up Vallowy and then Lindsay, sitting on the end of the table and enthusing about how good healing potions are. Why didn't I know this earlier?

I've never had. I don't enjoy this conversation very much. You're sort of looking up the underside of these empty healing potions, trying to get the last drop out.

Oh, yeah. I'm addicted to these things. I can stop any time I like that.

Okay. When you go down to those dodgy areas of town and get somebody to pick you up just so you can take a healing potion, that's when you know that you're really addicted. That was my job.

That was my job in the dojo. Professional target dubbing. Yeah.

Yeah, I lived in a dojo and I tidied up the mess after the fights.

GM - PB : 8:55 - 8:59

Most of them are after the death, you don't know. Which is maybe why you're so interested right now.

Delor - HT : 9:02 - 9:18

I missed that. So, whilst the pilfering of the bodies is a concern, this angular room up here with the big dead splat, was there anything else of interest in there?

GM - PB : 9:18 - 9:29

That's where all the bodies were. Sorry, that's where the adventurers were. The big splat was here.

Oh, was it?

Delor - HT : 9:30 - 10:10

I just moved it. Because that was the giant. Yeah, I was just kind of like, yeah, I'm seeing if there's anything interesting in here.

No, well, not beyond some other adventurer types. So, I would like to go and also have a little look out of this window as much as I reasonably can. Okay.

Unfortunately, I keep colliding with the wall, so I can't kind of move into it. Well, you can see out from your current position, can't you?

Tazre - TE : 10:11 - 10:18

Yeah. If you hold the shift key down, you can move not squares.

GM - PB : 10:29 - 10:36

Okay, so you can hear and see a storm and rain peeing down outside.

Delor - HT : 10:43 - 10:46

Were we expecting a storm tonight?

GM - PB : 10:51 - 10:53

Do a knowledge nature roll.

Kasula - TW : 10:55 - 11:02

Okay. Don't roll dice, press button.

Tazre - TE : 11:08 - 11:08


GM - PB : 11:19 - 11:23

It's always worthwhile you actually saying the number, because I may not be on the screen.

Delor - HT : 11:24 - 11:25


GM - PB : 11:27 - 11:31

Okay, yeah, you were expecting, well, you thought it was a possibility.

Delor - HT : 11:32 - 11:35

Okay, what I'm getting at is it's not completely unnatural.

GM - PB : 11:35 - 11:43

No, you thought that it looked a bit dodgy earlier on today, and then in the early evening you thought, yeah.

Delor - HT : 11:44 - 12:07

I can smell it in the air, yeah, something's coming. Yeah, like I say, it was simply, you know, is this unusual? It's not unnatural, no.

I quizzed the girls as to what they think happened, and why the, what do you call it, why would this house be under attack?

GM - PB : 12:12 - 12:13

There's a lot of girls.

Delor - HT : 12:14 - 12:17

Three of them are right next to me, and there's a dwarf who I'm ignoring.

GM - PB : 12:19 - 12:22

He's ignoring you too, so, rucksack.

Delor - HT : 12:23 - 12:32

Because I'm unpleasant like that. Lindsay's sure she doesn't know, but she's thankful for your heroic efforts anyway.

GM - PB : 12:33 - 12:35

She says, looking up into your eyes.

Delor - HT : 12:36 - 12:48

It's only because I'm wearing a skirt and sitting on the chair. It's all right, darling. Does she have a flat head?

No. I can't rest my beer on it.

GM - PB : 12:48 - 13:07

I'm afraid not. Valerie has no clue why this has happened, but she wants to beat the living shit out of whoever did it. She's quite cross with, you know, the world in general, but herself in particular.

Delor - HT : 13:09 - 13:28

I can understand that. Valerie is not sure why it's happening. Maybe Lady Durandee has annoyed somebody?

Somebody powerful? Somebody extremely powerful. There's an awful lot of baddies, and they brought an awful lot of friends.

GM - PB : 13:30 - 13:31

Big friends.

Delor - HT : 13:32 - 13:55

There's probably a lot more people hurt, injured, dead, or whatever, so shall we continue to explore the compound? It's probably better in a group, because there's quite a few things like frost giants. Do you want me to open that door, or are you going to do it, what do you call it, Casula?


Kiri - DF : 13:58 - 14:01

No, we're behind you, waiting.

Delor - HT : 14:01 - 14:27

I hop up onto the table and acrobatically jump down, and then open the door. I look behind me for a moment and say, is everybody ready? Yeah.

Tazri, you haven't said a lot. That's because I'm sat here waiting for something to happen. Cool, cool.

Then I'm going to open the door. Wish us luck.

GM - PB : 14:32 - 14:36

Alright, in here you see your dining area.

Delor - HT : 14:36 - 14:42

You were here earlier. You were here earlier. It does not look the same as it used to.

GM - PB : 14:50 - 15:01

The Great Hall looks much different than it did hours ago, during the feast. Three of the long tables have been turned on their sides and pushed against the large entry doors to the south to form an exit barrier.

Delor - HT : 15:01 - 15:29

Dishes, broken goblets, and bloody stains mar the floor. Or at least a dozen bodies lie against the east wall, where you are. Then Jumandi's guards gather up the barricades, and in front of the double doors leading into the west wing.

These doors are sealed, and several tapestries have been torn down from the walls and wedged into the gap between the floor and the door. This is a feeble attempt to keep smoke from flowing into the hall, from apparent fire in the manor's west wing.

GM - PB : 15:35 - 15:46

There are seven guard types here. They notice you instantly as soon as the doors open.

Delor - HT : 15:46 - 15:53

They wait for a few seconds. Who's that? Says one.

Are they the guards we recognise?

GM - PB : 15:54 - 15:59

They look like Lady Jumandi's guards, they wear that look to them.

Delor - HT : 15:59 - 16:55

Anyway, one of them, who's no spring chicken, says, who goes there? We are Lady Jumandi's guests. I take the rest of the…

Go in, go in, go in. What's happened to that giant? We were attacked in our beds, but we have fought our way through to come to your aid.

It's an ex-giant. An ex-giant? You killed it?

Yeah, of course. Excellent news, excellent news for us. I say casually, as if I was involved.

And there was the ogre. Oh yeah, the ogre. And all kinds of assassins.

Yeah, but apart from that, we were fine. So, what's your… We found these guys.


GM - PB : 17:00 - 17:02

Just drag them into here as well.

Delor - HT : 17:02 - 17:29

Do you want to close the door behind us or leave it open and have someone on watch? Close the door. It's entirely up to you.

If you want to close the door, you have to move back to it and close it. Okay. Or I can do it.

No, it's good to make them do what they're meant to do. Make them suffer.

Tazre - TE : 17:30 - 17:32

If they go do things, make them do them.

Delor - HT : 17:34 - 17:40

Because then they get unhappy for doing it. Where are these guards?

GM - PB : 17:41 - 17:45

Okay, so they are… I haven't put them on here, but they are effectively…

Delor - HT : 17:49 - 17:50

By the entranceway.

GM - PB : 17:51 - 17:56

So, there's three there, and there's four along here.

Kiri - DF : 17:57 - 17:59

And there are more of them in the castle? Okay.

GM - PB : 18:00 - 18:20

One of them heads towards you, relaxing slightly. And he welcomes you in. I'm Evenzi.

I'm a lieutenant of Lady Jumandi. We are here to keep this secure.

Tazre - TE : 18:23 - 18:23


GM - PB : 18:24 - 18:41

How's the lady? Well, she rallied us here. And after a lot of tough fighting, we managed to drive them off, though.

It was a close thing. Some fled east, but most of them fled west.

Delor - HT : 18:45 - 18:48

I'm checking out the bodies. Who's died? Anyone I recognise?

GM - PB : 18:50 - 19:00

Nobody you care about, particularly. No, not really. There's a few guards, but more…


Delor - HT : 19:00 - 19:58

Well, I say my small prayer over them. And I dress… I put them all in a state of repose, in an orderly line, because I like that.

Okay, that will take you some time. That will take me a while. No problem.

Um… I can see door here. Door here.

Door here. So, we know… …what areas we came through in the west. East. Sorry, we were in the east. So, we can describe the places we went through…

Uh-huh. …and tell him if there were any bits we missed… …for clearing that area as concerned. And how many people we killed.

GM - PB : 19:59 - 20:12

Okay, he listens to your account of where you went, and who you killed, and so on. He's very impressed with the ogre, and he's very impressed with the giant. And thankful for the dead, um…

Kiri - DF : 20:14 - 20:24

…ruffians. Assassins! Perhaps we should leave these wounded here… …and carry on hunting.

Delor - HT : 20:26 - 20:36

Well, what I'm trying to figure out, is there any part to the east that we haven't cleared yet? Well, some portcullises came down, but we have no way of getting past them.

GM - PB : 20:36 - 20:45

Is it all here? Uh, the portcullises are, um… …are there. It's a restricted movement, deliberately. Lady J'mon has lowered them.

Delor - HT : 20:46 - 21:07

And until the base is clear, we're not raising them. No, no, it's fine. Like I'm saying, I'm just trying to figure out if there is anything left.

I don't think we left any unexplored rooms. He doesn't mention anything, or what about this room, I think, after you finished your story. Okay, if that's…

Kiri - DF : 21:09 - 21:12

…on the east side, because we came through this door.

GM - PB : 21:13 - 21:13

Yes, you did.

Kiri - DF : 21:14 - 21:15

So, we haven't been through that door.

GM - PB : 21:16 - 21:22

No, you haven't. Well… …um…

Delor - HT : 21:22 - 21:33

Also, the one up here… It's true. You can have a look in there, if you like.

You know, it's just a storeroom, or something, is what you're saying.

Kasula - TW : 21:42 - 21:43

It's a privy.

Kiri - DF : 21:46 - 21:47

Is Kirian a privy, too?

Kasula - TW : 21:49 - 21:50


Delor - HT : 21:50 - 21:58

Is Kirian a privy? Oh, this is another door into the kitchen.

GM - PB : 22:01 - 22:02

I'll ask it to you, Dave.

Kiri - DF : 22:02 - 22:06

Oh, okay. So, we've got some doors down here…

Delor - HT : 22:08 - 22:23

…at the bottom, and we've got three on the other side. There was one up here, as well, but that's just another entrance into the kitchen. The one down here needs to be outside.

That's the door you came through when you initially came in for your feast.

Kiri - DF : 22:26 - 22:28

So, we should be worried about this side, yeah?

GM - PB : 22:30 - 22:31


Delor - HT : 22:34 - 22:42

Ask the guard if he's got access to any… …spare arrows. Or any potions.

GM - PB : 22:44 - 22:47

Spare arrows, eh? We do need crossbow bolts.

Tazre - TE : 22:52 - 22:53

Slow and…

GM - PB : 22:53 - 23:05

…unwieldy. He looks like he doesn't share your point of view. No, but if you were to go to the armoury, you'll find some.

Tazre - TE : 23:06 - 23:07

Where's the armoury?

GM - PB : 23:08 - 23:12

Well, he points to the west. Go through that door, down the corridor.

Delor - HT : 23:15 - 23:30

Fight your way down the corridor. Who might we discover there? Go through the door at the end, and it's on your left.

How many people did you drive off? Or creatures? What nature of opposition might we find?

GM - PB : 23:30 - 23:32

Well, there were some warfrost giants.

Delor - HT : 23:34 - 23:38

They didn't muck about when they attacked your stronghold, did they?

GM - PB : 23:38 - 23:50

He says, no, they didn't. And… …maybe a dozen more. Other brigand types.

Delor - HT : 23:52 - 24:05

Frost giants and brigands. Okay, apart from the fact that frost giants are huge and you just have to hit them very hard, any advice on taking out another one? They are quite horrible.

GM - PB : 24:06 - 24:09

Shoot them from range. Before they can get close to the top of you.

Delor - HT : 24:09 - 24:11

Why do you think I wonder what that is?

GM - PB : 24:13 - 24:22

So, where was this armoury? Down the corridor, he says, pointing through there. All the way to the end.

Go through the doors at the end, and then take the first door on the left.

Kiri - DF : 24:23 - 24:26

So, is this the most north door?

Delor - HT : 24:27 - 24:29

He points to the door next to you.

Kiri - DF : 24:29 - 24:30

Oh, okay.

Delor - HT : 24:31 - 24:48

So… Well, are we going this way then, guys? Yes.

Give me a moment, I've got just two more bodies to sort out. There's dead bodies, you can't leave them.

Tazre - TE : 24:48 - 24:55

Yes, you can. At some point I'm just going to turn you into another one and dump it on top. Good luck with that.

Kiri - DF : 24:55 - 24:58

We've got some healing potions, we're not really needing them, are we?

Delor - HT : 25:00 - 25:01

Sorry, what?

Tazre - TE : 25:02 - 25:08

Conversely, I just won't bother with the healing you when you get stabbed at some point in the future. Because it seems to be a regular occurrence.

Delor - HT : 25:09 - 25:14

Go on then, you go through the door first. You want me to open it?

Kiri - DF : 25:17 - 25:17


GM - PB : 25:18 - 25:29

Alright. I thought you said this one. There's a room here, there's another privy.

You said something, Dave, but I couldn't hear what it was.

Kiri - DF : 25:30 - 25:31

There's another privy here.

GM - PB : 25:31 - 25:32

No, before then.

Kiri - DF : 25:33 - 25:34

I thought you said this one.

GM - PB : 25:39 - 25:40

No, just a minute.

Kiri - DF : 25:49 - 25:54

No, I said, is there any healing potions on them? If that's the question you're asking.

Delor - HT : 25:54 - 25:59

On whom? On the dead bodies. What's this?

GM - PB : 26:03 - 26:04

Yeah, that's another privy.

Delor - HT : 26:07 - 26:11

So, do you want me to step through first?

GM - PB : 26:12 - 26:16

You want to go through the main doors. The ones in the middle, he says, hopefully.

Delor - HT : 26:17 - 26:30

Those over here. Right, well, I'm ready to open them if everyone's in position. Isn't this exciting, she says.

GM - PB : 26:38 - 26:45

Harim and Valerie kind of look at each other. We're not really up for this.

Tazre - TE : 26:47 - 26:50

Stay here then. Au revoir.

GM - PB : 26:51 - 26:59

Lindsay and Avery are definitely coming along now. Harim. Right, I'm just going to move you back.

Kiri - DF : 27:01 - 27:03

Well, if there's going to be an encounter.

GM - PB : 27:05 - 27:13

Well, sort of. He says, before you go through the door, see those curtains stuffed underneath the bottom of it?

Delor - HT : 27:14 - 27:16

You'll need to step out of the way because it's burning through there.

GM - PB : 27:17 - 27:22

Yeah, there's a lot of smoke. The master's set some of the rooms on fire, as far as we can tell.

Delor - HT : 27:23 - 28:22

Would now be a good time to take our potion of fire resistance, do you think? No, it's smoke. Wait until you actually see the flames.

OK, I will wet a handkerchief or a piece of cloth and put it over my nose and mouth. OK. Probably a good tactic for everybody.

Yes, tissue. Thank you. And wet it with some beer.

So we expect it to be very smoky, which probably will obscure our vision. The smoke usually either fills the room or fills the top of a room. So, Lindsay, you will be specifically very useful at checking out anything happening below the smoke.

So if you see anything we do not, please call it out.

Kiri - DF : 28:25 - 28:36

All right. Dave forgot something. Was there any beer in here?

Clearly he wouldn't have forgotten, Dave did. Is there any beer in here?

Delor - HT : 28:37 - 28:44

Not that you can see, no. OK. We're all more cleared away than anything that isn't thrown on the floor.

Kiri - DF : 28:44 - 28:46

Not a very good hall, is it?

Delor - HT : 28:46 - 28:56

You're not having some beer barrels left lying around for a thirsty guest in the middle of the night. You're not dead. Complain, complain, complain.

GM - PB : 28:57 - 29:01

I wanted to award you some XP, but I don't know how I do that.

Kiri - DF : 29:04 - 29:06

Give us an NPC and then just say we killed it?

Delor - HT : 29:08 - 29:18

No, the XP automatically happens. It's automatically assigned to us, I think. That's when we kill things.

GM - PB : 29:18 - 29:23

I want to award you some story XP for rescuing various peoples, Lindsay et al.

Delor - HT : 29:27 - 29:42

This sets a really bad precedent. If we're going to get experience points for saving people, oh dear God, that means we're going to be expected to do it more often. I'm not convinced about this at all.

GM - PB : 29:46 - 29:48

Any ideas, Dave?

Delor - HT : 29:53 - 29:57

I imagine there's something in there to enable you to just grant XP.

GM - PB : 29:58 - 29:59

I imagine there is too.

Delor - HT : 30:06 - 30:24

If anyone wants to draw a shield or prep it or whatever, now is a very good time to do it. And should Mr. Dwarf, you have one of those fabulous spells you did earlier, it would be appreciated if we're about to meet encounters including giants.

Kiri - DF : 30:25 - 30:37

Yeah, but I have to keep it going, so it would be best if I activate it when. Unless we're going to walk around all the time with me keeping it up, as they say.

Delor - HT : 30:38 - 30:46

Your ability to keep it up is not something I wish to discuss. I get embarrassed easily.

GM - PB : 30:50 - 30:53

So you have the reward XP module?

Tazre - TE : 30:54 - 30:57

Where you can see what modules are installed.

GM - PB : 30:58 - 30:59

That is true.

Delor - HT : 31:09 - 31:10

Options, modules.

Tazre - TE : 31:25 - 31:27

It's not one of the ones that anybody ever recommended.

GM - PB : 31:32 - 31:35

It's no more with saying you can do it with macros.

Delor - HT : 31:35 - 31:42

Yeah, well, I would suggest you stick a pin in it. Unless you're going to give us lots, it's not going to make any difference at the moment.

GM - PB : 31:42 - 31:43

Okay, fair enough.

Delor - HT : 31:44 - 31:50

And over the week I will install that add-on. Okay.

GM - PB : 31:52 - 32:00

Lovely. Right, so you've put some rags over your noses. Some moistened rags.

Delor - HT : 32:04 - 32:08

We can always do curies with beer. Beer's the best.

Kasula - TW : 32:09 - 32:11

Okay, are we ready?

Delor - HT : 32:14 - 32:15

Yes, do it.

GM - PB : 32:17 - 32:26

Okay, smoke is everywhere here. You can't see shit.

Delor - HT : 32:29 - 32:34

Drop to my knees and see if there's an air layer at the bottom.

GM - PB : 32:36 - 33:03

The wide hallway is filled with billowing smoke. Further ahead on either side of the hall, several open doorways are illuminated by flickering flames. You can instantly feel the smoke getting into your eyes.

Into your throat. You feel that if you were to progress, then you would suffer the effects of smoke, inhalation, etc.

Delor - HT : 33:04 - 33:05

Is there a window?

GM - PB : 33:06 - 33:16

It is no better lower down than higher up, not in the hallway, no. It looks like there's rooms to either side.

Delor - HT : 33:17 - 33:36

Okay, I'm going to go for the nearest door in the hope that there might be a window or something I can breathe out of. So, I will go steadily so that I don't just disappear into the gloom and the others can see where I'm going.

GM - PB : 33:42 - 33:51

Okay, so as you go in, you and Mr. Dorff can both make same throws.

Delor - HT : 33:53 - 34:00

What do we try? Pete, you can do the experience now.

GM - PB : 34:03 - 34:08

Okay, I'll come back to that in a sec.

Kiri - DF : 34:08 - 34:10

Fortitude saving throw?

Kasula - TW : 34:16 - 34:19

Yeah, that would sound the most logical.

Delor - HT : 34:22 - 34:33

Well, assuming that that's what we're playing against. I do very well at 25. Almost as well as I can do.

Kiri - DF : 34:36 - 34:40

And Dave? I'm just wondering if I got a bonus for some reason.

Delor - HT : 34:42 - 34:46

You probably got a bonus because you got a cloth over your mouth.

Kiri - DF : 34:48 - 34:51

I'm just wondering if I got a door-ish thing.

Delor - HT : 34:51 - 35:24

If you have it, we'll take it into account, I presume. I hope so. Fortitude.

Both did pretty good rolls. Well done, we both did an excellent roll. What did you get, Dave?

25. You both got 25.

GM - PB : 35:27 - 35:41

Alright. You both start to cough. That was loud.

You both start to cough and you are sickened one, the pair of you.

Delor - HT : 35:43 - 36:09

Sickened one, okay. I can say effect sickened. Okay, I've added sickened one to myself.

Yeah, me too. And I have moved to the open, the door was already open when I moved to it, but it appears closed on the map. I'll open it just for the sake of opening it.

GM - PB : 36:09 - 36:44

Okay, you get that. You see that room, basically. It is a light, a maze.

You can see that there's a body that's been burned, charred beyond all recognition.

Delor - HT : 36:45 - 36:47

Wow, been burning a while.

GM - PB : 36:53 - 37:03

But it seems to be contained in this room. There's a lack of carpets and a great deal of flammable material. But yeah, it's on fire in here.

Delor - HT : 37:05 - 37:11

Is the window open? No. Is it a glass window or a shuttered window?

Kiri - DF : 37:11 - 37:13

Anything we can use to put the fire out.

Delor - HT : 37:13 - 37:25

It's a glass window. Beer. Well, I don't have any beer available.

I threw something heavy through the glass window to see if it will vent some of this smoke.

GM - PB : 37:25 - 37:27

What did you throw through?

Delor - HT : 37:28 - 37:34

A dead body? It's on fire. Are there shoes at the bottom of the bed or something?

GM - PB : 37:35 - 37:39

Not really. Well, I mean, there are some things that might have been shoes at one point.

Delor - HT : 37:42 - 38:31

Just go over and hit it with a sword. It's burning, but I'm tempted. I shall take my thing of fire resistance and I shall head to…

Hang on. I shall head over there and open the window. Sorry.

The door closed whilst I was clicking on myself. And I just got to do the take my potion of fire resistance somehow. Give me a moment while that works out.

Whilst they're doing this, is there anything within the Great Hall that could be used to put out fires? Either something that you could potentially beat a fire with or any quantity of liquid?

GM - PB : 38:34 - 38:39

No. So you've got tables, you've got benches, you've got…

Delor - HT : 38:39 - 38:40

Lots of flammable shit.

GM - PB : 38:40 - 38:45

The odd tapestry still hanging up.

Delor - HT : 38:46 - 38:47

Use of a dead person's limb?

GM - PB : 38:49 - 38:57

You've got some bodies, but all the liquids have been cleared away, more or less.

Delor - HT : 38:59 - 39:05

Potentially use things like parts of the tapestries or something to try and beat out some of the fires.

GM - PB : 39:11 - 39:14

What effect does the potion of fire resistance have?

Delor - HT : 39:16 - 39:41

It reduces fire damage by five a round for an hour, I believe. Interesting. It doesn't actually let you click on it to tell you what it does.

It did when I had a used one, but I've now used it as a guide. Normally they have a thing that tells you what the effect is.

GM - PB : 39:42 - 39:45

Right. You break open the window.

Delor - HT : 39:47 - 40:19

It's either going to cause a conflagration to get worse or it's going to vent the smoke. The conflagration gets worse as the oxygen suddenly floods into the room. Does the smoke clear?

No. I stamp out and separate the burning bits so they don't all fire off each other. I try to not extinguish, but reduce the flames.

GM - PB : 40:31 - 40:36

OK. Your potion of fire resistance helps somewhat.

Delor - HT : 40:37 - 41:35

That's good. Five points of damage. Pardon?

You get burnt for five points of damage. So that's including the five. I see what you mean.

Easy if I just take half. There's a half, but… I'll try that now.

You get a reflex save. You can try one of those. Blimey, I'd much rather have that.

I'll undo that action. Give me a second. I will try my reflex save because it's sometimes quite good.

Attributes. Reflex. Incoming.

It's a 16. I don't know what I'm saving against. 15 you said last time, I think.

GM - PB : 41:35 - 41:57

That is enough. So you will take half damage. That's two.

So half damage and then subtract five, so nothing. You duck as the flames billow up around you. Your potion of fire resistance stops the worst.

Delor - HT : 41:58 - 42:03

Am I effective at minimising the billowing flames?

GM - PB : 42:03 - 42:09

It's a possibility, but it's not instant. Either way, it's quite hot in here at the moment.

Delor - HT : 42:09 - 42:14

I'll do my best to clear it out.

GM - PB : 42:17 - 42:19

Are you going to remain in this room?

Delor - HT : 42:20 - 42:33

No, I leave, but kicking the worst burning bits separate. The room's on fire. You're kicking a burning bit into another burning bit.

Kiri - DF : 42:34 - 42:35

Close the door behind you.

GM - PB : 42:37 - 42:41

That won't let the smoke come out of the hallway otherwise.

Kiri - DF : 42:41 - 42:47

It will stop the smoke coming in because the window will suck it out.

GM - PB : 42:49 - 43:06

There isn't much of a door left anyway. It's of little value. When you open the door in the first place, it will crumble.

You need to come out of that room so you don't burn anymore.

Delor - HT : 43:08 - 43:12

Kiri must have moved on. I'll try and find him.

Kiri - DF : 43:12 - 43:15

Kiri opens the next door but doesn't actually go in.

Delor - HT : 43:15 - 43:17

Go on then, open the door.

Kiri - DF : 43:22 - 43:25

Just has a quick look. Is there anything other than fire in there?

GM - PB : 43:26 - 43:29

No. Well, bodies.

Kiri - DF : 43:32 - 43:36

Then, assuming Dollar carries on, I'll have a look through this one.

Tazre - TE : 43:39 - 43:46

Build the corpses. Not in burning rooms.

Delor - HT : 43:52 - 43:59

I'm just playing that little voice that sits on his shoulder. Kiri's or Dollar?

Kasula - TW : 44:00 - 44:01


Kiri - DF : 44:02 - 44:06

Kiri's not usually looting corpses except for if they've got alcohol.

Delor - HT : 44:08 - 44:11

How do you know they've got alcohol unless you loot them?

Kiri - DF : 44:13 - 44:14

That's next.

Delor - HT : 44:15 - 44:40

Get rid of this smoke. There's a dungeon full of alcoholic healing potions. Dane, did you pick up one of the hand crossbows?

I always have one. You could try shooting out the window. Good idea.

Take your potion first. He doesn't have a potion. We only had one and you drank it.

Kiri - DF : 44:40 - 44:45

Go to the doorway and shoot my crossbow through there.

Delor - HT : 44:49 - 44:51

Okay, make an attack roll.

GM - PB : 45:07 - 45:11

What am I saying? You can't see the window. It's too smoky.

Delor - HT : 45:13 - 45:47

I can't see it. I'll go back to where I was. You cover me.

I'll go in and break the window and see if anyone needs rescuing. I doubt it though. All you need to do is get close enough to see the window and then throw something at it.

He didn't have anything to throw. That was his problem. And it's not worth it.

Having seen what happened in the first room. Stop breaking the windows. You're just going to make the fire worse.

Yes and no.

GM - PB : 45:48 - 45:52

Yes initially, but it will help clear the smoke out.

Delor - HT : 45:54 - 46:25

Does it have a door? He may have a door. Anyone alive and suffering or anything interesting in here?

Well, for the sake of argument, we'll leave this one with the window closed and compare the results in a moment. Kiri, I'm right behind you.

GM - PB : 46:26 - 46:50

Okay, so Kiri is staggered over here. Not feeling good. How often do you have to make this thing?

You can both make a second set of Satan's Throws please.

Delor - HT : 46:51 - 47:05

Can we both make another one? Another set of Satan's Throws. Fortitude.

I think this is going to be a… Your fortitude is now at minus one.

Kasula - TW : 47:06 - 47:06

I get nine.

Delor - HT : 47:10 - 47:13

I get twenty-five.

Kiri - DF : 47:13 - 47:16

I should at least go up by one.

GM - PB : 47:22 - 47:37

No, you're still second to one. You've just avoided a critical failure. And you take five points of non-lethal damage.

Delor - HT : 47:38 - 47:45

How do I do that? I'm not sure.

Tazre - TE : 47:51 - 47:52

It doesn't matter.

Delor - HT : 47:52 - 48:07

Why did you say dollar, Tim? Because I think Pete was targeting the wrong person. I wasn't targeting anyone to be honest.

It says dollar is five.

Kiri - DF : 48:07 - 48:18

I think you must have selected already. So if you select me, target me and then try again.

Delor - HT : 48:25 - 49:02

Well, five damage would be perfectly acceptable. No, no, no. Not yet.

I'm sure he'll give you five damage later. Don't be over-eager. Oh, come on.

I get to drink a healing potion. This is fucking excellent stuff. If you don't mind yourself, I'll whip you.

So that way you can take the healing potion afterwards and it'll be fine. You are an absolute magnificent party member. Thank you.

It's the least I could do. Right.

GM - PB : 49:05 - 49:33

You're definitely coughing and sputtering. Your eyes are running. You're not feeling well.

However, you can stare into this little shrine. It's difficult to make it out. But yeah, there's a marble statue of some sort of female.

Delor - HT : 49:36 - 50:19

You can make a religious check with a religion roll, if you like. I know that she, the owner of the house, Jumeirah Choir or whatever her name was. Jumeirah.

Worshipped a female elven god. That's right. You do.

Twelve is to guess. What did you get? Twelve.

It's the female elven god. I've whispered it out. It's no way to run a kingdom.

Watery bins giving swords to people.

GM - PB : 50:25 - 50:27

You two can make perception checks.

Delor - HT : 50:31 - 50:40

Both of us? Yeah, you two. Goodness.

Kiri - DF : 50:41 - 50:41


Delor - HT : 50:44 - 50:51

Eighteen. I'm staring over his head. Pushing Curie out of the way.

GM - PB : 50:53 - 51:04

You feel, having identified this goddess, you feel a sense of security. Safety. It's calm.

Delor - HT : 51:06 - 51:07

A path.

GM - PB : 51:07 - 51:12

In this room. You notice that the smoke is somewhat thinner here.

Delor - HT : 51:13 - 51:23

The smoke's thinner in there, Curie. I think the goddess is keeping it clear. You hop in, I'll go back and get the girls and we'll rally here for a bit.

Kiri - DF : 51:26 - 51:27

Is there any beer?

Delor - HT : 51:28 - 51:32

I'll bring some. If you go in, I'm running back to the door.

GM - PB : 51:37 - 51:52

Okay. You can get back to the doorway. They've probably shut the door because of the smoke that's filling it in.

Delor - HT : 51:52 - 52:07

I open a crack and say, okay, we've found a place which has not got so much smoke. It's, what, I don't know, 30 feet up on the right-hand side. You should.

GM - PB : 52:10 - 52:12

You cough your way through that last bit.

Delor - HT : 52:12 - 52:48

There's two rooms burning like hell on the left-hand side, so follow the right-hand wall until you find a doorway and go in. That's the temple. And the goddess is keeping it clear.

Come on, anyone who's coming. Right, everybody who goes in can make a thoughts you say. I go in and step clear, waiting for everyone to follow.

I do. I get a 19.

GM - PB : 52:49 - 52:51

Okay, your second one.

Delor - HT : 52:53 - 53:07

Oh, dear Lord. That sounds pretty much like a critical failure. Or close to.

Dolor gets a 20. Getting used to this.

GM - PB : 53:08 - 53:09

Yeah, your sixth one.

Delor - HT : 53:12 - 53:15

How bad is my six?

GM - PB : 53:16 - 53:19

Pretty bad. I'll get to you in a second.

Delor - HT : 53:21 - 53:28

Where's second? It's under six. Yeah, I'll call.

GM - PB : 53:35 - 53:38

How does one roll the sabre thread? Attributes.

Kiri - DF : 53:44 - 53:48

What's the difference between the one that's blue and the one that's not blue?

Delor - HT : 53:51 - 53:52

Context, please.

Kiri - DF : 53:54 - 53:59

Well, under attributes, you've got some of the rolls got blue and some of them are not blue.

Delor - HT : 54:00 - 54:02

Same with skills. What's the difference?

Tazre - TE : 54:03 - 54:10

The blue ones are your initiatives, which are probably enabled or not enabled.

Delor - HT : 54:18 - 54:48

And I guess the red ones are your untrained ones. My diplomacy, which I've got no points in it, is red and is minus one. So I guess that's an untrained skill.

I think that's inconsistent with the attributes.

GM - PB : 55:09 - 55:32

How do I do the damage to the right person? I've highlighted the person. Damage.

Kiri takes damage.

Delor - HT : 55:33 - 55:35

Have you targeted them?

GM - PB : 55:35 - 55:41

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, initially I was on the wrong foot one.

Delor - HT : 55:41 - 56:29

Well, that dice roll still appears to be targeted against Kiri. Yeah, so try changing the dice. How?

Yeah, if you apply it, it's damage. It's pinging Kiri. On the right-hand end, select target.

The gods will it. The gods will it. Give them a point of damage.

Kiri's not targeted.

GM - PB : 56:29 - 56:35

That's what I can see. On the right-hand end, isn't there a select target?

Delor - HT : 56:39 - 56:40

In the log.

Tazre - TE : 56:41 - 56:49

In the log, Amir has Kiri. Damage half.

GM - PB : 56:52 - 56:54

Yeah, it does seem to want to open up Kiri.

Delor - HT : 56:55 - 57:40

That means it's Kiri doing some damage. So can you damage yourself? When you rolled the dice, you must have rolled it as Kiri.

It says Amiri. Sorry, Amiri, sorry. If Amiri has rolled some damage, can she apply it to herself?

Maybe it doesn't let you do yourself harm. Who are you trying to do the damage to?

GM - PB : 57:41 - 57:47

Amiri. One point of damage to Amiri. One point of temporary damage as well.

That's even better.

Kasula - TW : 57:52 - 57:56

You rolled, and you were targeting Amiri, but you rolled a five.

GM - PB : 58:00 - 58:32

Right, so if I now do that. Damage. Damage.

So Lindsay is coughing and sputtering. She makes her way to there. Amiri makes her way to there.

She's not feeling too good.

Delor - HT : 58:34 - 58:39

If anyone's suffering, I will help them. I don't know if that gives them a bonus.

GM - PB : 58:42 - 58:44

Right, so what happens if you critically fail?

Delor - HT : 58:49 - 58:56

Is Kazula coming through? Well, I completely fucked up my fortitude. Well, you must at least be in the doorway.

GM - PB : 58:56 - 58:57

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Delor - HT : 58:58 - 59:01

You're coughing up a lung. You're on second two.

GM - PB : 59:02 - 59:38

And you take D6. You've just taken four points of persistent non-lethal damage. So that means every round you are going to take another D6 points of damage.

Delor - HT : 59:39 - 59:47

Until… Did you come in? Sorry?

Did she come in? She's still in the doorway!

GM - PB : 59:48 - 59:53

No, no, she has come in. As you run in, you all have to make second throws.

Delor - HT : 59:53 - 1:00:12

I was just checking. So there's no way of me removing this persistent damage? Yes.

Breathing fresh air?

Kiri - DF : 1:00:13 - 1:00:16

I thought you could spend a round and cough or something.

Delor - HT : 1:00:19 - 1:00:28

Gasping in fresh air. May I… Since I'm standing by…

Pete, you were going to say.

GM - PB : 1:00:28 - 1:00:54

Yeah, there's… As far as I'm aware, there's a couple of things that you can do. One, each round at the end of your go, you can make a flat check to avoid being sickened.

To avoid the persistent damage. And also you can try to avoid being sickened. Both have got a chance of happening.

Delor - HT : 1:00:56 - 1:01:09

I… Put my arm around her and say, I've got you. Run.

Hold your breath and run. And I will assist her to the doorway.

Tazre - TE : 1:01:09 - 1:01:10

Fucking shut up!

GM - PB : 1:01:12 - 1:01:13

Move both counters there.

Delor - HT : 1:01:20 - 1:01:23

You can get into the room if you like. Yeah, I'm just…

GM - PB : 1:01:37 - 1:01:38

Maybe up here, dear.

Delor - HT : 1:01:39 - 1:01:42

It's a very small room, but is there a door that we can close?

GM - PB : 1:01:43 - 1:01:44

Is there a what?

Delor - HT : 1:01:44 - 1:01:46

Is there a door we can close? No.

GM - PB : 1:01:49 - 1:01:58

But there seems to be some sort of mystical effect to keep the worst of the smoke out. It's a bit smoky in here, but it's nowhere near what is impenetrable.

Delor - HT : 1:01:58 - 1:02:04

Can I pick up the rug and hold it against the doorway? I'm going to sit in the corner and cough.

Kiri - DF : 1:02:04 - 1:02:07

Yeah, I'm going to try to cough to get rid of my sickened state.

Kasula - TW : 1:02:08 - 1:02:09

Right, what does it say for that?

Kiri - DF : 1:02:11 - 1:02:26

On the actual sickened thing it says, you can spend a single action to attempt to recover, which lets you immediately attempt a fortitude save against a DC from the effect that made you sickened. On a success, you reduce your sickened value by one or two monocrit.

Kasula - TW : 1:02:29 - 1:02:31

Okay. Make a roll.

Delor - HT : 1:02:40 - 1:02:49

Here he gets ten. You don't succeed. Oh!

Kasula - TW : 1:02:51 - 1:02:52

I get fifteen.

GM - PB : 1:02:57 - 1:02:58

You don't succeed either.

Delor - HT : 1:02:59 - 1:03:14

I get fourteen, which doesn't succeed either. Is this fortitude for clearing sickness? Yes.

Since I'm active, I don't think I get a roll. I'm trying to hold the rug against the doorway to block it.

GM - PB : 1:03:14 - 1:03:17

There's no rug in here. It won't make any difference.

Delor - HT : 1:03:17 - 1:03:38

Okay, in which case I will just cough up the rest of them for a moment. Without any effect. Eight.

I get another roll for… Not dying.

GM - PB : 1:03:38 - 1:03:58

Yeah, I'm just checking out the persistent damage thing. One sec. Okay, you're on.

DC 15, fact check.

Delor - HT : 1:03:59 - 1:04:31

Hang on. It's worth noting, whilst sickened, you cannot ingest anything, including potions. So, flat 15…

Yeah, roll D20, I need 15 or better. Yeah. Can they…

They can't drink water. Okay, in this sanctuary, you feel…

GM - PB : 1:04:34 - 1:04:58

The favour of the deity upon you, which is surprising, considering your own particular views of these sorts of things. And you no longer feel sickened. We're no longer taking damage.

And you're less sickened. And anybody who was on sickened one goes to sickened zero now.

Tazre - TE : 1:04:59 - 1:04:59


Kiri - DF : 1:05:03 - 1:05:08

Well, are you feeling up to exploring the next part?

Delor - HT : 1:05:09 - 1:05:10

When everyone's ready, yeah.

GM - PB : 1:05:14 - 1:05:44

You can see it a bit better in here now. This room's plain stone walls and poly floors have already become stained in smoke. There's a stone dais, there's a marble statue of an armoured half-elf woman.

One of her hands clutches a heavy shield while the other is clenched into a fist over her heart. Who is this again? This is…

Delor - HT : 1:05:44 - 1:05:59

Well, you're more religious than me, so you stand a better chance. Well, I'm just… Would I absolutely…

Would I just know? Let's face it, if it's an elf goddess, I'm… She's a common elf goddess.

Melanie. Melanie.

Kiri - DF : 1:06:02 - 1:06:03

Melanie to her friends.

Delor - HT : 1:06:06 - 1:06:17

Melania. Of which you are not one. No, I'm not.

Although I do thank her for her sanctuary as I leave. Um…

Kiri - DF : 1:06:17 - 1:06:23

Is there… Like, a centimeter or two of actual less smoke?

Delor - HT : 1:06:24 - 1:06:25

Sorry, Dave?

Kiri - DF : 1:06:26 - 1:06:28

Is there actually less smoke at the bottom?

Delor - HT : 1:06:29 - 1:06:30

There's less smoke in the whole room.

Kiri - DF : 1:06:30 - 1:06:32

No, no, in the corridor.

GM - PB : 1:06:33 - 1:06:48

In the corridor, no, not significantly. Um… Everybody can make a…

Everybody who hasn't already can make a knowledge religion check, please. So, not Kiri or Delon.

Delor - HT : 1:06:50 - 1:07:01

I haven't made a knowledge religion. I made it. 21.

Best I could possibly get. Very good.

GM - PB : 1:07:03 - 1:07:04

I asked you to write one earlier on.

Delor - HT : 1:07:05 - 1:07:22

Oh, sorry, I thought it was something else. Really? That's odd.

Oh, no it isn't. There we go, 19.

GM - PB : 1:07:24 - 1:07:53

OK, well, the 19 and the 21. You two. Uh…

Actually, this is a nice place. You feel really good here. In fact, you'd think if you were to spend…

I don't know, a minute or so in here. Engaged in a certain amount of respectful meditation and prayer. Then, um…

You might feel as though you had rested for eight hours. And made your daily preparations.

Kasula - TW : 1:07:55 - 1:07:55


Delor - HT : 1:07:56 - 1:08:07

Hold on, chaps. Mummy needs a quick rest. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

Let me do that.

Tazre - TE : 1:08:09 - 1:08:12

You pay homage to this deity.

Delor - HT : 1:08:15 - 1:08:50

And she will grant you favour. If you do it with respect and dignity. Oh, I'm very, very pleased to be here.

You're wonderful. A bit more feeling in the whispered response. I'm loving being here with…

Because, quite frankly, Kazula's here. And she gives me all the best potions and healing. I do like girls who give me healing.

That's as close to prayer as I get.

GM - PB : 1:08:51 - 1:08:53

She's your supplier, is she?

Delor - HT : 1:08:54 - 1:09:18

One of them. I shall, um… I shall show due respect for…

A… A goddess. Yep.

He will do his best. We… We don't…

Our faiths don't necessarily get on. But at least we're not here. Yes.

GM - PB : 1:09:19 - 1:09:25

Right now, you appear to be doing the… The God's work. So, yes.

Delor - HT : 1:09:27 - 1:10:01

How's my little songbird getting on? Lindsay. Lindsay?

She's all right. You're right, Chuck. Yeah.

She's very exciting, isn't it? Yeah. It's not quite like being back at the dojo, but…

Hey, a lot of people die around here. Oh, isn't it? Hey.

Good Lord. You know, this… Apparently, her holy…

Her sacred animal is a mouse. It's only Ickle.

Kiri - DF : 1:10:03 - 1:10:04


Delor - HT : 1:10:04 - 1:10:39

Who's… Melania. Melania.

Little orange mouse. Bargainy. She does also cover the subdomain of riot.

So… There's a bit of a bad girl in there. There's all this defence and freedom and purity and restoration.

But there's also revolution and riot. So there's a little bit of a bad girl in there somewhere. So they would storm the capital.

Land of Melania.

GM - PB : 1:10:43 - 1:10:55

OK, you also… For those of you who are bothering to meditate… Slash pray…

And spend a minute in here, you can have… Your con modifier times level. It puts that…

Delor - HT : 1:10:55 - 1:11:03

Wow. I don't know how to meditate, but I am spending my time here…

GM - PB : 1:11:03 - 1:11:04

Enjoying sanctuary. You do know how to meditate.

Delor - HT : 1:11:05 - 1:11:05

Here you will.

GM - PB : 1:11:08 - 1:11:09

Everybody knows how to meditate.

Delor - HT : 1:11:10 - 1:11:18

Is there a meditate button? I'm… I don't think I should.

My con modifier is minus one.

GM - PB : 1:11:21 - 1:11:23

I think it's probably minimum one.

Delor - HT : 1:11:24 - 1:11:34

I know how to concentrate and whatever. So, from a gadget perspective… What does this mean we press?

GM - PB : 1:11:36 - 1:11:38

Well, it's like resting overnight.

Delor - HT : 1:11:40 - 1:12:01

OK. From a gadget perspective, what does that mean we press? There must be a rest button somewhere.

On your main character sheet… In the top kind of right hand or left hand corner… There's a bed and a cup.

Just below your max hit points. It says rest for the night, I think.

Kiri - DF : 1:12:02 - 1:12:04

Utility has one that says rest for the night.

Delor - HT : 1:12:04 - 1:12:14

I'm going to click rest for the night. And say yes. Seems reasonable.

And my hit points went up by one. Bloody stupid.

Kiri - DF : 1:12:15 - 1:12:16

I got three.

Delor - HT : 1:12:17 - 1:12:29

Depends what your con is. Yeah. Good question.

What does it actually say what your con is? Con modifier at the bottom of the same page.

Kiri - DF : 1:12:29 - 1:12:31

I thought you said four times con modifier.

Delor - HT : 1:12:33 - 1:12:46

No, that's… I don't think he's applied that. That's simply what you get for doing an overnight rest.

So it's your con mod times your level. Yeah, so…

GM - PB : 1:12:48 - 1:12:50

You're level one, so…

Delor - HT : 1:12:50 - 1:12:55

Yeah, you get one hit point. You're right. I've only got the con mod of one.

Kiri - DF : 1:12:56 - 1:12:57

I got three.

Delor - HT : 1:13:03 - 1:13:10

Meanwhile… Every night has been just a little bit worse. All right, we'll be back in a sec.

Kiri - DF : 1:13:15 - 1:13:23

Where's the beer? There'll be beer at the end of the corridor. What?

Why are we still here?

Delor - HT : 1:13:25 - 1:13:26

Because we're recuperating.

Kiri - DF : 1:13:28 - 1:13:31

Does that mean I've now got my first level spell back?

Delor - HT : 1:13:31 - 1:13:36

Yay! See? That's why we were recuperating.

Kasula - TW : 1:13:37 - 1:13:39

How do I get my…

Kiri - DF : 1:13:40 - 1:13:59

I had an ulterior motive for why I wanted to know whether there was air at the bottom of the floor. Is your small? Well, actually I can make myself smaller.

You like crawling? I don't have a familiar. I can become one.

Delor - HT : 1:14:02 - 1:14:03

That's kind of cool.

Kiri - DF : 1:14:03 - 1:14:11

I can become a cat. Or something.

Delor - HT : 1:14:11 - 1:14:15

Well, in these woke days I shall make no jokes about cats at all.

Tazre - TE : 1:14:17 - 1:14:17

All right.

Delor - HT : 1:14:27 - 1:14:47

Okay, so when I'm choosing my spells it says empty slot, drag spell here. Where do I drag the spell? The compendium.

At the top of the spell things. It's probably got a magnifying glass for you to search.

Kiri - DF : 1:14:49 - 1:15:02

Oh yes, I need to recast major. I need to recast… Do I?

I suppose it acts as a rest, so I should really get rid of it.

Tazre - TE : 1:15:03 - 1:15:04

Do it again.

Kiri - DF : 1:15:04 - 1:15:06

And my light spell too.

Delor - HT : 1:15:12 - 1:15:13

Have you found something?

Kasula - TW : 1:15:19 - 1:15:20


Delor - HT : 1:15:20 - 1:15:26

Yeah, compendium. If you're going from the compendium it's legacy character building.

GM - PB : 1:15:28 - 1:15:29


Delor - HT : 1:15:29 - 1:15:31

And at the bottom there's spells, legacy.

Kasula - TW : 1:15:40 - 1:15:45

I can see character building. Classes, spells.

Tazre - TE : 1:15:47 - 1:15:49

And it brings up a big long list.

Delor - HT : 1:15:50 - 1:16:16

Right, okay. What can I say? Spiced rum.

Which is cask strength. And lime juice. Or with a splash of vodka to water it down.

Wowzer. The vodka's only 40%. Rather than something almost chemical.

Kiri - DF : 1:16:20 - 1:16:24

I started watching, is it part 7 of Day of the Jackal?

Delor - HT : 1:16:27 - 1:17:58

I've got up to 9 out of 10 because we kind of paid all of us. Because it was worth it. And oh my god, number 10 comes out on Thursday I think.

And yeah, it gets better and better and better. Nine was edge of the seat stuff. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

A 9 out of 10 series went to a 10 out of 10. And I haven't said anything's a must watch since Shogun. It's as wonderful as Shogun in an utterly different way.

And then I went directly from the epic near season conclusion episode 9 to Black Doves 1, which is a slow burn start. And I nearly fell asleep. But Black Doves on any other day would be okay.

But against a brilliant light, its transparencies were shown up. But I will watch Black Doves. But do, do, do try and catch.

Watch the Day of the Jackal, the original 1974 first. Just to remind yourself of how good that film was. And then watch Mr. Redmayne doing a really nuanced performance.

Kiri - DF : 1:17:58 - 1:18:00

He was amazingly like it.

Delor - HT : 1:18:01 - 1:19:07

They are, yeah. He's put a lot of effort into that performance. And he's not just some sort of automata killing machine.

He's a human being in there who just happens to kill people a lot. So, fantastic. Love it.

It's on Tim's server. I think everything up to 7 I think is on Tim's server. And it was 10 quid to have a month of Now TV.

And so we decided we're going to have that for Christmas. And I've already cancelled it. I pre-cancelled it.

They hope that you sign up and forget. So, I know I sign up and forget. So, I sign up and pre-cancel.

So, I've signed up for one month. The kids are here. We're going to have great fun.

We're going to watch lots of telly. And I'm going to make them watch it. And it's going to be brilliant.

GM - PB : 1:19:08 - 1:19:14

Yeah, it sounds worth watching actually. How do you add the XP, Tim? Right.

Delor - HT : 1:19:15 - 1:19:23

On the bottom of your screen you've got the little panel with our four avatars in it.

GM - PB : 1:19:23 - 1:19:24

I do, yeah.

Delor - HT : 1:19:27 - 1:19:27


GM - PB : 1:19:27 - 1:19:28

Oh, sign XP.

Delor - HT : 1:19:29 - 1:19:34

Yeah. Which pops up a dialogue where you can key in an amount.

GM - PB : 1:20:28 - 1:20:31

Okay. Yours is 120 XP.

Tazre - TE : 1:20:33 - 1:20:33


GM - PB : 1:20:37 - 1:20:41

All right, you all feel refreshed.

Kasula - TW : 1:21:06 - 1:21:10

Did it get rid of my sitcom? Yeah.

Tazre - TE : 1:21:13 - 1:21:15

Don't worry, you're going to get it back again in a minute. Yeah.

GM - PB : 1:21:18 - 1:21:47

Okay, it looks smoky out there. The serious problem is breathing in the smoke. So, I've given you a bonus with your neckerchiefs.

But if you were to avoid breathing it in, that would be even better.

Kiri - DF : 1:21:48 - 1:21:49

All that breath.

Delor - HT : 1:21:52 - 1:23:08

Which door are we going to? You also think that breaking the windows would help? Sort of…

Do you want to run ahead and break the windows while you guys make your way up to the armoury, which is furthest on the north wall? No, no. He said go to the end of the corridor through the door.

Oh, through the door. So, this door here. No, I can't see the door.

We haven't got to the end of the corridor yet. That may be… I can just…

From where I stand, I think the end of the corridor is about that far away. And the door is there. I tried to describe that to you from…

Yeah, obviously, you can't see where you are. So, I tried to describe it's a short run up there. It's something you could hold your breath.

If we assume it's an armoury and there's no one in there… We go through that door and then it's the first door on the left. I will run up and open the door and then everyone comes running through.

Kasula - TW : 1:23:10 - 1:23:11

What do you think?

Delor - HT : 1:23:11 - 1:23:21

You can hold your breath, keep all your bonuses and… Yeah. What do you think?

It's worth a try.

GM - PB : 1:23:25 - 1:23:30

I think it's a good idea. I'm just looking out for the rules for holding breath.

Kiri - DF : 1:23:31 - 1:23:36

Why would I select an area? Do I now see the whole corridor?

Delor - HT : 1:23:40 - 1:23:44

I don't know. Cheating? What area did you select?

Kiri - DF : 1:23:44 - 1:23:54

Well, I just did a rectangular select. And if I rectangular select over ours, it then disappears.

Delor - HT : 1:23:56 - 1:24:00

I think you've found a bug in the software.

Kiri - DF : 1:24:01 - 1:24:11

So, if you rectangular select just in front of dollar… Yeah? It shows you the whole corridor.

But if you do it over ours, it then disappears.

Delor - HT : 1:24:11 - 1:24:17

It goes back to what it should be. What is that? I think I said you found a bug.

Kiri - DF : 1:24:27 - 1:24:28

Right, Dolly, you…

Delor - HT : 1:24:28 - 1:24:30

Back around in the JavaScript and go for it.

Kiri - DF : 1:24:31 - 1:24:37

You head to here, Dolly, and I'll head to this one.

GM - PB : 1:24:41 - 1:24:50

Okay, so… You can hold your breath for five rounds… Sorry, number of rounds equal to five plus your comm mod.

Delor - HT : 1:24:50 - 1:24:55

Oh, yeah, let's do that. That's much easier. So, four rounds in my case?

Kiri - DF : 1:24:56 - 1:25:01

Eight in mine. Four plus seven.

GM - PB : 1:25:06 - 1:25:11

So, off you go, Dollar.

Delor - HT : 1:25:16 - 1:25:42

Sorry, my mouse has been trapped by a window. Come on. Okay, I hold my breath.

I cover my mouth in case I do need to take a breath. With a freshly soaked clean rag. And I go to…

Hang on. I go out to there. Make sure I can't see anything.

GM - PB : 1:25:43 - 1:25:45

We've got this door here. Yeah, you can see fuck all.

Delor - HT : 1:25:45 - 1:26:06

I am running through… Oh, yeah, we can't see the doors. I've got the end door here.

Do I have to control to go to there? Shift. Shift to there.

Shift and move. Come on. And I open the door.

GM - PB : 1:26:07 - 1:26:12

Okay, so that's a round of moving to do what you've done. You managed to open the door.

Delor - HT : 1:26:13 - 1:26:21

Doesn't look like a corridor. They said door at the end and turn right. Anyway, is this burning?

GM - PB : 1:26:22 - 1:26:44

No. I shall give you the description. Drifting coils of smoke waft in the air of this finely furnished room.

Pallet chairs and side tables are set along the west wall and a thick burgundy carpet covers most of the floor.

Delor - HT : 1:26:45 - 1:26:52

Oil paintings hang on the walls and shelves contain statuettes and other small art pieces.

GM - PB : 1:26:58 - 1:27:02

The smoke is starting to billow into this room as you open the door.

Kiri - DF : 1:27:03 - 1:27:05

I'll open the door as quickly as I can.

GM - PB : 1:27:05 - 1:27:12

There is a small body sprawled on the floor not far from the door.

Delor - HT : 1:27:13 - 1:27:15

Excellent. You're talking my language.

Kiri - DF : 1:27:17 - 1:27:21

Kiri will dash to this, along this wall, probably finding a door.

Delor - HT : 1:27:22 - 1:27:27

I will. I will step in and hold the door open.

GM - PB : 1:27:31 - 1:27:35

Okay, so Kiri's not bothering to go to the end, he's going into the side.

Kiri - DF : 1:27:35 - 1:27:38

Well, he finds a door as he goes along the wall. Alright.

GM - PB : 1:27:38 - 1:27:40

What's everybody else doing?

Kiri - DF : 1:27:40 - 1:27:41

I'm holding my breath.

Delor - HT : 1:27:41 - 1:27:50

Waiting for reports from the explorers. I call and say, come! Mindy runs into there.

GM - PB : 1:27:51 - 1:28:51

Full move. Right, so that's everybody. I think we're still doing a thing.

You have to come out the door first, dear. You can't go through walls. Yeah, there's a burning room and there are three dead bodies in here.

Kiri - DF : 1:28:53 - 1:28:55

Is that the room Kiri's looking in, or the other one?

GM - PB : 1:28:56 - 1:28:56


Kiri - DF : 1:28:57 - 1:28:58

Can you see the window?

GM - PB : 1:28:59 - 1:28:59


Delor - HT : 1:29:02 - 1:29:34

Yeah, not well. Okay, he will use his throw item spell to throw something through the window. Okay.

Picks up something and throws it. And whether it succeeds or not, he will then dash to this room. Okay.

As people come in, I usher them in and I point out that… Check that!

GM - PB : 1:29:36 - 1:29:39

Alright, is there anything you have to roll for your…

Kiri - DF : 1:29:39 - 1:29:41

Oh yeah, I'll have to roll if you want me to do it, yeah.

Delor - HT : 1:29:42 - 1:29:52

You want to do it, I don't mind. I was just going to say, I don't care whether I succeed or not. But yes, okay.

It probably is going to be a bludgeoning.

GM - PB : 1:29:54 - 1:29:59

Yeah, you find a body probably is the thing. The beds are probably too big for your spell.

Kiri - DF : 1:30:04 - 1:30:04


GM - PB : 1:30:06 - 1:30:15

Okay, it's not terribly difficult with the negative modifiers. You throw the body against the window, but it might bounce.

Kiri - DF : 1:30:16 - 1:30:17

Damage roll?

GM - PB : 1:30:17 - 1:30:26

Yeah, go on then. Quite hard. The body goes through the window.

Kiri - DF : 1:30:28 - 1:30:31

It doesn't wait any longer, it dashes through.

GM - PB : 1:30:31 - 1:30:42

Okay, the flames burst up and… Yeah. You leave.

Okay, presumably as you come in, Delory, are you going to shut the door?

Delor - HT : 1:30:43 - 1:30:45

Yes, the moment the last person is in.

GM - PB : 1:30:47 - 1:31:04

The first person out, after you. It's the last person in. All right, the door is shut.

It's a bit smoky in here, but not enough to make you worry. You can breathe. Looking around, you see that there's a gnome on the floor.


Delor - HT : 1:31:07 - 1:31:08

Do we recognise this gnome?

GM - PB : 1:31:09 - 1:31:21

Yes, he was one of your… Dinner companions. He was the…

The smug superior gnome.

Delor - HT : 1:31:21 - 1:31:38

Is he dead? I don't know. He's sprawled.

Could you check to see if he's dead? Tartuccio? Magician?

I'll go to try and see if he's alive or injured. Tartuccio. Yeah, the magician.

GM - PB : 1:31:39 - 1:31:44

Okay, yeah, you go over to him. If you want to move yourself.

Delor - HT : 1:31:45 - 1:31:52

I would love to, however, unfortunately at this moment in time, I believe I'm buried. There we go.

GM - PB : 1:31:57 - 1:32:06

If you right-mouse click on a… On a sort of two-tile person and then select up or down arrow, depending on what you want.

Delor - HT : 1:32:06 - 1:32:13

Ah, yeah, but… That's how it works. If your character's on top…


GM - PB : 1:32:14 - 1:32:16

You can't send another…

Delor - HT : 1:32:16 - 1:32:18

No, you can't send another person down.

GM - PB : 1:32:19 - 1:32:20

That sucks.

Delor - HT : 1:32:20 - 1:32:35

I shall get over towards him. And knowing him for being a prickly individual, I shall announce that I am going to see if he is injured. By stabbing him in the heart.

Kasula - TW : 1:32:38 - 1:32:39

Does this hurt?

Delor - HT : 1:32:45 - 1:32:57

Tartuccio, I'm going to see if you are injured. Please don't stab me. And I shall then examine him to see whether or not I think he's hurt.

GM - PB : 1:32:58 - 1:33:07

Well, he's got sort of a bit of smoke damage about him. As you sort of turn him over and give him a little shake, his eyes flop open.

Delor - HT : 1:33:08 - 1:33:13

He gives a… Hello there. He looks around.

GM - PB : 1:33:15 - 1:33:27

Yeah, it's you. Probably good. Indeed, it's us.

He staggers to his feet. How are you doing, old man? Amazing.

Delor - HT : 1:33:28 - 1:33:57

You know, if I was a betting gnome, then I would have said, you'll be the first to die. But, you've proved me wrong. Yes, indeed.

There you go. Even one such as you can be wrong. Hard to fathom, but it is true.

It's incredible, isn't it? That we should have been witness to it. Yes.

GM - PB : 1:33:59 - 1:34:05

Well, my noble luckies, what are you going to do now? I'm sorry, what now?

Delor - HT : 1:34:07 - 1:34:39

I've never had a settee. I'm lying on the settee. I'm enjoying it.

I look forward to your continued efforts to rid this place of the vile attackers. Are there any other doors in this room? Yeah, there's one to the north and one to the south.

And what exactly is he doing to rid of vile lackeys? Well, I move to the one to the south and open it.

Kiri - DF : 1:34:41 - 1:34:44

All right. I take a breath.

GM - PB : 1:34:45 - 1:34:48

Yeah, yeah, it's a little smoky, but it's okay.

Delor - HT : 1:34:49 - 1:34:52

The room beyond, what do I see?

GM - PB : 1:34:53 - 1:35:07

A slightly smoky room that contains wooden racks holding various weapons. Wooden stands designed to hold suits of armour. Beer barrels?

Delor - HT : 1:35:08 - 1:35:11

Many of the weapon racks and armour stands are empty.

GM - PB : 1:35:12 - 1:35:15

Several weapons and discarded armour pieces lie about the floor.

Delor - HT : 1:35:17 - 1:35:47

I rush in and start rifling the place for arrows. Ooh! Reload!

Reload! Is that a beer barrel I see before me? There is a barrel.

But it's not full of beer. He taps on it to find out if it's full of beer. My attention is diverted from this excellent sofa.

I might find some good weapons or armour.

GM - PB : 1:35:47 - 1:35:50

The barrel clinks suspiciously.

Delor - HT : 1:35:51 - 1:35:51


GM - PB : 1:35:55 - 1:36:24

Barrels? You can see daggers, long swords, spears, blades, halberds, battle axes, bows. The barrel contains many crossbow bolts.

Excellent! Suits of half plate, chainmail, chain shirts, steel shields, and an irritated elf saying, Where the fuck are the arrows?

Delor - HT : 1:36:27 - 1:37:08

Any leather armour allows freedom of movement whilst offering good protection. We've actually got the studded leather from the acid eyes. That is, I believe, the best.

It's a plus. It allows a dex of plus three. So, actually, I need a dex plus four.

Normal leather with dex plus four is better. You start moving magic shit in order to actually improve. I'm looking around for magic shit.

Kiri - DF : 1:37:08 - 1:37:12

Is there by chance a potion bottle cabinet?

Kasula - TW : 1:37:14 - 1:37:15

No, it's an armoury.

Delor - HT : 1:37:15 - 1:37:26

There might be racks of healing potions ready. Now you're talking my language. Bob, can't you see magic, mate?


GM - PB : 1:37:28 - 1:37:29

No magic.

Delor - HT : 1:37:30 - 1:38:23

It's an armoury. So, are you saying I can basically grab as many crossbow bolts as I physically stuff into my pouch? Can I open this door?

Wait a moment while she's still stuffing her pouches. Kasula, do you need any weaponry? Kasula's positively laden down with weapons as far as she's concerned.

Well, there's a door here we're going to explore, so you might want to come on through. If our arrogant assassin can be asked to follow us, that's great. But if not, then we'll just leave the fucker behind.

GM - PB : 1:38:25 - 1:38:26

I'll be fine. Good luck.

Delor - HT : 1:38:28 - 1:38:46

You can rest assured, Dave, that I have more than one dagger. Where the fuck is she stuffing her stockings? I have a variety of daggers in a variety of locations.

Shall I open this door? Yeah, unless you want me to, mate.

Kiri - DF : 1:38:48 - 1:38:51

I see something like a monster.

Delor - HT : 1:38:54 - 1:39:38

Quickly then, Pete, before you say anything else, yes, I can get an unlimited supply of bolts. As many as I can grab, yeah? Well, more or less.

Finite quantities aside, I'll wait until my character screams. I've got another five bulk I can fill out. I can carry quite a lot.

There's over a hundred in the barrel. I'll see at what point my character squeals. All right.

But no fucking arrows.

GM - PB : 1:39:39 - 1:39:49

No fucking arrows. OK, you look into a trophy room. This large room has a floor of polished white tiles hanging from the walls of various trophy hits.

Delor - HT : 1:39:50 - 1:40:08

A stag of an impressive set of antlers. A large tusked maw. A cranky looking oversized owl.

A snarling wolf and two different reptilian monsters. And what's this thing over here? There.

That's a trophy.

Kiri - DF : 1:40:08 - 1:40:13

It looks statue-like. What is it?

Delor - HT : 1:40:22 - 1:40:30

Someone's looting the room already. Well, you were standing in the doorway blocking my view. And you pointed at things I couldn't see.

Kiri - DF : 1:40:30 - 1:40:33

Oh, I thought you'd learned how to do the cheating by now.

Delor - HT : 1:40:34 - 1:40:51

Just because I've learned how to do the cheating. The important thing I have just learned. When you're stuck under somebody, like I am now.

You can change level. Now, if you use the cursor keys, you can move yourself. Oh.


Kiri - DF : 1:40:51 - 1:40:54

Oh, yes. It's still not QS…

Delor - HT : 1:40:55 - 1:41:02

I told you how to fix that. You just haven't done it. Yeah, that's good enough.

Kiri - DF : 1:41:03 - 1:41:09

Yeah, but if I'm going to do that, I'm probably going to map it to my characters, aren't I?

Delor - HT : 1:41:10 - 1:41:38

Whatever you want. It's entirely up to you. Because it only affects you.

Yeah, so a bunch of statues and so on. And dead things. Remember you can make a perception roll.

Oh, I'm not sickened anymore. Why is my perception so low? 21.

Kiri - DF : 1:41:42 - 1:41:50

9. 16.

Kasula - TW : 1:41:55 - 1:41:55


GM - PB : 1:41:58 - 1:41:59


Delor - HT : 1:42:01 - 1:42:21

You and Tazri are really peering at a strange looking creature. Some sort of worm thing. And you notice in a second or so before Tazri, there is something.

Some sort of thing in its mouth. A trinket.

Kasula - TW : 1:42:24 - 1:42:35

Ooh, sparkly. I will attempt to retrieve this trinket. Well, you can.

GM - PB : 1:42:51 - 1:42:53

I don't know if I can look it up exactly, would it?

Delor - HT : 1:42:59 - 1:43:02

Is that in the mouth of one of these things?

GM - PB : 1:43:04 - 1:43:05

One of the statues, yeah.

Kasula - TW : 1:43:05 - 1:43:09

Or one of the weird beasts.

GM - PB : 1:43:30 - 1:43:46

It's a… Looks like it's sort of like the beak of a creature. It's a long, hollow proboscis.


Delor - HT : 1:43:48 - 1:44:54

Let's make a knowledge nature recall knowledge roll. And how do I make an… Just make a knowledge nature roll.

Right, knowledge nature. Scale nature. We all do that?

No, just… 15. You think it might be the beak of a…

A strange flying creature that likes to bury its nose in cautious adventurers. A sturgeon. Ooh!

A sturge-snuzzle. A sturge-snuzzle, but it looks as though it's been treated, buffed. It looks not just a broken beak, it looks polished.

Possibly… Magic? Anyone say magic, to take magic?

GM - PB : 1:44:55 - 1:44:57

Bing! Yes.

Delor - HT : 1:44:58 - 1:45:04

Ooh! You think that this is a talisman.

GM - PB : 1:45:21 - 1:45:25

So… What does that mean, I hear you say?

Kiri - DF : 1:45:26 - 1:45:29

Cultism? Okay.

GM - PB : 1:45:35 - 1:45:53

A talisman is a magical charm, gemstone or other small object that you can affix to arm, shield or weapon. Each talisman holds a sliver of combat knowledge or magical energy that can be unleashed for a momentary boost of power or enhanced ability.

Delor - HT : 1:45:54 - 1:45:58

Many talismans can be activated as a free action, when you use a particular action or activity.

GM - PB : 1:46:00 - 1:46:22

A talisman is a consumable item and has the talisman tricked. You must be wielding or wearing an item to activate a talisman attached to it. Once activated, the talisman burns out permanently, usually crumbling away into fine dust.

You need to… In order to affix a talisman, you need to use the affix a talisman activity.

Delor - HT : 1:46:27 - 1:46:42

Takes ten minutes. So you alter a talisman to something and then an effect happens. I don't know what sort of a talisman it is in form.

GM - PB : 1:46:44 - 1:46:48

You think that it would be attached to a…

Delor - HT : 1:46:52 - 1:46:58

Weapon. Yeah, a weapon. And possibly do bleed or something, I don't know.

Kiri - DF : 1:47:00 - 1:47:05

Can I use my knowledge arcade to say what sort of talisman it might be?

GM - PB : 1:47:12 - 1:47:14

How do you identify magic?

Kiri - DF : 1:47:15 - 1:47:19

I think at the moment I can just know that it's magic.

Delor - HT : 1:47:19 - 1:47:35

Yeah, you just know it's magic. You know it's magic, you know it's a talisman and you think that you… If you were to do the affix a talisman activity to…

Which you need a repair kit for, you must have a repair kit apparently. Oh.

Tazre - TE : 1:47:36 - 1:47:39

Which I suspect none of us have got. Yeah.

Delor - HT : 1:47:41 - 1:47:50

However, if there's going to be a place for things like repair kits, the armoury might be one of them. I gave you a list of everything that was in the armoury. Unfortunately the repair kit isn't on.

GM - PB : 1:47:51 - 1:47:59

No. Yeah, so you need a repair kit and you can attach it to an item and it…

Kiri - DF : 1:48:02 - 1:48:18

But you did tell us that all the way back where our rooms were, there was a room full of adventuring equipment. Well, we could find anything that was in the standard list. Ooh.

GM - PB : 1:48:20 - 1:48:21

I think I did, didn't I?

Kiri - DF : 1:48:22 - 1:48:26

So, if we really want one, we can go all the way back there, but let's hang on a bit.

Delor - HT : 1:48:29 - 1:48:43

Actually, it's a minor one-shot magic item. Okay. But we've no idea what it is.

Is it attached to armour or weapon or…

Tazre - TE : 1:48:43 - 1:48:45

Well, it's a weapon.

Delor - HT : 1:48:46 - 1:48:47

Yeah, it's a long-pointed thing.

GM - PB : 1:48:47 - 1:48:53

You stick it on the end of a dagger carefully and then you, you know, you impale someone.

Delor - HT : 1:48:53 - 1:49:28

Stab someone with it. Yeah. And it does something.

Well, if it's a sturge, it'll probably bleed them. I mean, you could potentially put it on the end of any kind of spear or possibly even an arrow. That is true.

The idea of it being used as a ranged attack against things we know that need ranged attack, being able to do an extra big hit with it might be a good thing. It depends what the trigger is. That's a big topic.


Tazre - TE : 1:49:28 - 1:49:31

Well, we can't touch it at the moment anyway, it's academic.

Delor - HT : 1:49:33 - 1:49:39

Anyway, okay. All right. So, we found a Sturges Proboscis.

GM - PB : 1:49:39 - 1:49:45

We found a Sturges Proboscis. For the sake of argument, you can call it a bloodseeker beak.

Delor - HT : 1:49:46 - 1:49:50

Are we ready to move on, ladies and gentlemen? Just a sec.

GM - PB : 1:49:51 - 1:49:59

Dave, when you did your detect magic, you again noticed that the bloodstained cloak that Dolor is currently wearing is magic.

Delor - HT : 1:50:00 - 1:50:04

Yeah, we knew that before. We just don't know what it is and we've got no way of finding out.

Kasula - TW : 1:50:06 - 1:50:08

I was just reminding you.

Delor - HT : 1:50:12 - 1:50:58

Have I got this down as a… It should be an unidentified magic item. You should already have it.

Yeah, I've just double checked. I've got the sword. Did you say the cloak?

I only have a sword as unidentified. That's fine. Right.

Ready to open? Yep. Frost giants, everybody.

Let's fall back and pepper them.

GM - PB : 1:51:04 - 1:51:12

Right. You kick open the door. You hear sounds of fighting.

Something's spread into there.

Delor - HT : 1:51:13 - 1:51:15

Are they fighting her?

GM - PB : 1:51:15 - 1:51:16

They are.

Delor - HT : 1:51:17 - 1:51:46

Excellent. I launch myself at the nearest… What was this?

Stand back and shoot them? Are they going to leap into combat? I'm not consistent.

We know that. Right. This large recessed area sits in the floor of this enormous chamber.

A large recessed area sits in the floor of this enormous chamber. Racks containing practice blades and stands holding suits of padadama line the north and south walls.

GM - PB : 1:51:47 - 1:52:03

It's a dojo. You see Lady Durandi fighting two frost giants. Looks similar to the one that you saw earlier on, except that these…

Delor - HT : 1:52:05 - 1:52:07

Aren't sitting down and incapacitated.

GM - PB : 1:52:08 - 1:52:08


Delor - HT : 1:52:09 - 1:52:15

And there's a lady in the corner as well fighting two black orcs.

GM - PB : 1:52:17 - 1:52:20

Right. So…

Delor - HT : 1:52:23 - 1:52:33

Event or… So we're going to have an encounter. An initiative sounds like a good start.

Kiri - DF : 1:52:36 - 1:52:59

These are not the full-sized frost giants, are they?

GM - PB : 1:53:00 - 1:53:03

No, these are smaller frost giants, I think.

Delor - HT : 1:53:18 - 1:53:25

Why did she really roll a 39? Yeah. Goodness, she's quite good then.

Kiri - DF : 1:53:25 - 1:53:30

Why is my initiative perception less than my perception perception?

Delor - HT : 1:53:32 - 1:53:41

Good question. Because you might have a penalty somewhere. And your perception could actually have training.

Tazre - TE : 1:53:42 - 1:53:44

Or boosts because of something.

Kiri - DF : 1:53:45 - 1:53:48

So my perception's got training, but my initiative perception doesn't.

Tazre - TE : 1:53:49 - 1:53:52

Or you've got a penalty for some reason. Hmm.

Delor - HT : 1:53:59 - 1:54:01

Both of mine are plus 5, so…

Tazre - TE : 1:54:05 - 1:54:21

Yeah, well, there you go.

Kiri - DF : 1:54:29 - 1:54:33

I thought there was a thingy, a table thing. But not to my right.

Delor - HT : 1:54:33 - 1:54:42

There will be. Once he starts the encounter. It's all building up along the top, which is quite interesting.

GM - PB : 1:54:46 - 1:54:59

Right. You burst the door open. Lady Jomandi…

Glances in your direction. And then shouts…

Delor - HT : 1:55:00 - 1:55:13

Hang on, before we go any further. I don't think I've appeared in the initiative. Did you roll your initiative?

I thought I had done. I'm not in the thing.

Tazre - TE : 1:55:14 - 1:55:15

I didn't see you roll.

Delor - HT : 1:55:16 - 1:55:28

I thought I rolled something. Odd, I rolled a freaking perception check. Yeah.

He comes to kick the wrong one. Yes.

Kasula - TW : 1:55:34 - 1:55:41

Still bat in the mind. Right. OK.

Sorry. Apologies. We're now good to go.


Delor - HT : 1:55:45 - 1:56:00

And she glances up and yells. Yells. Hang on, make sure everybody's rolled initiative.

She's very perceptive. She'd noticed someone at the back hadn't rolled initiative.

GM - PB : 1:56:01 - 1:56:08

Yeah. Oh, come on. I thought I'd rolled initiative.

Kasula - TW : 1:56:09 - 1:56:15

Yes, I knew it.

Delor - HT : 1:56:22 - 1:56:23

Before the…

Kasula - TW : 1:56:24 - 1:56:25

What do you call it?

Delor - HT : 1:56:26 - 1:56:28

Before the combat, back in the mouth.

Tazre - TE : 1:56:43 - 1:56:49

And still, Kiri's last. Yeah.

GM - PB : 1:57:11 - 1:57:15

Is that everybody? Yeah, I think so. I'm just waiting for Howard to come back.

Delor - HT : 1:57:21 - 1:57:27

How do I get the encounter thing to pop up again?

Kasula - TW : 1:57:28 - 1:57:29

I closed it.

Tazre - TE : 1:57:31 - 1:57:32

If you go to the…

Delor - HT : 1:57:35 - 1:58:03

It's in the cross swords, but I'm looking for a pop out. If you click on… I haven't tried this because I've already got it popped out.

But if you click on the cog on the cross swords, a thing comes up and there's a dialogue there which says it's called pop out on the top.

Tazre - TE : 1:58:03 - 1:58:05

No, that's probably just…

Delor - HT : 1:58:05 - 1:58:09

No, that's actually just popping out the encounter tracker settings.

GM - PB : 1:58:12 - 1:58:13

What are you off to, Tim?

Delor - HT : 1:58:16 - 1:58:24

I closed the encounter thing and I'm trying to reopen it so I can pop it out. The encounter tracker?

Tazre - TE : 1:58:25 - 1:58:26


Delor - HT : 1:58:32 - 1:58:38

Don't worry, keep moving. I'll keep pressing buttons in an attempt to find out what's going on.

GM - PB : 1:58:38 - 1:58:44

Yeah, I couldn't tell you which one to choose.

Delor - HT : 1:58:46 - 1:58:49

It might reappear if it's only a call in a minute.

GM - PB : 1:58:51 - 1:59:04

Sorry, I'm back. I'm back. So, yeah, she yells…

She takes in who you are and yells… That's their leader.

Delor - HT : 1:59:04 - 1:59:30

Get her, she says, indicating the area. Over here. The leader over here.

Yeah, she seems to indicate to the corner. These three have just entered through this door. Ah, so I thought those two blaggers are attacking her.

GM - PB : 1:59:30 - 1:59:39

You did think that. You were wrong. Gotcha.

They are sort of flanking her, leading the way.

Kasula - TW : 1:59:45 - 2:00:07

Lady Jamundi goes first. He's going to… Missed.

Tazre - TE : 2:00:09 - 2:00:10


GM - PB : 2:00:12 - 2:00:20

Well, yes and no. I don't know, is one an automatic miss?

Delor - HT : 2:00:21 - 2:00:22

Well, it says it's a hit.

GM - PB : 2:00:22 - 2:00:24

It does say it's a hit, yeah.

Kiri - DF : 2:00:25 - 2:00:29

I don't think it is. I think it has to be like…

Delor - HT : 2:00:29 - 2:00:42

It's because you've got the critical failure is X number under the target. Yeah. The whole idea of something special happening on a rolling a 20 rather than something special happening on a 1 kind of disappears.

Kiri - DF : 2:00:43 - 2:01:00

Yeah, but you do get a 20 as a special something. But I think it has to also be a success. Oh, fuck!

I hope she's friendly.

GM - PB : 2:01:04 - 2:01:09

She turns on the other one. She'd been working on that one for a while.

Tazre - TE : 2:01:17 - 2:01:24

Oh, fuck! Fuck! Sideways, she's good.


Delor - HT : 2:01:28 - 2:01:35

Did you roll critical damage then? Yeah. All right.

Because you seem to roll exactly the same dice as before.

GM - PB : 2:01:35 - 2:01:37

I know, but the previous one was critical too.

Delor - HT : 2:01:38 - 2:02:42

They're both taking exactly 34. Oh, my goodness. I might just sit here and watch because she's fucking awesome.

No, we've got to go get, kill the leader. Oh, I know what we've been instructed to do, but have you seen how fucking good she is? All right.

We should just watch in awe. Sex with a sword. In a good way as well.

Sex with a flaming sword. Oh, fuck. I think I've just wet myself.

Taking on ice giants then is perfectly reasonable. Yeah, this is basically Donal's wet dream. Oh, my God.

They haven't got a chance. We should just sit and watch. Call it out.

GM - PB : 2:02:45 - 2:02:46

Okay, the giant misses.

Delor - HT : 2:02:47 - 2:03:07

She might have reactive strike. You're not saying it's a good reaction against a critical miss? Doesn't she have reactive strike feet?

I don't know. It's very likely because I have it. And I'm very in.

So she might get to… Don't worry about it, we're moving on.

Tazre - TE : 2:03:07 - 2:03:08

Don't know.

Delor - HT : 2:03:09 - 2:03:40

I will rush the nearest. And by that I mean this guy. You move…

There's a pit between you and him. I will go here. Yep.

And can I jump into… How deep is the pit? Not very.

I will jump down into the pit and rush across the stairs.

GM - PB : 2:03:43 - 2:03:45

That's a whole boom probably to get to there.

Delor - HT : 2:03:46 - 2:04:12

I don't know. And then does it say… Overall that says 35 feet.

Can I do that hand attack? Yeah, you get one attack at the end of that. Oh, I will do my one attack.

And I will try a trip. Now, where the hell do I do trip?

GM - PB : 2:04:14 - 2:04:17

There are a bunch of bodies lying around in here as well.

Delor - HT : 2:04:17 - 2:04:27

Fantastic stuff. Do I roll a hit? I'm just trying to find out where I found trip before.

Tazre - TE : 2:04:28 - 2:04:30

I think you roll your…

GM - PB : 2:04:30 - 2:04:32

That's an athletic thing.

Delor - HT : 2:04:34 - 2:04:47

No, no. He's using a special weapon. I'm using a…

A cookery. Which has a trip function. Do I have to hit with that and then do a trip?

Tazre - TE : 2:04:47 - 2:04:48

Yeah, you have to hit with the weapon.

Delor - HT : 2:04:49 - 2:05:00

I will try to hit him with a view to tripping him up. 1423. Because you've now got a trip.

GM - PB : 2:05:04 - 2:05:06

You didn't target him, did you?

Delor - HT : 2:05:06 - 2:05:28

Oh, I didn't target him, sorry. Let me just target him. Come on.

T. Okay, he is targeted. Do I have to say damage?

No. I've now targeted him. Do I click damage?

GM - PB : 2:05:28 - 2:05:30

I think you click trip, don't you?

Delor - HT : 2:05:31 - 2:05:42

I'm trying to find trip. Can anyone see it? I don't…

I'm hunting around in the UI for my…

GM - PB : 2:05:42 - 2:05:45

You can use this weapon to trip with the athletic skill even if you don't have a free hand.

Delor - HT : 2:05:46 - 2:06:20

Oh, there. Okay, I now see it. So I just have to roll the athletics?

Yes. So that would be actions, attributes… Skills.

Skills. Yeah, athletic skill I roll now. And I'm going to roll my athletic skill here.

It's not great. It's only a 12, but it might beat it.

GM - PB : 2:06:24 - 2:06:26

What's it against? Do you remember?

Delor - HT : 2:06:27 - 2:06:37

Hang on. I will read it again. Athletic…

If you critically fail… I think it's to hit.

Tazre - TE : 2:06:40 - 2:06:41

No, that's…

Delor - HT : 2:06:43 - 2:07:25

No, actually… Sorry. I had to overcome some value, probably.

Yeah. So basically, you use this weapon to trip with the athletic skill… Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

It adds to the weapons item bonus, which is plus 9, to attack rolls as an item bonus to the athletics check, whatever that means. If you critically fail, you have to drop. Otherwise, it trips.

So my attack roll was 23. And then I… Is that my…

Do I add my athletics plus 6 to that?

Kiri - DF : 2:07:25 - 2:07:27

No. That's silly.

Delor - HT : 2:07:29 - 2:07:45

So my trip roll, which was just athletics… Yeah. When it says bonus, it's about any magical bonuses, not skill bonuses.

It's basically… It's only a 12, it's unlikely to trip.

GM - PB : 2:07:45 - 2:07:46

This is reflex DC.

Delor - HT : 2:07:47 - 2:08:01

Yeah. Reflex DC… Er…

Is… So I don't trip him, but I do damage him.

GM - PB : 2:08:01 - 2:08:03

He saw you coming. No…

Delor - HT : 2:08:04 - 2:08:12

I have to hit him to even get the effect. I have to hit him to have a chance of tripping.

Kasula - TW : 2:08:16 - 2:08:17

Er… Damage…

Delor - HT : 2:08:26 - 2:08:28

And I failed to trip.

GM - PB : 2:08:29 - 2:08:30

I'm not sure you get…

Delor - HT : 2:08:30 - 2:08:32

No ultimate effect.

GM - PB : 2:08:33 - 2:08:35

I'm not sure you get a trip and a damage.

Delor - HT : 2:08:35 - 2:08:46

In which case, he is just there. He's nearly tripped, but not quite. That's me done.

GM - PB : 2:08:49 - 2:08:55

Yeah, because it looks like trip is a separate action. A separate thing to attack.

Delor - HT : 2:08:55 - 2:09:00

Yeah. Okay, so that was definitely a trip. I was not trying to attack.

GM - PB : 2:09:00 - 2:09:08

You leap across the room, you take a wild swing at his legs, he leaps over it, ready for you. Okay, next. Tassery.

Delor - HT : 2:09:10 - 2:09:33

I take a step forward, I target the boss, and I shoot her. Right. Or not.

Or shoot your bone. Shoot your bone.

Tazre - TE : 2:09:43 - 2:09:45

Come back here, bone.

Delor - HT : 2:09:48 - 2:10:02

Try that again. 15 is probably not going to hit. Er…

No, it says I miss anyway, so…

GM - PB : 2:10:02 - 2:10:06

Yeah, you get missed. Are you going to try another shot?

Delor - HT : 2:10:07 - 2:10:13

No. I'm running out of arrows, so I'm going to use them sparingly. Okay.

GM - PB : 2:10:13 - 2:11:24

This one moves around you, and will attempt to stab you on. Okay. He stabbed you for 5 damage.

He's going to try another swipe. Er… Try to take you down.


Kasula - TW : 2:11:31 - 2:11:33

What's going on? Can't see.

Delor - HT : 2:11:43 - 2:11:47

What do you need? Is that an inspiration?

Kiri - DF : 2:11:49 - 2:11:52

No. Unless you've changed it.

Tazre - TE : 2:12:10 - 2:12:11

No, he hasn't.

GM - PB : 2:12:12 - 2:12:21

I haven't a clue how you change it. Okay. Indy starts to sing.

Delor - HT : 2:12:22 - 2:12:26

Come on, everyone. Come on. You can do it.

Kiri - DF : 2:12:29 - 2:12:30


GM - PB : 2:12:33 - 2:12:34

Good lord.

Kiri - DF : 2:12:34 - 2:12:36

Do we need to drag the thing onto ourselves?

GM - PB : 2:12:38 - 2:12:41

Er… If it hasn't already done you, as it were, then sure.

Delor - HT : 2:12:43 - 2:12:59

Yeah, I needed it. I needed to. Interestingly, she didn't…

trying to drag it over, didn't do anything.

Tazre - TE : 2:13:00 - 2:13:00


Delor - HT : 2:13:01 - 2:13:03

No, it didn't.

GM - PB : 2:13:05 - 2:13:08

What did you drag over to do that, so I could put it onto you?

Delor - HT : 2:13:08 - 2:13:20

There's an orange spell effect token. When it's in the discussion, there's a Spire Courage, and it has a spell effect Courageous Anthem. You drag that onto yourself.

Kasula - TW : 2:13:28 - 2:13:36

Oh, come on. I just want to measure a distance. I don't want a rectangle.

I don't want a ray. I want to measure a frigging distance.

Delor - HT : 2:13:39 - 2:13:54

Er… Yeah, got it. Every time I moved it near my token, I got the pop-up for Lindsay.

Ah. What?

GM - PB : 2:13:57 - 2:13:58

How do you measure distance?

Delor - HT : 2:13:59 - 2:14:06

Using the measuring tool. Yeah, but those are all… circle, cone, rectangle, ray.

Kasula - TW : 2:14:08 - 2:14:09

Isn't there just a ruler?

Delor - HT : 2:14:14 - 2:14:24

Er… Yeah, if you're on the token control, the top one, the man, then there's a measure distance further down.

GM - PB : 2:14:25 - 2:14:30

Further one down, yeah, on the man. Hang on. OK, so I have to…

Kasula - TW : 2:14:34 - 2:14:39

Er… torch, elevation…

Delor - HT : 2:14:39 - 2:14:43

No, no. Top left-hand corner. Man icon.

Tazre - TE : 2:14:44 - 2:14:44

Oh, right.

Kasula - TW : 2:14:45 - 2:14:46


Delor - HT : 2:14:54 - 2:15:27

It's 30 foot away. Excellent. Well, wanting to carry favour, what we'll start off with…

She's told us to take out the leader. Carrying favour by… Goal-hanging frost giant is not necessarily carrying favour.

I'd have to do a considerable amount of movement in order to be able to target the leader. I can target the frost giant.

GM - PB : 2:15:28 - 2:15:29

You'd have to move 15 feet.

Delor - HT : 2:15:32 - 2:15:42

Yeah, yeah, but that also, you know, puts me into… Nowhere near any of the enemies at the moment. Anyway.


Kasula - TW : 2:15:42 - 2:15:44

Let's target him.

Delor - HT : 2:15:47 - 2:17:05

Matter of self-preservation. That's OK. I'm going to…

I'm going to daze him. So… So, VC17 basic will.

Oh, well. Say, laddie. If that's the case, then…

You can still move forward a bit. Just if you stay within one square of… Kiri.

I'm still within one square of Kiri. No, but you can move forward, so you're in a better position for other things. Oh, right.

Right footstep. Move. Move, Danube.

GM - PB : 2:17:06 - 2:17:12

Are you still measuring? We need to change your measurements back to…

Delor - HT : 2:17:12 - 2:17:15

Right, there we go. So, that should be me, then.

Tazre - TE : 2:17:17 - 2:17:18

No, you didn't move.

Delor - HT : 2:17:19 - 2:17:20

I did.

Kasula - TW : 2:17:20 - 2:17:20

I moved five foot.

GM - PB : 2:17:22 - 2:17:27

Yeah, you're in two places at once, according to this. But, yeah, I… I agree.

Kasula - TW : 2:17:32 - 2:17:38

Right. Right.

GM - PB : 2:17:44 - 2:18:16

Dullor. It's wobbing time. I'm not ill, what are you doing?

You take four more points of damage.

Delor - HT : 2:18:17 - 2:18:36

Eek! This is getting painful. And the big girl hasn't even arrived yet.

And you're now going to collapse to the ground, I'm conscious. I think I am, yes. There he goes.

GM - PB : 2:18:38 - 2:18:39

Couple of quick slashes.

Delor - HT : 2:18:40 - 2:18:40


GM - PB : 2:18:41 - 2:18:41

To the ground.

Delor - HT : 2:18:42 - 2:18:46

Fortunately, it's only to zero, but that's still unpleasant.

GM - PB : 2:18:54 - 2:18:55

He's forward.

Delor - HT : 2:18:59 - 2:19:21

I slowed them around. Out of interest. What did she…

Is it her turn now, is it? Yes. Yep.

Okay. Ah, yes.

Tazre - TE : 2:19:37 - 2:19:54

Shut up, bitch.

GM - PB : 2:19:55 - 2:20:13

Let you take the swipe at Lindsay. So, she's a striking human woman with waist-length red hair, long leather coat, covering a sort of chain arm, do you reckon? And a big, wicked-looking axe.

Kasula - TW : 2:20:36 - 2:20:37


Delor - HT : 2:20:49 - 2:20:53

Okay. That wasn't possibly as bad as I thought it could have been.

Tazre - TE : 2:20:55 - 2:20:57

She was still rolling a d12 damage.

GM - PB : 2:20:58 - 2:21:02

Yeah. Okay. So, you double move to get to Lindsay, and I just chop Lindsay.

Delor - HT : 2:21:10 - 2:21:10


Kasula - TW : 2:21:13 - 2:21:15

Move. Wallop.

Tazre - TE : 2:21:57 - 2:21:57


GM - PB : 2:22:14 - 2:23:02

Critical miss. So, attack of opportunity. So, if somebody critical misses you, Howard, they get attack of opportunity, do they?

Yes. Well, it says here, the trigger is a creature within the monster's reach using a manipulate action or a move action makes a ranged attack or leaves a square during a move action. But it doesn't say about missing.

Delor - HT : 2:23:05 - 2:23:07

Okay, then we'll double check.

GM - PB : 2:23:08 - 2:23:10

Or at least for attack of opportunity, maybe we've got something else.

Delor - HT : 2:23:11 - 2:23:34

No, but he's got something. I have reactive strike as well. Yeah, no, miss, miss, isn't it?

So, if they disengage or whatever, I get attack of opportunity, but a reactive strike is where they leave a, whatever, I also have a shield block where I have a shield where I could interpose my shield and that could shatter rather than me.

GM - PB : 2:23:45 - 2:23:49

Hit. Hit by zero. The courageous Anthem made all the difference.

Tazre - TE : 2:23:50 - 2:23:51


Delor - HT : 2:23:54 - 2:23:56

Go, little songbird.

Tazre - TE : 2:23:58 - 2:24:01

Argh. Wallop.

Delor - HT : 2:24:06 - 2:24:10

Argh. Says Amiri. That will get her attention.

Kasula - TW : 2:24:14 - 2:24:14


Kiri - DF : 2:24:16 - 2:24:37

Okay. First thing I'll do is I'll bring up my protective ward. Not sure whether everyone else needs to bring the thing up or it's on them now.

Tazre - TE : 2:24:37 - 2:24:38

It's on us.

Kiri - DF : 2:24:40 - 2:24:51

That's my remainder to go. I shall pick something up. If there's something close, I'll throw it at the stupid woman.

How do I select?

GM - PB : 2:24:51 - 2:24:55

There are some bodies lying around so you can find a weapon to fling at her.

Kiri - DF : 2:24:55 - 2:24:57

Yeah. How do I select her again, target?

Delor - HT : 2:24:59 - 2:25:02

Mouse over. Press T. Ah, that's it.


Kiri - DF : 2:25:04 - 2:25:13

Right, and then I… fling something at her to the television. What do you think I should do?

GM - PB : 2:25:14 - 2:25:23

Yeah. You can choose. You can have bludgeoning or, um…

Hey, um… Possibly slashing, but…

Delor - HT : 2:25:23 - 2:25:25

No, I'll just continue with the bludgeoning.

Tazre - TE : 2:25:32 - 2:25:34

Hit. You hit?

Delor - HT : 2:25:36 - 2:25:36


Tazre - TE : 2:25:38 - 2:25:38


Delor - HT : 2:25:38 - 2:25:39

She bludgeoned.

Kiri - DF : 2:25:44 - 2:26:00

Oh, not so bad. She's done. Badly injured.

Tazre - TE : 2:26:00 - 2:26:04

Yay. Argh. Well done.

GM - PB : 2:26:42 - 2:26:44

Okay, she finishes off the frost giant.

Delor - HT : 2:26:46 - 2:26:53

You can use… She didn't need us, did she? It, um…

She was just waiting so that we could witness that.

GM - PB : 2:26:55 - 2:27:00

I suspect I may have the wrong level of character for her. Yes.

Delor - HT : 2:27:01 - 2:27:03

We were witnesses of the execution.

GM - PB : 2:27:06 - 2:27:12

She moves up to this one. And…

Delor - HT : 2:27:13 - 2:27:38

Growl at him and he falls over dead. Jeez. Oh, fuck!

If it survives that, it's a miracle. Then his head exploded.

Kiri - DF : 2:27:38 - 2:27:40

He ran away.

GM - PB : 2:27:47 - 2:28:04

Okay. That's her done. I think she's too buffed and the giants were not buffed enough.

Right, Dunlop.

Delor - HT : 2:28:06 - 2:28:10

Yeah. This is like lying on the ground going, I'm not being hurt or not at the moment.

GM - PB : 2:28:10 - 2:28:15

Are you going to spend your luck points or whatever to not die?

Delor - HT : 2:28:15 - 2:28:44

Oh, I think that's probably sensible. I've said it every single time, so let's do it now. Let's keep the tradition going once a week.

Yep. Exactly. I'm going to keep dying.

I love this dying run. I am addicted to healing potions. Okay, I'm there.

I'm desperately trying to get my healing potion out. You can't do anything. I didn't manage to get it out in time.

I must get better at that.

GM - PB : 2:28:46 - 2:28:51

You need to have some sort of device where you've got just like a strap into your arm, you know.

Delor - HT : 2:28:52 - 2:29:12

Can you not? I'm hoping that my little songbird will recognise and sneak around the back and come and get me. Anyway, I drop my bow.

Yep. I draw my rapier. Uh-huh.

Tazre - TE : 2:29:16 - 2:29:17

It's making my eyes go funny.

Delor - HT : 2:29:18 - 2:29:33

And I stab her for the tenacity of coming here and oh, and I miss her. So close. Not even vaguely close.

But now because I'm not using any, I'll stab her again.

Tazre - TE : 2:29:38 - 2:29:39

And I miss her.

GM - PB : 2:29:40 - 2:30:01

That courageous anthem is coming good. You do. That's quite good.

Delor - HT : 2:30:02 - 2:30:11

Yeah, and I think because the drop is a free action, I think I get to do a third attempt. Oh no, I will raise my shield.

Tazre - TE : 2:30:13 - 2:30:13


Delor - HT : 2:30:16 - 2:30:17

Or my bow, I should say.

Tazre - TE : 2:30:18 - 2:30:20

Yeah. All right. Go.

Kasula - TW : 2:30:33 - 2:30:34

She says.

Delor - HT : 2:30:35 - 2:31:12

She needs to renew the courageous anthem if she's going to.

Kasula - TW : 2:31:13 - 2:31:14


GM - PB : 2:31:26 - 2:31:31

How does one do that? Spellcasting.

Delor - HT : 2:31:34 - 2:31:52

Dave, how do you persist your spells? There's a thing on them somewhere. There's an action.

Explain further. Under action, I think there's a thing called sustain. And then you have to collect it.

And then I think you select. Okay.

GM - PB : 2:31:53 - 2:31:54

Assume I'm a complete idiot.

Delor - HT : 2:31:56 - 2:32:01

The. Why would we do that? Lucky guess.

Kiri - DF : 2:32:01 - 2:32:22

Because the command thing where it's got strikes, actions, inventory. And one of those should say sustain. And I think you click that to do the action.

And then you can. On the spell itself. Normally there's a sustained spell option.

Delor - HT : 2:32:22 - 2:32:26

Well, in these actions, there isn't a sustained action.

Kiri - DF : 2:32:27 - 2:32:41

But maybe you go on to it and press. My protective ward's got one which says sustained spell.

Delor - HT : 2:32:56 - 2:32:58

Oh, no, it's a cantrip. She just has to cast it again.

Tazre - TE : 2:32:59 - 2:32:59


Delor - HT : 2:33:03 - 2:33:05

Is it? Yep. Hers is a cantrip.

Tazre - TE : 2:33:06 - 2:33:07


Delor - HT : 2:33:07 - 2:33:08

So it lasts one round.

Kiri - DF : 2:33:09 - 2:33:14

That's a pretty good cantrip. It's a 60 foot area.

Delor - HT : 2:33:15 - 2:33:17

Yep. It's a.

Kasula - TW : 2:33:17 - 2:33:18

It's a bad thing, isn't it?

Tazre - TE : 2:33:18 - 2:33:19


Delor - HT : 2:33:20 - 2:33:44

They're outrageous. Remember, always kill the bard first. Yeah.

An easy, easy first win. Bards. Bards tend to be just fecking ridiculous.

So it's whenever you see a bard, you kill them. They're just. They remind me of that on Wednesday.

Kiri - DF : 2:33:45 - 2:33:47

What? Your bards?

Delor - HT : 2:33:48 - 2:34:07

Yeah. Oh, my gosh. Fucking war bards.

It used to be one of those. A lot of it depends on the game system. But when we used to play Earthborn, the worst thing you could come across was a bard.

Tazre - TE : 2:34:08 - 2:34:08


Delor - HT : 2:34:08 - 2:34:11

They could so easily fuck the party.

GM - PB : 2:34:14 - 2:34:19

Okay. She squirted some ink at Vollenmirror. Where is it?

Kiri - DF : 2:34:21 - 2:34:23

You have to drag the thing onto your character.

Delor - HT : 2:34:24 - 2:34:29

He hasn't cast. I have. Oh, right.

Yes, you have.

Kiri - DF : 2:34:31 - 2:34:34

You might want to right-tick the other old one as well.

GM - PB : 2:34:43 - 2:34:43

Let's do that.

Delor - HT : 2:34:46 - 2:35:45

Right. Well. Bitch with an axe.

We'll start off by shooting you. Shooting you with an axe? There you go.

Nineteen. That's a hit. So, damage.

Boing. And then, just because I can, why the hell not? They've annoyed me.

I'm going to hit her with a divine lance of good. Can you do that? Are you good?

Tazre - TE : 2:35:48 - 2:35:50

He's no idea.

Delor - HT : 2:35:51 - 2:36:12

Choose a name that your deity has. Ah, right. Okay.

So, no, can't be that. So, let's go back. We need to go back.

How do I go back? Go back. Select other variant.

Try that. Ah. Select other variant.

Chaos! Right.

Tazre - TE : 2:36:17 - 2:36:18


Delor - HT : 2:36:18 - 2:36:32

Oh, well. Nice try. A lance of chaos magic zooms past her ear.

Fantastic stuff. I believe that's somebody else's game, yeah?

GM - PB : 2:36:35 - 2:36:35

It is.

Delor - HT : 2:36:42 - 2:36:44

Oh, is there still one of them on? Yeah.

Kasula - TW : 2:36:50 - 2:36:52

Oh, there we go. Oh, dear.

GM - PB : 2:36:53 - 2:36:57

He's going for the bard. Taking your words to heart.

Delor - HT : 2:36:57 - 2:37:09

Nah. He's in the dip there. I know.

He's chomped Bard's legs out. But Lindsay's only little.

GM - PB : 2:37:09 - 2:37:13

Is there any sort of, like, I don't know, a foot dip or something like that?

Kasula - TW : 2:37:14 - 2:37:15

No, unfortunately, missed, so.

Tazre - TE : 2:37:25 - 2:37:26

Critical miss.

GM - PB : 2:37:33 - 2:39:18

Bitch, she says. You'll all die. She's going to take a swing at Amiri.

She's not impressed with that. All right. She then raises her axe above her head and brings it down in one mighty blow.

All right.

Tazre - TE : 2:39:43 - 2:39:44

Oh, dear.

Delor - HT : 2:39:50 - 2:39:52

That will stop the song.

GM - PB : 2:39:55 - 2:39:58

No, that was on Amiri, who did a shitload of damage.

Delor - HT : 2:40:01 - 2:40:19

Amiri can't take that much, can she? No, she can't. She didn't.

She was on zero. Less than zero, I think. And it's bleeding.

All right. She's right next to me. Everything will be okay.

The lucky bitch.

Tazre - TE : 2:40:19 - 2:40:22

Remember to harvest the organs.

Delor - HT : 2:40:25 - 2:40:26

Heal me, I love it.

GM - PB : 2:40:27 - 2:40:30

Amiri will make a roll, but she won't die this round, so we'll move on to Kiri.

Kiri - DF : 2:40:32 - 2:41:20

Okay. Kiri will sustain the spell. I think that's sustained.

And grow larger. Yep. Yep.

And… That nasty woman deserves something else thrown at her. We'll send something slashing this time.

GM - PB : 2:41:22 - 2:41:24

And that comes spitting across the room.

Kiri - DF : 2:41:26 - 2:41:29

In fact, what about using Amiri's own weapon?

Delor - HT : 2:41:33 - 2:41:45

You may not want to toss that away, because if I heal her and bring her back up, you've just thrown her sword away. We'll fight something then, anyway. If you can do that again, it'd be nice and poetic.

Tazre - TE : 2:41:46 - 2:42:02

There's a black guard out there with a sword. Yep. Come on, come on, come on, come on.

Kiri - DF : 2:42:03 - 2:42:04

Only five.

GM - PB : 2:42:11 - 2:42:17

Is she still there? Oh, yeah. Is that you, Dan?

Tazre - TE : 2:42:17 - 2:42:18


GM - PB : 2:42:19 - 2:42:21

Do you want to stop there, or do you want to finish the…

Tazre - TE : 2:42:22 - 2:42:23

Finish this.

GM - PB : 2:42:23 - 2:42:23


Tazre - TE : 2:42:23 - 2:42:27

Go on.

Delor - HT : 2:42:39 - 2:43:04

You've faded well out, Howard. For some reason, we're not getting any… You're cutting in and out.

Oh. We didn't get any sound there at all. Oh.

Right, yep. It's a bit of a back now. We're in mid-rack, so…

Stop. Ex-black guard. Yes.


Kiri - DF : 2:43:06 - 2:43:07

Only a critical hit.

Delor - HT : 2:43:08 - 2:43:13

They've all been critical hits so far. I don't think she can get anything else.

GM - PB : 2:43:16 - 2:43:16


Tazre - TE : 2:43:19 - 2:43:23

I… stab the bitch. I'll take her out.

Delor - HT : 2:43:25 - 2:43:37

Can you imagine how upset she'll be if she didn't get to kill her? For Lord Mirror. Heaven.

Come on, that must be…

Kiri - DF : 2:43:39 - 2:43:39


Delor - HT : 2:43:41 - 2:43:42

My God.

GM - PB : 2:43:42 - 2:43:43

Tazri, kill something.

Delor - HT : 2:43:44 - 2:43:45

I've killed a couple of things.

GM - PB : 2:43:46 - 2:43:47

Have you? OK.

Delor - HT : 2:43:47 - 2:43:56

Yeah. I keep shooting things to death, and I… On the first encounter, Howard knocked someone over and I came and stabbed it to death.

GM - PB : 2:43:57 - 2:44:02

I thought you were the lower end of the dice roll so far this whole…

Delor - HT : 2:44:03 - 2:44:26

Oh, no, no. I'm the… I don't charge into combat because I prefer to use my bow, but I do get there.

You're a kill stealer. That's what it is. Yeah, I am.

You're sneaking in there so you can try and steal the XP from back in the day when only the person who killed it actually got XP.

GM - PB : 2:44:26 - 2:44:28

You're the Gary Lineker of, you know…

Delor - HT : 2:44:28 - 2:44:44

Yes. But I'm also co-in favor with… Jibanji.

Yeah. Anyway, I… I am going to work on Amiri and I want to slap a heel straight on her.

GM - PB : 2:44:45 - 2:44:56

OK. You can do that and she will come round to be looking worse than aware but alive. Lady Jibanji looks around.

Find work, she says.

Kiri - DF : 2:44:58 - 2:45:07

What about your fighter in the corner? Oh, come on. Put his healing in him.

Delor - HT : 2:45:07 - 2:45:12

Shall I… I'll administer my healing potion to myself.

GM - PB : 2:45:13 - 2:45:16

Lady Jibanji goes over. Shall I put him out of his misery?

Delor - HT : 2:45:17 - 2:45:27

Yes! She might even recognize me as the guy who worked in one of her dojos. But I doubt it.

GM - PB : 2:45:27 - 2:45:29

There's too much blood to tell, really.

Delor - HT : 2:45:31 - 2:45:42

Unfortunately, most of it's yours. We're out of combat now, so… Shall I apply my own healing thing?

Assume someone did it?

GM - PB : 2:45:42 - 2:45:44

I think you're going to get a heel.

Delor - HT : 2:45:47 - 2:45:58

Hang on, I was… I want the… I don't want…

You shouldn't roll… Oh, increase. Right, OK.

Kasula - TW : 2:45:59 - 2:46:00


Delor - HT : 2:46:04 - 2:46:11

So, there we go. That should… Can we stop the spiral thing now, please, Mr. Referee?

GM - PB : 2:46:12 - 2:46:14

If I knew how to, I would.

Delor - HT : 2:46:15 - 2:47:02

Right-click on the spell. If you click the measurement control on the left-hand side, top left… 440 experience.

You'll then get a square box at the centre of the spell, which you can then delete. Just like that. Just like that.

One more encounter like that, and we're second level. One more encounter like that, without Lady Deidre, and we're dead. Lady Deidre?

I think you might be confusing Wednesday. But yes, I know exactly what you mean. So, I might get a heel, huh?

I'm trying to… I've cast this healing. I've got 12 points of freaking healing.

Shall I…

GM - PB : 2:47:03 - 2:47:04


Delor - HT : 2:47:04 - 2:47:06

Do it. Who are you trying to put it on?

GM - PB : 2:47:06 - 2:47:09

Hang on. Move closer to…

Delor - HT : 2:47:11 - 2:47:25

Delore. Kasula is… He's trying to heal himself.

You've healed yourself for 12. Undo… Right.

I've targeted Amiri, but Seren Amiri is dead.

Kasula - TW : 2:47:30 - 2:47:32

He should be dying, I think.

Delor - HT : 2:47:33 - 2:47:36

Amiri? Dead.

GM - PB : 2:47:37 - 2:47:42

Okay. Don't worry too much about that. I will figure that out in…

She's not dead.

Delor - HT : 2:47:43 - 2:47:46

Okay. Give her 12 hit points.

GM - PB : 2:47:49 - 2:48:03

I will when it becomes relevant. Right now, I'm trying to give you some treasure. Okay.

Right, so… I should go over here. Have we figured out how to swiftly give loot to the elite NPC yet?

Tazre - TE : 2:48:03 - 2:48:06

No. I keep forgetting to go and look.

Delor - HT : 2:48:06 - 2:48:32

Okay. Am I getting a heal? Oh, that looks like a heal.

Well, it's chosen the heal spell. And… It's going to work.

Kasula - TW : 2:48:34 - 2:48:41

I want… Heal versus living. Yep.

Roll healing.

Delor - HT : 2:48:41 - 2:48:51

Target me and roll healing. Target healing. Hopefully.

Please. Roll healing.

Kasula - TW : 2:48:56 - 2:49:04

There we go. So… Right.

Apply healing. How do I apply the healing?

Tazre - TE : 2:49:07 - 2:49:08

Did you target him?

Delor - HT : 2:49:09 - 2:49:52

Yeah, it's got targeted the Lord of Sanguis. I've got an apply healing button. I've just clicked apply healing.

There you go. Yeah, you have to kind of accept stuff that happens to you. Cool.

I lie there in just… In some form of euphoria. Just babbling.

God, that was good. God, that was good. Yes!

Okay. I have used half of my healing capability. So there you go.

I look up at Lady Jumanji and just go… Oh my God, that was worth it. Did you want to put identified magic items in there?

Kasula - TW : 2:49:54 - 2:49:55

Not really.

GM - PB : 2:50:06 - 2:50:13

I was just moving everything across. Was there an identified magic item?

Delor - HT : 2:50:26 - 2:50:33

That's a good question. I can't… Even on there, you can't…

You can probably edit it once you've put it on the NPC.

GM - PB : 2:50:38 - 2:50:59

I've got one other thing to put on the… I can't edit it, I don't think. Prescription unidentified.


Tazre - TE : 2:51:07 - 2:51:08

All right.

Delor - HT : 2:51:14 - 2:51:18

Well, we can divvy up the treasure and stuff next week. Yeah, you can.

GM - PB : 2:51:20 - 2:51:38

All right, guys. That… She was quite hard.

Her overhand smashed in D8 plus 12, or D12 plus 12, or something like that. I was thinking, against first-level characters, that's quite rough.

Delor - HT : 2:51:39 - 2:51:41

That's kind of an ouch moment.

Kiri - DF : 2:51:42 - 2:51:46

I remember when Paul was refereeing, all the creatures seemed really, really odd.

GM - PB : 2:51:48 - 2:51:54

Well, she was high-level, third or fourth, so… Yeah, fair enough.

Delor - HT : 2:51:55 - 2:52:18

Yeah, it's all right. You're just following in a Monday night tradition. A D12 plus 12 is generally a character killer.

Did I ever give you a winnable encounter? Rarely. No, but most monsters weren't doing…

…single-blow type…

Tazre - TE : 2:52:18 - 2:52:18


Delor - HT : 2:52:19 - 2:52:22

Yeah, the way the system works, it's almost impossible to do a one-shot.

GM - PB : 2:52:23 - 2:52:23


Delor - HT : 2:52:24 - 2:52:26

You might be incapacitated.

GM - PB : 2:52:27 - 2:53:16

I looked online for this particular fight, to see if there were any comments about it, and there was a lot of people going… So, yeah. It wasn't friendly.

But as it turned out, she didn't really help you. She was there to help you if you fucked up. She took the Giants out.

Yeah, she's always going to take the Giants out. That was her thing. She versus the Giants.

They were going to magically finish roughly at the same time she killed her. Unless, of course, she was killing you, in which case she couldn't help. But…

You took her out because you had the help from the NPCs, which you got early on. And you cured them. And you did your own stuff.

So, yeah. There's hope for you yet.

Delor - HT : 2:53:17 - 2:53:20

There is no hope for the fighter.

Kasula - TW : 2:53:20 - 2:53:21

This is the whole point.

Delor - HT : 2:53:23 - 2:53:31

There is no hope for the fighter, I assure you. I assure you, Dolor has absolutely no redeeming features.

GM - PB : 2:53:32 - 2:53:33

Or longevity.

Delor - HT : 2:53:34 - 2:53:38

Or long-term. It doesn't even appear to want it.

GM - PB : 2:53:40 - 2:53:43

How curious. I would experience more of this.

Delor - HT : 2:53:45 - 2:53:49

He is absolutely euphoric. He did just meet his God.

Kiri - DF : 2:53:51 - 2:53:52

For a short period.

Delor - HT : 2:53:53 - 2:54:16

Five seconds, maybe. How much XP have you guys got now? 840.

So, we just got 440 for that. And we need about… 160.

Yeah, 260. 160. I'm on 840 out of 1000.

Tazre - TE : 2:54:17 - 2:54:18

Yeah, so you need 160.

Delor - HT : 2:54:18 - 2:54:43

160, yep. Cool. So, another normal encounter rather than a big two…

Two giant encounter. And we are good. We're cooking on gas.

Or maybe there's a suitable plot experience for… Rescue, rescue.

GM - PB : 2:54:44 - 2:54:47

We should continue next week and see what happens.

Delor - HT : 2:54:47 - 2:55:00

I'm looking forward to actually talking to her a bit. Why the heck were you attacked like this? And who do we have to go and kill?

We have to go and thank for this.

kingmaker/session-006.1734542719.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/12/18 17:25 by tim45tenwa