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Summary 349: Freedom for Fraud! (2024-04-19)

Balancing out last week’s all-combat session, we had an all-non-combat session with plenty of roaming around doing stuff and talking with people. So much so that I surely am leaving things out here, so chime in with additions/corrections. But even your PCs clearly were surprised that there was no violence. Somehow. Not that they’re complaining.

Having made it back into Tiskos City without any ambush so far, you exchange information so you know what each other knows, although Bog doesn’t want to give details on what he saw in the lead box. Knowing that your priority is to finish your mission for Oriolandus the High Wizard of the Stygian Temple of Henotheists by bringing him that box, and that this temple devoted to the night goddesss Xentha would be open, you aim to go there. But maybe it is best to do so covertly now, so Shrett uses his Stalking sorcery on all of you and you sneak to the Temple. Shrett even makes it past the two troll-skull-helmed guards at the open doors of the temple as worshippers go in and out, but a keen-eared guard catches the sound of Bog and Boamund sneaking their way closer, and calls them out, blocking the doorway with his sword as the other guard closes the door (with Shrett inside). Bog and Boamund step forward from hiding and Boamund speaks to the guards in Safelstran, explaining (with Bog’s input) that you bring something for the High Wizard. They know of this, and so they let you in with a warning not to try any more tricks around here, which Bog gruffly rejects and gets some extra wary side-eye. You find Shrett and then the High Wizard, who sees the box, asks if it has its contents (yes, Bog says) and thanks you for completing his mission, but you say that there were complications; Fraud taken hostage. He doesn’t show much concern, saying that you’re surely talented enough to sort that out, and Bog gives him the box when he requests it. He is elated but does not open the box; tucking it securely under one arm. Then Oriolandus says he’ll own up to his side of the bargain. Finding Duke Kimiv and his retinue? He asks Bog if he knows the ghetto called the Borough of Lost Hopes (yes) and the Terminal of the Argan Argar Chain), and Bog says he knows stuff happens there at night. Indeed, Oriolandus says. But you’d never just happen to find the Terminal. He offers you choices of having one of his people lead you there, or giving you directions so you can make your own way. You choose the latter. He points its location out as being close to the walls to the west of one armament checkpoint. The Terminal looks like a shadow of a dilapidated, hemispherical building, with an apparently unguarded, broken doorway that is very dark. But to meet with important people in there you can’t just stroll in. He gives you a big lump of lead bolgs (troll coins) carved with Uz runes and Safelstran inscriptions (Boamund can read them as saying this is a pass through the Argan Argar Chain) and cautions you not to lose it. You say OK, ask a few questions about hostage rules in Tiskos, which he says are quite formal but he can’t really help you with details. So off you go. As you leave, Oriolandus happily says that you have a friend and ally in him and the Temple, now.

Bog wants to go to the Temple of Great Arkat before anything else, for some reason, but it is closed at night and you know of no secret ways in. He and Shrett do some shopping in the Drymarket near the ‘Borough and find Bog a suitable, downtrodden, diseased slave for a fair price. Bog take him away and Shrett finds some little curios at stalls that satisfy him. Boamund has retired for the night at the tavern, and Shrett joins him soon enough. Before Shrett goes to bed, he thinks over the bartender and owner: Taurin; a huge round man, late 40s, missing his left hand; left ear just a ragged hole surrounded by scar tissue. Shrett recognises him! He is from Miguel’s hometown of Ebonbriarre; but fled 14 years ago (in Shrett’s youth) because he self-taught himself to read (from curiosity), losing his ear to a Zzaburi curse and this cannot be healed. Taurin knew Miguel (and family) as a child; and Miguel knew him as a great contralto singer. But now he is an escaped Seshnelan Rokari Dronari. He built this tavern with the support of Tiskos moneylenders, and has been very successful. Shrett thinks this man over. Bog does his secret cult business and then returns before morning to get rest.

Boamund is up at breakfast first, and Ricbodo the scribe brings a message, explaining it is through another intermediary (and perhaps more), and he is acting on behalf of his Guild’s formal role as another intermediary in these kinds of sensitive negotiations (the Guild of Protocol can be hired to do these duties). The message is that the other party has Fraud safe, and wants the box for his safe return. Shrett is down at breakfast soon while Ricbodo goes outside to wait for you to discuss the message. Bog wanders down soon enough, sniffing the air for food. You eat and chat, and agree that you should pass on the message that the box is gone but is there something else that you might be able to do or provide to get Fraud back? With some extra advice on wording that, Ricbodo says it will take him a couple of hours or so for the message to work its way through tortuous channels to its recipient, then who knows how long for a response. He’ll meet you back at the tavern for lunch.

You go to the Temple of Great Arkat and meet with Father Elzemond Blackhand. He expresses regrets that Fraud is captured; he has long appreciated tales of him through correspondence with Syrr Kogag and it was great to finally meet him. But do not give up hope he says; Fraud is important and so he is valuable, so he has better chances of making it back alive somehow. Father answers some questions about how the hostage/ransom process works in Tiskos. It’s very formal and this party must be deadly serious about maintaining their privacy, which is a precious commodity in Safelster. So be careful. Shrett looks at the demon Nugget and touches his earring, confirming with the spirit there that Nugget is some sort of demon linked to Subere; assigned or otherwise linked to Father for some service or other action. Father works in the news that a visitor who you mentioned has indeed arrived here: the mysterious man “Donkey” who travels with a procession of animals. Father doesn’t speak highly of him, saying that he is from Sentanos city-state, northeast of Felster Lake. His ship was diverted by a storm into Estali city, and so he walked here. He has told Father that he follows “Arkat Beastmaster” and came to the Temple of Great Arkat to meditate on further understanding of this mask. Father is very dubious of this mask. It might just be a falsehood, or maybe it is the work of Gbaji the Deceiver, but anyway in all his studies Father has never come across mention of an “Arkat Beastmaster” or something like that. Arkat fought with and against Hykimi throughout much of his life, most famously against the Telmori wolf-people. While this Donkey carries a magical artefact called The Seven-Horned Staff of Hykim’s Echoing Revival, Father has seen no evidence that this is tied to “Arkat Beastmaster” or that this Donkey has valid evidence of existence of that “Arkat Beastmaster”. But Donkey remains here, praying and sometimes entering discussions with the members of the Temple, although all are of the opinion that he is either duped or just wrong, but probably harmless. You think about maybe coming to talk with him sometime. Bog says maybe this “Arkat Beastmaster” existed, but was killed by Gbaji and so knowledge of him lost. That’s one idea.

As you chat, Bog wanders away and the shadow-imp Nugget vanishes from Father’s person and scampers up to Bog in a quiet hallway. He whispers if Bog has visited the High Wizard and yes, he has, and Bog says a little about that, then Nugget says that he will give some advice as previously requested but in return for the price mentioned. Nugget either wants fresh blood from Bog; he is always thirsty for life-force; or a bad secret (about anything/anyone), which also is nutritious for him. Bog tells Nugget the story of Fraud’s penis being stolen on his wedding night and embellishes it heavily with a tale of how the penis still wanders off from time to time in search of demi-goddesses. Nugget is delighted to receive this delicious secret and exclaims, oh, how the other demons in the Underworld will enjoy this story, and how it will grow and grow, lengthening as a tale as it is told, and Fraud should be warned which corners of Hell that he visits, as he may encounter versions of this story of his wandering penis, itinerant member, or “the missionary”. Perhaps even a myth and heroquest will be erected from this story?

But more importantly perhaps, Nugget delivers advice he promised. It is that, when visiting Duke Kimiv, mention The Being That Knew Arkat and see where that conversation leads. Asked, Nugget says there were underground places back in Arkat’s day here in Tiskos, but whether they remain today or were just closed up is unknown, and while the common folk know of the fact that one must not dig in the ground of Tiskos city, only scholars and more informed folk know the full (but still brief) story of the Being’s precise wording; e.g. that it is in “residence” under Tiskos.

You part ways eventually. And Boamund makes a trip to the Library of Safelster, commissioning research into the history and nature of puma shamans. (The next day you do get that report from here, that no information on “Urcheth” was found) Otherwise you rest, planning to go to the ‘Borough and Terminal that night, but also awaiting news about Fraud from Ricbodo. And that news comes. Shrett is there downstairs at the tavern, not long after twilight, to receive it. The news is unexpected. Fraud is being released, and Ricbodo can lead you to where he is, outside of Tiskos to the east, in farmlands. You say to each other that this surely is a trap. So you go ready for trouble. Ricbodo leads you past fields, orchards, woods, farms and hamlets to a little gathering of farms and houses that can’t really even be called a hamlet; no crossroads, nothing special, just a few families of peasants. And he shows you a peasant’s house there. It looks normal except for one thing that Shrett notes is prominent: it’s night, but not a single hint of light emanates from within, even through the shutters or around the door, and it is silent there. He finds bootprints and shoeprints that, once he finds some appearing out of nowhere/disappearing (fliers landing/taking off), he ascribes to those abductors vs. normal peasants, and the peasant tracks do go around the house. Boamund heads straight to the door, but as he does Ricbodo stops him and says, take this guilder and touch it to the door. Boamund accepts a silver Tiskos guilder (of the Guild of Coinage), with the usual Count’s insignia on one side; but the other side is blank. Normally the Guild’s stamp (scales with a Man rune and a Trade rune)is on the other side. Boamund presses the coin in while Bog hides nearby, mace and shield ready, and Shrett lurks within line of sight of the door. There is a loud click. Boamund pulls the door, which is shut rather stiffly, wide open.

And there is Fraud Shaven! All alone. Sitting in a comfortable chair, not far from a warm hearth (whose smoke is going out a chimney, but not seen outside), holding a mug of cider in one hand and a ceramic Ralian pipe in the other. His feet are propped up on a stool and he looks perfectly well. In fact, he seems rather content as he looks your way and says aha, about time, I was wondering when you’d get here! You look around and there’s no one else inside, and the house is richly accoutred; no peasant’s home at all. There is a haunch of meat on a table that Fraud has already sampled, and various other foodstuffs, and household goods. Fraud says he wants to finish his cider, welcoming you inside, and praises the kafl leaf pipe as truly invigorating; something he has come to appreciate in his short time here. Others outside are waiting for the ambush as Boamund questions Fraud. It does seem to be him? He explains that his captors brought him here blindfolded, made it clear that trying to leave would be a Bad Thing and if he just sat tight things should sort themselves out sooner or later, and they returned now and then, cloaked and bearing things that the peasants had prepared (food, etc.). They even let him keep all of his stuff, nothing gone or messed with. Truly the treatment a noble deserves! Sure, Fraud gave it his best shot questioning them about who they are and so forth, but it became clear they were in no mood to give him information, that he was held for ransom and that’s all; it’s not a social occasion. He works in a few snide remarks as he finishes his drink and, with Shrett drawing nearer, you query him a bit more to test if he’s some imposter or illusion or something. Bog smells the nice odours wafting from within but keeps watch from concealment. No one comes. You depart the building with Fraud, and Ricbodo says that he now needs to return home, with a hasty, scared tone to his voice, and he rushes off before Shrett can say anything more to him. You look around, casting spells in search of enemies or sorceries, and find none. So you leave. And back to the Tiskos gates you are! Boamund gets an annoying delay from some guard who must have had a bad day, but you enter Tiskos, and no ambush springs inside there.

Yet something is afoot in Tiskos. There’s a sudden eruption of shouting on the busy Tiskos streets, just past the entry plaza, down one road near the Guild of Wool. Magic flares. There are cries of pain, and people of the crowded streets back off in your direction. You go that way, with Boamund leading. Two distinctive groups are facing off in unarmed combat, although with sparks of folk magic amongst them. There’s maybe two dozen people in each; none armoured. One side has obvious Air and Death and Law runes. The other are obvious Rokari peasants in basic brown garb, with few runic adornments. There are a couple of armed city guards watching sternly nearby, attended by a scribe who is talking with them and scrawling on a tablet. You think about who the first group is, but aren’t sure. Boamund steps forward and shouts for the fight to end, concerned that some innocents are being harmed, but a guard grumpily tells him to stop that. He explains then that the fight is not spontaneous but arranged with the Guard and approved by the Guild of Protocol (hence the scribe who presides), to settle a strong disagreement. The Storm Henotheists (first group, aha) are angry that a Rokari threw dung on their temple. The Rokari are angry that he got beaten. OK, this isn’t your fight The fight carries on for a little while until the guards call for it to end, and the fight suddenly stops and breaks up, seeming placated, but as that happens you’re already on your way back to the plaza and rounding a corner up the western road to the ‘Borough. You fill Fraud in on current events as you go. He fills you in on the recipes he was forced to try in the house, as no one cooked for him but they provided ingredients and recipes, and he confesses that there’s some fun in the culinary arts, right Bog? Bog didn’t hear that.

Shrett (I think) casts his Stalking spell on you again, in case those captors have a plan yet to spring, so you can get to the Terminal undisturbed. And you do! It is much as Oriolandus described. The doorway is so dark inside that only Bog can faintly see in. You look around, seeing no one lurking, and go in. It is indeed pitch black; everyone but Bog, even with their Dark Sight, is blind. And it is cold. Shrett shivers. The space within is large, Bog can tell, but its boundaries are nebulous. He feels very comfortable, especially as he sees several Uz including Great Troll guards, lots of goods, beetles, trollkin servants, Argan Argar symbols and even human traders, and more. Brakbar the Great Troll stomps up as you enter, and asks Bog his business. Bog says that he wants to do a few things, including finding a smith, and Brakbar says that his lead maul is fixed and he will have it soon now. As to meeting eminaries like Duke Kimiv here, Brakbar dissembles, is self-effacing that he’s just a guard (and a typical not-too-bright Great Troll; but Bog is no genius either), but reverses his attitude when shown that carved lump of bolgs. He says that he can take you first to the High Prophet of Halikiv (Bog perks up… what!?!), or to Duke Kimiv, or whatever. Bog chooses this Prophet.

You come across the strange space to an area that seems on one edge of it, where there are prominent symbols of Argan Argar and several of those human cultists along with Uz and their goods and beasts of burden. The High Prophet is introduced as Kurgzum Aragat, High Priest of Stygian Church of Naskorion (county to the northeast), a richly accoutred and charismatic Uzko who is calm, confident, and a smooth-talker. He welcomes Bog, asks about him, responding that he once was a Zorak Zorani too, but converted to the Stygian Church (Henotheist: Malkioni + Argan Argar). Fraud also senses familiar things as he listens: this Uzko is a Black Arkati! Bog and Kurgzum exchange stories and such, with Kurgzum telling of his journeys with the Swarm off to Dagori Inkarth, meeting Cragspider. Kurgzum explains that you’re in Wonderhome here, and Bog feels it; yes, this place isn’t Tiskos. It is the Underworld; somehow, somewhere; and he does feel at home. Bog asks about Duke Kimiv, if he’s a troll yet and what he knows about transforming between troll/human/etc., and Kurgzum changes his tone, saying you’d best ask Kimiv. [or Orkbrakt said this; I forget] He warns Bog to be delicate in dealing with Kimiv’s wife, as although she’s a Xiola Umbar High Priestess, she hates hoomanz (she won’t even speak to them), has a mean streak, and is PREGNANT! But she can be kind to Uz, even Enlo. It’s just that sometimes her pregnancy gets her extra hungry and, well, you don’t want to be around her when the munchies hit.

Conversation turns to other things and then a lurking shadow that looked like a Great Troll stomps forward with a terrifying roar. It is an Uzko, but one the size of a Great Troll (SIZ ~30 and STR to match!), wielding a wicked flanged mace and sporting a big mohawk troll haircut, among other signs of his badassedness. “I am Orkbrakt, troll champion, bodyguard of the Duke, his wife and the Prophet, and greatest Death Lord in Ralios! He orders the hoomanz to prostrate themselves or get their brains splattered all over the floor, and they do, as he curses how they disgust him and are only slightly less bad than Chaos. Bog says he agrees, although these are his friend hoomanz. Orkbrakt takes more and more of a shine to Bog, calling him “baby Bog” in a way that is very condescending but to Bog it feels like the kind of respect he’s always needed, from a fellow Zorak Zorani hero. Asked about how the Destroyer can become a mask of the Deceiver (a vision from Handra times), Orkbrakt explains that the varied “Destroyer” (troll-linked) masks of what hoomanz call Arkat (e.g., to some, Black Arkat although to other Arkati like Fraud, this is more of a Chaosbane mask; then Kingtroll, and Destroyer- Zorak Zoran) are particularly susceptible to tipping over the precipice into becoming masks of the Deceiver Gbaji. That shift could be intentional (i.e., lust for power that brings them to use Chaos) or accidental, even totally unknowning (the latter being the most tricky kind, he says). All of them are what Orkbrakt loves to kill. (He clearly is a follower of Arkat the Destroyer!) Orkbrakt clearly is becoming more and more ramped up with this talk of killing and says how he needs some violence and bloodshed soon; something to kill. In a more helpful moment, he tells Bog that there is a hidden Zorak Zoran shrine in Temple of Great Arkat, only reachable if Bog wanders the halls alone at night-time. Bog asks about how to become an Uzko, using powers of Arkat Kingtroll like Arkat himself did. He asks if Kimiv has done that, or what ways might be found to do so, and Orkbrakt doesn’t say no but doesn’t say yes either. He does, though, confide in Bog (in one of his few moments of whispering) that he has offered some Naskorion peasants (in the Zorakarkat area; the new capital) the rebirth ceremony to become trolls, but will just eat them instead! So funny! Bog agrees wholeheartedly, and appreciates this sharing of a secret with him. Orkbrakt then rages off into some mysterious side-passage or something, and is not seen again, although his bellows of mad fury are heard for a while.

Bog asks Brakbar about getting a smith to repair his armour and Brakbar again both dissembles and is confused, ponders this, and says the best thing is to ask someone important. Maybe the High Prophet, maybe Orkbrakt when he returns sometime, or maybe Duke Kimiv? Bog does get his repaired maul back. Bog says it’s time to go to Kimiv, so off you go. By now, Fraud is trying to suppress serious grumbling about how he, in one night, has gone from proper treatment of a Talar of Pithdaros to being treated almost as bad as a trollkin. And he likes to think of himself as a troll-friend! No Syrr Kogag, these Uz. Not at all.

Anyway, you come before the Duke in another pocket of the Terminal/Wonderhome. There is a big group of guards (hoomanz and Uz) and courtiers-as-such, hangers-on, Argan Argar merchants, and then the Duke himself. A man of imposing bearing, with a Darkness rune standing out in his forehead, and wearing luxurious dark clothes and gorgeously designed lead armour. And so you are meeting another of Ralios’s greatest leaders; your second one (after the Count of Tiskos) and arguably third for Bog (Alangelia would be that one). Near Duke Kimiv, attended by many trollkin, is a frightful Uz woman, visibly pregnant, and with a nasty-looking creepy Dehori demon always looming just behind and over her as if her shadow had come to “life” and haunted her. This must be the Duke’s wife, and you’re told she is Sostale Maneater, with the Dehori called Grimgripper. But she does not join in conversation, or even pay you any notice. Brakbar orders all of you down on your knees once your turn comes to speak with the Duke, and so you do. He looks you over in a long period of silence. Then he addresses not Bog but Boamund, asking about your business and such. Boamund tells your standard tale of the Boat Planet, but Kimiv is so very interested, full of questions (he knew of the event but was not there), that the tale goes on for long, although even some Uz turn to listen and make positive Uz-noises. Kimiv thanks Boamund for the story and says that he too has travelled many places (he does have the feel of a heroquester; and Boamund has that third eye feeling that he is some sort of illuminated mystic, whereas Fraud is sure that he’s an Arkati, probably of the Kingtroll (~Destroyer, to some) mask.

Boamund(?) mentions Urcheth and Kimiv says that he (and Orkbrakt et al.) have indeed heard this name and know of it as a new Chaos god of some sort. GM addition I forgot: Kimiv brings up something extra he knows about Urcheth that you didn’t know. Urcheth is manifesting as many “tentacles”, they say. One has caught Kimiv’s interest, because it is in the east of Ralios (the lands of Karia, very close to Dorastor); not that far from Naskorion. A shaman and high priest, probably of this Urcheth, named Hezel Darong has come there somehow from Pamaltela(! That’s far!) and has been encountered accompanied by big nasty monsters that the local Chaos-fighters of East Ralios (barbarians) have no prior knowledge of.

Bog is looking around the area by the Duke when his Darksight latches onto something atop a chewed-stone pedestal. It’s the lead box! Or something just like it! He points it out to the Duke and says that you got it for the Stygian Temple of Henotheists. He blurts that before Boamund or anyone can stop him; now having broken his promise to the High Wizard. Kimiv inscrutably says that you must be mistaking this box for another one. So are there multiple ones, or is Kimiv lying?

His tales, which include mention of his visit with Cragspider the Firewitch of Dagori Inkarth (Kurgzum had been there with him too; and the others), remind you of stories you’d heard about almost 1 year ago. In Dark Season of 1624, Duke Kimiv of the Safelster county of Naskorion was wed in a ritual that took place in utter darkness. Those few men who were invited had to crawl on their hands and knees to find their place. It is said that he married a powerful troll-wife. He has been successful in seeking alliance with the trolls of Halikiv, and recently financed the construction of Zorakarkat, a temple-fort dedicated to the Chaos-killer. The Duke is a known member of the Argan Argar Chain, and actively makes arrangements for the great insect caravans to cross between Halikiv and Guhan. That Chain did a (in)famous mass caravan from Ralios (and Guhan) to Halikiv and then (over/through the towering Rockwood mountains!) into Dragon Pass, possibly connecting to Dagori Inkarth – the event was called The Swarm, and caused much of a ruckuss around the West.

Kimiv more stiffly, unpleasantly addresses Bog eventually, but ignores Shrett. Bog drops strong clues about “The Being Who Knew Arkat” throughout their conversation, and the Duke grows more and more interested in this, then says that “some people would find information about that Being to be highly valuable.” And “There were buildings under Tiskos City in Arkat’s time; that much I know to be true. And I suspect that some remain. Finding them is the great mystery, which should lead to The Being Who Knew Arkat. He returns to talking with Boamund and asks what your route is, to which Boamund replies that it depends on what you’ve learned in Tiskos next, but that you eventually would head south into Daran County. You also say that you might go to the Night Gorge in search of the Night Dragon, and there is a raised eyebrow of recognition from the Duke, who responds discursively that there are lots of tales of that creature in the West. (In retrospect later, some of you might wonder, if he met Cragspider, did he meet her “pet” the Black Dragon? Probably?) And you say that you aim to join the war against Seshnela (currently fiercest in Daran County, very close to the capital of Wolfblood, which has never fallen to a siege in all its centuries since Arkat made it with mortar from Telmori blood!). He doesn’t show a lot of of interest in that war, and maybe that makes sense since his county is far away and they’re part of no allegiance out here. You say you seek allies, and he doesn’t say much positive, but continues the questioning about your plans and finally says that you’ll surely return to Tiskos City later, and when you do you’ll visit him here, and then you will do a worthy task. Bog wants some Xiola Umbar magic from Kimiv’s wife and he says that such rewards and more might come from a task that he’d find worthy of you doing.

You leave Kimiv, left with the impression that he is a vainglorious, powerhungry fanatic, and doesn’t care that anyone notices that, because he is of great power in many ways; and that power looks like it is growing. If he does indeed have aspirations to incarnate Arkat Kingtroll as one of the five prophesized masks of the Third Age, he’s well on his way. But does he have competition? He’s a hooman. Uz might think they’re more deserving of the title? Oh well, probably not your business. If you can firm him up as some kind of ally, he might be immensely helpful. You then leave the Terminal, and everyone but Bog goes back to the Dumped Barrel Inn to rest, but Bog wants to back inside. He tries to find a smith, but has no luck. He does something else… (John forgot) then leaves and rests.

The next morning, you meet to plan your next move. Boamund will commission the Library again, researching the Night Gorge. Unless that turns up major revelations, as you need to know where it is in order to go there (“near Hrelar Amali” is still too vague, especially as that’s a warzone area under heavy Seshnelan control), you plan to leave Tiskos in 1-2 days and head southwards. You do have some smaller things you could do, maybe, in Estali city but you’d rather move on to new places. To the various city-states along the Jrimb River: Gamol, then Mios, and Lartuli, and searching for clues about that missing Book or the Wanderer and so forth. The major settlements are not far apart so it should be easy even to visit multiple ones in one day. But you’re aware that time is short. In <3 weeks it will be Dark Season and you’d be fools to travel anything more than short distances. The weather is impossible and there are Bad Things out there; and few patrols keeping things safe. So maybe you overwinter in Dark Season. There still remains the problem that Storm Season is also tough going in Ralios, so maybe you will have to take short journeys until Sacred Time – and where you choose to spend that might be very important.

© Copyright - 2000-2024 - John Hutchinson, Tim Evans, Pete Nash, Colin Driver and Gordon Alford

giraine/summary-349.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/14 21:12 by tim45tenwa