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Summary 321: St Thosos Battle Finale, Aftermath and New Monastery part 1 (2023-06-10)

Giraine Summaries


The Church of St Thosos in the Mire continues to be beset by many seeking its downfall, and that comes. Ahappi's undine hammers at its foundations as the fire spreads within. Soon one tower falls, then the other, their ruins collapsing onto the main church and it all goes down in one roar and cloud of smoke and cinders, heard for keymiles. A cheer goes up around St Thosos, although there are many still of “good” (?) Rokari faith who are disturbed by this.

Back in town, the end is night for the Seshnelan invaders. There are merely isolated pockets of resistance and street-to-street, house-to-house battles across town as afternoon moves on. Boamund awakens back in naked, blood-soaked, confused form. He lies inside a small house. There is blood everywhere. He looks to one side to see a ravaged corpse of a man lying there; then there is a woman; then in one corner a young man; then face-down in the doorway, a little girl. His head spins with the implications. He has done Very Bad Things. This new bestial side of him is not just a means to an end to unleash his fury on Seshnelans. It is a curse. Eventually, he gets to his senses and finds a trough of water to rinse the blood off, and calls for a Dronari to help him get cleaned up, clothed again, and back into his armour with his gear, but that is quite some time.

Fraud Shaven and Orsattus have joined the battle in the streets. It is all too easy. But then Fraud hears of a situation in the Market Square: a Paragon named Soril de Melicende; the one from Aria's Well; is there with his Horali, cornered by colonists. Fraud hurries over. The mounted Paragon is in the centre of a several Horali foot soldiers, surrounded by many allied warriors. He is a moustached, ginger-bearded man in fine iron lamellar armour, whose iron kite shield displays a red lion crushing a black serpent underfoot. This symbol's irony is not lost to Fraud. His helm is styled like a snarling lion's head, and he wields a fearsome halberd, with broadsword scabbarded.

Fraud calls out a challenge: surrender or duel him. The Paragon responds, accepting the duel to the death; he will prove Seshnela's might and King Guilmarn's supremacy here and now. But he says that his men must be allowed to surrender; that they need not die today. And so they do surrender. Fraud puts his back to a building's wall and awaits the charge, calling out Soril. But the Paragon does not charge. He refuses to dismount, saying that he was challenged in this state and that is how he will fight. There is a back and forth of taunts and statements; eventually the Paragon lowers his halberd in disgust at the delay. Fraud considers using magic, even trickery, to gain an advantage. But then Fraud relents, deciding that now is the time to show his mettle and face this challenge in the open. He steps away from the wall, calling out that his duel is in the name of Inyana, who he blames Soril for the ultimate “death” of. Soril says that she was just a heathen spirit and deserved nothing less. Soril charges in, but his halberd-tip is poorly aimed, just glancing off Fraud's shoulder. Fraud, however, is more adept. He deftly steps aside, slashes to the side at Soril and knocks him off his horse, but in this act he also cuts deeply; severing Soril's arm near the shoulder, and cleaving through his iron lamellar into his chest. Soril falls dead. The onlookers cheer vigorously at this amazing duel and decisive victory. Fraud basks in the attention and profound glory. This is his moment.

The battle seems to be winding down when the sky brightens even more, and there is an almighty clashing sound, like that of many cymbals or gongs, that descends. Everyone squints up at the sky, which dimly resolves into figures that are swooping down out of the glare, starting from far above the burning Church of St-Thosos-in-the-Mire. Dozens and dozens of golden figures, feathery of wings and with great glowing eyes and mouths, dive into town, roaring in an alien tongue. Amongst them is one greater form, which sends shivers of fear through onlookers. It has the fiery golden body of a six-winged horse, bearing four heads: a man, a calf, a lion, and an eagle; rearing up to wield a flaming golden greatsword in its hooflike hands. It is a demon or angel of the Rokari: a Talanim! It bellows forth, “Behold, the coming of doom to unrepentant unbelievers that bring Error by wrecking what the Invisible God has made! In fury and indignation and trouble shall I pour out my wrath upon you, and spend death against you! Yes, there even is one amongst you that has betrayed the faith to worship a dark sea demon, and who has dared to strike at the highest of those who justly serve Makan. Let him come forth and face righteousness… Captain Ahappi Pellinoresbane.”

Ahappi guides his vast undine forth, into the open area before the church, calling out in defiance as everyone else scatters. The Talanim dives. Ahappi marshals his breath of the Night Dragon and roars forth a blast of its dark frigidity. The Talanim's blazing form vanishes into this darkness for a moment, then emerges, descending wreathed in grey shadows, its flames extinguished and its body no longer moving on its own accord. Ahappi shifts away, and the Talanim crashes down into the Church's ruins with a boom, creating a crater of ash, rubble and flesh, with bits of Talanim scattered. There is a mix of cheers, shrieks and faces frozen in horror, shock or anger. What has happened here is a matter of perspective, but like Fraud's victory, it is extremely decisive and surprisingly quick. Ahappi bellows that religious freedom has come to Giraine.

(John forgot to say: the sky-beings were defeated too, but there were many losses amongst the colonists. These beings; similar to some you faced long ago near Gothalos/Jrustela; could blind with their eyes and were unharmed by mortal weapons, so many colonists were unable to stop them, and it took the best of Ron's people to bring them down. Surely some of you helped.)

In the end, few Seshnelans escape from St. Thosos. Those that flee over the walls largely are caught by awaiting Girainois. Captain Bertramn Farsight, however, was last seen flying north high above Giraine; having left battle at the harbour.

You come into St Thosos eventually as battle turns to celebration. Ahappi hangs out for a time by the Church to revel in his glory, then goes to the harbour area to drink with sailors and tell tales. The rest of you follow the crowd, now gathering at the foot of the cliffs below the keep.

Baron Ron, now cleansed of blood and sweat and looking as regal as before the battle, calls down to the gathered surviving host from the top of the keep's cliffs, in his magically amplified voice: “It feels like many years since they came and took our land from us. It feels like thousands have died because of them. It feels like we can never recover from the wounds we've suffered. None of this is true! Giraine is ours now, King Guilmarn will have to content himself with sending his people to die against the rising might of Ralios. For we have shown here today that even a humble little army such as ours can stand up to the might of the so-called King of the West. His troops and wicked Zzaburi and corrupt Paragons will not set foot here again. We will rebuild, and we will turn to vanquish the last of our great enemies here, for my Lords Boamund (hesitating as he finds him in the crowd, but also as he ponders what happened with him) and Shaven have told me of the return of the Blue Vadeli and its terrors. Quail not, for our victory today will fuel that struggle, too. Let us hear what they have to say, then we begin the new era of Giraine!” Hundreds of faces turn your way.

Boamund speaks up first, having accepted Ron's spell that amplifies his voice, too. He says that now is the time for the peoples of Giraine to come back together in alliance, put aside differences, and face remaining challenges; much as Ron had said. Fraud speaks too, very passionately and eloquently, like a true Talar, that the rivers must flow free again and there is much left to be done, but now it can be. The crowd is confused by the river talk, but inspired by the message. They join in applause, with much clashing of weapons on shields.

As celebration of victory begins in St. Thosos, Ron orders some of the larders of the Seshnelans to be broken open, and ensures that those fighting have a decent meal of rice, beans, vegetables and beef, with a dessert of fresh, fine fruits, finished off with beers, wines and tea. There is much toasting, boasting, remembrance of the many fallen, and drinking and singing and dancing with music. Cheer has replaced the horrors of war, for a while, as evening approaches.

Down at the harbour, Ahappi is approached by a figure who comes down the docks, and they meet halfway along. It is Reginaldo, twin brother of Ron. He says that he saw what Ahappi has done, and thanks him, that Ahappi has done great deeds and is a good ally of Giraine. He asks what Ahappi might want in return. Ahappi considers this and says that Reggie might not like what Ahappi asks for, and Reggie says that he will consider any request, but might not be able to deliver on it. Ahappi asks if, should Serpent Harbour (which Reggie knows almost nothing of, but Ahappi explains) be threatened by Seshnela, could a new place be made for it on/near Giraine, such as by Squid Point (very close to St Thosos). Reggie admits that this is a big request with many implications, and he cannot grant it now, needing to discuss with others first. He asks if he can do something for Ahappi personally, in the meantime; such as riches, magic or power. Ahappi has no need of these from Giraine. He says that he will have a modest request tomorrow. And he tells Reggie to leave so he can celebrate, and Reggie politely does.

Baron Ronalio and Reginaldo ask you to come back to their keep and have after-dinner drinks together. In due course, Ron stands, raises his goblet and turns conversation to the future of Giraine, addressing you amongst two dozen notable guests. “I've treasured your years of loyalty, and allies you have brought us, and so much more. We have seen the darkest days of Giraine yet, together. You are our greatest heroes, and your reknown has spread across the mainland. You deserve more than loot from this war. I can offer land, housing, honourable station, or other things of greater value and prestige. To Boamund and Fraud, I say that of course you may rule Aria's Well again, but you may consider if you would like a manor and farmlands on the edge of St Thosos or elsewhere. Or, if leadership of people is a lifetime goal, we have needs of a new Talar to rebuild Humbertsville. Any of these are yours for the taking .”

Fraud says that a villa just outside St Thosos would be nice, and Ron says it shall be done. Boamund says that he accepts the offer of Talar of Humbertsville, if he can discuss it with his wife Cyroosta, who is there. They have a brief conversation and she says that whatever he wishes will be fine. So Boamund turns back and accepts this from Ron, who says he'd hoped he would accept, that Boamund was his first choice, although… there are complications. Boamund has multiple commitments, such as to the Sharde clan, although Humbertsville would bring him ~2 days closer to them. So it is all good. Ron then asks, what should become of Aria's Well; it will need a new Talar and he will find one. Boamund proposes that it becomes a place where colonists and Giranois can gather together. Ron says to Shrett, what of this, might you be an emissary to aid? Shrett is caught off guard, stumbles with his words, but says that he will bring this idea to his elders. Ron says to Bog, what do you want as reward? Bog, too, is surprised, but has a quick answer-he wants to be able to eat and drink anywhere on Giraine at no cost. Ron smiles and says this shall happen that he will craft a certificate; an edict; that covers all costs - but on the condition that Bog, in return, to aid Ron's people, gives them feedback on what they could improve, as Ron knows that Uz are great gourmands. Bog loves this idea, impressed by the trust and responsibility (for a trollkin, even!). He has become a food critic-and soon, a feared one!

Ron asks Shrett what he wants, personally; he has not been forgotten. Again Shrett is not sure, but Ron says, what about this, as he pulls a necklace of amber stones from his belt-pouch. It came from a fallen Rokari Zzaburi and Ron knows that it can bless the wearer with reason. Maybe this will help Shrett's sharp, cunning, clever mind, which Ron finds reminiscent of a man he once knew named Miguel, to solve problems that he faces. (it casts a Comprehension spell once/day on wearer at no cost) Shrett accepts, but is so flustered by this that he dons it and then runs in embarrassment out of the keep and town, hurrying to find his Sottogh clanmates who have already been leaving. He speaks to Jzhurte of the Sharde, telling that there is iron to be taken back at the Church, and Jzhurte (And Groad) are pleased and will partake of some.

The party continues at the keep. There is much drinking into the night. You let your hair down.

The next day, Cyroosta calls Fraud and Boamund together into a private room. She is very serious and surprisingly deferential, especially to Boamund. It is most unlike her! She admits to Fraud that, under much duress, she helped the Rokari get rid of Inyana; “she was not of this land” and now is free; gone; somewhere else but not here, and not in this world. She says that she knows Fraud needs to be free, too, to bond with this land, who calls for him; she knows of this (Fraud had told her of Seshna Gira earlier) but cannot hear the call herself. Fraud is much angered by this, and says he cannot forgive her, and she says she knows. Boamund is more circumspect. As days pass, it is clear that Cyroosta is lost; aimless; bored. She clings to Fraud Shaven and Boamund when they are around. It is not clear what interests her anymore; not pottery even; although she does dedicate herself to basic Malkioni prayers, which seem to help her through her crisis. She tells Boamund; again all too deferentially; that moving to Humbertsville may be good for her; a new life for them and maybe a new life for her. But she says that whatever he thinks is best for Humbertsville, she accepts, “yes my Lord” and such. Hmm. This is NOT the Cyroosta you know. It is all too reminiscent of Big Ron when he was broken. But also different.

Ahappi comes to the keep and meets with Ron. He says that he comes to talk about his reward that Reggie offered, which Ron is aware of. He asks about the Harbour, and Ron says that IF this comes to pass, that there is a need for such a thing, then he would consider it, but it is fraught with difficulties and he might not be able to grant it. Ahappi then asks if a Temple to Magasta might be built in town. This, too, Ron says is a big request. The people are still afraid of sea monsters and not sure what to think of the resurgence of Waertagi on the seas, and this would be a divisive issue here. He asks if there might be something else he could grant. Ahappi says that what about a regular offering to the seas. Ron quickly agrees. Yes, this would be good. The Boat Planet has risen, the Closing is all gone, and so the seas have new power and should be respected. A seasonal offering in good faith shall happen. Ahappi is content, and leaves.

Ahappi goes to speak with the others, and you trade tales, catching up. Ahappi knows that, previously, a remnant of Brithos called Old Trade could be found in the fog where Brithos used to be, and rumour had it that one could visit Brithos on the Hero Plane from there, if one found Old Trade and knew the right ways to the Otherworld. But now Ahappi knows that the Waertagi have attached magical anchors to Brithos, and pulled it back out of the fog. This adds new uncertainty to global events, as Zzabur once again will have his attention drawn to them, and with his curse that Closed the seas seemingly broken, many will wonder if he will do anything about it. Few others know of all this, and Ahappi only speaks of some of it. Maybe though, you will have to go to Brithos someday…

You distribute your loot. Ron takes some iron as tax and such. Aym Alamyn's things go to Big Ron, too. And so on.

It is determined that Ahappi needs to stay around Giraine for a time. There is something he seems to be waiting for, too; and he shows some casual interest as to The Shadow's situation (it is at New Arv until you call for it), and you agree that Ahappi can be called to you via Fraud. You talk about big deeds that now need to be done, starting with slaying spider-things back at Good Toad Food. Ahappi goes back to the seas to enjoy himself, and spends time with the Ouori. You dedicate yourselves to settling back in; Shrett going back and forth between you and the Sottogh (he tells Elder Stargg of the prophecy from Malkion in the Court of Silence, and Stargg says that this future of Giraine with sealing the Fosnoir might be just one possible fate that comes to pass, of many others, but he will talk to the elders about it). There is no further word from the Sottogh in coming days. Nor does Boamund hear much from the Sharde. Humbertville plans are under way with Boamund's directions (TBD), and Fraud's villa is under construction, and Ron allocates some new Horali and Dronari (and non-Rokari people!) to serve you there. And Bog, yes, Bog enjoy his new status as official gourmand of Giraine, flashing his certificate where he goes. (He has secretly put a Zorak Zoran shrine in Fraud's villa cellar, too, but Fraud does not know) Aria's Well gets a new Talar (John TBD) and you give input into what should be done there.

About a week passes (BTW Shrett, you do have time to pray for Blue Moon magic back!). You are called back to St Thosos for a (semi-regular) meeting with Ron et al., to discuss the situation on Giraine. All is OK so far, although there are concerns about the Giranois (too quiet lately; reclusive again; but maintaining the truce) and of course the Vadeli and so forth. The northern settlements of Fort Mudlark and New Arv are far too vulnerable. Ron is concerned that his forces are weakened by all the fighting. He has new riches to hire mercenaries and bring settlers from afar, and refugees already are coming here, trying to escape the Hero Wars all over the world. You depart the meeting and enjoy the town-it is back to normal, and even better in some ways! The Seshnelans made infrastructural improvements, and trade on the seas largely is improved.

You are approached hastily by steersman Tordik; broad-shouldered, very hairy, tattooed, bare-chested Yggite. He is sweaty from running around trying to find someone to help, as he is very worried. He recognises you, in halting Seshnegi, as heroes that fought the Seshnelans here, and says that he, a Wolf Pirate, did too, with his Captain Askr Yellowtooth. But Captain Askr Yellowtooth has led his crew onto Asparagus Isle following portents, that there were enemies to destroy and perhaps some loot. The portent from his priest, Skarde, spoke of a holy tree that could provide power. They learned that a previously unknown, hidden, recently made Rokari “temple” is there. Askr has just led a smaller boat there to raid. Tordik had tried to talk him out of it, as he'd had dreams of a tree dripping blood that he took as bad omens, but Askr dismissed him as a coward. Now Tordik feels he must ask for help, that his Captain is headed to some kind of doom. You agree to help.

Asparagus Isle? Hmm. You'd largely forgotten about it; it is insignificant lately. For years, colonists have enjoyed harvesting its giant asparagus forests, and tolerating the stink that wafts from them (and towns' sewers), but you remember what you did there years ago (see 3 ancient emails attached… hmm indeed!). Otherwise, it is thought that there's nothing there. It's big, but covered in its forest.

Tordik takes you (Bog, Boamund, Shrett, Fraud) in his “Axe of Seas” pirate galley with a huge living wolf roped to the prow, and some slave-rowers. Bog and Shrett instinctively take to the oars. You row out of the harbour then set sail across the reefs, for a calm trip of over 2 days, arriving in afternoon. Tordik explains that you should be catching up to Askr's smaller boat. There, a small galley is beached. No one is there. A smashed rowboat also is there, tied at a small makeshift dock. Fraud rows you across in a dinghy, expertly piloting through rocks, currents and surf. You land on the mixed sand and many-hued coral-pebble beach. A trail leads up to the top of the bluff, and Boamund espies a figure; a Wolf Pirate; at the top, who then moves inland.

You follow, up a steep and slick path. There is a small wood (of real forest; not giant asparagus) atop the bluff, with a monastery (soon, you find, not a temple/church) visible behind it. A path goes through the wood; just a 2 minute walk. You hear shouts and screams from afar. There are some stumps on the edge of the woods near the monastery. It is a simple rectangular cobblestone building, with no external structures like storehouses, with waist-high dry-stone walls. There is a squat, flat-topped tower with narrow windows looming at the back of the monastery, which has just begin smoking with a fiery beacon. Short dry-stone steps lead up to the humble wooden double doors on the building's west side. The doors are inscribed with bronze inlay of a tree attended by robed figures. A robed monk; short-bearded and gaunt; lies dead, propping the doors slightly ajar with his bloody corpse. He has a sword-slash across his chest.

You enter. A spartan, wind-lashed cold stone lofty and spacious hall with worn tapestries, reliefs and murals along the sides, and a few fluttering torch sconces along there, between tall, thin, wood-shuttered windows. There are wooden shacks against the walls near the doors. The eastern end of the hall has a raised dias with a stone altar holding some gold ceremonial objects. Large inscriptions are on the wall behind the altar. There are two doors behind the altar; north and south. Three white-robed Zzaburi cower by the altar, around a body of a fourth black-robed one, where blood is pooling.

Boamund calls out to the frightened Zzaburi, what is happening here? They mutter but focus on the body, which is not moving.

A spear impales a monk to the northern door, and the spear holds the door open, showing rough stairs heading downwards.

One of you opens the door to the northern shack; on first look it seems to be a dormitory and study hall; cots, desks, documents, sundry objects.; etc. And the southern shack: a storeroom and livestock with food, bags and such, tools, and a pen for two goats and several chickens. You close the doors there.

The entry doors have Seshnelan inscriptions above them of Malkion's Laws: “1) There is only one God, the Invisible God, and Malkion and Rokar are his prophets. 2) Love that which Makan has created. 3) Do not ruin that which you love. 4) The second virtue is Loyalty: to Makan, Law, your Talar and your family.”

The altar has two books or grimoires are atop the altar, splashed with blood. It features a Law rune with the All-Seeing Eye of the Invisible God within it; but the eye is covered in blood. On the altar's near wall, inscriptions in Seshnelan read the standard Three Laws of Rokar: “Nature is unclean and fosters error. Error can be purged by observing proper caste rules. The Church must be Purest among the Pure. Heed Rokar's Laws, and Solace will be ours.”

You converse more with the monks and all they say really is that the Yggites came and were killing them, and they motion to the door to the north of the altar. Boamund goes in first, with all of you behind him. He hears loud shouts, commotion and a scream; Yggites. A spiral staircase goes downwards to the back (east end) of a 2.5m-ceilinged basement supported by six columns that are decorated with murals, as are the walls - except the far western wall, which is barren. There is a cracked sigil visible on that wall.

You keep trying magics. You gradually learn, one by one, that the magics can be cast but their energies immediately just fade away. Uh oh! Luckily there is just enough shadowed light in the cellar that Shrett can see.

Captain Askr becomes recognizable on the near side of the circle; Shrett bonks him on the head but he only sways and does not react. He is a burly, silver-haired and thick-bearded older Yggite, with yellowed, imposing wolflike teeth. He and the three other Yggites stand in a circle facing outwards, weapons at their feet, holding hands with arms raised, faces to the ceiling, mouths open, and eyes rolled back. They are not moving. A fifth Yggite sits against a column in the middle, gasping as he tries to hold back blood gushing from his belly. Faint words whisper around. They come from the open mouths without motion. Boamund investigates another. He then notices that the fifth one, with some runes and dress that make him look to be a priest (of Valind?), is now dead. One Yggite now has a leaf growing out of part of his skin. Others begin to show little fibrous patches, like bark.

Fraud keeps asking about the tree, what and why something is bound here, and why there is this shack of livestock inside not outside, and why they don't know, and they insist that they don't know. They say that Watcher Nomai, the head Zzaburi here (old man in black robes; wearing a silver pendant) commanded all these things and they obeyed. A middle-aged Zzaburi monk, portly and keeping a staff between him, the others and Fraud, does most of the talking. At one point, they just turn away from Fraud and say no more.

Fraud doesn't feel his hatred of Rokari here. They are infuriating as usual; but also somewhat pathetic. He has a fleeting moment of empathy: monks were studying in peace here, presumably. Wolf Pirates rushed in and started killing. Then you came in, very strange people yelling for answers and making commands and acting threatening. But they have few answers, and no one seems to care that their Watcher has been killed. They are desperate. They are as confused as anyone, and even more frightened. They are not fighters. And perhaps they know that their sorcery does not work here, either?

The doors and shutters slam shut above, where Fraud is trying to get answers out of the monks, to little avail. Downstairs: Whispers turn to shout in five voices, each a different language, one understandable as Seshnelan: “FREE!” Something happens to you; your skin stiffens or has rashes, you have brief vague visions, but these then stop. And you feel a new sense forming, but what is it? It is new. Boamund pulls on Captain Askr, yanking him out of the circle. He contorts and his bones snap, but he gets pulled back into the circle. The Yggites keep whispering.

A few spurs or twigs sprout out from gaps in the armour of the Yggites.

Shrett speaks out in Aldryami to the tree/whatever, offering help. But there is no reply. Was there anything there receiving his words or not?

Fraud is unnerved. He feels the doors, shutters pressing inwards, reminding him of the dark depths of the Tarinwood, which had Aldryami wrath that could lurk anywhere in there. You join him and try to set the beasts loose from the shack, but only a chicken comes out.

Shrett takes the south vs. altar door, which leads to a spiral staircase to a small platform with a large bronze brazier, lit and smoking heavily. Four small windows are at cardinal directions, but now shuttered. He looks for a way to stop the smoking brazier as the whole tower begins getting choked with dark smoke, and turns the brazier over, which may do the trick; he then heads down and the door slams tight behind him.

This weird feeling, and more discomfort of your skin, continues. You are changing.

Bog goes down to the far wall in the cellar/crypt. The cracked sigil shows a tree with four symbols around it, and ringed with strange runes: for which, somehow, he has an intuitive understanding = “Ash, Spit, Seed, Blood: with these we bind you beneath the Earth where you fell.” He is not sure how he knows these words. Aha, you think, as Bog notes this. The Rokari have indeed bound something, but what, an Aldryami tree or dryad?

Fraud takes a step downstairs then turns back as he hears squawks, bleats, crashes, thumps and then the southern/livestock shack blows open, and a THING flops and gallops out; it is a haphazard mess of two goats, several chickens, and branches and roots and leaves and thorns and spurs and bark and oh by the gods what is THAT!?!?

For next time, Friday 23 June. Keep track of your Willpower and “Understanding” for then, please. -John

© Copyright - 2000-2024 - John Hutchinson, Tim Evans, Pete Nash, Colin Driver and Gordon Alford

giraine/summary-321.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/10 12:51 by