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Summary 271: Granno Reunited; Off to the Boat Planet (2021-01-16)

Giraine Summaries


You plundered what little you could manage from The Tide of Gore before the whirlpool dragged it down, and, seeing activity on land by the Tower, you wisely opted to leave the scene; and soon were back safely in New Arv. Granno gradually stirred more, mentally, once he was on Giraine again. You rested for a day in peace and then set off for Burnt Priests' Hill.

On arrival, there was a huge crowd, the greatest of Giranois seen on Giraine in six centuries. The plateau of Burnt Priests Hill was taller, the shadows heavier, the sulphurous smells of mineral pools stronger, the incandescent glow of campfires and volcanic outlets deeper, and the many, many totems of the Giranois hum with intense magical energy all around. The crowd enclosed you as you approached, with word spreading quickly. They told you that the Pontiff had told them you were coming; it could feel its missing parts drawing near; and ceremonies had been in action for days to prepare for this great event. All of the clans hadsent their elders here, and any family able to had sent some people, and other creatures including toads aplenty and some of the Swampspiders were in attendance, too. The land echoed with booming ecstatic celebration on toadskin drums and chattering of bone rattles amidst the guttural ululations of the Giranois. And then, from the top of the plateau to the foot of its winding path to the bottom, the Pontiff of Granno; his sorb or soul; glided down, given much space by the fanatically excited people. Even the surliest elders looked on with wide grins. Silence slowly descended with him, and he reached you with arms extended, left hand making a ritual gesture and right hand reaching out supine. “To an end the bloodfeud within the Triad has come; to an end the fracture of Saint Granno. We and our children have suffered enough for the past, and brought these outsiders we called the Thralls of Granno into that suffering, and that is good. The present calls us back to our land, to our faith, and to justice, and that is better.” Boamund responded with “Who is the Stranger?” and the Pontiff replied that there was no more stranger; Boamund then reasoned that it was a chance for him to speak of your deeds and so he did, offering Granno's body to the Pontiff but the Pontiff indicated it was not to receive it.

The Pontiff gestured to the top of the plateau and slowly the crowd began moving that way, keeping a wide berth in awestruck sight of the unfolding ceremony. At the top, joined gradually by some of the elders, it led you through the scattered camps, and lurking shadows, and hellfires, and manifested ancestral spirits, and sinister demonic or monstrous guardians, to the middle of the plateau, where a simmering orange caldera casted an infernal light onto its surroundings. Around it the remains of some figures, a few still recognizable as Seshnelan soldiers or deformed undead, were staked out and slowly charring, wafting a disturbing aroma your way. Near the caldera, a crater filled with stinking mud bubbled away. The Pontiff gestured from Boamund to there, and the voice within him said “My final rest, and awakening, is yours to deliver.” The crowd was utterly silent, and cold, hellish darkness closed in all around the perimeter of the plateau-the outside world faded away, and you transitioned to the Otherworld. Boamund laid Granno gently down into the mud.

The Pontiff gracefully flew over to the mud crater and lay down as the body of Granno sank slightly into the mud, just becoming coated in popping bubbles of grey-brown mineral-rich mire. It merged with the body and the bubbling around it intensified, but the figure lay still, its features becoming less recognizable. All at once, the crowd began its cacophony of music and croaking again, and some folk broke into inspired leaping dances. You felt comfortable joining in the ritual celebration, so you gave magical energy (some of you very generously) and Bog danced tremendously, Fraud played spider-thrumming songs along with the Three-Banded-Leg spider, and Boamund sung the best croaking song he'd ever managed, while Shrett's attempt at singing along fit in well enough, and Ahappi silently watched in quasi-meditation.

Then the figure stirred; at first just a twitch, then an arm or a leg adjusted its position as if becoming reacquainted with itself, and the celebration became distracted to behold its awakening. The figure soon groped for the edges of the crater, turning and standing aloft, and the mud slid off, revealing a similar form, but back to its healthy, fleshy, human form. While still Old Pithdaran in style and features, it had other traits identifiable as Giranois, such as the squashed nose and the wide mouth with thin lips. But the eyes, including the glowing Arkat rune atop the head, blazed furiously with the power of Hell. Quickly the crowd supplicated itself in a hush as Saint Granno steps out of the crater and turns, surveying everyone with His arms wide. With furious inner heat, he burned off all the mud coating him. Then he spoke.

“My children, my blessed people of Giraine, we are cleansed of Error and ready for paradise. I return to finish what began at the time of Shattering. But I had Erred to reach this point. From the books of Yomilstor I had learned forbidden necromantic arts used to bind souls, and I used these once I defeated the Blue Vadeli with every power I could marshall, to entrap him for another Age. Here, at the end of that Age, I faced Yomil the Necromancer, Mask of the Blue Vadeli, and struck him down with the power of Loidar and the fiery blood of the land. I carried him to Chuck Em Off Point and invoked the power of Tanosh's violent Air to hurl him into Hell. And then, burdened by my Error that made me a traitor and stranger to this land, I sacrificed myself for your future at Chuck Em Off Point, too. As I descended into the waters, I thanked Deep Mother for her service to our struggle and bound her there in the depths so others would not misuse her power. Tanosh and Loidar, too, had since been sent into slumber. As I broke myself into the Triad with my final reserves of energy, the waters carried me to my Prisonne to be shriven of Error. Thus I have been. We stand on Burnt Priests' Hill, long blessed to our ancestors and always a refuge against sorcerous enemies. Here, I invoke our ancestors' ties to the Old Gods to set them free once more. Elders, as the new year dawns you will find new ways to kill our enemies. We will take bloodfeud to them like they have never seen. But all of this has come to pass because of a few outsiders who were called to aid, and heeded the call, and suffered. That indeed is good. They had been called the Thralls of Granno, fated to serve my plans in struggle against the wicked necromancers'. But we shall call them that no more. They are set free from fate. They shall tell us what they wish to be called, these heroes that have brought me home to Giraine.”

You discussed what Granno said and Boamund, nudged by Granno's mindlink to take the lead, followed Ahappi's suggestion to rename yourselves The Friends of Granno.

             "To my rescuers The Friends of Granno, I give gifts as some thanks. They may breathe in the powers of Burnt Priests' Hill and accept what boon they wish. Some may choose the blazing energy of Loidar; others the whirlwind of Tanosh's bloody violence; others the terrible ways of Deep Mother; or the bravest might gain my own secrets if they dare to peer inwards. We shall await their choice."

Bog took Loidar's power, Shrett Tanosh's, Ahappi Deep Mother's, and Fraud and Boamund bore Granno's True Self power. Granno moved off to speak privately with clan elders, clan by clan, and the ritual became one massive celebration. Shrett drank special tea and spoke with frogs, hearing of Quick Sister. Boamund had time to speak with Shoor of the Sharde : they will choose a Saviour on Waterday of Illusion week (late) in Sea Season of 1624. There will be a contest to see whom the ancestors favour. Boamund sought Jzhurte but he was not there, and Granno said that it would be up to the conservative Sharde to decide what his fate would be. Fraud enjoyed spider company. Ahappi mostly kept to himself. Bog ate a lot of cooked enemies from near the caldera, with Boamund taking a nibble and Ahappi unreservedly partaking of Seshnelan flesh. Fraud shivered at the sight and Shrett did not feel he was ready to take this Giranois step. You enjoyed a profound timeless experience with the Giranois and closest allies, then the darkness faded and the world returned. Shrett spoke with Narak outside, warning her of great danger, and she knew that, saying the Mraloti were in hiding with Sharde help. But yes, it was dangerous out there, everyone was aware and the Elders spoke of portents of terrible events to come in the new year; but also chances for justice and victory.

You returned to New Arv, as the celebration turned inward to focus on religious issues of Saint Granno for Giranois alone. And you rested and prayed for Sacred Time, helping to force back Chaos from the world. But Chaos still crept in, as it always did… the Hero Wars brought the strife it needed to do so.

A new year dawned! 1624 had come, and many people spoke of the Boat Planet prophecies. At the first dawn, Ahappi was shaken awake by a roaring voice within: “Servitude is imminent. In the web it is woven that the Shadow of the Storm shall bring the Suns to Come, the shadow that shall cloak the daytime sky. The Helldragon shall lap the blood that rains from those skies. The Firewitch shall cool her swollen belly in those rains. Bring wounds to the sky, and it shall rain. Serve and be noticed. Fail and be annihilated. Shadowy obsidian wyrm coils about seat renowned, Heavens bleed ruby rain until all drowned.” He felt the power of the Helldragon rage within: it had willed him into service to it, and was watching.

Syrr Kogag returned with allies, although you didn't see them but he spoke of them in his usual cryptic Arkati ways. The Gorakiki cult now had moved into Good Toad Food, finding allies and new enemies. They sent news that Timinits; insect folk; had come from there, too, aiding their Vadeli masters! Another reason to return to that misty land when you could. He said to Bog in private that there are ways to please his demon-god with the Black Sun's power if he too aids his friends on the coming Boat Planet quest. “There are competitors for rule of the Red Planet in the Sky.” Bog chewed on the meaning of this- the Red Planet was sometimes spoken of by Uz as having some connection to Zorak Zoran? And the Black Sun? Well, that was some mysterious idea that there was a shadow of the Sun from the good times of the Darkness, and trollkin liked that sun for not burning them in its cool shade. So that sounded just fine to him, whatever it meant. Syrr Kogag said to invite your friends Fraud and Boamund to him so Bog did.

Syrr Kogag said that an ally is coming and they should make an oath to him; that was all he'd really say but that you'd know him when he came. He said to invite Shrett along to quest into the Sky to aid the Arkati; to protect the ways of heroquesting as Arkati always did. This quest was righteous; to restore the Boat Planet as it had originally been. He alluded when asked that the Uz had plans too, and did not say he was going with you, but reminded you that Kogag was a boat-Uz so the Boat Planet was meaningful to him and them. Signs were that the quest was coming soon; certainly this season.

Ouwashilombiss gave Ahappi the Magastan quest to enter the Sky by what means he can and plunder it while proving his strength against the Sky folk and defending the Boat Planet, then return to aid the allies of the sea and lead heroes into the Underworld if he dares. She said heroes of the sea were heading into the Sky like this to re-enact battles with their Sky foes and he should be among them. The rest didn't matter; he must be glorious and strong, that was what mattered.

Bog needed urgent healing so you brought him to Fort Mudlark and he got healed.

Shrett had been training with Groad after gifting him, but soon returned for a visit. You'd heard that Wolf Pirates were roaming offshore and everyone wondered what they had been doing in these parts of the southwest coasts. Soon enough, a ship came to port. It was “The Black Frost”; a sleek war galley with black-coloured iron plates bolstering its hull and forming its ram. Its figurehead is a spar of black ice with a vaguely humanoid face, which howls with the wind and streams black frost in the wind behind it as it travels. Crewed by iron-clad Western marines, Men-of-All and Zzaburi. You visited and were invited aboad, being expected. And you met its tall, stern captain who dressed as a Zzaburi but was far more than that; skilled in the ways of warriors, too, among other things. He had a mechanical left eye that swivelled around squeakily to survey you in uncomfortable ways.

“I am Mularik Ironeye, exiled Zzaburi of the people of Dangk in Dangim province of Ralios, now sadly loyal to Seshnela, and lineal descendant of Arkat Chaosbane. I have circumnavigated the seas with the Wolf Pirates of Harrek, for whom I captain a ship, and when it suits me I am a companion to Argrath Cradlerider. Among my iron cataphracti companions you will see Sir Narib of Pithdaros, a fellow Zzaburi once in the service of ill-fated King Rikard of Malkonwal in Heortland and now likewise allied to Harrek and Argrath. We have fought around the world; feeding the flames of the Hero Wars; and return here to our homelands in time of great need and portents. Your names have arisen on multiple occasions at various ports in the West, always making an impression that you are heroes to be reckoned with, whether it is friend or foe speaking of you. And so I come to this… land… to seek allegiance, as I have learned you have talents we require. Tell me of yourselves.”

You introduced yourselves and he commented where your skills might be useful, but didn't seem easily impressed.

“Only the ignorant have missed the tales of the Boat Planet's rise as a prophecy of the Hero Wars we live amidst. A planet died at the behest of Zzabur over five centuries ago. Some saw it as evil, but we of the West knew it was a curse for the misdeeds of the Godlearners. The Curse of the Closing took decades to shatter the world. For some, the worst effect was not the denial of the open seas to men until Dormal found a way, but rather the loss of the blue planet they revered. The planet was a god, and a ship, and a man, and a star; as one they sailed the Sky River Lorion. Some call them the Sky Ship, or the Golden Ship, Anaxial, the Great Navigator, Diros, Vendeni, Waertag the Reaver, Vadel Banthisbane, Kogag Blacksail or a multitude of other names; most of which I know. And so now those that have reasons to see that blue planet rise again work together across the world. We have been brought together as part of this effort. And for each one of us, there are many opponents who are also preparing countermeasures. But they struggle against the web of Arachne Solara. We can catch them in that web with careful heroquesting; even now the threads are tightening. With success, aid from the Cosmic Dragon might be gained, from those familiar with draconic and mystical ways, as the Celestial Dragon is there in the Sky. Such aid might have far-reaching effects.”

This sounded good to you, so you agreed; he said it was no time for oaths but you could return in a day and he'd give more information. He'd been watching the sky for signs. You returned with Shrett too, who introduced himself, then Mularik explained:

“I know a myth. Waertag the Reaver was the War Boat, fourth amongst those built by ancestor Waertag at the great Pier of Sogolotha Mambrola, blessed by Aerlit and Warera; Waertagi ancestors of air and sea. When the three great floodings came, Zzabur proved his mastery over water, even Magasta, and isolated Danmalastan the Land of Logic as a continent; now safe and guarded by War Boats of Waertag the Reaver. Waertag the Reaver learned to hunt and conquer the sea dragons to make his dragonships, first and foremost the ancestral ship Waveshimmer, a true dragon of the sea. To do so, he forged a fragile agreement with the sea dragons. In the great wars of the good people against the Vadeli, Waertag the Reaver smashed the Banthites, the other naval people, whom Vadel betrayed; they were not seen again. He also beat the Helerites, folk of the rain clouds, who had stolen and enslaved dragonships to aid Vadel. Zzabur then ended the war and the Ice Age. And so the Waertagi ruled the seas in their 50 dragonships until the Imperial Age and the battle of Tanian's Victory in the year 718. Some surviving dragonships were driven ashore by the Closing and became new Sog Cities or other colonies. Some chose the hard way and plunged into Magasta's Pool to the Black Ocean. Some of the latter survived the trials in the Underworld. In the Hero Wars, the Waertagi are among those seeking to rule the seas again; Waertag the Reaver would return them to war. As for others, the Boat Planet is their sign of hope; a reversal of ill tides.”

Ahappi knew some of this myth, and other things, and said so.

“We all have our reasons for questing forth. I lead my companions to gather knowledge and power for battles that will be fought first here in the West in the name of my people and creed, then far in the East in Dragon Pass, to the aid of the one they call Argrath. I don't care about the Waertagi; indeed their purposes my run counter to mine and Harrek's in some ways. That is for me to worry on. But those I work with for greater purposes wish the Boat Planet to rise for their means, and thus so do I. I need allies with powers of Water, Darkness and Movement to counter those of the Sky and Stasis runes, among others. I don't care about your reasons for questing as long as your purposes don't cross mine. If they do, I will destroy you if I must. At some point along the quest we might part ways. Until then we must work as one when we are together. I have valuable information I will share along the way.”

Shrett and Ahappi felt they could basically trust him, but he had his own agenda and doesn't 100% trust you either; but it was still a good allegiance. You agreed to go, and Mularik said to prepare and he'd send word when the time was right to depart. It came soon enough; he sent word to return, then explained further:

“In the ruined Second Age port of Old Pasos, to the northwest of here near contested lands of the Quinpolic League, lies a magical place we must reach. The ruins were destroyed by the Closing in 1049 and are considered haunted, patrolled by local merfolk, but the people of Pasos have reclaimed many rich treasures from there. The forgotten star god Caelaca has a temple there on the coast; I know the location. She has paltry worshippers left save some of those wretched Triolini merfolk, who revere it as the lake of the sky-fields. It is thought she is a lost daughter of Lorion Sky-River and Oxbow the greater star. But Caelaca's temple serves its purpose. Few places on the right ley lines are accessible in these times, while the fat king's men run rampant over the lands of Tanisor. We will sail there to Old Pasos. I will direct you to the temple and you will clear a path for us by whatever means you deem necessary, conserving your resources for the true quest. The ruins of Old Pasos have been heavily plundered but they are still dangerous. Then we will enter the temple together so I may open the way to the Otherside. We will come to the ruined temple at an auspicious time, and the night's starlight will help us cross to the Sky realm. Yet first, we must journey. Prepare your ship. We must arrive by Godday of this Fertility Week and it will take at least two days.”

You still had plenty of time to prepare the ship, which was now repaired, and Amur and crew were ready. They would not be in the quest but would find their own way back; and you would return home some other way… And so you left New Arvonesse. Soon enough, a second Wolf Pirate ship joined you, following: the familiar Icewind, led by Frel and his odd crew of a Giant Slarge that knitted clothing and some newtling triplets. Amur easily kept up with them under a strong contrary wind.

The first day, you met a cluster of more than a dozen ships in the open ocean, surrounded by howling frigid winds: it was the Wolf Pirates! Mularik invited you to meet Harrek, warning “Harrek the White Bear is quick to anger, and when angry he kills; or worse. If he speaks to you, reply with respect. Otherwise, keep quiet.” You pulled alongside Harrek's famed ship the Ice Serpent and finally caught sight of one of the most infamous men in Glorantha: the scarred, white-bear-god-skin-wearing, muscle-bound, hairy Yggite named Harrek the Berserk, destroyer and looter of the coasts of the world. His companion the stoic Gunda the Guilty, an odd armoured warrior-maiden, was there too but said little, eying you up casually. Harrek growled, “Hmmph. You bring some new faces, Ironeye. What are they?” Ironeye replied, “Local heroes from a nearby island; perhaps they wish to make introductions.” And so you did, with Harrek adding sardonic commentary and interjections that didn't ingratiate himself to you, but he found Bog amusing and invited him to drink while the rest of you opted to return to the Shadow. Before that, Harrek et al. talked openly as if you were not there. You heard them talking of how Harrek & co. fought as mercenaries for Seshnela at Noloswal and plundered it thoroughly (Harrek gained some artifact called the Red Gold Knife). But they now were free from their contract; plundering what they wished; but running out of places to plunder. Soon enough they would move east. Harrek sought to settle old scores in Dragon Pass, and the best loot is there, he said… Mularik had to remind him gently that this Boat Planet quest was important, and would aid him in all that score-settling and loot-getting, and Harrek grumbled agreement. He clearly was bored and itching for a fight again.

Bog invoked his “Eat Anything” magic and it helped him to hold his own as Harrek had some troll-drinks brought out from the hold of the Ice Serpent and guzzled away on them quickly. He told inflated stories of your deeds and Harrek's (pissing off the top of The Block) and that made Harrek chuckle. Bog was feeling the strong effects and starting to lose his footing when Harrek finished his last drink and said it was time for him to see what playing Trollball was like, so he grabbed Bog (and showed he was intoxicated too by calling him “Gob the morokanth”, whom he'd not forget for amusing Harrek) and forcefully rolled him into a ball then threw him over onto the Shadow's deck, leaving Bog taking a few final gasping breaths before passing out. (But hey! Bog should add to his sheet “Impressed and amused Harrek the Berserk and survived drinking with him” as a heroic achievement!)

That's where we left off- a lot of exposition and plot stuff but hey you met some epic OG heroes and they didn't murder you! :) And: we're now officially in “Part III” of the campaign's trilogy. Stakes are raised a big notch. Huge events keep coming. See you Friday: where the quest begins in earnest! -John

© Copyright - 2000-2024 - John Hutchinson, Tim Evans, Pete Nash, Colin Driver and Gordon Alford

giraine/summary-271.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/10 12:51 by