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Summary 257: Ssratal and Seshnadel (2020-08-15)

Giraine Summaries

A heroquest within a heroquest? Why not!

You secured the tower compound, looting it and soon cleaning the 2 mules and 11 horses in the decepit stables, scrawled with unsettling bandit-graffiti of “beaste-maytes”. There was some loot: from Zridge's belongings 1750 silvers in widely assorted valuables (looking stolen). Also, a grave-like pit near the stable must have been where Darsykk rested and it had an unlocked chest with 2300 silver coins, mostly Seshnegi imperials. The camp in general had assorted loot (trade goods) worth another 1100 silvers but it took 2 mules to pack and carry it all out.

Wounded and tired, you opted to rest for a week to recover. Miguel used his bronze-shaping sorcery to secure the gates and you waited. But danger did not wait for you. Within 2 days, there was a shriek as a dark shape flew overhead and globbed Boamund's leg and abdomen up with adhesive spittle. It returned as Ahappi rushed to defend his friend, and was seen to be a foul Vilgar- the once-extinct reptilian Vadeli creatures that had so plagued Waertagi dragonships in past Ages. The beast kept circling warily, spitting and shrieking, but Boamund had time to break free as you prepared to fight.

A commotion came from the northeast gate and you rushed it while six bandit-skeletons came nimbly clambering over the walls; one falling down at the base inside. Miguel took his bow, multimissiled it, and shot the Vilgar as it flew past him in an attack; angering it so much that it spun back and attacked again, grabbing his leg in its jaws and soon lifting him off the ground! But he was quick to respond and, in one of his more heroic moments, took his sword and plunged it into its jaw and through its palate, sending the horror plunging back to the ground. He leapt out of its limp jaws in time to roll along the ground and minimize damage; luckily it had not flown far off the ground yet, or he'd have been hopeless. He charged to help the others. The skeletons, mostly armed with spears or sabres and heater-shields, were barely armoured at all and about as skilled as the living bandits so you made short work of them even though outnumbered at first. They did act with some cunning so you wondered, did they and the Vilgar come on their own volition or did they have a master directing them?

You returned to rest. The foes had come from the more-travelled northeast gate-path so you planned to go there later. Fraud tried chipping at the tower with a hammer and chisel but Vadeli sorceries turned these into flaccid penises! It was good that you didn't try hitting it with a precious weapon. Maybe 2 days later, Ahappi on patrol (checking stakes he'd placed under the walls) saw a giant green snake's head poke over the walls and inspect him with its huge green forked tongue. Suspecting it was the many-legged serpent you'd seen repeatedly depicted on the isle and in the tower, you approached cautiously hoping for a peaceful interaction. It did seem curious and emanated some sort of mental compulsion that perplexed you as to its real intent or feelings. It slowly entered the compound, showing its huge body whose true size was hard to gauge (and indeed, in later experiences it becomes clear that its SIZ varies day to day between 50-70ish!).

The serpent-thing moved around, interacting with you and showing strong interest in Fraud. Boamund showed your trophy of Zridge's head (which Miguel soon Preserved) and it froze, then turned and left-was it scared or upset? You were not sure but it wandered off to the northwest jungle. You were left alone for another 2 days or so, then it returned and vomited bones of four skeleton-pirates onto the inside of the northeast gate, looking none too thrilled with the experience. It soon departed. Finally, you'd had enough rest and left, too, heading down that northeast trail. By mid-morning you reached a sandy-gravelly beach on a small, hidden bay where a brownish haze sat over a certain area. Boamund's keen eyes espied a ship; a cog; amidst that haze, and a concealed rowboat on the jungle's edge. You soon recognized this was The Banthi Belly, Zridge's ship, and very warily (wisely!) you inspected it, first from a distance and then more closely. It polluted the waters around it with Vadeli-Belly sorcerous enchantments centred on the ship. Fraud tried blowing the magics away with the Fan but this only rocked the ship and pushed it further offshore. Seeing no life or motion aboard, three of you rowed over and entered (Skin of Life cast to protect you) while Ahappi watched. It was indeed empty; tracks outside suggested that the serpent-thing had come here and maybe helped rid you of the final crew?

You found maps and other documents in Zridge's chambers, near which there was a foul nest of the Vilgar atop the decks. A Vilgar nest, of carrion and dung and spittle and drool, is among the foulest things in the world, second only to a broo's lair perhaps! There was little cargo but enough to execute your plan, which you debated and agreed on-you'd set fire to the ship using Boamund's flame-wall spell and the available flammables, and let it burn here in the bay. As you watched this villainous vessel crumble to a skeleton, the serpent-thing came out of the jungle, watched, and then began a rhythmic dance across the beach. The dance was so enticing that all of you save ?Fraud were utterly compelled to take part, soon following it back into the jungle-trail and leaving your beasts behind on the beach.

Fraud followed and by afternoon you were back at the tower, where it released the trance and Miguel opened the southwest gate, which it showed interest in. It followed you out, as Boamund led you, and later he triggered a tripwire-trap that caused two stake-spears to lash at him, but they missed and he was relieved, as these could have killed him. Hidden paths led around the trap. You followed the trail beyond to a shiny black-sand beach where Boamund saw a very artfully concealed watchtower ~50m to your right on the edge of the jungle and beach, overlooking the trail entry and a hidden rowboat too. There was a tiny embayment on the ice-choked Strait here where only a small ship might be able to enter and turn about; something like the Banthi Belly could never have gone here.

Miguel snuck along the jungle's edge, bow at the ready, to inspect the tower, seeing two life source atop its platform. He made it nearby and then back to report to you, but as he prepared a bow-shot they sprung into action (a critical Perception roll!) and his target dove to cover in time to avoid a bad wound. Battle was on! You all charged the tower. They shot some firearrows at you as you closed, then as Ahappi climbed the wooden ladder up 6m to the platform's floor-opening, they dropped foul brown fruit on him, with a terrible smell that could have made a lesser man halt or even fall. But Ahappi was a great hero and climbed forth, springing atop the platform and parrying a spear-thrust as melee was joined, soon with the others forcing their way in-you now had the advantage of numbers. They fought to the bitter end with spear and shield, but no match for you even with their Star-Crossed Bandit blessings that could automatically heal small wounds to a little scar. You threw the bodies off the tower and descended, to where the serpent-thing began another dance on the beach.

This time only Fraud was entranced, and he followed it into the icy Strait! Boamund threw Skin of Life on all but Ahappi and you pursued. Boamund managed to cross the considerable distance with little trouble, and Ahappi was in his element not caring at all for the cold depths, while Fraud was kind enough to help poor sluggish Miguel along. Miguel might have otherwise frozen to death (indeed, he surely did take multiple levels of Fatigue as there was a progressive penalty to multiple rolls; but he later had time to regain these at the campfire). You reached the far side, and shivering, followed the dancing serpent into the Torrin-side Rancid Forest. It progressed far to the north until twilight then curled up by a tree. You camped in peace.

The next morning it headed off again and you followed. You came to an opening in the northwest jungle in a shallow valley. Beasts of many sorts scampered about the meadow here. The serpent led you forward where a unicorn and manticore (!! Awe all around!! None of you had seen such fantastic beasts before!) stood watching, and bowed briefly as you approached.

Manticore spoke in gruff Seshnegi: “I, Varkmot, welcome you. The Ssratal has brought you here to behold a miracle. Its meaning will be clear to you. We do not know you but you will do the right thing.” You greeted it respectfully.

The ground rumbled. Fraud was a little unnerved- Krarsht again? Nah. A stone structure rose from the ground in the quake (Miguel soon recalls he had a vision of this!): shuddering as the ground heaved and jiggled like pudding (you all stood firm), sending the beasts scattering into the jungle. Slowly, awesomely, a great square jade four-tiered structure ascended from the ground, some 40 metres on a side, dust of centuries shaking off of it as it rose. It was another twin of the fortresses of the Strait. A yawning arched gate soon was open at its base, behind the manticore and unicorn who stepped aside, watching you with unbroken stares and the Ssratal coiled up, watching too. Varkmot spoke: “It is the Seshnadel before you. Enter freely, but respect our holy goddess's home.” Aha! Seshna, Earth goddess of all these lands, had opened a new Way for you!

You entered through the carved gates, depicting Earth runes and a serpentine feminine form reaching out over the arch to a grand crowned masculine form. The broad courtyard was bare, with dark loamy soil that vibrates and ripples slightly, even though it was firm ground. Small whirlwinds blew across the courtyard, creating short-lived swirling patterns where they interacted with the rippling soil. Across the courtyard, a wide stairway of mottled serpentine stone ascended a short distance into the first tier of the Seshnadel. Here, you felt the unrealness of the boundaries between worlds. Entering that Seshnadel meant crossing into the Other Side, and a heroquest on the Hero Plane in Seshna's realm. Were you ready for this?

[it was good you had some rest!!] For Friday: big big heroquest! -John

© Copyright - 2000-2024 - John Hutchinson, Tim Evans, Pete Nash, Colin Driver and Gordon Alford

giraine/summary-257.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/10 12:51 by