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Summary 189: The Only Good Rokari... (2018-04-28)

Giraine Summaries


You headed straight south for the edge of the swamps outside New Arv; Jzhurte would wait for you there but go no further to the accursed wall-mens' city. The day's trip was uneventful and you camped, with Ahappi again visited by odd dreams. After you parted ways, he increasingly grew plagued by those dreams and a presence grew vivid within them: three red eyes that gazed wickedly upon him, and soon they appeared even in the daytime, appearing in thin air or on the surfaces of green plants. He became aware of an acrid stench growing around him, and Jzhurte communicated that the Giranois could smell this too, and it was surely Yomil's vengeance becoming a greater burden upon the bearer of the sinister book. Jhurte grimly comforted Ahappi that he would gladly destroy him if he turned undead. They discussed if the book could be hastened to Burnt Priest's Hill (closer than the Sharde clan home) for burning; Jzhurte thought it would be wiser to instead fulfill the rest of the elders' demands first, and at least kill a Zzaburi enemy (or more). The greater the deed(s), the more satisfied the elders would be-and the gentler the reprobation he'd receive, with his abandonment of his clan still so recent. Gradually, around the camp, people began to spot dying, rotting vegetation; soon the camp was moved because that and the lingering stench were too repulsive. The Giranois, too, were having strange dreams by now. Ahappi was ready to go to Burnt Priest's Hill himself if the party did not reunite soon. The curse of bearing the necromantic book clearly was strengthening.

At least no undead attacked the camp– Jzhurte said that “the enemy is fanning out, seeking us- the voices of Giraine call out in fear. But the enemy is still disorganized and thinly spread, much as their hunger for bloody vengeance grows. Their most fearsome abominations seem to be slow. We have outpaced them; some time is on our side, but not much time.”

As they travelled together, Amaurius warmed up to Boamund (it was somewhat mutual) and related some info; including that he had documents hidden away that gave vital details of - and ways to defend against- the Vadeli, who he knew struggled with the Saints and their weapons. (Amaurius did not understand that these saints are false, as Karkovoch told you):

“In the Second Age, the Godlearners; especially wizards from the great port of Arvonesse; pillaged the coastline (later called Giraine; Old Seshnegi for “barren”) of its natural life and energies. Serpents were wiped out (urged by the highest levels of nobility) and the power of Earth itself was yoked to the Seshnelan kingdom's sorceries, causing great lingering problems with agriculture and fertility of the land that more sorcerors were recruited to struggle with. Mechamagicians of the machine-god Zistor were among those foreign wizards brought to experiment with ways of fixing problems or making use of existing resources, but often caused more problems than they solved. Naturalists' surveys from after the Shattering revealed that the fauna was always since depauperate; changed to emphasize arthropods and amphibians. Birds and pterodactyls colonized soon enough, but that was it. Mammals and reptiles had been wiped out, among other species (and many spirits/daimones/essences). But the fertility of the land had recovered through volcanism and sediments washed over it in the Shattering, even though the land's nature essences were still reported as bizarre and discombobulated. The seas around Giraine have always been prosperous with life, although the Fosnoir has always had its odd cephalopod-dominated sealife since it was formed in the Shattering. It has long been speculated that the surviving natives of Giraine, the Giranois, were likewise warped by the Shattering and their long isolation, turning to ancient dark spirits whose nature is obscure, and a “Saint Granno” known to few outside of the land.”

But the weather as you hiked through the swamps grew nasty: unseasonably cold, with biting winds and stinging rain or hail. Visibility and other senses grew limited. This helped explain why Miguel suddenly broke through a thin veneer of icy ground into a muddy pit of quicksand. Despite the shocking cold damp and sucking sensation of the mire, he kept his discipline and soon Fraud Shaven helped him swim out by stretching out Boamund's spear as a lever. Miguel was miserable in the cold and damp now, but had survived a very deadly patch of quicksand.

As you neared New Arv and night closed in, you met a fresh patrol of Pithdaran mercenaries: big, strong men with good bronze gear, but clueless in these swamps and very displeased with their duty. They told a harrowing tale of how the Seshnelans/Rokari had mounted a strong assault on New Arv 3 days ago, while you were in the wood/Library, and that the attack had been repulsed at a terrible cost to both sides- the fighting was fierce. Another attack was expected in the not-too-distant future, so patrols had been stepped up and new mercenaries like them brought in. They were very pleased to be welcomed to escort you (with Amaurius as an important companion/resource) back to New Arv that night, and later met you at the Excelsi Inn to warm up and clean up and recover from the uncomfortable journey.

But as you came to New Arv, you saw the signs of the recent battle, and in particular were surprised by the extensive new graveyard outside- a problem that unsettled you, in particular. In entering New Arv, an invitation quickly came to you for an audience with Baronet Hiripetis Barapitis at his manor, so you went to that incongruously fine building for a rare meeting with the often-absent Nolosian sailor-Talar. His twin brother, the solemn widower Kristaphis, was present too, and Captain Gulos “the Scoundrel of Leplain” cast his authoritative, cunning gaze over you all as you entered; with his enigmatic Zzaburi named Ytor the Sinister as always standing behind him in quiet observance. While you were welcomed to sit on comfortable pillows in well-decorated audience chamber, the irritating sounds of servants making Nolosian “tickle-music” echoed within the superb acoustics of the room. Eventually, once you were served aperitifs and welcomed by the eccentric Baronet, talk turned to business.

The Seshnelan attack was indeed powerful and came as some surprise, but New Arv had some surprises for them, too. A section of northern wall was burnt down and is being hastily repaired. New mercenaries are being brought in, and the storm is keeping them and others in, and profiting the town by ensuring that money trades hands here in the meantime. It is bustling with activity here, you saw. Gulos was sure that the next attack would involve some sea assault along with land troops, and that would be harder to repel but he was preparing some new tricks. The graveyard outside was no concern to him; something had been digging up and eating fresh corpses but there was no time to explore the cause. The Baronet and his brother showed vague interest in the conversation, dipping in now and then, but soon once you explained your need to get Amaurius out of here, the conversation turned angry and they ushered you out, to get rid of this extra source of trouble as soon as you could. Captain Gulos made it clear he'd be happy to see the Evracian dead- he recognized him immediately. You were in no friendly place, with time pressuring you to take action, and yet the weather would make it hard to find a suitable ship to do what you needed.

Fraud and Miguel opted to go back to the Excelsi Inn, leaving Boamund to take care of the Rokari situation. It did not go well, by his estimation. He went straight to the harbour, not being the stealthy type, and as he drew near the monk suddenly stiffened up with a sharp cry. A dagger had embedded itself in its neck, with a dark substance on it and the wound. As Amaurius collapsed, Boamund gingerly withdrew the blade and tried to keep Amaurius alive. He rushed to the Excelsi Inn, with the three very anxious (but helpless) Dronari in tow, and as he entered and called for a healer the monk drew his final breath. An argument over what to do now ensued, with an agreement made that the Dronari would go with Miguel to put Amaurius in a grave site and Boamund would come to burn it. Fraud sought and found some oil in the nightmarket. The Dronari did some simple prayers for Amauris to find Solace, with short words about his kindness to them and his wise guidance through this harsh world's suffering, and then the body was burned.

The three Dronari then asked Boamund to honour his bargain with Amaurius and get them safely off the island, insisting (with blatant rudeness and disdain for him; not recognizing his Talari status or other due respect) that they now go to Seshnela where they best belonged. He agreed. Miguel offered to find a suitable ship while gathering information in town, and so he did this while the rest of you reconvened at the Inn. Before he left, a young peasant boy (a refugee) came to him with a message that “your friends” are waiting at the Ophidi Inn, so Miguel went there after getting a price (steep, but not unreasonable in these tough times; 600 silvers total to Seshnela, or a third of that to Pithdaros) to transport the Dronari to the mainland. At the Inn, he saw nine hooded figures sitting silently at one corner table and no one else of note. The boy was outside, too, and scolded him for not bringing the others (he also was not happy for not being paid riches for his help, as he expected). So Miguel returned to them, not finding much useful information in town– but he did find out that the little girl Rinda (daughter of farmer Raalwick in Aria's Well) was safely here in town, amongst peasants, and he gave some silvers to them that were gratefully received.

You all returned to the Ophidi Inn and the boy followed you inside, pestering until he got some extra silver from Boamund (but still disappointed; the greedy little brat!). At the table, the figures drew up their hoods and revealed snakes' heads! One of them hissed a welcome to “the New Froalar”, and at first Fraud was pleased and flattered for the attention from these beings-but then the ruse was revealed: the snake heads vanished and the nine figures were revealed to be simple tricksters of the “Friends of the Sinner's Saint” (St Bolongo; a very old Pithdaran cult of barely Malkioni nature). You knew them from St Thosos, with their leader the young, one-handed (but resourceful) Zefeddi having helped and hindered you in the past. He traded jabs with Fraud and others and you drank and talked, with the more meaningful conversation revolving around his offer to help you- the Friends were “bored” after having fled here from St Thosos, and they didn't like the Rokari so they could get information (or seed misinformation), get/take things, or whatever. They were no warriors or assassins; not willing to do crazy feats of daring like go back to St Thosos; but they could be helpful and you agreed to be in touch through your mutual contact Gothrim of Peelo; an albino adventurer/merchant who also had fled here from St Thosos (and was very well connected in sundry things; a schmoozer and carouser). It was a strange night and a drunken one but it lifted some spirits from the dark demise of Amaurius. Indeed, the Friends knew Aym Alamyn but did not know a way to reach him; their paths through the underbelly of Giraine's colonial society were parallel but not intersecting, it seemed.

The next day you left New Arv, receiving a little note from the Baronet inviting you to stay and “bravely die defending New Arvonesse from the invading enemy”, which Boamund angrily snickered at and tucked away in his pocket. Fortunately, the storm had ceased and the Dronari were on their way to Seshnela now, Boamund having paid their high fare (with some bitterness), so your burden was lifted. That night, you saw Ahappi's burden: you smelled the camp's stench, were reviled by the dead plant life around the camp, and could even see how the Giranois all had a disoriented look to them. Jzhurte was eager to move on, as was Ahappi- the urgency of finishing your mission to satisfy the Sharde elders had never been stronger. Furthermore, by morning-time Boamund too was having those vague dreams and the smell seemed to be coming from some of you, too. The curse of the three-eyed demonic figure was spreading, and you had one last major deed to do before you could try to end it. The plan was to make haste to the Evracian Monastery, just past the “no-man's land” to the west, and destroy it all, killing every debauched Zzaburi therein. The thought of it reinvigorated you and bonded you together, as it fit everyone's goals to get rid of this longstanding thorn in your side; there was no reason left to give them mercy.

[aside: Amaurius's end had so may ways it could have gone; but with Miguel's secret hints laid for pursuers, the way Amaurius & co slowed you down, and delays in New Arv along with the fact that it's very easy to find you there, plus some good dice rolls on Aym's team's side (or whoever did this), it was the way it went-and an interesting outcome to that little story, and for that fairly important NPC]

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giraine/summary-189.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/10 12:51 by