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Summary 177: Paths, Perils and Politics (2017-10-10)

Giraine Summaries


You convened at the resistance's camp with Jett for a night of rest before hitting the trail toward Aria's Well. Jett updated you on more news, as he had it. Big Ron had maybe 150 loyal combat-ready people; the Seshnelans might have about twice as many already, with more streaming in via St Thosos (and Squid Point)-the SW tip of Giraine was secure for them to bring forces in. Looking over the map, they didn't have a lot of geography occupied and there might be a stalemate of sorts around Humbertsville (pushing onwards thru the Gunge swamps to New Arv will be a hard slog for them); and yet even there was still uncertainty regarding the fate of Humbertsville itself. You had Jett's men, Ron's “Order of the Leopard” (Boamund's old unit of anti-Chaos Pithdaran soldiers) and some other good specialists, but Jett urged that your situation was desperate and he was concerned you'd throw your lives away meaninglessly (or get captured) on this mission, which would hurt the cause. You parted with some emotion, leaving Maugis behind to tend to traumatized local peasants and others.

Not far down the trail, you met Giranois including Vowka and Verker, who were looking for you (and often seem to be able to find you when they are!). Vowka spoke some words of support: “Thralls of Granno, now you feel what the Giranois have felt: invaders come to our lands and bring misery. We kept them away for centuries but now the invaders are invaded. But like other sorcerous wall-men they can be killed, too. My rheumy eyes see clearly enough to know that you can help. I have always known that. Together we can collect the hefty bloodprice that is due. Into the Fosnoir they will be driven; by fires they will be charred; by axe and sword they will be hewn, and we will eat what remains of them. My child has brought you something to aid you in this.” –And Verker awkwardly handed Miguel a gnarled, rune-carved bow made of bone, with Magic and Fire runes on it; and grunted “Is no betrothal!” as he turned away. Vowka explained after Miguel thanked them for it: “The bow is Loidar-touched, and Verker has blessed you to have the strength to pull it. Use it as you must.” With some practice, Miguel found it to be a remarkably powerful short bow that could conjure fire-arrows. The Giranois faded back into the swamps.

A couple more hours down the trail, you came upon a drier clearing in the swamp and Miguel saw blood and flies there; at least two people had died and their bodies slid down the slope into the waters. As he looked for the bodies, he heard a loud buzzing and saw two fly-demons congeal bodies out of fly-swarms as they emerged from dead trees. He fled back to the party and you prepared to confront them. They glided in, chasing after Shaven and Miguel while Boamund and Ahappi took cover in a wall of fire. Boamund and others took down the one on Fraud by a combination of fire-wall, fireblades and adept usage of the Foestopper Fan to temporarily disperse them or blow them into the fire. Miguel used deft manoeuvring to avoid melee with them and ultimately felled the final one with a firearrow to the head. But it was a slog, as ever; although this time no one was hurt. Closer inspection of the area showed that two bodies had not been dragged into the swamp but rather had dragged themselves with twisted limbs; yet they could not be tracked far. You left.

Around midday, a bush stood up and revealed it was Aym Alamyn, the Dark Duke of Pithdaros's agent and your periodic ally. He had a lot to say (prior email) about his view of the current status of the conflict. He took Miguel aside for some private words [an assassination mission vs. the head Rokari Reader in Humbertsville; in return for further work w/him and a special “gift”], then he slipped into the swamps with a final reminder that everyone needed to gather help to aid in the struggle.

You approached Humbertsville and found a suitable spot where Miguel said he'd like you to wait while he scouted ahead to see what things were like in/near town. He expected to need to flee back and have you as backup waiting there. But as you settled in and he looked a bit down the trail, you heard troops approaching and he caught a glimpse of about ten of them: a mounted knight with barded horse, seven spearmen, and two junior knights (scouts?) bringing up the rear. They looked alert and very dangerous so he took cover closer to you, off the trail, hoping that they would pass…

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giraine/summary-177.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/10 12:51 by