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Summary 171: Gothalos assassins (2017-06-27)

Giraine Summaries


You searched The Shadow for tradeable goodies. Ahappi sifted through Bar'ran's (Captain's) cabin and quickly found a silver telescope that Amur said Bar'ran had seldom used. With some experimenting and Amur's input, it became apparent that the device could see through non-metallic objects at up to moderate range. A handy device perhaps, but Ahappi opted for this to be the item worthy of trade to Scruff the Mostali shopkeeper. Tazo the Shipbuilder, a hulking East-Islander, smashed open a nice chest full of some valuables, so Ahappi recovered some of his former wealth. You didn't find anything else of major interest on board. Ahappi decided to remain there to get things in order. The rest of you went to Scruff's Shop.

Along the way, you espied the penguin-keet Kwo Not-Maimed following you, and kept an eye on him until he faded into the crowd. At the shop, Fraud Shaven and Miguel haggled with the Mostali in writing (he only communicates in written Tradetalk- with admirably fine penmanship). It was evident that the Mostali liked the telescope even though he noted that it was a “Second Age Jrusteli copy; inferior”. So he put up only a token resistance in trading for the map-poem, having underlined the “partake with caution” passage on its accompanying note.

You left the shop to return to the Shadow but trouble found you first. Luckily some of you spotted that trouble in time to shout a warning. Eight warped wooden men (strange Aldryami; elves) with purple-flowery hair and blackened bows manifested out of some jungle inside the walls and unleashed a hail of Befuddle spells (taking Fraud out of most of the fight) and arrows (making a pincushion of Maugis who clung valiantly to life, and was saved by deft moves from Miguel who dragged him behind a tent).

Boamund cast his fire-ring and soon was hasted by Maugis, which helped him close into melee. Miguel shot arrows to pin down some of the back-rank four elves and eventually Maugis used his Palsy spell to good effect. Boamund was pinned down by a pile of unarmed elves, biting ineffectually at his armour, but gradually you wore them down with fire-ring, brute force, Fraud joining the fight once Maugis cast Avert on his befuddlement, and Miguel's arrows. It was a terrible fight and the elves fought to the bitter end. You hurried to get the many-times-impaled Maugis back to the Shadow for treatment. Some first aid skills (most of which ended painlessly for Maugis), and Ahappi's Regenerate spell, and Maugis was on the mend some hours later.

The keet Kwo followed you, quacking about something he had to say, but you were all still Hasted and so you left him to catch up at the Shadow. There, you explained to Ahappi what had happened and then heard from Kwo, who confessed that he'd been hired to follow you and gather information, but didn't find that elven ambush to be honourable so he had terminated his contract. He gave you a tidbit of information that might be helpful, saying that “It would be a shame if the Blue Point Myrmidons found out about it” in regards to the Purple Prophets' hideout [and it was clear he knew who they were and where they were]. Asked if he'd poisoned you, he was offended and soon left with a bitter “good luck” chirp. Amur explained that the “Myrmidons” were dangerous insect-people (ant-folk; Timinits native to Jrustela) that lived in the jungles. That was as much as anyone amongst you knew.

You relayed this information back to Syrr Kogag in the aeropod soon enough, and were very ready to leave this abominable town of Gothalos!

Maugis, in particular, has had enough. Trolls, elves, dwarves, keets, even something to do with insect-men– these alien Elder Races have upset him to no end! Maybe other Malkioni are right and they are just demons; Krjalki; sent to torment men. He has gained a Passion of “Distrust Elder Races” at 51%.

© Copyright - 2000-2024 - John Hutchinson, Tim Evans, Pete Nash, Colin Driver and Gordon Alford

giraine/summary-171.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/10 12:51 by