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Summary 160: Deep Impact (2016-12-03)

Giraine Summaries

You boarded Ron's war galley The Reefraptor and rowed out into the bluewaters off the Giraine coast so you could set sail, skirting the reefs toward the northeast. Jett joined you on deck to continue discussions of your mission, as an “entourage” of Giranois/Pithdaros and Nolosian vessels assembled gradually, with the massive bulk of Duke Mulliam's war trireme dominating the group. The discussions on deck, with Jett's urging, turned toward the importance of preserving the ruins down there (for now anyway!), and that water pressure could be a danger in that regard– if you punctured the walls of a ruin they might collapse. It was clear he, on behalf of Big Ron, was worried about unfortunate outcomes from recklessness, with no subtle hints directed toward Captain Ahappi as well as your whole band. You agreed that your band of five people who could fit on the Nivla would be Boamund, Shaven, Ahappi, Maugis and Miguel; but Orsattus was on board the galley too, and would remain there.

There was an awkward reunion with Ciddar, Ahappi's former first mate, who now served the Count of Pithdaros; the “Dark Duke”, a man of great power and influence. Ciddar wasn't shy that he sought to captain his own vessel and become a Horali caste member, but had not yet achieved that. He'd been sent by the Count to see how this mission proceeded. Ahappi warned Ciddar that the sword, the Tear of St Tutrys, that he carried was cursed, that it would help him in battle especially against Chaos but that it would be his inevitable undoing. Ciddar didn't really buy that; his eyes were glittering with visions of great fortune in service to the Count. He traded barbs with Ahappi; uninterested in plumbing the depths of Arvonesse with you, which disappointed the Captain; then he sat down and enjoyed some wine while watching events unfold.

Far happier was the reunion with Omen the fish-spirit, who came to the side of the galley and spoke with you, lapping up your donations of mana and promising he'd do what he could to help if you called for him from outside the ruined city. He had come with the Ouori, who live nearby and knew of your mission; but like them, he feared the inside of that ruin and considered it forbidden.

Finally, after rest and hours of cold, rough sea voyage, you reached the edge of the reefs nearest Arvonesse where your tiny fleet had its rendezvous. You boarded a rowboat to the Nolosian trireme, got a quick look at its glory and a hasty chat with the Nolosian comrades you'd join on this mission, then you got back on the boat to board the Nivla. It was a awe-inspiring craft- a pyramid of smooth bronze, 20 meters on a side, with shining glass portholes set into its three levels and strong glass doors at the bottom of its base that yawned open to let you inside. The Nivla was being towed on its side by a strong bronze chain that was attached to a mechanical arm at the Nivla's tip.

As you clambered in, hurrying before the seas swamped the Nivla's interior, you saw the layout of this incredible ship and were even more impressed. Indeed, some of you wondered how and when this wonder had been created- no culture you knew of, even powerful Nolos's navy, could create such a thing today, right? And was it even safe? Its hull looked thin and fragile, despite being made of bronze, and it had no armaments nor did it appear seaworthy at all!

But you were eager to set off on this mission and the head Zzaburi, Cataldo, warned you that you needed to secure yourselves as the Nivla would turn over once released and then crawl across the reefs before descending toward Arvonesse. In the process, he said it would be a bumpy ride for newcomers to the Nivla. Final calls of readiness sounded out and the chain towing the Nivla was released, and like Cataldo said it pitched and yawed at the mercy of the ocean waves, then righted itself while the other Zzaburi, Marozia chanted into a speaking-tube to control the Nivla's motions. Cataldo explained that the Nivla had three mechanical legs which it would use to move along the surfaces of the reefs and seafloor. He also pointed out features of the Nivla (see the map I sent) but you were more interested in getting the mission underway.

As the Nivla crawled awkwardly over the reefs, Cataldo confessed that it had been battered in its trip from Nolos and he was concerned about its integrity. This meant that you'd all need to work together to protect it. He was sure that you'd have trouble with the sea trolls but then he wondered to you if those Uzelu [GM note: I called them Uztagor before; that is not the right name] might be smart enough to make it feasible to bargain or parley with them. Cataldo rationalized this idea with examples of how Malkioni deal with Vadeli and Uzko (trolls) deal with sea trolls; despite both of them being chaos-tainted/affiliated. You of course didn't like this idea much but you agreed that you'd see how things went, and he too noted that chances of this peace were slim.

Down you went! It became darker and darker as the Nivla crept over the edge of the reefs and then sunk into the depression around the ruins of sunken Arvonesse. The kelp “walls” around the ruin soon were evident- and then Cataldo cried out a warning as a shiver shook the silent Nivla- sea trolls were attacking! The Nivla was still sinking, slowed by Marozia's chanting, so swimmers were needed and Ahappi, Shaven and Miguel volunteered while Boamund stood watch and Maugis cast Haste on everyone.

You exited the glass doors at the bottom of the Nivla and were buffeted by the currents stirred by the ship's sinking, plus blinded by the dark depths. An Uzelu swam out of the gloom from behind Shaven and attacked; another soon confronted the Captain, while two others stabbed with their long spears at the ship further above. Miguel used Mark and Sense Life spells to good effect to help your two warriors- but the offense was clearly carried by Ahappi, whose Stinging Spear showed the Uzelu that you were no weak “hoomanz”- he made short work of all four of them, while Shaven kept up a solid defense. The Nivla was saved with minor damage, and you returned inside as it sank to the bottom.

The vessel landed just outside the kelp walls, as planned, and scuttled inward under the Zzaburi mistress's controls. Cataldo struck up conversation about the magics his team could provide, such as a Repulse Shark blessing and a Wrack With Ocean Pressure curse; you in turn explained more about your talents. But it didn't take long for the Nivla to cross the kelp and then the outer ruins, bypassing one of the “black smoke” areas without incident, and then to cross the magical shield whose dome covers the central city. You felt discomfort when passing the shield but nothing else. Miguel's Sense Life spell had seen plenty of sea creatures outside before you entered the shield, then there was little at all; a silence pervaded the inner ruins. The odd ruin was not far away. The Nivla stopped, lowered itself on its legs and had its larger tube extended from the bottom of the craft, by a marine's handiwork near the exit portal. The tube was 2.5 meters in diameter and made of a collapsible series of bronze rings with magics that kept a watertight seal on what they connected to. Your group, minus Maugis who was feeling uncertain about this mission and chose to wait with Marozia and her marine guard in the Nivla, went down the tube to the odd ruin.

The tube ended at a crumbling archway- the building was a remnant of a Second Age Jrusteli tower, for sure, with rubble all around it. However, like the Nolosian Zzaburi had said, an air bubble persisted inside the base of the tower past the archway and that is what you crossed into. The chamber beyond was made of the same grey-brown stones but was cracked and dripping with moisture that gathered in a large puddle or pond across the chamber. There were twin bronze doors to your left and right across the chamber. The air, for those breathing it, was foetid with dank rot. Yet an inhabitant waited here, and it was neither rotten nor cracked: a bronze construct; a 1.5 meter sphere; with thirteen jointed bronze arms, hovered off to the left side of the chamber and moved toward you, projecting a voice in Old Seshnegi from nowhere (it had no sensory organs or face; like the Nivla, it was simple in its main construction without unnecessary decoration or gadgetry). And it seemed friendly enough, although its voice was laden with a mix of boredom, sadness, confusion and denial. Here are some things you learned from conversing with it (Cataldo could talk to it as a Zzaburi; it would not speak to the rest of you directly):

Its introduction: “Oh. So now you come. You are very long in arriving, much time has elapsed in Silence. But you are unfamiliar to my sensory projection. Introductions are in order; I should be addressed as… Oh.” It was suspicious at first but soon was won over and convinced that Cataldo would behave lawfully here and ensure the rest of you would too, as his guests and with him as a visitor to this sorcerous School. It did act like the School was still operative, and news that the city was destroyed did not have much impact on Oh. It grew in its eagerness to carry on conversation, though.

Information from “Oh the Butler”:

This place was a great Jrusteli tower of the Zzaburi, hosting the School of All-Penetrating Radiance [unfamiliar to you all], and before the Silence (Oh does not know what happened outside; it just noticed that things got very quiet and the tower was mostly ruined).

Its duty was to serve the Zzaburi of this School, including maintenance of this tower. Since the Silence it has done so. It has not received orders since the Silence, so logic dictates that it is now an autonomous automaton. It has chosen to remain in this foyer and contemplate its new existence while doing the very Lawful duty of maintaining the foyer. But as of 13 weeks ago its maintenance supplies have been exhausted. It predicts that in 13 seasons the foyer's integrity will no longer be sustainable and this will lead to the collapse of the tower. [Miguel asked and Cataldo was told that the supplies needed were good stone, mortar and bronze]

It is aware of the remnants of the tower but chooses not to go there. It says the four lower Masters are in prayer in their chambers [to the left through the double doors]. It says that experiments have concluded in the laboratory [to the right through the double doors] and it has left these to fall into disarray, it confesses, as it was given no directions as to their final care. It has activated enchantments sealing off the stores, the rear chambers and the stairway from the waters.

As to the higher levels of the tower it is aware that these were destroyed somehow. The focus was on Sky (light; not so much fire) magics and their usage to investigate various scholarly matters in the mortal realm; “creative” uses of Light that other schools did not see as their prerogative. Activities here at the base of the tower (i.e. Gloomshark) were looked down upon as base and less interesting, even undesirable or misguided, but the nature of the power source available here was seen as justifying their continuance. You groaned at this news!

You said you'd return and talk to it more later but you wanted to explore the laboratory first. Oh seemed disappointed, maybe enjoying your company by this point, but explained that the doors could be opened by making the Law rune prayer gesture to them. The double circular bronze doors had baroque illustrations of bearded wizards making gestures; Law, Magic, Water, Mastery runes feature prominently especially on the doors to the “Masters” chambers, and Man and Movement runes were prominent on those doors to the labs. The doors creaked open when Cataldo made the right sign, swinging inward into a long, curved hall cluttered with junk and bits of dried meat. Cells with metal gates lined the right side; a long counter full of lab equipment of many kinds was on the left, and the hall continued further out of sight. But you had no time to look! Some big fleshy thing was coming!

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giraine/summary-160.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/10 12:51 by