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Summary 159: Saints Alive? (2016-11-19)

Giraine Summaries

You came up with a question for the Sage Scarabs after some discussion, and Boamund did a nice job of singing it in Darktongue with a suitably graceful dance for the Uz priestess:

“What was the role of the four saints named Tutrys, Buquaim, Lelbic and Karkovoch in the shattering of Giraine?”

And you got your answer, which again Boamund understood without embarrassing you: “The four Arkati spies infiltrated the Jrusteli fools as their Empire crumbled around them, and were caught in the machinations of the Wonder-Loving Rainbow Chums; the Vadeli guild that caught almost all of Giraine in its web. Granno tried to save them but failed, yet he was not caught, so he left them; disgusted by their descent into madness and servitude. Karkovoch was caught and imprisoned like the others, but saved himself with the power of his shield – and so he awaits any who would dare follow in the saints' path.”

–This tied together numerous things! You contemplated it: so these “Arkati” (probably not all the same faith but still Western sorcery-users with some leanings toward recognizing other higher powers like “gods”) were some 2nd Age non-Godlearners, friendly to Darkness and other powers (e.g. water, air) and united in opposing both Chaos and the Jrusteli (Middle Sea Empire/Godlearners), who still ruled Seshnela (including then Pithdaros and thus Giraine) before the Shattering. –Like the saints, the Godlearners largely seem to be pawns in the Vadeli's game, and the Arkati's… –The Vadeli's presence now on Giraine (not to mention “their” tower in your town!) and their interest in you made ominous sense now… the Captain became even more grim and unsettled. Some of you already, like those 4 saints, had been corrupted by powers related to the Vadeli if not the Vadeli themselves. And you now knew a collective name for the Vadeli group, at least in the 2nd Age. –St Granno is the fifth figure you've sometimes heard of associated with the 4 saints, and it's clear now that he interacted with the grand affair going on here before the Shattering that swept them, the Godlearners and the Vadeli all up. It seems too, that only the Giranois were left on Giraine after all this, and you know that Granno made some sacrifice for this to be– but that seems separate from what the 4 saints did; he had abandoned them by then. –You are going to Arvonesse where St Karkovoch is supposed to be “chained”, and now you know to expect that he is there in some form, still “alive”. But he is there with the sea trolls, who worship Gloomshark (an old foe of the saints especially Tutrys)– is he in league with them, their “king”, their slave or just captive? And is his shield still with him or not?

You celebrated the Scarabs' news with the troll Riftoyz who had some Drive Careful Wine, an Uz drink. It was not nice, especially for Captain Ahappi who soon spit it out and left the area to avoid vomiting all over. But the rest of you soon grew accustomed to its exotic flavour and textures… Riftoyz, however, lost his bet that you'd be turned into bears, although he was not sure what a bear would look like anyway.

You went back to the manor, had some normal wine to top off the night, and talked. Seshnela was a hot topic amongst the locals lately, as rumour had spread that the kingdom there was confused by strife between King Guilmarn and the Rokari Church. This had stopped the war with Nolos as of Earth Season sometime, and so now there was some peace in winter; maybe even for the remainder of the year. But the Paragons kept encroaching on others' heritage all around the West, and Rokari inquisitions still hunted heretics, so no one was truly safe.

Finally, after many weeks the crippled Miguel, Jim and Curly felt recovered enough to return to their normal activities.

And you heard that familiar, odd Giranois had joined their kin in the swamps near Aria's Well: two folk matching the description of Vowka and Verker, who had disappeared for several weeks (after Vowka was stabbed and the Giranois conflict with settlers flared up again). You went to meet them and were welcomed. Verker urged you to come speak to Vowka, who lay prone in a makeshift stretcher. She whispered to Boamund that Aria's Well was still holy and yet tainted; the former might explain why she kept coming back to this place. Then she explained that the Huru and Sharde had settled old feuds now and thus the northern half of the island was at peace for the Giranois (for the first time in a thousand years?), which had important repercussions.

The Old Gods; each linked to those ancient clans; Loidar the Skinless Prince (of the volcano– and did this “skinless” have anything to do with the “serpent that never sheds its skin” that you'd heard of in the sewers? Was Froalar linked into all this in some way?) and Deep Mother of the Dripping Pool, had also come together again after centuries of isolation. Spiritually, then, the rifts in Giraine were sealing. But she said that one Old God remained divided: Red River Tanok, of the Sottogh clan (the one near you). Tanok was still a mystery to you- the Sottogh did not like to talk of their religions or magics (even moreso than other Giranois), even though they live closest to the settlers and have been the most peaceful of late. Vowka did not know how to solve this problem but said she would try to find out, and it was urgent.

You left them and returned home. Soon enough Jett came to bring you to St Thosos for your meeting with Big Ron and the team he'd been assembling to go to Arvonesse. Jett explained some of the details that he knew, especially that (1) your mission relating to Karkovoch and his shield was secret even to the Nolos allies that were coming with you (who might have their own agenda); and (2) you must be on your best behaviour with your allies and on this mission, adhering to the Baron's guidelines, which you'd hear of at the meeting.

And that meeting came- you went to the Baron's keep, now more heavily fortified and formally staffed and decorated than ever. You knew that Big Ron had hired more mercenaries to bring law and order to his part of Giraine, and the new strength on show here was further evidence of that. Speaking of strength, the Baron seemed as vigorous as ever, but stern with purpose and focus. There was no feasting or drinking, just immediate business as you gathered in his hall. Here is how he introduced that business:

“Sea troll raids on local ships have been disrupting the Quinpolic League's trade, and thus provoke a joint mission to one of their strongholds, the fabled Godlearner city of Arvonesse. You people gathered here are those partaking of that mission, which I have taken great pains to arrange via Duke Mulliam of Nolos himself.”

“From Nolos come these four thaumanauts, as they are called; brave people from the Wizard-Engineers Guild in Egarun city. I introduce their Zzaburi leader-advisors, first Cataldo and second Marozia [they bow; do the Malkioni Law rune sign with their hands], and they have two Horali marines at their service, Jacobus and Salvi. Here are my men,… [Ron does succinct introductions; name and caste]”

“Our mission has the following goals: 1) Strike at the sea trolls wherever possible, but mainly to remind them that they are not safe at their home, which may discourage their raids. Wiping them out is not feasible. They are too many, too strong, and too elusive if battle would even turn against them. Indeed, these Uztagor are unusually sophisticated. We know some of them worship the Gloomshark chaos monster, and we know some use what weapons and armour they can scrounge, and they can live out of water longer than common Uztagor. Surely some can use theistic magic, too. And they show coordination unlike other Uztagor; not just acting like packs of monsters ruled by brute force and dim wit, but showing remarkable cunning in their tactics. They even claim to have their own royalty of some sort, probably more in mockery of ours than anything else. So this is a punitive raid against a brutal foe. And that is the guise under which we proceed, for we are after more than this! We also seek to: 2) Recover old magics [including Karkovoch's Shield suspected to be there; secret], bringing back power to give our two communities, where it is safe to do so based on our Zzaburi's later assessments. 3) Gather information on the remaining complex of buildings and other structures still intact enough to house anything of interest. What's inside there? To what extent do the sea trolls control it? What is useful or dangerous? You should look for potential for a second mission to recover more, as needed, or even broader raids to loosen the grip of the Uztagor. There is no reason that we cannot return, so do not feel it is craven to pull a strategic retreat when the time comes. 4) Get out alive and quickly, before the sea trolls surround and mob you. Do not leave captives or powers behind for the Uztagor to wield against us, if you can avoid it. But do not die stupid deaths in the name of heroic glory. This is a mission for wise caution to prevail in.” [looks sternly at Ahappi who scowls back bitterly, then at Maugis and the Zzaburi from Nolos; first a person he worries about, then wise folk that might keep order] 5) On return, keep the details of the mission VERY private! Bishop Umrovide of the Rokari Church here in St Thosos is very interested but apparently thinks it is just about sea troll raiding.“

Cataldo then spoke of his special ship: “Yeees. We will have an underwater ship; a Seawalker called the Nivla; that can visit the depths and penetrate the magics around Arvonesse. There is no other way- divers would be devoured or drown. The ship is a secret to our guild and your participation in this mission is a promise it will remain so. Okee with that yeeees?” –You consented.

The Nolosians then explained their role and information, with some reference to the map that Evakranem the sage had spread out on the hall's grand table.

Briefly: The Wizard-Engineers' Resources: Communications and extra air supply to the ship Nivla will come via a speaking-tube from the ship to the surface (Big Ron's shallow-hulled, well-armed war galley The Reefraptor; Jett will be at the other end, 200m away where it is safe for it to travel w/o wrecking on reefs)-otherwise, magical energies disrupt communications to the surface, or even between the ship and you explorers! You will be alone in the dark depths.

A second, broader tube will be extended from the ship to the complex once docked to it (scrying indicates they could dock at 3 places...)- will stay docked, can communicate with the ship via this second tube, but only if nearby (shout).
You also may be loaned 2 of the thaumanauts' 4 suits of magical armour for diving if warranted (and the leaders agree). You might need to go outside the ship while underwater, but as sea trolls are everywhere out there, you're urged to keep that to a minimum.
Done already by Zzaburi: Scrying to make map of exterior of complex-hard enough to do this much! Most of city is in ruins, overgrown, useless; southern part was utterly destroyed by quakes and waves. Central part around cathedral survived the best. Certainly the cathedral is the heart of the magic that has partly preserved central Arvonesse.
There are 3 larger buildings that (1) look interesting, (2) are well preserved, and (3) have air bubbles inside (you may be able to breathe?) and magical energy that indicate they are good targets- plus they have doorways that could serve as docking points for the Nivla's tube. One looks like a military building. The second is strange, with some magical energy. The third is the massive cathedral and its spires, which still stand mostly intact.

You'll discuss the details more next game, with the scryed map of Arvonesse before you. But your current plan is to go for the “strange building” and see what lies therein. The Cathedral is intimidating as it is sure to have massive powers of some kind. You do not know if there are links between the buildings such as tunnels- there are no passageways between them. All of the buildings are large enough to have interior subdivisions.

Privately later, you wondered where Karkovoch might be (or the shield).

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giraine/summary-159.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/10 12:51 by