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Summary 141: Trouble is served (2015-11-04)

Giraine Summaries

Hi all,

Trouble continued to erupt around Fort Mudlark, with Maugis as an observer. Lieutenant Lesoncurre and others took the fight to the Giranois, enacting raids and returning back to the fort with grisly trophies and tales. And the situation began to spread southward from there…

Maugis got the message to return home and left the fort with 3 guards. En route, they ran into a/the fly demon thing (humanoid mass of biting flies) and it was not pretty, although the guards put up a brave fight that bought Maugis time to flee after his Palsy spell to its “chest” proved only briefly effective.

Returning to Aria's Well, where the leaders had been making preparations to confront the canyon ghost and then try to make progress with the Sottogh clan elders, you were soon under way together with Maugis, after exchanging stories. The fly demon's reappearance was not a welcome story amongst them, and Ahappi got some heads nodding to his gloomy interpretations of how events on Giraine were beyond your control; even pre-ordained or fated.

Miguel scouted the canyon and saw that there were no signs of the bandits or other inhabitants; indeed the place seemed as if no one had been there for a long time, longer perhaps than seemed right. He received some vague, eerie dreams that night - calls for help, or warnings?

The next day you went en masse to the canyon (sans Fraud Shaven, studying in St Thosos again), which was as Miguel had described it; silent and bare. Ahappi managed to begin some sort of conversation with the spiritual entity there, interspersed with its mad threats and conjurations, and you gradually pieced together what might be the haunting's backstory…

Around the close of the Second Age, a sorcerer (Godlearner? Other Seshnelan?) had lived here or been cornered here by Giranois mage-killers, in this canyon. He had been thrown off the clifftop into the canyon but survived long enough to crawl back into the cave, then was stoned to death there. His hatred and vengefulness toward the Giranois that did him in must be driving his haunting- so you must find a way to resolve that. Surely the Giranois killers were long dead, but could you find out their nature or ancestry and satisfy him- and perhaps them- somehow? It did not seem an easy task.

As you left the spirit in peace and departed the canyon to see if you could talk to some Giranois, you soon made contact. A “sticksnare-toad” (as the natives call it), walking on creaking stilts, came clacking to you from out of the badlands and croaked words “Granno” and “Ilk” and “tea”, which was a clear enough message for you. So you began following the clicking stilt-walker to the north toward Sottogh lands, girding yourself for more foul tea and fouler dispositions amongst the Giranois you'd have to deal with…

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giraine/summary-141.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/10 12:51 by