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Summary 139: Law vs. Chaos (2015-09-28)

Giraine Summaries

Hi guys,

I recapped NPC actions at the start of the session: Oomsh the formless one had come out of a long hibernation, now back to cozying up with Cyroosta to comfort her; the Waertagi had gone off to find their kin (but eventually return, they pledged) early in the year; and various others had wandered off, mostly to St Thosos, although Ciddar was rumoured to be in Oradaros, presumably deep in debauchery.

Miguel and Maugis exchanged some messages, as did Maugis and Boamund, and Fraud Shaven privately with others (he'd been seen playing the lute to a spider at the Well again; finding it to be confused or frustrated). Something inspired Fraud to new activity and he rushed off to St Thosos, poring amongst manuscripts in the sage's library while said scholar hovered over his shoulder. He came back with a myth of a younger Arkat's fight against a vampire king of Tanisor in the First Age, which he thought he could turn into a heroquest to rid Aria's Well of chaos.

The worst known earthquake of the Age rocked Giraine, causing some injuries at the 'Well and even some deaths elsewhere, but the shattered island had endured worse in prior centures and few buildings actually collapsed. Oddly, a tidal wave emanated into the open ocean to the south/east, but the Fosnoir to the north/west remained still. St Granno's Mountain even belched smoke, and elsewhere on the island minor spurts of volcanic activity were provoked.

As Fire Season neared a close, you were again awakened by volcanic activity at the fumarole. This time, the bubble burst and the town was showered with molten rock, setting it aflame in patches. The Captain woke in a sweat from an ominous dream and rushed uphill, soon joined by the others. Boamund and Fraud paused at the manor to don armour, leaving Ahappi and loyal Brobard to face more hideous fiery/wormy spawn, backed by some guards and Miguel's excellent bow-work.

Ahappi made short work of them again, with some remarkable weapon-luck, but Brobard suffered vicious wounds from a spearing tail, slimy jaws and flaming breath– he barely clung to life, but fought on like a hero-in-the-making. Miguel's arrows helped weaken all five of the spawn, and soon Boamund and Fraud joined the fight. Shaven invoked his Arkati darkstrike magic, which worked to deadly effect, knocking out his target instantly. And Boamund struck his foe down after Miguel slowed it down with a keen arrow shot. The way had been clear for Ahappi to rush the fumarole and so he did, facing a demonic, carapaced, spiny thing that was unnervingly similar to him in some features such as its barbed spear. A fight for the sages to write about was on! It roared a challenge as it leapt at him– and he speared it right through its mouth, dropping it dead!

You met at the top of the hill, Ahappi looking into the smouldering caldera– which seemed to have reduced in fury, and gloating of his victory. Fraud Shaven called on the Arkati myth and cast his darkstrike into the crater- it sputtered and settled down more. Waving the sword of Menekeyil and calling on its occupant's and mythic power to fight chaos, undeath and other evil, he spoke well of how your land must be cleansed, conjuring a pale light in which some saw a figure silhouetted as the glow brightened, enveloping the crater for a moment. When the light faded, the crater was left smoking and its light had gone out. You all took a deep breath. Was this the end of Chaos in Aria's Well?

© Copyright - 2000-2024 - John Hutchinson, Tim Evans, Pete Nash, Colin Driver and Gordon Alford

giraine/summary-139.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/10 12:51 by