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Summary 130: Hunters and hunted (2015-05-01)

Giraine Summaries

Hi guys, we're still on for tonight. A quick summary:

Omen visited the Captain at St Thosos, rambling about happiness, but also bringing news that he agreed with priest Thabit Turtleturban that the centre of the odd time/space disturbances around Giraine's seas was at the old Mostali castle-ship wreck you'd visited over a year ago. He promised to warn sea-creatures around there that you'd investigate, but thought the Ouori would be uninterested in helping this time.

The Captain then brought this news to Jett and Lord Shaven while the Baron and his wife fought upstairs. Jett urged you to gather your band together again and investigate the wreck. He acknowledged that this was a test of how ready Lord Shaven was to take on feats of bravery again, and urged that you stop by Aria's Well to test him further and to choose who would go– also, there was news of odd events around there…

That night, an old contact from Handra, Old Teelis, visited Lord Shaven in his room at the keep, coming in a shadowy half-real form to offer his help and guidance from afar. He made the offhand, but clearly meaningful, comment that “There will be five that rise”, with religious implications that left Shaven pensive as Teelis's emanation faded.

The visit to Aria's Well via the Shadow was mostly uneventful, although the Night-Channel seemed darker and more foreboding than ever. Fraud stayed on board the ship while Ahappi sent Curly and Jim to find the rest of your band.

Further inland, that band had some troubles. Miguel investigated the cave at night and realized that there were people waiting atop the cliff overlooking the cave while a bonfire burned bright in front of it– clearly an ambush set! He crept closer and confirmed they were the bandits you sought, but then as he withdrew they became aware of him and a frantic chase across the cliffs, down onto the rolling plains and badlands, and finally to the edge of the swamps to your south ensued, before Miguel felt he'd lost them.

Meanwhile Boamund grew uneasy about Miguel's long absence so he went with Maugis to try to find him or what had happened. Eventually he found tracks and then spotted one of the bandits perched on a rock, watching the southwest. Boamund snuck in close to him and knocked him down, compelling surrender. The defiant, haggard young bandit turned out to be a Seshnelan named Mikos. After some interrogation, you took him down to Aria's Well and soon Curly and Jim found Miguel, so you all had a rendezvous there.

Mikos eventually was broken by your persistent grillings and told you all about his band's big, mute leader Alebelly, and how the Dripping Beards pirates had taken their band from Seshnela to Giraine, unleashing them to cause trouble and seek their fortune there.

Lord Shaven found his leadership energy again with gusto, convincing the typically reluctant band of Orsattus to track down these bandits and bring them to justice, so off they went. You were left at the 'Well to discuss your next move…

Cheers, John

© Copyright - 2000-2024 - John Hutchinson, Tim Evans, Pete Nash, Colin Driver and Gordon Alford

giraine/summary-130.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/10 12:51 by