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Summary 121: Who Has Been Lion? (2014-10-04)

Giraine Summaries

The Captain and crew finished up business in St Thosos. After spending a night drinking and spreading his tale of glory on the seas, Ahappi had a bad dream (was on Shadow on a calm dark ocean [Fosnoir], following something darker than dark leaving a trail on it– dead grey fish were floating to the surface in its path, then squid, then great sea reptiles, then Pellinoresbane, all dead!). He then spent time chatting to the St Dormal's Chapel priest Thabit Turtleturban and arranging an order of an enchanted sea-metal suit of armour (due in 1 season). Thabit also showed Ahappi that his new golden broach was a matrix for a rune magic-blocking Divinity Ward sorcery spell (takes 5 experience rolls to learn, can be cast using Grimoire/Shaping skills as long as broach is in contact with user).

Ciddar rushed off to the Baron, then was heard to have taken the next ship to Oradaros, Pithdaros for healing of his hand-stump. Then action moved back to the manor grounds. The Baronet used his gems to order some stone for rebuilding the manor, and others were buying nice trinkets as offerings to Inyana's spirit for the upcoming ceremony. Maugis spent what little energy he had on talking to the worried peasants, consoling them when he could. Miguel made an awesome sharkskin suit (head-chest-abdomen) out of his newtling armour and wowed people with it when it was done. But all was not well at home. His father was bored being laid up in the hut tending to the scurrilous young Michaela, later complaining of it “driving me mad”.

After much consultation, it was decided to name the manor-ground settlement as Aria's Well, in honour of Inyana's love of song. Cyroosta arranged a lovely ceremony at the well to place Inyana's spirit in it, and there were touching speeches from Fraud, her, Boamund, Maugis and two townsfolk, then some fine song and quiet talk. The well did not accept a gift of the Foestopper-fan (or did the fan reject it?), with the fan blown back into the treetops where Miguel later fetched it. But the spirit was clearly in the well now and hummed happy tunes to the gathering. A toad had shown up at the ceremony and croaked what might have been its homage- from the animals, land, or Giranois? Who knows. But everyone felt good about the ceremony and Ahappi didn't interfere, although he was heard by some later to be casting aspersions on Cyroosta's motivations. No turnips were involved in the ceremonial offerings and speeches, but one was harmed by a noisily-chewing farmer.

Cyroosta and the Baronet agreed for Miguel to be invited to watch the well to ensure no one made trouble with it, now that its welfare might impact the whole community's. Miguel suggested that his father be sent to hunt down the little earth-spirits that had been bothering locals, so off he went [GM Note: Thank you for making things easy for me, haha!!!]. Michaela spent time talking to Maugis and they became friends- the peasants, too, became more and more impressed by Maugis's patience and strength during his arduous recovery. But his voice had been ravaged by his wounds and he now spoke little and listened much.

Several days later, not long before the wedding, word spread through the peasants that a beast's tracks had been seen in their fields, and on inspection Miguel and Boamund discerned that it was a large, cunning lion, which covered its tracks when it could and moved strangely, making its origin and heading hard to determine. There was much hunting for two days and two nights, then Giranois showed up (Vowka, Verker and kin), and you tracked the beast that had killed one of their sheep in the swamps northeast of town for a while, then lost it again. Vowka told you that this beast was brought by you and “you must un-bring it.” As often, she seemed to have special insight…

The lion was a tricky creature, but Miguel had a sudden insight, resolving something he'd been mulling over. His father had once hunted down a lion with him and killed it, after receiving blessings from the local church. And this beast's tracks showed a limp… could it be? No… Yes. Miguel found hidden claw-marks on the wall by his father's bed. He waited there for his father to come home, and the Captain secretly waited nearby, but that night there was a terrible roar throughout Aria's Well, and the farmers raised alarm as you rushed to the north side of town.

The daughter (4yr old Rinda) of farmer Raalwick had been taken from her bed, leaving a trail of blood behind– the hunt was on, and this time your trail was only minutes old!

© Copyright - 2000-2024 - John Hutchinson, Tim Evans, Pete Nash, Colin Driver and Gordon Alford

giraine/summary-121.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/10 12:51 by