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Summary 50: Source of the Asparagine Fog (2011-06-12)

Giraine Summaries

The Baronet survived quite a struggle last game. You engaged a small horde of three filthy, crazed/possessed villagers with asparagus-spears and slings firing iron lumps; two shark-headed fanatical broo; and two lithe, venomous seasnake-broo. They were not particularly skilled or equipped so you made short work of them but they got in a few lucky blows - especially a spear that impaled the Baronet's leg, leaving him barely able to hobble away from the fight, and the exploding seasnake-broo which nearly crippled the Baronet's arm. The Captain kindly healed the Baronet's leg and Boamund patched up the wounded arm a bit, along with more minor wounds amongst the rest of the party. Fortunately no dread broo diseases became apparent.

You hiked on through the asparagus forest and soon spotted a lone weasel/otter-broo sentry with a warped iron club, who seemed alert but looking the wrong way. The Baronet snuck up on him and knocked him down, then interrogated the whimpering creature long enough to extract that it served “the mistress” who ruled from the top of the plateau past the forest and had some demon that served her, producing fog somehow using the lumps of iron and asparagus that it was brought by her servants and slaves. The Baronet was about to let the pathetic thing go when the others came and reminded him that it could not be trusted or suffered to live, and so it fell under a hail of blows with a piercing shriek of furious betrayal.

As the forest began to thin as you reached higher, rockier ground you began to see broo totems, spoor and other markers of the presence of Chaos beings. The Baronet shouted a warning as a spirit manifested from a broo totem in a tree and some of you spotted the rotting spectral thing as it rushed the Captain. The Stinging Spear proved its power again, rending great wounds in the spirit, but it was Boamund's bladesharped sword that dealt the final blow.

Next, as you approached the plateau and spotted many trails up to its heights, you became aware of approaching creatures and hid to watch them. They did not spot you even though the Baronet seemed to be exposed. It was a group of three hideous walktapus-broo, far from their aquatic habitat but looking aware and menacing, snuffling the ground with their horny tentacle-hair. They passed on around the base of the plateau to the east, and you proceeded, braving the green fog that snaked its way down the plateau and stung your skin.

You chose the difficult but more unexpected route up the plateau- climbing the steep cliffs that rose from the hilly ground here. It turned out to be a simple enough climb for all of you and you finally spotted what lay atop the plateau- a ring of eight neon green misshaped standing stones surrounding a ~150m diameter old caldera. Ciddar's keen eyes spotted a hulking thing in the center of the crater that might be the demon, and it was wreathed in dense evil fog. He could also see a tall, spindly thing and two big broo with metal arms/armour, and soon you saw ragged peasant slaves bringing armloads of material into the crater now and then.

You decided to make a statement by knocking one of the standing stones down. Ciddar was the only one of caste appropriate to the job, so the others supervised while he dug with his hands and grappling hook for several hours in the hot, exposed air of the plateau. Twilight came and finally he had loosed the base of the stone, so you heaved at it and down it came with a thunderous crash.

Hoots and hisses came from around the plateau, and you knew you'd gotten the trouble you wanted!

© Copyright - 2000-2024 - John Hutchinson, Tim Evans, Pete Nash, Colin Driver and Gordon Alford

giraine/summary-050.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/10 13:01 by tim45tenwa