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Session 209: 04 Dec 24, day 118




Fria: ?out of ? for ?th level (~ ? sessions)
Jestix: ?out of ? for ?th level (~ ? sessions)
Bjarni: ?out of ? for ?th level (~ ? sessions)
Vulf: ?out of ? for ?th level (~ ? sessions)
AhumStut: ?out of ? for ?th level (~ ? sessions)



Fria - HT : 0:00 - 0:36

… machine and was sliced and diced. The remaining turkey was turned into Twizzlers and a little bit of investigation on the gem shows there's a magical symbol on the table protecting it.

So it had a symbol of something you know something to attack whatever or whoever tried to move it and I did a dispel upon the symbol dot dot dot to be continued.

Wulf - PB : 0:37 - 0:40

Ah, I can probably do something about that.

Fria - HT : 0:40 - 0:55

So yeah we've just beaten up 12 large turkeys and four harpies and we have lots and lots of silver arrows and four composite longbows plus one if anyone wants any.

Wulf - PB : 0:57 - 1:04

Yeah isn't there a fill up with the arrows, what were the arrows, silver arrows were they?

Fria - HT : 1:04 - 1:28

Silver, I had them down as silver arrows. Yeah they're all silver arrows. Now I had done a detect magic or detect traps on this I would love to do that again to see if my worked but if Wolf wants to go at the gem I can't, well I could stop him but I'm not going to.

GM - DF : 1:28 - 1:31

If you tell me what your search DC would be.

Fria - HT : 1:33 - 1:35

If I take 20 it would be 40.

Wulf - PB : 1:35 - 1:42

Wolf reconsiders his previous statement and says well maybe but not as easily as I hoped.

Fria - HT : 1:42 - 2:27

So I'm looking forward to see if there's anything else as well. The chance of having a single thing just, single protection is low. By the way congratulations Pete on being able to sit through a solid hour of politics and contribute into the conversation.

We didn't kill you, we didn't drive you insane and make you pull your hair out.

Bjarni - PN : 2:28 - 2:48

Smoking an extra half pack of cigarettes. I do apologise that we talk politics but it's the one time of the week where I can actually talk politics.

Wulf - PB : 2:50 - 2:59

I mean I certainly agree with your assessment of the dire straits of the EU but it's always good to hear what you've got to say.

Fria - HT : 3:01 - 3:19

And I object strongly Pete. I'm not going nuts. One hoped.

I probably just spat all over my microphone.

Bjarni - PN : 3:23 - 3:47

Are you guys still interested in a Pete con? I am thinking about sending a date out but I'm having to wait for I have a big engineering contract coming and I need to know whether I can actually get that week off and not be off somewhere in the frozen waste trying to take measurements in blizzard.

Fria - HT : 3:48 - 4:03

My response is almost exactly the same. If a contract I'm tracking comes through I'll be there in spades. If not I'll be scrimping and saving to keep these kids at uni.

Bjarni - PN : 4:04 - 4:12

Yeah I mean you always get a pass for that because it's more important. Far far far more important.

Fria - HT : 4:13 - 4:36

Although the university degrees are in the UK are being utterly devalued.

There's a bill in the BBC about the fact that most foreign students don't actually have sufficient English to actually complete an essay. So they pay other people to do it and everyone kind of knows it happens and this is turning a blind eye because they need the money.

Bjarni - PN : 4:37 - 4:39

But they were already devalued when everybody had to get one.

Fria - HT : 4:40 - 4:49

Mr Blair was an arsehole for doing that. Just so it looked better in the world rankings of the number of graduates.

Bjarni - PN : 4:50 - 4:58

And it kept the job seeking numbers down as well.

Fria - HT : 4:58 - 6:25

And it was also born out by Haniel and Danny's experience. I sent them the link to the BBC investigation which has died a death. And they both said yep.

They both know people on their course who cannot communicate effectively enough to study. And they should have an IELTS 5 or whatever but they cannot have ever passed that exam or done what they have said in terms of their history and background. Haniel has done a couple of online courses in the JavaScript.

And he has some guys who are supposedly experienced programmers. And he was appalled because they were trying to do an exercise and somebody had made a mistake. And the lecturer came over and had a look and couldn't see the mistake.

And Haniel who supposedly is completely inexperienced and had to do a year's prep to be there just said no it's that. It's a simple scoping error and you're thinking blind leading the blind.

GM - DF : 6:26 - 6:46

James's first project we had to hand in last week was a C program to encode and decode Morse on a Raspberry Pi.

And this week he had to do a presentation with his mates in front of the lecturer.

Jestix - TE : 6:48 - 6:50

I hope he did it all in Morse.

GM - DF : 6:53 - 7:00

We shall see. I did see the C code that he did and it was actually quite clever.

Jestix - TE : 7:03 - 7:07

You don't want clever, you want functional and understandable.

GM - DF : 7:09 - 7:10

Up to a point.

Jestix - TE : 7:12 - 7:13

Save clever for when you've got a job.

GM - DF : 7:17 - 7:22

See when you do some funny data structures to hold stuff becomes a little bit convoluted.

Fria - HT : 7:26 - 7:44

I always love my funny data structures. Anyway, we were I digressed for a moment.

But Pete, I'd love to come send out a date and let's take you. Let's let's pretend we can do it and it falls apart.

GM - DF : 7:45 - 7:48

It's a 90 percent chance that I'll be there.

Bjarni - PN : 7:48 - 7:50

Yeah, I'm just I'm just warning you.

GM - DF : 7:52 - 8:02

It's going to be later than normal in terms of giving you the precise date. So it's going to be not so much time to get a decent flight.

Wulf - PB : 8:03 - 8:03

Highly unlikely.

Bjarni - PN : 8:07 - 8:13

I understand. It's not like I have any spare money anyways myself.

GM - DF : 8:20 - 8:30

On what Howard was just saying, I intend to ask James his opinion of his classmates when I next speak to them.

Wulf - PB : 8:32 - 8:34

See whether they're vaguely competent.

Bjarni - PN : 8:35 - 8:45

Right. So let's see if Freya can be killed by a death trap before I return with my next gin and tonic.

GM - DF : 8:47 - 8:52

Unfortunately, Freya has in fact spotted and knows that it is a symbol of death.

Fria - HT : 8:54 - 8:59

But did my rune, was that the rune I dispelled?

GM - DF : 9:00 - 9:07

No, that was your search. You know it's a symbol of death.

Jestix - TE : 9:08 - 9:12

So it kills everything within a radius or whatever.

Fria - HT : 9:14 - 9:15

But did my dispel.

Jestix - TE : 9:15 - 9:18

Make sure Henry leaves the room.

GM - DF : 9:18 - 9:20

The dispel hasn't happened yet.

Jestix - TE : 9:20 - 9:21

Oh, OK.

GM - DF : 9:22 - 9:34

We're rewinding a little bit because, you know, it did suddenly go horribly wrong. Oh, my two sticks of 32 gig RAM arrived.

Jestix - TE : 9:35 - 9:36

Do they work?

GM - DF : 9:36 - 9:41

And when I first put them in there, I thought to myself when it didn't boot.

Jestix - TE : 9:41 - 9:41


GM - DF : 9:42 - 10:03

Oh, fuck.

Tim's right. I hate it when Tim's right. There's nothing worse in the world than when Tim's right.

But he eventually came up and said, do you wish to change your problem settings? You've changed your memory. I went, oh, I don't know what to do.

So I just pressed continue. And it booted and it worked.

Fria - HT : 10:05 - 10:07

You auto-reconfigured instead.

GM - DF : 10:07 - 10:09

Yeah, it just worked.

Fria - HT : 10:09 - 10:28

So it's a symbol of death. That's an interesting one. I see from the last one, I've been thinking how high level is that? Quick check with Amundstoot. Amundstoot, symbol of death. Is that going to go to a normal, be dispelled by normal?

Or will it need a major dispell magic?

Wulf - PB : 10:31 - 10:38

You might be able to do it with a normal. If you get lucky. Are you feeling lucky?

Fria - HT : 10:39 - 10:40

Do you have greater?

GM - DF : 10:41 - 10:44

The normal is just a plus 10 maximum.

Wulf - PB : 10:46 - 10:48

Wolf says I've got a greater.

Fria - HT : 10:49 - 10:56

Well, how about everyone else backs off. I don't know what the radius of a circle of death is, but it's pretty unpleasant.

Bjarni - PN : 10:56 - 10:58

60 feet, says Isabel, 65 feet away.

Fria - HT : 11:00 - 11:14

What's the radius on a dispell magic? It's 200 and odd feet. I like that.

You can do it on a specific object, can't you? Yeah. You can just dispel the object.

Jestix - TE : 11:16 - 11:17

Where is Isabel?

Wulf - PB : 11:19 - 11:20

By the door next to Henry.

Jestix - TE : 11:21 - 11:23

I'm not sure if that's 65 feet away.

Fria - HT : 11:24 - 11:26

Oh, you're worried about it actually going off.

Jestix - TE : 11:28 - 11:34

Of course I'm worried about it going off. I'm fully fine, but Henry might be a bit too bad.

Fria - HT : 11:35 - 11:54

Dispel magic is 260 feet. And I suggest that if it is 55 feet, let's stand safely clear. And then you can cast your greater.

Somebody's just pulled me 70 feet away.

Wulf - PB : 11:55 - 12:00

I was trying to grab hold of Adam. So Wolf says, why don't you bugger off, Freya?

Fria - HT : 12:02 - 12:28

Let me try this. You're still in the room. Is that too close?

No, that should be all right. Too close? Seeing as it's not me casting, I'm going to hide just behind the door so I can run in and help.

Bjarne, are you standing still? I think it's sensible to say he will move out, he doesn't want to die. So go for it.

Bjarni - PN : 12:28 - 12:29

Bjarne refines, says Wolf.

Jestix - TE : 12:30 - 12:33

He's got the thing that protects him from death magic or whatever.

Bjarni - PN : 12:34 - 12:36

He's too big and stupid to be affected by this.

Fria - HT : 12:38 - 12:45

Anderson, does spell work again? You roll your caster level check versus…

Wulf - PB : 12:45 - 12:55

I roll D20, add on my caster level. Maximum of plus 20, which I don't have yet. And then compare that to the caster level, plus 11.

Fria - HT : 12:56 - 12:57

What is your caster level?

Wulf - PB : 12:58 - 12:59


Fria - HT : 13:00 - 13:02

OK. So it's well worth doing.

Bjarni - PN : 13:03 - 13:11

Yeah. So… Bjarne, Bjarne, Bjarne, Bjarne, Bjarne, Bjarne.

Not bad, not bad.

Fria - HT : 13:13 - 13:40

So 35. I'm not even going to bother doing the maths. So 24 or less.

Yeah, I don't need to do the maths. Yes, she thinks it might have worked. There is no longer an active symbol of death.

OK, excellent. Does it last a certain period of time and reactivate? It does on magic items, doesn't it?

Bjarni - PN : 13:41 - 13:43

It depends how it was created.

Fria - HT : 13:48 - 14:39

OK. Haya does think that the table is in fact a magic item. Yes, we can't have guessed that.

OK, I check it again to see if there is a second or even third trap. And what the nature of the magic item is. What the nature of the table is.

It's a table of death trap. That is a reasonable name for it, yes. How long…

You would know how long it would disable it for. Yeah. Disable…

I'm just reading a moment. There is a thing about disabling for an artist.

GM - DF : 14:39 - 14:40


Fria - HT : 14:41 - 14:53

You might want to reconsider your actions before you do that. Ah, because it will only come back for one round? It's a D4 round and it will be reactivated.

Bjarni - PN : 14:53 - 14:58

OK. He casts a spell. He will pick up the gem.

What do I do with it now, he says.

Fria - HT : 14:59 - 15:24

OK, so while it's deactivated, you've grabbed it. Yeah. I know.

So by the time Freya gets there… I'm still running into the room. If she runs, she'll get there before it reactivates.

As long as… As long as Phil's grabbing it, that's fine.

Wulf - PB : 15:25 - 15:29

Yeah, I've got it. I shall juggle with it. What do we do with this thing now?

Fria - HT : 15:30 - 16:01

Freya thinks that there's probably a command word. We were told that pushing it… No, no, the table.

She thinks there's possibly a command word on the table. Or she could try her Thievish Disable. But you've got it off the table now.

Yeah, so if we wanted to put it on the table or disable the table, we could. But let's have a look at the gem. Let's take the gem away from the table.

Wulf - PB : 16:01 - 16:07

Oh, it's a weird ass thing. I'll give it to you to appraise.

Fria - HT : 16:08 - 16:37

OK, we'll take it away from the table and ground it over here. There was something in my notes that… Let me just double check.

It was only about ten minutes ago that we learnt this. But the gem… Oh, no.

Blimey. Can't be that one.

Wulf - PB : 16:39 - 16:43

I dispelled the spell, picked up the gem and we're just trying to figure out what to do with it now.

Jestix - TE : 16:44 - 16:52

Oh, well done. Freya's trying to figure out how to steal a death trap table.

Fria - HT : 16:52 - 17:13

It looks like cut glass, sizable fist, multifaceted diamond thing. OK. Right.

It's pulsing with white light. Excellent. The activation item is a levitating fist-sized stone.

It is stopped by picking it up or destroying it.

Jestix - TE : 17:15 - 17:22

So by Wolf grabbing it, it's stopped. Has… yes.

We can't tell because we're inside.

Fria - HT : 17:24 - 17:29

Can anyone nip out quickly and see if it's out there or shall we…

Jestix - TE : 17:29 - 17:30

Not bother at the moment. Shall we not bother?

Fria - HT : 17:32 - 17:33


Jestix - TE : 17:33 - 17:37

Stick it in the bag. Forget about it. We'll find out when we leave.

Fria - HT : 17:38 - 17:59

OK. I will investigate the pulsing white gem just for a moment. Yes.

Detect magic would be stupid, but detect magic to let me examine it closely. Guys, the table is still a death trap, so watch out. But I think we've got it.

Wulf - PB : 18:00 - 18:03

Maybe not have our dinner on it, is what you're saying.

Fria - HT : 18:06 - 18:12

Right. It's not quite, but almost that.

Wulf - PB : 18:25 - 18:29

All I can see is Howard's lack of action there.

Fria - HT : 18:29 - 18:34

Sorry, I'm typing up. I'll put a link in the…

Jestix - TE : 18:36 - 18:37


Fria - HT : 18:38 - 19:15

Basically, that's what you've got. OK. I mean, you don't know all that information and your one probably isn't that, but it's something like that.

Yeah. I'm busy opening up and reading that. OK.

Put that very carefully into a knapsack, not one of my bags of holding. So what the belt pouch somewhere and we'll see how it gets on. Which way do you want to go on the guys?

Jestix - TE : 19:18 - 19:20

Well, we've got two doors.

Fria - HT : 19:21 - 19:27

I think there's also a door there. There's a door.

Jestix - TE : 19:39 - 19:40

Pays the money, takes your choice.

Wulf - PB : 19:49 - 19:51

There's a door here. Yeah.

Fria - HT : 19:52 - 19:59

It's. Big ass door with keyhole.

Bjarni - PN : 20:01 - 20:02

Rattle it, see if it's locked.

Fria - HT : 20:02 - 20:03

Seems to be.

Wulf - PB : 20:05 - 20:08

Does anybody know how to open locked doors around here?

Fria - HT : 20:10 - 20:12

I'm prepared to give it a go.

Jestix - TE : 20:13 - 20:25

Which door are we on? How much of the weird stone stuff is relevant? Because there's the bottom line.

Fria - HT : 20:27 - 20:45

Yeah. The only person who could deactivate it by putting it away is the owner or the person who activated it. Everyone else has to smash it.

You should know. I'm just giving you a… Amundstoot remembers this sort of thing.

Jestix - TE : 20:45 - 20:46

But it's still glowing.

Fria - HT : 20:47 - 20:49

It's not that. It's something like that.

Jestix - TE : 20:50 - 21:00

Yeah. But it is still glowing. Cool.

We put it in the… It's something like that because it's not six miles.

Fria - HT : 21:01 - 21:38

Which pouch it's in. Tell everyone. If we're in difficulties and we need to turn off that, we're smashing this one and it's in this pouch.

The weird stone thing itself. Yeah, because it's a class of magic items. Yeah.

You can basically put epic, goity-like magic stuff on it. Yeah. Break the normal magic item thing.

Bjarni - PN : 21:38 - 21:39


Fria - HT : 21:40 - 22:59

Yeah. If you were to find more, you could probably do stuff that you normally can't do. Wow.

Where on earth did she find this? Like Deidre. Where did she find most of these strange things?

A golem that looks like a tower? Is it that door you want opened? Yeah.

Ah, okay. I'll check it out. Search it for traps.

Pick the lock. In that order. Um…

Your search roll's pretty good. Yes, you find a trap. It's trapped, but not very difficult to trap.

Okay. I will try… Stand back, everyone.

I'll see if I can disarm it. Did you roll in a disabled device? Okay.

You're feeling lucky.

Wulf - PB : 22:59 - 23:05

Lucky. You're feeling… Well, a little bardic inspiration for your disabled device.

Fria - HT : 23:09 - 23:19

I'll be inspired if you stop singing. Right. Wish me luck.

Do I get a bonus from your singing?

Wulf - PB : 23:19 - 23:20

Yeah, plus four.

Fria - HT : 23:21 - 24:13

Excellent. So it's this plus fifteen. Not bad.

Twenty-eight. Boom! You think you have done it.

Excellent. I try to pick the lock. Okay.

Do I need to roll for that? Or can I just take ten? Take ten would be twenty-five.

You undo the lock. And I step back. Mr. Wolf. What sort of trap was it? Oh, it was just a reasonably simple pins… Poison or something?

Poison pins thing. Not staggeringly sophisticated.

Wulf - PB : 24:17 - 24:20

What is that through the round door?

Fria - HT : 24:21 - 24:46

Okay. It opens into a large chamber at the bottom of the tower with a spiral staircase going up. In the wrong place for a spiral staircase, I may have said.

There are several individuals who are manacled around the room.

Wulf - PB : 24:49 - 24:59

All right. Are you filling this in? Yes, I'm getting there.

Yeah, yeah. Okay. Well, we'll wait for you to do that.

Fria - HT : 25:00 - 25:07

May we have a sort of evil, Bjarni? Sorry? Detect evil would be very worthwhile.

GM - DF : 25:07 - 25:08

Oh, okay.

Fria - HT : 25:08 - 25:13

I will detect evil. Ping! Who are these poor unfortunates?

Bjarni - PN : 25:15 - 25:16

Do we recognise them?

Fria - HT : 25:18 - 25:29

I don't think any of the people… Yes, you do recognise them. You don't recognise any of them as being evil, Bjarni.

They do not detect as evil.

Jestix - TE : 25:30 - 25:42

But that does not mean that they're good. Well, I'll cut them down while you… Have they ever done anything to force you to cut them down?

Fria - HT : 25:44 - 25:44


Jestix - TE : 25:46 - 25:48

Different definition of cut down.

Fria - HT : 25:49 - 26:18

Yes. Okay. I will help them down and free them from their bonds.

Okay. If you want to discuss their peril with them. Well, who are they?

Yes, I'm getting there. You've got Cooper Wren. Sorry?

Cooper Wren. She is one of the people who I think you suspected of being a…

Jestix - TE : 26:18 - 26:19


Fria - HT : 26:20 - 26:58

Changeling. A loom sword swallower. Aha.

And… Oh, I can't remember what her name is. The orc woman.

The old lady orc. Yeah. The orc woman with the cart, remember?

Oh, yeah. Yeah. So, all the three people who we knew have been replaced.

She's got them alive in her tower. That's kind of cool to know. They don't look very healthy.

Jestix - TE : 27:00 - 27:01

No, she's not been looking after them.

Fria - HT : 27:03 - 27:33

But enough to keep them alive. Anyway, I'm going around checking their bonds and if I can release them, I shall. They're severely shackled together, but it's not outside the realms of your picking ability to release them.

I'll pick or knock my way through. There's a limited number of knocks.

Bjarni - PN : 27:33 - 27:37

The first person who we thought was a shapeshifter.

Wulf - PB : 27:39 - 27:40

Remind me of this person.

Fria - HT : 27:42 - 27:45

We thought all of them had been replaced.

Wulf - PB : 27:48 - 27:53

Okay, but who was the first person? Why do we never recognise her?

Fria - HT : 27:56 - 28:20

Cooperwell… I can't remember who Cooper is. She's the daughter of somebody important.

I don't know exactly who it is. No, she's a minor person. Oh, she's the daughter of the head of the woodworkers guild.

Wulf - PB : 28:31 - 28:34

Yeah, well, there's definitely…

Fria - HT : 28:35 - 28:37

And of course there's a Lunar Swordswaller.

Wulf - PB : 28:37 - 28:38

Oh, yes.

Fria - HT : 28:38 - 28:49

We had a run in before. It looks like she's so bedraggled that she doesn't even look up and smile or whatever. But she's still cute.

Jestix - TE : 28:52 - 28:54

Keep walking away.

Wulf - PB : 28:55 - 28:59

Times and places. I shall de-manacle, help de-manacle these people.

Fria - HT : 29:01 - 29:08

There's also several other bodies of people who are dead.

Jestix - TE : 29:09 - 29:11

Do we recognise any of them?

Fria - HT : 29:12 - 29:36

You recognise them as people around town, but no one that you've really interacted with. Okay. You said there were four alive.


Bjarni - PN : 29:37 - 29:38

We thought there were three alive.

Fria - HT : 29:38 - 30:15

The Lunar Swordswaller and the Orc Lady. There's about… You'd guess there's six.

There may have been more because some of them look like they've… Died. Died from excessive things chopped off them.

The three survivors are missing little fingers. So they needed something for spells. The others can discuss that with them.

I am cutting them down and giving each one a potion.

Wulf - PB : 30:15 - 30:32

Well, don't worry about that. He will cast a Cure Minor Wounds on everyone at the same time. Hurrah!

So we can all have… Oh, maximum.

Bjarni - PN : 30:35 - 30:36

22 hit points back.

Fria - HT : 30:40 - 30:46

We're still under the bonus from your song, are we?

Wulf - PB : 30:46 - 30:48

Yeah, but those hit points come off first.

Fria - HT : 30:50 - 30:50


Wulf - PB : 30:51 - 30:56

If you get a cure, they don't go back up above your maximum. It just goes back to your maximum.

Fria - HT : 30:57 - 30:58

Cool. Thank God.

Wulf - PB : 31:06 - 31:11

Each of these four people get 22 health back.

Fria - HT : 31:12 - 31:29

Of course, that gets them all back to reasonably well. The psychological damage is not healed and their finger hasn't come back. No.

While they discuss and heal, I'm going to search the room.

GM - DF : 31:31 - 31:32

Thank you.

Wulf - PB : 31:32 - 31:38

What happened? Any of them who can talk now?

Fria - HT : 31:42 - 31:50

Lune is probably the most talkative. Oh, thank you for rescuing me. You're welcome, Susan.

Jestix - TE : 31:50 - 31:52

We haven't got that far yet.

Fria - HT : 31:53 - 31:59

We need to get ahead of ourselves. I knew you heroes would come.

Wulf - PB : 32:00 - 32:03

How long have you been here? How did you end up here?

Fria - HT : 32:03 - 32:35

I've been here only a day or so, but she got me a week ago. What did she do? I don't know.

I went to sleep and then I woke up trapped in the cave, locked up, and then she came in and chopped my finger off. Cackled to herself about how she'd have a new one. Do you think this is the cave?

No. Were you held elsewhere?

Jestix - TE : 32:37 - 32:41

Elsewhere. Given she's only been in the castle a little while.

Fria - HT : 32:43 - 32:52

Do you think that she uses the body part to grow the replacement? I think it's essential, yeah.

Jestix - TE : 32:58 - 33:06

Which is an interesting thing because it means potentially, if she's using the spell on herself to create her simulacrums.

Fria - HT : 33:07 - 33:09

Does she have to cut her own fingers off?

Bjarni - PN : 33:10 - 33:11

She can probably cast regenerate.

Jestix - TE : 33:26 - 33:29

Anyway, we need to move on. We do.

Fria - HT : 33:31 - 34:05

Searching the room. Apart from tools used for dismembering body bits. Pliers and so on.

Not an awful lot here. The remains of some of the bodies look like they were dumped there as bits of bodies and bits have been cut off, all sorts of bits.

Wulf - PB : 34:08 - 34:11

Who are the other bodies? Do we recognise any of the bodies?

Fria - HT : 34:11 - 34:13

You've got dock workers.

Jestix - TE : 34:16 - 34:17

Fages of the night, that sort of thing.

Fria - HT : 34:17 - 34:30

Bits of pirate, several other creatures that you think, oh, that looks like a such and such creature that you killed once.

Bjarni - PN : 34:31 - 34:31


Fria - HT : 34:36 - 34:55

Do you know where she is? No, she hasn't been in here a while. Make sure they've got some food and water.

She does go up the stairs occasionally.

Jestix - TE : 34:56 - 34:59

But she hasn't gone up there recently, so she's probably not up there now.

Fria - HT : 35:00 - 35:36

I'm seeing her recently. She jumps in and out. She could be anywhere.

Does she do anything before going up the stairs to disable a trap or anything? I ask just in case. She normally gets a bit of something and goes up to it.

Gets a bit of someone and goes up to her lab to see what's on the stairs. OK. Unless anyone wants to storm me up, I'll check the steps, step by step, and go up.

Unless anyone wants to just say, ha, there can't be any more traps.

Jestix - TE : 35:37 - 35:41

I was going to say, where are we going up the stairs? We know she's not up there yet.

Bjarni - PN : 35:42 - 35:43

No, we don't.

Jestix - TE : 35:43 - 35:44

Yes, we do.

Bjarni - PN : 35:45 - 36:01

No, we don't. You're just saying it doesn't make it true. We have no idea where she is.

She just as easily could be upstairs as anywhere else.

Wulf - PB : 36:08 - 36:14

So, since we're here, I'll stomp up the stairs until we get something that looks like a door or a trap.

Fria - HT : 36:17 - 37:52

You clamber up the stairs to the next level. There's a whole raft of tables and stuff. Nasty looking barrels full of revolting looking liquids.

Going gloop. Right. Cunning senses tells you that this is some kind of research stroke.

How much is the lab? Alchemy lab. We've been looking for spells.

Remember she had those filters and things, which I've had a few examples of. Are any of these components or even the actual potion that we've seen before? There is stuff that looks like you could mix up to make stuff.

It was incredibly expensive and complex stuff to make the potion that I analysed before. So this lab must have some really unusual kit in it. If you were to spend enough time, you know, thousands and thousands of GPs would.

Lovely. Is there a way out of this room? Yeah, the staircase carries on up.

All right.

Wulf - PB : 37:52 - 37:53

Go up.

Fria - HT : 37:54 - 38:24

Looking. Doing it. The UK's first pet cloning clinic has been opened.

Chance of it being identical?

Wulf - PB : 38:31 - 38:33

That's a very sad thing to have.

Fria - HT : 38:35 - 38:36

For a cloned pet.

Wulf - PB : 38:37 - 38:37


Bjarni - PN : 38:38 - 38:41

Your pet's presumably snuffed it, so you bring it along.

Jestix - TE : 38:41 - 38:47

No, no, no, no, no. You start cloning them before you get close to snuffing it, so they're always three years old.

Wulf - PB : 38:48 - 38:54

Well, that's not better. I'm sorry, Fido.

Jestix - TE : 38:55 - 38:57

You've had your three years. Sorry.

Wulf - PB : 39:00 - 39:03

I want you to watch this film. It's called Logan's Run.

Fria - HT : 39:06 - 39:16

Would they get on, do you think, if you had a pack of cloned dogs? Who'd be the top dog? Whichever is the strongest.

GM - DF : 39:18 - 39:19

But they're all the same.

Jestix - TE : 39:20 - 39:25

No, they're not. Because they're different ages, so one of them will be stronger.

Fria - HT : 39:28 - 39:32

Yeah, but mentally…

Jestix - TE : 39:32 - 39:33

Mentally, they'd all be dogs.

Fria - HT : 39:34 - 39:38

They'll just be… They'll develop as their environment dictates.

Jestix - TE : 39:40 - 39:45

Nature and nurture. Yes. Are you sniffing your own bollocks?

Fria - HT : 39:49 - 40:00

So, Freya, you seem to be the only one here. We said we would go up, and I would go up first, so I put myself… So the whole party goes up, yeah?

So you've got this…

Jestix - TE : 40:00 - 40:04

Well, me and Henry probably aren't, because I suspect, as far as I'm concerned, it's not particularly…

Fria - HT : 40:04 - 40:43

A cloning facility, let's just call it what it is. You know, with tree-like and bush-like table things for people to grow in and stuff like that. Wow.

One of the scenarios I wrote once. Is there anyone being grown here now? No.

Good. But it does look like not that long ago. OK.

Have a quick check round, guys. We never know, she may have even kept notes.

Wulf - PB : 40:44 - 40:48

Yes, does she have a diary? Ha ha, the tent of my…

Fria - HT : 40:48 - 40:50

Ha ha, next I shall do the mare.

Wulf - PB : 40:51 - 40:53

Or the tent of the pirates, as they are known.

Fria - HT : 40:54 - 41:11

So, have a look round. Is there a grimoire of cloning? Yeah, that would be ideal, wouldn't it?

Burn it. Burn it. Yes, burn it immediately.

I've got the grimoire of making… what's its… Gollums.

Jestix - TE : 41:11 - 41:18

No, we don't have that. Yeah, but a grimoire of cloning is a step too far. You're into the black arts there.

Fria - HT : 41:20 - 43:02

You do see what you think of… that looks like that was where a large book was. Aha.

Well, I'm searching high and low in case there's a hidden library or part, whatever. There's no library here. OK.

Are you up there, Bjorni? Yes. Are you doing Detective Evils?

Not prompting you, but I'm just questioning if you are. Yes, I am. Oh, I see.

Sorry. When I'm zoomed in on the map, I can't see when you change. Yep, I do.

Detective Evils. OK. On that area where the book lectern thing…

there is the faint impression of evil. Right. There's also spots of evilness around the room, which you'd suspect might be involved in the creation of people.

Definitely lots of evil things have been performed here, and an evil book was utilised. OK. Are they windows, or does the stair go up further?

Stair goes up. OK, we've searched it quite carefully. I don't suggest we blow it up until we've at least searched it.

Bjarni - PN : 43:02 - 43:04

No, no, it's fine if we do it first.

Fria - HT : 43:04 - 43:10

Maybe on the way down we could lob a few alchemy files in and run. But shall we go up?

Bjarni - PN : 43:10 - 43:11

Yep. Yes.

Fria - HT : 43:14 - 43:21

Same party order. I will go up first with all due caution, unless anyone…

Wulf - PB : 43:21 - 43:25

No, I said I'll happily go up the stairs.

Fria - HT : 43:25 - 43:34

OK, I'm just going to move you all to the level below, OK? OK. Right, because I don't want to put in another identical floor.

Wulf - PB : 43:35 - 43:35


Fria - HT : 43:37 - 43:45

So, you're coming up these stairs, yeah? Yep. As you come up, make a spot check.

Bjarni - PN : 43:46 - 43:48

I'm the ideal person for this.

Fria - HT : 43:49 - 44:27

What would be? Ten. I'm following him, but I suggest…

Yes, you can also make a spot check. Better than ten, not by a lot. Hang on.

And it's a direct spot, 30.

Wulf - PB : 44:32 - 44:36

Are you an interesting fellow?

Jestix - TE : 44:36 - 44:40

I can try. Yeah. I can't get that, though.

Fria - HT : 44:43 - 44:59

You, as they come up the top of the stairs and don't spot the creatures in the room, and they also don't spot you, by the way, Jestix somehow pertinaturally knows there's something up there.

GM - DF : 45:03 - 45:04

Two floors below.

Fria - HT : 45:05 - 45:24

What's your spot, Howard? 30. 30, okay.

You also, as your head just comes up the top of the surface level, you just look over. Vorf is now almost completely in the room.

Jestix - TE : 45:25 - 45:26

And oblivious.

Fria - HT : 45:26 - 45:51

And oblivious. And there's these two weird-ass construction creatures. Golems?

Golem-type things, yeah. Okay, I point them out. Just kind of, like, doing stuff.

Bumbling around. They have not noticed you.

Wulf - PB : 45:53 - 45:58

Oh, well, I shall freeze and take a step or two back.

Bjarni - PN : 45:58 - 46:01

Possibly standing on Freya, if she's too close.

Fria - HT : 46:03 - 46:15

I'm usually fast enough to get out of your way. Okay, move silently. You mean, ah-ha.

Wulf - PB : 46:16 - 46:17

I'm an expert at move silently.

Jestix - TE : 46:18 - 46:21

You're thinking, Mark, you don't know what the word silent means.

Wulf - PB : 46:24 - 46:28

I can do it when I need to. As you're about to find out.

Fria - HT : 46:30 - 46:30

Only 27.

Bjarni - PN : 46:38 - 46:42

See, my move silently is positive, I'll have you know.

Wulf - PB : 46:44 - 46:51

Unlike my spot, which is not. So, I roll a four, and my move silently is five.

Fria - HT : 46:53 - 47:25

Okay, right. So, they have a really bad listen, but they actually do better than that. So, they start…

What was that noise? So, I assume you're going to try to hide. So, you can have a plus ten on a hide check versus their spot.

If I'm behind him, I'm all the way out of sight. Yeah, you're not. You don't need to worry.

You were only at eye level anyway, when you backed up.

Wulf - PB : 47:25 - 47:33

I make like a tree and leave. Ah-ha. 30 with a plus ten.

Fria - HT : 47:35 - 48:13

Okay. They make 23 spots and don't see you. But they look in the general direction of the stairs.

They have wicked looking kind of claw-like hand things. They do indeed. Does Corey's knowledge of golem construction indicate anything about what they might be?

Golem men. You don't recognise them.

Wulf - PB : 48:17 - 48:19

They've got beards or something.

Fria - HT : 48:19 - 48:42

They're made out of barrels, these ones. Looks like they're pub golems or something. Yeah, I thought the figures were quite cool.

Yeah. Okay. I mentally tell everybody that there are a pair of golems up here.

Or constructs. Are we going to have some fun with them?

Bjarni - PN : 48:43 - 48:46

What was in the room, apart from the two constructs?

Fria - HT : 48:47 - 48:50

Not an awful lot, really. I mean, there's plants and stuff.

Jestix - TE : 48:53 - 48:55

May as well destroy them.

Fria - HT : 48:55 - 48:58

They were probably created from something evil.

Wulf - PB : 49:00 - 49:04

What, um… Does the room go up further? Do the stairs go up further?

Fria - HT : 49:04 - 49:12

Yeah, it goes up another level. At least. How big?

Are they?

Wulf - PB : 49:14 - 49:23

They're large. Is there a way to disable golems without beating the crap out of them? Like, change who they're working for?

Fria - HT : 49:23 - 49:26

They're usually always susceptible to something.

Wulf - PB : 49:27 - 49:44

No, no. But, like, can you make them change their programming? Now, vote for me, work for me, kind of thing.


Fria - HT : 49:45 - 50:00

I can… Okay. I will go back through my grimoire and check.

I don't think I've ever read of anything like that. Whilst they're made, they're pretty set in stone.

Jestix - TE : 50:01 - 50:01

So to speak.

Fria - HT : 50:02 - 50:14

Knowledge Arcana? Yep. And Knowledge Arcana and a…

Any bonus for having the…

GM - DF : 50:14 - 50:14

Yeah, I'll take that.

Fria - HT : 50:15 - 50:47

Okay. I don't get a roll if I don't have that book. That's another 30.

Plus 17. It's theoretically possible. And what would I need?

A place where they were constructed? Or cast the right magic spell at them? Yeah.

Jestix - TE : 50:47 - 50:50

Any magic command golem?

Fria - HT : 50:54 - 51:52

I mean, I don't think there are standard rules for this. But I would think that it's probably possible. But it might take a bit of research, huh?

You certainly can cast the spell they're vulnerable to. Okay. At the very minimum, you would have to cast that.

I'll have a… Very carefully examine them and see if I can work out what they might be vulnerable to. If we're taking our time.

If not, they're vulnerable to being smashed up with a large mace. Or a greatsword. Golems are normally loyal to the person who constructed them.

Or the person… I imagine they must be able to transfer their ownership.

Jestix - TE : 51:55 - 52:00

Indeed. If you're in their will, you can have ownership of the golems.

Fria - HT : 52:14 - 52:49

I'll unsting my glaive. Yeah. We will have surprise on them if we're quiet.

So… Yeah. We can come up and just have a huge bish bash bosh.

Or I can… Is this… Are these stairs completely open?

Or do they just… Could we fall off the sides, so to speak? It doesn't actually say under golems anything like that.

But I assume it must be possible.

Wulf - PB : 52:50 - 53:00

Well, if you go by the old real world… Not real world, but… Our old world Jewish idea.

Got a squad on their heads, don't they?

Fria - HT : 53:01 - 53:35

Yes. But that was what gives them their instruction and their animation. Yeah.

I'm going to say that golems are generally built with a command crystal. And the owner of the crystal is the thing that controls the golem. We haven't been in a golem construction place since level 2.

Well, no, you've missed golems.

Jestix - TE : 53:36 - 53:40

And you met the guy who makes golems, because you killed him.

Fria - HT : 53:40 - 54:21

Yeah. Is there any evidence to show that they were constructed here? Like, they couldn't have got in the stairs.

Well, the stairs is actually not the gigantic thing in the middle of this one. Because that's the only bit I had to draw it. And are the stairs open-sided?

Or do they go up in a column? They go up in a column and there's one entrance. Okay, so I'm standing at the entrance where they are at the moment.

They can't see me in my circle. And I'm going to now grumble again about the stairs being in the wrong place, because they're in the wrong place on the map.

Jestix - TE : 54:22 - 54:24

They're in the middle, they shouldn't be in the middle.

Fria - HT : 54:24 - 54:45

They shouldn't be in the middle. It's like… It should be like a 101 training course for people that design dungeons and stuff.

You're not allowed to create a castle in an adventure if you don't actually know that you don't put spiral staircases in the middle of towers.

Wulf - PB : 54:47 - 54:50

I mean, apart from being a bit of a space hog, there's nothing wrong with it, is there?

Jestix - TE : 54:51 - 55:01

Yes, because you suddenly become either not exposed or you can't see what the hell's going on. You're put in a corner. So people coming through the door, you can see them.

Fria - HT : 55:03 - 57:01

Well, yes. But they are normally built in the wall. Yes.

I'm casting a detect magic to see if anyone was silly enough to have left the controlling crystal around here. Or if there's any other items. If you're going to do that, Howard, I'm going to say that you're in a position where they might see you.

I'm at the moment assuming you're… Yeah, you can't see them, they can't see you. Yeah, to the point where they can no longer see you through the entrance.

I will sneak past Vulf and have a sneaky look around that area. Okay, you'll need to make a stealth roll, move silently roll, and it needs to do some kind of hiding. Okay, give me a second.

So a stealth. So that would be a move silently. Sneak back up.

See if I can carry on my kind of so far so good rolls, but I doubt I will. Nope, that's only a 16 on the sneaking back up. Okay, the one nearest the entrance door is looking in your general direction as if he might have heard something.

I freeze. That's a hide roll as it now tries to look for you. My hide is actually not that good.

Can I just go invisible? Yes, nothing to stop you going invisible. I go invisible and I hide.

Hide is a 28. So I've done quite well anyway, but I'm invisible for fun.

GM - DF : 57:05 - 57:05


Fria - HT : 57:09 - 57:44

And I then wait for it to either come over and investigate or carry on with its task. It comes to the entrance way of sneaking. And silently cast detect magic while I'm waiting.

Oh yeah, there's magic in this area. What am I looking at? Golem.

Magic golem. I'm assuming golems radiate magic.

Jestix - TE : 57:45 - 57:46

I would hope so.

Wulf - PB : 57:47 - 58:05

If the golems in this world radiate magic, then they radiate magic. I'm going to say they do. I will step behind the bear as I prepare if we are going to go in and whoop them then.

Fria - HT : 58:07 - 58:20

A few of my prepared encounter stat blocks. I've lost as I have just discovered.

Wulf - PB : 58:21 - 58:21

Oh dear.

Fria - HT : 58:24 - 58:28

As I mentioned on Monday, I did my backup just before the game.

Bjarni - PN : 58:29 - 58:29


Fria - HT : 58:30 - 58:33

And some things have disappeared.

Bjarni - PN : 58:36 - 58:37


Fria - HT : 58:37 - 1:02:43

Okay. Tell me when you're ready, guys. Until that time, I'm scanning the area I can see.

Not moving and staying hidden. Looking for clues as to what are they doing. From what you can see, they looked like they were digging holes and putting stuff in.

Gardening would be your best estimate of what they were doing. They appear to be tending plants. Okay, cool.

What plants are growing? Trees, shrubs, grass, moss on the walls. So this is the greenhouse where they grow?

Everywhere is like that. Are they so big as they couldn't get up and down the stairs? Yeah, they can get up and down the stairs.

It's just a tight fit. Okay, cool. In which case, I wait for everyone to arrive.

The ceiling has also got some kind of light spell cast on it. Cool. But there's no point of magic going, I'm a gem of control.

It may have to be just a case of bashing them, boys. So in your own time, I shall leave it to you, unless you want me to see if they're susceptible. I think it's not unreasonable to say that golems normally have some kind of thing like a gem or a little scroll or something which is owned by the owner.

But it doesn't necessarily mean it will be there in a dungeon if you find a golem. No, it was there when it was created and instructed and probably kept in a safe. And what's more, the thing is destroyed when the golem itself is destroyed.

So unless you were to find it before the golem is destroyed, you wouldn't be able to use it anyway. Okay, I'm going to go a little bit further up the stairs so I'm not in the way as the boys arrange themselves. Okay.

If you wish, I can put a force wall up or something so that they have to approach from one direction. But they're not susceptible to… well, if they're like others, they're not susceptible to magics.

Not normally. So what's the plan? Wolf is at just below visibility, and Freya is currently invisible.

And Wolf did say that he was squished against the side so that he can swap order with the bear. And Bjarne, I think he's hoping that you'll lead off. Okay.

Because I'm not quiet. Yeah, they definitely hear you coming up the stairs and they are ready near the bit. I'm ready with a force wall if you need it to one side or the other so they can't gang up on you.

If you want to fight him one at a time. Shall we roll initiative? Yeah, I would like to have had a prepared action, but yes.

You can have a prepared action, but still roll initiative. Oh, absolutely. Nine.

Bjarne? Eight. Jestix?

Jestix - TE : 1:02:44 - 1:02:46

No, I'm too far down. I can hear a fight going on.

Fria - HT : 1:02:47 - 1:03:17

Okay, so they react to Bjarne's just getting to the point where you come round the stairs and are actually accessible. So they have a delayed action waiting for you to get there. One of them can club you.

Okay, I have a delayed action waiting for Bjarne to tell me he's about to step through and I'll try and…

Jestix - TE : 1:03:17 - 1:03:21

Well, he's stepped through, he just stands in the doorway. He can fight him one to one.

Fria - HT : 1:03:25 - 1:03:27

Yeah, and they will both…

Jestix - TE : 1:03:27 - 1:03:31

They object, but he's not here so he doesn't get a comment.

Fria - HT : 1:03:31 - 1:03:51

42. Sorry? 42 to hit.

Yep, you hit. 16 points of adamantine whatever damage.

Jestix - TE : 1:03:53 - 1:04:00

Okay, so… That's unpleasant. It is.

Bypass is my dear.

Fria - HT : 1:04:03 - 1:04:22

The other one breathes some kind of noxious stuff at you. I was going to say it's probably, yeah, poisonous. When was the last time you brushed your jaws?

Jestix - TE : 1:04:23 - 1:04:34

He's immune to poison anyway, but it could be acid or anything else.

Fria - HT : 1:04:34 - 1:04:37

Say if it's an area of effect or just on you.

Jestix - TE : 1:04:41 - 1:04:44

Right. If it's targeted then it's on him.

GM - DF : 1:04:46 - 1:04:47

Breath weapon.

Fria - HT : 1:04:48 - 1:04:50

N foot, loud.

GM - DF : 1:04:51 - 1:04:52


Fria - HT : 1:04:53 - 1:06:00

Okay, so that would just be on the body. And you're immune to poisons. It's poisonous gas, so you are immune.

Yes. Right, so then it would be… There we go.

They've just gone. Yeah, but they had a held action. That was their held action.

Okay. Okay. I'll push on up to this one.

Yes, it is the weird way the rules work. And I will hit it with my glaive. As Bjorni came up they had held actions and did stuff to him.

And then I will attack this one.

Jestix - TE : 1:06:05 - 1:06:06

Thirteen nine to hit.

Bjarni - PN : 1:06:12 - 1:06:21

Yes. I go on twelve.

Fria - HT : 1:06:24 - 1:06:27

You should go before me then. I will.

Wulf - PB : 1:06:27 - 1:06:31

I would have done an inspire courage on this.

Fria - HT : 1:06:32 - 1:06:34

That's a plus three, isn't it?

Wulf - PB : 1:06:34 - 1:06:35


Fria - HT : 1:06:36 - 1:08:57

You're still here. A mere twenty seven points of adamantine damage. Okay.

The exceptional twenty seven points of adamantine damage. And doesn't respond. Rare.

I need to pee. I move invisibly and quietly out to here. And cast.

Do I cast a spell? Let's find out if they're immune. They're made of wood.

I do a burning hand. I'll do a ray. Scorching ray.

Which will un-invisible me. So hopefully somewhere I can step into hiding. Scorching ray if I can.

Three ray touch attack. Yes. Do you need three touch attacks or one?

I'm just trying to figure out if it's actually going to make a difference. You can roll to hit if you wish. It's three touch attacks.

I fail with a one on ray one. Do the spell have a spell resistance? Yeah.

So they could be immune. Okay. Well the first one I actually miss.

Obviously not concentrating. The second one is a hit. I know.

I wanted to say it's thirty. But my ranged is sixteen now. So it's a twenty four to hit.

Second ray. And the third ray is an even more to hit. That's a twenty eight to hit.

Wulf - PB : 1:08:58 - 1:08:58


Fria - HT : 1:08:58 - 1:09:22

They all hit. So what was the spell? It's a scorching ray.

Okay. Your scorching ray does not affect them. Because they're golems.

Golems are immune to almost everything. Yeah. The scorching ray is not what they're vulnerable to.

Jestix - TE : 1:09:23 - 1:09:24

Okay. Right.

Fria - HT : 1:09:27 - 1:10:03

There we go. This one steps into the stairway and clobbers forth. Uh huh.

Now this one will do a full attack against you. Yep. Glad I got out of that.

Actually this one will actually poison you Wulf. Because it was the other one. The other one did the poisoning.

Breakfast of champions.

Wulf - PB : 1:10:04 - 1:10:05

Yeah. How is he going to try and poison me?

Fria - HT : 1:10:06 - 1:10:07

With a quest weapon.

Wulf - PB : 1:10:07 - 1:10:12

Okay. Well I'm immune to poison currently so.

Fria - HT : 1:10:14 - 1:10:26

It still does it. That's fine. It's an action though.

Yeah. We used actions which were useless to them. Just trying to find vulnerabilities.

Bjarni - PN : 1:10:28 - 1:10:31

So. Question.

Fria - HT : 1:10:47 - 1:11:45

It attacks you three times Pete. Wow. This is going to be painful.

Fortunately for me only 32. Miss. 38.

And the other one isn't as good. One hit. 19 points of adamantium.

Is Jestix doing anything?

Jestix - TE : 1:11:46 - 1:11:50

I'm keeping watch out in case someone decides to come in through the bottom.

Fria - HT : 1:11:50 - 1:11:59

Okay. No one has come up through the bottom yet. Wulf.

Right. Green gas all around you. Here.

Wulf - PB : 1:12:01 - 1:12:18

Politely ignore it. Um. With my.

Uh. Specially dark metal greataxe. Yes.

Lay about myself. Onto the golem with a five point parry attack.

Bjarni - PN : 1:12:22 - 1:12:23

Greataxe of construct bane.

Fria - HT : 1:12:30 - 1:12:34

These golems are going to have to wolf bane.

Wulf - PB : 1:12:36 - 1:12:39

You handed out this item. It's brilliant.

Fria - HT : 1:12:39 - 1:12:41

I didn't hand it out. It's a scenario.

Bjarni - PN : 1:12:43 - 1:12:54

Same difference. Uh. 39.

32. 37. So.

Fria - HT : 1:12:56 - 1:13:00

They've got a dagger in their leg with a map on it.

Wulf - PB : 1:13:01 - 1:13:06

They've also got a dartboard. AC30.

Bjarni - PN : 1:13:08 - 1:13:37

Yeah. AC25. No.

AC27. Three hits. So, ten.


Fria - HT : 1:13:40 - 1:13:55

How hard are these things to hit, Pete? Relatively hard. High twenties armour class.

Oh, cool. I'm going to try something I haven't tried before.

Wulf - PB : 1:13:55 - 1:14:17

So, 29 damage with the first blow. With my adamantine axle construct bane. Then 41 damage.

And then. 36 damage.

Fria - HT : 1:14:18 - 1:15:29

36. I think. That's about right.

Okay, whack, whack, whack. Purely. Okay, three point power attack.

Full attack. Oi, oi, oi. Don't flip over Mr. Smite token. Right. So, that would be. Uh.

40. Uh. 31.

25. Nope. Okay.

Last one misses as well. So, the first two hit. First one does.

36 damage. Second one does. 29 damage.

Bjarni - PN : 1:15:35 - 1:15:39

Pardon you. Excuse me. Very rude.

Fria - HT : 1:15:48 - 1:15:49

32 is my guess.

GM - DF : 1:15:56 - 1:16:00

Still there. Freya.

Fria - HT : 1:16:01 - 1:17:27

Hi. I'm going to try something I haven't tried before. Mage's sword.

I get three once a day. Really? Because of the.

Baron. My headband can cast a mage's sword once a day. Nice.

So, I have a mage's sword. It's going to attack the nearest one. It has a.

Plus 28 to hit. And it's a. It's a magic weapon.

And it's a force effect. Yeah. So, it's a force effect.

So, I think I just have to try and hit it. And the first time I hit. It gets its SR. I get my spell penetration. And it either spells my spell or it's vulnerable. Doesn't. It's possible it might not work at all, however.

It's the. Mage's sword, is that? Yeah, mage's sword.

So, it's a force attack. Which book's this from?

Wulf - PB : 1:17:28 - 1:17:33

Normal. SRD. 7th level wizard spell.

Fria - HT : 1:17:39 - 1:17:52

MAGE. MAGE. Apostrophe S.

Sword. Used to be Mordenkainen's sword. Yeah.

That's why I can't find it.

Wulf - PB : 1:17:54 - 1:17:54

Back in the day.

Fria - HT : 1:17:55 - 1:19:01

Back in the day. Here we are. Fateful hound.

Lubrication. Magnificent such and such. Private sanctum.

Sword. Spell resistance, yes. Yep.

So, you get a spell resistance the first time it hits. So, I think there's a midden. Where is it?

Penultimate, the last full sentence. If an attacked creature has spell resistance, the resistance is checked the first time a mage's sword strikes it. If it is resisted, the spell is dispelled, i.e. the sword's gone. If not, the sword has normal effect for the duration of the spell. So, first time it hits, I get to roll a hit. And if it does, then we have a spell penetration versus SR. Okay.

GM - DF : 1:19:03 - 1:19:04

Roll to hit.

Fria - HT : 1:19:05 - 1:19:28

I haven't actually rolled a hit roll for a while. 16. So, plus 20.

That's 40. Okay. You solidly hit it.

Yep. But it then blinks out. It then blinks out?

Yep. It automatically makes spell resistance.

Wulf - PB : 1:19:30 - 1:19:34

Wow. It's got unbeatable SR. Yeah, it's unbeatable.

Fria - HT : 1:19:36 - 1:20:12

Yes, it was a good idea, Howard. And in the right moment, it was an excellent spell. I shall move out of its way.

Yes. I think you need anti-wood spells. And consider what I'm doing next.

It's the unfortunate thing about golems. Golems are wonderful things. Their tails are made of barrels.

Right, so that was Freya's go. Jestix, you might want to make a listen check.

Jestix - TE : 1:20:15 - 1:20:16

Listen or spot?

Fria - HT : 1:20:17 - 1:20:17


Wulf - PB : 1:20:25 - 1:20:29

There's no 50 odd on there. Listen or spot?

Jestix - TE : 1:20:33 - 1:20:35

Listen, I'd say 38.

Fria - HT : 1:20:36 - 1:21:12

Okay. You hear, barrelling up the stairs, a large creature. It comes into the room.

Was there stairs down as well? No, you're actually one level above, Howard. I just couldn't be bothered to put another one in.

Oh, okay, so… They're on level… the first level.

Yeah, they're on the level with the… above the… Yes, they're on level…

they're floor one. You're on floor two. The people on the ground floor.

Bjarni - PN : 1:21:13 - 1:21:14


Fria - HT : 1:21:18 - 1:21:35

So, it barrels up, coming into this area. Siege, are you locked? Isabel looks like she's dangerous.

And the loudest swiper is down. Who, where?

Jestix - TE : 1:21:39 - 1:21:41

Floors below. Move over.

Bjarni - PN : 1:21:42 - 1:21:44

Some form of initiative roll, perhaps.

Jestix - TE : 1:21:45 - 1:21:45


Bjarni - PN : 1:21:52 - 1:21:53

I'll roll for when you're ready.

Wulf - PB : 1:21:55 - 1:22:04

Yeah, you can have initiatives. I mean, if you want to do your thing, then do your thing. It's whether or not we hear Howard coming up and step back or something like that.

Fria - HT : 1:22:04 - 1:22:20

Spot rolls, otherwise you're flat-footed. All of this. Yeah, all of this.

I get… the… lots.

Yeah, I thought… that wasn't good.

Jestix - TE : 1:22:23 - 1:22:25

I've got an initiative of ten.

Bjarni - PN : 1:22:28 - 1:22:38

Twenty-two for Isabel, and she got… I think she's going to beat Fran. A spot of…


Fria - HT : 1:22:47 - 1:23:11

I'll say that Isabel can go straight afterwards. Right, so. It tries to clob you.

Gets a thirty-seven. That will hit. Twenty points of damage.

Of your solid adamantium type.

Bjarni - PN : 1:23:13 - 1:23:17

I don't have DR, so… I'm not like the rest of I.

Fria - HT : 1:23:18 - 1:23:23

Yeah. Bjorni and Volf get three attempts.

Bjarni - PN : 1:23:26 - 1:23:27

Three attacks.

Jestix - TE : 1:23:29 - 1:23:32

Yes. Once it's engaged, it does three attacks a round.

Wulf - PB : 1:23:34 - 1:23:37

Oh, three attacks, not three attacks. I thought you were giving us three attacks for some reason.

Fria - HT : 1:23:38 - 1:24:04

No. As I rolled a six highest, Pete, you survived. Hooray.

Other Pete. Thirty… Thirty-two.

Wulf - PB : 1:24:06 - 1:24:07

That's not going to be good enough, I'm afraid.

Fria - HT : 1:24:08 - 1:24:15

So I'll not bother with that one. Thirty-five.

Bjarni - PN : 1:24:16 - 1:24:18

That is, as they say, the magic number.

Fria - HT : 1:24:24 - 1:24:38

Twenty-two points of damage. Cloverhoe. Isabel's go.

Bjarni - PN : 1:24:42 - 1:24:48

If she were to take a five foot step back, would she be… armed, still within its reach?

GM - DF : 1:24:52 - 1:24:52


Fria - HT : 1:25:01 - 1:25:04

It's going to attack you with its pruning shears.

Wulf - PB : 1:25:10 - 1:25:11


Fria - HT : 1:25:14 - 1:25:29

I was tempted to get one of those… those pruning shear things on a long pole. So you can cut them.

Very useful. I haven't really got a need to definitely buy one, but… just seems like a fun thing to own.

Jestix - TE : 1:25:29 - 1:25:35

You want one? Just so you can be around here. You can just attack your neighbour's garden with it.

Wulf - PB : 1:25:36 - 1:25:37

Yeah. Do a bit of pruning.

Fria - HT : 1:25:38 - 1:25:55

You know the EULA's cameras? When they first came out, somebody was… giving you instructions of how to…

put a spray can on top of one of those. Yeah, so you could lift it up and spray the thing… and pull the trigger.

Wulf - PB : 1:25:58 - 1:26:08

Adapt and survive. Alright, she's going to make a… a withdraw action.

Sort of round the corner. That's all she does.

Bjarni - PN : 1:26:10 - 1:26:13

Gets it low out. Gets ready to shoot the thing.

Fria - HT : 1:26:14 - 1:26:41

Right, so… Wolf will… What does it go?

Trees and fishes and… plants and dogs and animals. It's a loaded run, isn't it?

The creature. What? Oh yeah, the robot.

Robot's everything.

Bjarni - PN : 1:26:45 - 1:27:14

What? Alright, he's going to haste himself. Anyway.

Because this thing's dangerous. And… Right.

So… 20… 20…

That's going to hit. It's going to miss. That's going to hit.

Wulf - PB : 1:27:22 - 1:27:26

So I've got 4 above 27. They all hit.

Bjarni - PN : 1:27:29 - 1:28:01

Not so much. That will be 1, 1 and 1. 31…

41… 48… 46…

92… 140 damage.

Fria - HT : 1:28:03 - 1:28:18

You've smashed this poor gardener. You've smashed the poor gardener to nothingness. Bits of wood and…

hoeing sticks and… stuff going… Poor thing.

Wulf - PB : 1:28:19 - 1:28:25

How's it look to you? Well, 20 damage. Oh yeah.

Jestix - TE : 1:28:26 - 1:28:27

Pruned him a bit.

Wulf - PB : 1:28:27 - 1:28:37

Yes. I feel marvellously pruned. Right, I think I'm yawning.

Jestix - TE : 1:28:40 - 1:28:46

OK. Hit… A hit…


Fria - HT : 1:28:49 - 1:29:44

30. That's a hit. And a 25.

25. That's a miss. OK, 3 hits.

I've got a feeling in my water that you're going to kill it. Not necessarily. 31 points…

33 points… And 47 points. No, 37 points.

The poor innocent gardener is smashed to pieces. It's rake. Spins off into the distance.

There's another one coming, guys. That's OK, you can deal with that. Chest dips.

Jestix - TE : 1:29:45 - 1:30:03

I move up and attack the golem. Putting myself between… And I'll tumble in so it can't attack me of opportunity.

Until I get a 30-odd.

GM - DF : 1:30:03 - 1:30:04


Jestix - TE : 1:30:05 - 1:30:07

And then I cover it.

Fria - HT : 1:30:09 - 1:30:12

Should be a post-grapple check. It should be like Pathfinder, I think.

Jestix - TE : 1:30:13 - 1:30:15

And I miss it. I get a 25.

Fria - HT : 1:30:16 - 1:30:21

OK. You spin into it, just being too flashy.

Jestix - TE : 1:30:22 - 1:30:27

Yeah. Did you do Inspire Courage, Wolf?

Wulf - PB : 1:30:28 - 1:30:35

Yeah, whether or not you heard it, I don't know. But yes, I have. Depends how big the stairs are, really, in Hell.

Jestix - TE : 1:30:35 - 1:30:37

Yeah, how far down am I from him?

Wulf - PB : 1:30:44 - 1:30:49

12 foot? 12 foot, yeah, you would have heard that then.

Jestix - TE : 1:30:50 - 1:30:51

OK, so I get 28 to hit.

Wulf - PB : 1:30:52 - 1:30:52


Jestix - TE : 1:31:10 - 1:31:14

And it takes 16 points of damage.

Fria - HT : 1:31:16 - 1:31:19

Any gear chance that you get by?

Jestix - TE : 1:31:20 - 1:31:24

Well, it's a plus-five magic weapon. Ah.

Fria - HT : 1:31:25 - 1:31:35

You do one point of damage. It's a bit tough, isn't it?

Jestix - TE : 1:31:35 - 1:31:42

Yep. I need to get myself an adamantine quarterstaff.

Wulf - PB : 1:31:44 - 1:31:47

Oh, yeah. See that working out well for you.

Jestix - TE : 1:31:48 - 1:31:53

Oh, it does. Because I can enhance it with Titan Slayer.

Wulf - PB : 1:31:57 - 1:32:00

Do I have Titan Slayer, Objector and other stuff around?

Jestix - TE : 1:32:01 - 1:32:03

Not anymore. I'm just using a stick.

Bjarni - PN : 1:32:03 - 1:32:06

Oh, yes, you are, aren't you? You need a metal stick, yeah?

Fria - HT : 1:32:11 - 1:32:20

I shall wait and hold action until the thing arrives. Assuming it's coming barrelling up.

GM - DF : 1:32:21 - 1:32:22

Oh, yeah.

Fria - HT : 1:32:22 - 1:33:23

As you're holding action and not really paying attention to anything, you can make a listen, shouldn't you? Excellent. Holding action and paying attention, my listen is only 20.

Yeah, that's enough. There's a noise from coming down. There's something coming down the stairs behind me.

If I'd mentally say. Ah. Excellent.

I prepare a spell. So, from above Wulf, one is coming down. It gets too close to Wulf on its go.

You're not surprised. Yep. Do you want me to hold it up while we defeat the one downstairs?

So, Wulf, you make a surprise check. Box check.

Jestix - TE : 1:33:24 - 1:33:27

You're going to see nothing but the thing. Yeah.

Fria - HT : 1:33:27 - 1:33:49

I got 7. OK. It tries to club you, Wulf.

No, I don't. I think it hits. I'm slightly better, I'm classed as I was before.

OK, I'll do the maths. 42.

Wulf - PB : 1:33:50 - 1:33:55

Yeah, I'm slightly better. One point better, not seven points better. So, you hit.

Fria - HT : 1:33:55 - 1:33:56

I did roll a 19.

Wulf - PB : 1:33:58 - 1:34:00

I'm pleased for you.

Fria - HT : 1:34:00 - 1:34:06

Well, if it had had the kind of like improved crit.

Wulf - PB : 1:34:07 - 1:34:10

Yes, true. That would have crit it, yes.

Fria - HT : 1:34:10 - 1:34:18

It didn't. None of the creatures that I've got improved crit on have actually ever rolled a 19.

Jestix - TE : 1:34:18 - 1:34:18

I know.

Fria - HT : 1:34:18 - 1:34:19

It's horrible, isn't it?

Jestix - TE : 1:34:20 - 1:34:25

It's also grossly unfair that creatures that you can't crit can crit you back.

Fria - HT : 1:34:25 - 1:34:48

Yeah. Yeah. So many of the things that we've been facing of late have been either plants or undead or constructs.

Or elementals. Or elementals. And I just, I've got improved crit and it's just, it's not applicable for two thirds of the fight.

21 points of damage.

Wulf - PB : 1:34:50 - 1:34:51

Not me, hey. I get that crit. Okay.

Fria - HT : 1:34:52 - 1:35:22

Right, Jestix. It winds up its strimmer and its little hedge cutter and various other things. And lays about you with three attacks.

Ooh, a natural. Two natural ones. Lovely.

The other one is 39.

Jestix - TE : 1:35:22 - 1:35:23


Fria - HT : 1:35:31 - 1:35:32

39 is a miss.

Wulf - PB : 1:35:35 - 1:35:36

I thought you said yes, but okay.

Jestix - TE : 1:35:38 - 1:35:39

No, I said miss.

Wulf - PB : 1:35:39 - 1:35:42

Miss? Good lord, man. What is your armor class these days?

Jestix - TE : 1:35:43 - 1:35:45

At the moment, for this target, 41.

Bjarni - PN : 1:35:48 - 1:35:49


Jestix - TE : 1:35:50 - 1:35:55

Because I keep forgetting my dodge. Single target, I get an extra dodge bonus.

Wulf - PB : 1:35:56 - 1:36:02

All right, yes. But still, 41, that's now the best in the party, again.

Jestix - TE : 1:36:03 - 1:36:06

Yeah, but it's only because I've got a spell on me that's doing it.

Wulf - PB : 1:36:06 - 1:36:08

Oh, you're bug-skinned up, aren't you?

Jestix - TE : 1:36:08 - 1:36:09


Wulf - PB : 1:36:09 - 1:36:11

Nice. Oh, yeah. Sure, why not?

Fria - HT : 1:36:13 - 1:36:20

Excellent spell. I've never used that spell on any of my NPCs ever.

Jestix - TE : 1:36:21 - 1:36:22

Yes, you did.

Wulf - PB : 1:36:22 - 1:36:32

You liar. The game didn't crash to the enormity of that particular lie.

Fria - HT : 1:36:36 - 1:36:45

Come on, Isabel. Wakey, wakey. Sorry, what?

Jestix - TE : 1:36:46 - 1:36:47

Pay attention, Isabel.

Fria - HT : 1:36:48 - 1:36:50

I didn't know it was my turn. You should have said.

Jestix - TE : 1:36:51 - 1:36:52

You did, repeatedly.

Wulf - PB : 1:36:53 - 1:37:29

Can I see the Greebly from where my position is? No. Okay, I will move to there.

Yeah, you can see it now. Shoot it. I will take a double arrow, which will be…

Yeah, it's going to hit. Is it affected by cold? Yes.

GM - DF : 1:37:31 - 1:37:32


Bjarni - PN : 1:37:39 - 1:38:07

Here we go. 12, 15… 13, 14, 9 damage.

Jestix - TE : 1:38:08 - 1:38:10

With two arrows makes it 19.

Bjarni - PN : 1:38:11 - 1:38:12

Yeah, two arrows.

Fria - HT : 1:38:13 - 1:38:17

Unless you've got the bypasses adamantium, you need to take 15 off.

Bjarni - PN : 1:38:18 - 1:38:23

Each. Or per arrow, yeah. 19 in total.

Fria - HT : 1:38:27 - 1:38:51

Okay. Arrows are added to the dartboard. Both.

It's just bobbled down the stairs towards you. This Wiener's Gardener thing. Oops.

Wulf - PB : 1:38:51 - 1:38:54

Yes, I'm going to lay about me.

Fria - HT : 1:38:55 - 1:38:59

Bits of rose tree are on it. Bush are on it.

Jestix - TE : 1:39:01 - 1:39:02

Who loves you?

Bjarni - PN : 1:39:07 - 1:39:54

So, plus 27… 33… 29…

29 hit? Yes. That'll miss.

So… 46, 92… 127…

120, 137… 152 damage at this time.

GM - DF : 1:39:56 - 1:39:59

152 in one go?

Wulf - PB : 1:39:59 - 1:40:05

Four attacks. Five attacks, one missed. Four hits.

So it could be worse.

Fria - HT : 1:40:06 - 1:40:09

Right, so… You smash it to bits.

Wulf - PB : 1:40:11 - 1:40:14

I've got a great axe, so it's the ideal weapon for taking apart wood.

Fria - HT : 1:40:15 - 1:40:26

Yeah. Smash to bits. Bits of barrel and…

What? Spade.

Wulf - PB : 1:40:30 - 1:40:32

There's a spear in there somewhere.

Fria - HT : 1:40:32 - 1:40:38

It's also got kind of like, cushy things for its knees as well. Absolutely, yes.

Bjarni - PN : 1:40:40 - 1:40:42

Some vicious secateurs it looks holding.

Jestix - TE : 1:40:43 - 1:40:45

Sprays water everywhere as you chop it down.

Fria - HT : 1:40:46 - 1:41:01

OK, something coming down from above? No longer. It was.

It's now been smashed to pieces. OK. It's got a lucky blow on it.

A blow on a kneecap. Erm… I will head up then.

Jestix - TE : 1:41:02 - 1:41:05

Oh, how about coming down and helping me down here with the one below you?

Fria - HT : 1:41:06 - 1:41:07


Jestix - TE : 1:41:07 - 1:41:13

Are you in… I'm fighting this thing with a weapon that's going to do one or two damage a round.

Fria - HT : 1:41:14 - 1:41:23

Oh, all right. I will head down the stairs to help him out. You'd think to yourself it'd be useful if you had that adamantine weapon.

Jestix - TE : 1:41:24 - 1:41:27

I do. As I said, I want an adamantine stick.

Fria - HT : 1:41:28 - 1:41:37

Basically it's going to take you the whole round to get down to that level, Pete. That's OK. But you might get to sneak up and backstab it.

Wulf - PB : 1:41:38 - 1:41:43

Nope. In the way that paladins do tend to sneak attack. Yeah.

Fria - HT : 1:41:46 - 1:41:47

Er, jesssticks.

Jestix - TE : 1:41:50 - 1:41:53

Here we go. Here goes a lot of futile damage rolling.

Bjarni - PN : 1:41:57 - 1:41:58

You doomed.

Jestix - TE : 1:41:59 - 1:42:01

You doomed. 29 to hit.

Bjarni - PN : 1:42:02 - 1:42:02


Jestix - TE : 1:42:04 - 1:42:13

Hit. Hit. Er, 27?

GM - DF : 1:42:14 - 1:42:14


Jestix - TE : 1:42:15 - 1:42:20

So, four hits. So, that's 8 damage plus this.

Fria - HT : 1:42:21 - 1:42:22

Then take off 15.

Jestix - TE : 1:42:23 - 1:42:34

Oh, no. It's not 8 damage. It's this minus a bit.

So, that's 15.

Wulf - PB : 1:42:35 - 1:42:36

How do you know what you're talking about?

Jestix - TE : 1:42:37 - 1:42:42

Er, 27 less 12. 15 damage.

Fria - HT : 1:42:43 - 1:42:45

Oh, a solid 15 damage.

Jestix - TE : 1:42:47 - 1:42:51

Yeah. As I said, at this rate it'll take me 10 rounds or more.

Fria - HT : 1:42:54 - 1:43:48

Freya, er, well, there's been a bit of altercation in the, er… In the stairwell. Yeah.

You can't really see into that from there. I'm searching the bodies, er, smashed up bodies of these things to see if they have unusual components. Oh, yeah.

They're made up of stuff. You can collect bits of gem and stuff. Cool.

I collect them. The gardener will continue pummeling jesssticks. Jesssticks.

Oh, this time, er, the lowest roll I get is 40.

Jestix - TE : 1:43:49 - 1:43:50

The lowest or the highest?

Fria - HT : 1:43:51 - 1:43:54

That's the lowest. Then I get 41.

Jestix - TE : 1:43:54 - 1:43:57

41 misses and 41 hits.

Fria - HT : 1:43:59 - 1:43:59


Jestix - TE : 1:44:00 - 1:44:02

40 misses and 41 hits.

Fria - HT : 1:44:04 - 1:44:28

Yeah. So, you get two hits. 22 points plus 20 points.

As its, er, strimmer decides to remove your hair.

Wulf - PB : 1:44:29 - 1:44:33

But not on the top of your head. Yes. Which is more worrying.

Fria - HT : 1:44:33 - 1:44:47

Ha ha! Missed both my legs! Yeah.

And obviously that sticky out branch, which is your arm, is not needed anymore.

Bjarni - PN : 1:44:51 - 1:44:54

It must be thrashing around in a strange and unnatural way.

Fria - HT : 1:44:54 - 1:44:56

Yeah. Er, isn't it?

Bjarni - PN : 1:44:58 - 1:45:40

Er… She will assist with the fight and shoot some arrows into the back of the stick. That is 32.

36. So, that'll be a hit. That'll be a hit.

Er, 26.

Fria - HT : 1:45:43 - 1:45:45

What, 26 to hit or 26 damage?

Bjarni - PN : 1:45:45 - 1:46:15

To hit. Yes. Three hits.

Four. There's another one. 36.

46, 56, 63. That'll be 18 damage to you.

Fria - HT : 1:46:17 - 1:46:19

Looks like big for that woman, then.

Wulf - PB : 1:46:21 - 1:46:38

Well, it was going okay until you suck off the 15 points of damage per blow. Yeah. She's a bit like, um, Jessie's in that regard.

Reasonable amount of damage, but not big amounts of damage. Yeah. The eye is a pain, isn't it?

Jestix - TE : 1:46:39 - 1:46:39


Wulf - PB : 1:46:40 - 1:46:43

Particularly when, unlike the other two, they haven't got adamantine weapons.

Fria - HT : 1:46:49 - 1:46:50

Er… Wolf.

Wulf - PB : 1:46:53 - 1:47:02

Um… Well, I believe the bear has gone downstairs, and the bear's arse is huge, so I'm not going to… Yeah, he's taking up the space.

Bjarni - PN : 1:47:03 - 1:47:09

He's basically taking the space up. I should be ready in action to hit something dangerous if he gets close to me.

Fria - HT : 1:47:11 - 1:47:14

There's a giant warrior bear, don't you mean?

Bjarni - PN : 1:47:15 - 1:47:21

Something dangerous that is trying to attack me. Like another gardener. Okay.

Fria - HT : 1:47:21 - 1:47:32

Bjorni. I hit the bear… er, the gardener from behind.

That's the paladin way.

Bjarni - PN : 1:47:33 - 1:47:39

Ha! He he he! Mmm…

It's just a sliver of moving, eh?

Fria - HT : 1:47:40 - 1:47:59

Yeah. Six point power attack. A hit…

A… Hit… A…

Hit… And… A miss.

First hit does…

Bjarni - PN : 1:48:00 - 1:48:01


Fria - HT : 1:48:01 - 1:48:19

34 points of damage. Second hit does… 30 points of damage.

Third… Does 40 points of damage. And that was it.

104. Yes, 104 is enough.

Jestix - TE : 1:48:20 - 1:48:21

Thank you.

Fria - HT : 1:48:26 - 1:48:28

So, smashed bits of gardener.

Jestix - TE : 1:48:31 - 1:48:33

Are you okay now? Yes.

Fria - HT : 1:48:34 - 1:48:43

Then I shall return… up. We should be back in the mansion.

The stairs are big enough for Henry to come up, I think.

Jestix - TE : 1:48:46 - 1:48:53

They're pretty big. He doesn't like going up spiral staircases, they're just unnatural.

Fria - HT : 1:48:54 - 1:49:04

There is always that. Totally agree. But should he manage to come up, if the golems can run up and down them, I'm sure he can.

Jestix - TE : 1:49:07 - 1:49:19

I'm sure he can, he's not going to. Unless he actually has to. Meanwhile, I'm going to do a bit of healing.

Wulf - PB : 1:49:21 - 1:49:29

Well, when Dave gets back, I was going to… well, it doesn't really matter, to be honest. But I was going to suggest that Adam does cast a spell on everybody again.

Bjarni - PN : 1:49:30 - 1:49:40

Because there's several people who are injured there. Yeah, I'm not too bad off. No, he's just going to cast a spell.

Fria - HT : 1:49:40 - 1:49:45

I'm just going to investigate an unusual sound. I'll be back. Right.

Bjarni - PN : 1:49:54 - 1:49:57

So do you want me to do that instead, Tim?

Jestix - TE : 1:49:57 - 1:50:00

Yeah, you do that, and then we'll see how we go, because I'm 44 down.

Bjarni - PN : 1:50:01 - 1:50:14

Alright, so he will cast a… what are these spells? We'll give 28.

Fria - HT : 1:50:20 - 1:50:21

People healing up.

Bjarni - PN : 1:50:21 - 1:50:37

Yeah, Ahom casts an area effect, cure moderate wounds for 22 hit points. And a curing for everybody. We briefly congregate.

Jestix - TE : 1:50:40 - 1:50:44

That's good, because it gets me close to my normal max.

Bjarni - PN : 1:50:59 - 1:51:07

Wolf Pest is Ahom, until he casts another one, another spell on him.

Jestix - TE : 1:51:11 - 1:51:13

I think I've got a bunch of cure lights if you need them.

Bjarni - PN : 1:51:20 - 1:51:21

You have got some, or you want some?

Jestix - TE : 1:51:21 - 1:51:26

I've got a whole bunch of them. I've got a couple of wands, if you need some.

Bjarni - PN : 1:51:28 - 1:51:28

It's alright.

Fria - HT : 1:51:38 - 1:51:41

You know this thing about Hunter Biden being given immunity?

GM - DF : 1:51:42 - 1:51:44

No one's above the law!

Wulf - PB : 1:51:45 - 1:51:47

Stunning move there by the President, yeah.

Fria - HT : 1:51:47 - 1:52:11

At the disadvantage of it, he can now be forced to come before Congress and has to tell Congress everything that happened. Yeah, but he'll just lie through his teeth. Well, my question is, if he lies…

Is that a new offence? Is that a new offence?

Jestix - TE : 1:52:12 - 1:52:15

It will be taken as a new offence regardless.

Fria - HT : 1:52:17 - 1:52:29

It seems only fair. Because he can no longer say he wants to take the fifth. You can only take the fifth if you actually could be found guilty of something.

Bjarni - PN : 1:52:31 - 1:52:32

I don't know how it works exactly.

Fria - HT : 1:52:32 - 1:52:40

Yeah, that's the thing. Because he's now been given a pardon, he can't take the fifth.

Wulf - PB : 1:52:40 - 1:52:46

What was he found innocent of exactly?

Fria - HT : 1:52:47 - 1:53:31

Anything that happened between, was it 2016? No, 2014. 2014 and 2020 or something.

I don't remember exactly when the end date was. The last ten years. Yeah.

Absolutely anything he could have done, a really blanket, he's been pardoned. Every crime that has occurred over the last ten years. And the reason why it's so egregious is that in 2014 he was appointed on the board of directors of Burisma, which was the Ukrainian gas company.

Bjarni - PN : 1:53:33 - 1:53:35

Why is that egregious?

Fria - HT : 1:53:35 - 1:55:49

Well, first of all, he has no training or ability in anything to do with energy, the energy business at all. So he was appointed there for a purpose. And the purpose was, of course, he was the backdoor cut out for Biden, who was the vice president at the time.

And Obama had given him the Ukrainian civil war situation as his purview. So it was under Biden's watch as vice president that the whole Ukrainian coup occurred in the first place. And then he positioned his son and placed him on the board of Burisma because at the time they were planning to frack the crap out of eastern Ukraine because they thought that there was lots and lots of gas available in eastern Ukraine.

At the same time, when the Ukrainian government decided to investigate corruption, because it's a bit unusual for the vice president's son to just be suddenly appointed out of nowhere to be on the board of directors of one of them for their major energy company. He basically forced the Ukrainian government to fire the chief in corruption investigator. And this stupid idiot Biden actually had him was filmed boasting about it.

So. I mean, it's not good, is it? That's just the Ukrainian side of it.

That's why the start date starts at 2014. Yeah. I mean, the laptop stuff is just sugar.

Yeah, that's different. Fairy dust on top. That's what he was actually found guilty of.

The things on that also admitted to guilt. Oh, no, no, no.

Jestix - TE : 1:55:49 - 1:55:53

He's found guilty for lying about getting a gun permit.

Fria - HT : 1:55:54 - 1:55:55

Which came from a laptop.

Jestix - TE : 1:55:55 - 1:55:57

No, no, no. Not at all.

Fria - HT : 1:55:58 - 1:56:53

The laptop information is still buried. Yeah. It was lost by the FBI.

But of course, I distracted them. The computer repair company guy had taken the backup of the drive before he gave it to the FBI. So the data is still available.

And it is filled with drug crimes, sex crimes and business dealing crimes. Oh, my God. And of course, during the whole Biden getting elected, nobody was allowed to report or talk about the Hunter Biden's laptop.

And so companies and persons such as the head of. What's his face? Mr. Robot.

Bjarni - PN : 1:56:56 - 1:56:58

Head of Facebook.

Fria - HT : 1:56:59 - 1:57:54

Zuckerberg. Zuckerberg came out and admitted that the FBI had come to him and requested that he suppress all reporting of it on Facebook. And so that came out into the open.

So all the things that people have been being accused of being conspiracy theories about theorists about are actually proving to actually be. Well, the conspiracy theorists have been accurate or motion. And on top of that, even more spice and sugar on top, the Congress has just released its investigation into the covid-19 pandemic.

And guess what? All of those things like masks don't work. It was stupid to send kids to stop kids from going to school, stuff like that.

All being now verified as being stupid fucking ideas.

Wulf - PB : 1:57:56 - 1:58:03

The point about masks was that you're less likely to spread it if you have it, rather than it being much of a protection for you to wear one.

Bjarni - PN : 1:58:04 - 1:58:06

It has no effect.

Fria - HT : 1:58:08 - 1:58:40

The Japanese and that who wear those masks. It's more of a I'm I'm I'm ill. Keep away from me.

Keep away from me. It's a bell. OK, I'll read the headline.

You can tell me. You tell me the site. Joe Biden issues full and unconditional pardon for Greg Wallace.

I'd like to say that was Babylon B when it's not going to be the other one.

GM - DF : 1:58:41 - 1:58:41

Yeah. Yeah.

Fria - HT : 1:58:45 - 1:59:27

And. For Farage's says that Angela Merkel's memoir, only the second best book written by a German leader, claims Nigel Farage. Ouch.

Mariah Carey's All I Want for Christmas actually improves with every listen, insists retail work worker delicately crafting a tinsel noose. Fantastic stuff. Anyway, back to the game.

GM - DF : 1:59:27 - 1:59:27


Fria - HT : 1:59:28 - 1:59:29

Some healing's just been done.

Wulf - PB : 1:59:34 - 1:59:47

Some what? Some healing. Healing and looting has been done.

So healing got done by. And I think we continue on up.

Fria - HT : 1:59:50 - 2:00:09

Well, if you're going up, I'll follow. It then comes out into the top of the tower when you can look round. And the barrier still seems to be up.

All right. Might have to smash it in.

Wulf - PB : 2:00:10 - 2:00:11

Don't worry about that right now.

Fria - HT : 2:00:14 - 2:00:47

Do we know if the weird stone actually does block divinations? Yes. Well, I think that's maybe.

But can't be certain without doing the detect magically type thing. All right. Well, maybe this crystal is what stops her from being detected by the Titan.

Yeah. Cast Analyze Duoma at the crystal to win. How long does that take?

Bjarni - PN : 2:00:48 - 2:00:48

It's instant.

Fria - HT : 2:00:49 - 2:01:04

Instant. OK. It basically does everything there apart from the range is not the same.

And the druid ones work.

Wulf - PB : 2:01:06 - 2:01:10

OK. And does disabling it mean we have to squash it?

Fria - HT : 2:01:18 - 2:01:32

Not necessarily. He thinks that if you were to say squash the owner.

Jestix - TE : 2:01:34 - 2:01:35

Then you could become the owner.

Fria - HT : 2:01:37 - 2:01:52

All right. Various. There's various suggestions.

Well, if we were to get some of her blood, say, and splatter it over the gem. All right. So if she was to willingly hand it over.

Wulf - PB : 2:01:53 - 2:01:58

When we get there, if I hold the gem and smash it into her face, then that should probably do.

Fria - HT : 2:01:59 - 2:02:37

That'll work. Is there anything out there? Yeah.

Well, we have a good vantage point. You can see the town, the trail of destruction as we came in. Yeah.

You can see the smashed up Golem Tower. There are still various elemental type creatures wandering around the area, repairing and fixing. And a very, very unhappy, unhappy unicorn thing.

You can probably still see that trying to bash its way out.

Jestix - TE : 2:02:43 - 2:02:46

Don't forget at some point we have to do something with it.

Wulf - PB : 2:02:47 - 2:02:49

Yes, but we got the day. So.

Jestix - TE : 2:02:51 - 2:02:53

Well, let's go for another door then.

Wulf - PB : 2:02:54 - 2:02:55


Fria - HT : 2:02:57 - 2:03:03

Search the tower for secret doors and things on the way down and go. Yeah. I assume we'll get to the bottom.

Bjarni - PN : 2:03:04 - 2:03:07

Yeah. Now we've reached the top. We'll forecast a find secret door spell.

Fria - HT : 2:03:08 - 2:04:00

OK. The looking around for secret things. You actually find that although there are no windows in the tower itself as you're coming down.

They're all hidden behind the foliage. If you look behind the foliage, you do actually find that there are arrow sticks and stuff. OK.

So I believe you head back down. You find no secret things. Alrighty.

Actually, at the bottom level, you do find. Who's casting it? A wolf.

OK. There is, in fact, a secret door here. Aha.

Which I think you had found. Yes. On the other side.


Wulf - PB : 2:04:02 - 2:04:06

I feel as though there should be a secret door somehow to get into this area.

Fria - HT : 2:04:06 - 2:04:08

There are doors here and here.

Wulf - PB : 2:04:11 - 2:04:14

Where and where? Back. Right there.

Fria - HT : 2:04:16 - 2:04:17

There are doors there and there.

Bjarni - PN : 2:04:18 - 2:04:21

Shall we just peek through into this area and see what's in there?

Fria - HT : 2:04:21 - 2:04:48

Yeah. Gardening tools. There's stuff, basically.

Barrels and gardening tools and large sacks of seeds. Right. And also the level above is the ceiling.

Jestix - TE : 2:04:51 - 2:04:52

The walkway.

Fria - HT : 2:04:52 - 2:04:55

It's the walkway and the balustrade.

Jestix - TE : 2:04:56 - 2:04:56

Mayorsfield's gallery.

Fria - HT : 2:04:57 - 2:05:15

That bit there. Alright. These doors, perhaps?

Yeah. Let's do it. Do you want me to check them out or just open them?

Bjarni - PN : 2:05:16 - 2:05:17

You can check a door.

Fria - HT : 2:05:19 - 2:05:27

I give the first door a good check. She does love her traps.

Bjarni - PN : 2:05:34 - 2:05:35


Jestix - TE : 2:05:37 - 2:05:39

Not really. We haven't had that many.

Wulf - PB : 2:05:40 - 2:05:41

The table of death.

Jestix - TE : 2:05:42 - 2:05:45

Yeah, that's one. She likes her traps.

Fria - HT : 2:05:45 - 2:07:18

Poison needles in the previous door. So that door, yeah? Yeah.

That one. Take 20 just to be careful. It's not trapped.

Locked? No. It opens into…

It's not locked. It opens into nothing and does nothing. You'll see.

Now I've got a lot more memory in this machine. It's orders better than the memory it came with.

Jestix - TE : 2:07:19 - 2:07:22

Yeah, but it would have been cheap-ass memory anyway.

Fria - HT : 2:07:22 - 2:07:41

Yeah. But what it doesn't have is the IO bandwidth of my old motherboard. I can feel that when something happens on the network it slows down.

Yeah, or you write to a disk.

Wulf - PB : 2:07:45 - 2:07:45

Yep. Yeah.

Fria - HT : 2:07:49 - 2:08:07

It's not… But now it's got some RAM in it, it actually works. It doesn't feel like…

It was on Monday, wasn't it? Yeah. I had too many tabs open on Chrome and it crashed the Chrome.

Bjarni - PN : 2:08:10 - 2:08:11

Not something you see very often.

Fria - HT : 2:08:12 - 2:08:49

Yeah. I mean, I'm not 100% sure how they could sell it as a games machine. The graphics card, I have to say, the 4060 graphics card, so far, I wouldn't say it's as good as my old graphics card, but it's OK.

I mean, I've not tried playing any games on it yet. How can you say it's OK, then? For normal use.

Of course it's going to be OK for normal use. 4060 for normal use, of course. Latest generation.

And it's doing tabletop simulator.

Bjarni - PN : 2:08:52 - 2:08:55

Yes, well… That's not exactly a high…

Jestix - TE : 2:08:55 - 2:08:58

It is, it's a big resource hog and a half.

Bjarni - PN : 2:08:58 - 2:08:59

It is a resource hog.

Jestix - TE : 2:08:59 - 2:09:03

Special GPU for no good reason. I think actually for the…

Fria - HT : 2:09:04 - 2:09:11

The 700 I paid for the machine, and then, of course, how much I spent on RAM.

Wulf - PB : 2:09:13 - 2:09:18

Yes. If you've got 64 gigs of RAM, that's quite a lot.

Fria - HT : 2:09:19 - 2:09:40

Yes. But that's because, like I was mentioning on Monday, the stupid number of virtual machines they quite often run. And the Android Studio, which is a hog.

Yes, so I'm using 25 gig at the moment.

Jestix - TE : 2:09:42 - 2:09:45

I'm using 20.1, 20.

Wulf - PB : 2:09:47 - 2:09:48

I'm going there, 20.

Fria - HT : 2:09:53 - 2:10:33

So, you open the thing. What's in the room, ScreenMonkey? Yes.

The room is empty. It's got various other stuff, like a cupboard type things, and gardening equipment and stuff. Places for people to sleep.

But the room itself is empty. Right. Hmm.

Same again.

GM - DF : 2:10:42 - 2:10:43


Fria - HT : 2:11:05 - 2:11:08

A small cupboard with nothing in it.

Bjarni - PN : 2:11:10 - 2:11:16

I double-check that. What, this whole area is a small cupboard?

Fria - HT : 2:11:16 - 2:11:23

No, that door opens into a small cupboard. I check it carefully. And is your detect secret door still working?

Bjarni - PN : 2:11:25 - 2:11:31

Maybe. Well, if you took 20, possibly not. I don't know.

Wulf - PB : 2:11:51 - 2:11:53

Yeah, no, it should be going.

Fria - HT : 2:11:57 - 2:12:50

Okay. You find a secret door. I'll put the room in as well, because you can open it.

Hmm. This is from Stu, next door, who's having a geeky session because his wife's away. You will like this.

I have two identical Apple Studio displays with a top-of-the-range Mac on the left and a bloody awesomely good PC with a half-decent GPU on the right. It's got a Thunderbolt card, which was apparently painful to get going. And the PC wins by a country mile, especially on 4K movies.

The difference is considerable.

GM - DF : 2:12:52 - 2:12:52


Fria - HT : 2:12:52 - 2:12:59

There you go. Interesting. In his own side-by-side test.

Bjarni - PN : 2:13:03 - 2:13:10

Apple are supposed to be good at graphics, but if it's a laptop, probably not so much.

Fria - HT : 2:13:11 - 2:14:14

So, you find this little cupboard here, and there's a secret door here, which at some point you open into this room here. Oh. Lovely.

Explore. This room is also empty. This room is what?

Also empty. Also empty. What about this empty space here?

Is there a secret door, sort of? Well, when you look, you find another secret door just there, which leads into a room with some stairs going down. Oh.

Check those. I'll check the empty rooms carefully, and gentlemen, do we explore the last area of this level? Yes.

Shall we go down the stairs? No. No.

Check the last area first. Do a proper job. Always make sure that nothing can come up behind you.

Wulf - PB : 2:14:15 - 2:14:17

You know the stairway you haven't explored.

Fria - HT : 2:14:22 - 2:14:41

I check the door, and if it's free of traps, open it. So, I will let Bjarne open it, and I'll stand there ready to offer support. All right.

I open it. If my check's OK, of course.

Jestix - TE : 2:14:43 - 2:14:46

I hope you realise we can't actually go back to Brittenport.

Fria - HT : 2:14:48 - 2:14:49

Yet. No, we can't.

Jestix - TE : 2:14:50 - 2:15:30

No, no. Even if we go through the tunnels, unless you destroy the gem, all you're actually going to do is empty Brittenport of people, because you've got the defensive shield at whatever, 300 metres around the crystal. Does it move with the crystal?

It's what it implies. Because it keeps going until she deactivates it. The fact we're moving it is the 304-foot radius around the gem.

Fria - HT : 2:15:32 - 2:15:45

So, actually, we can clear this entire dungeon by just running to one side 300 metres, carrying the gem. This fear of annihilation will just be…

Jestix - TE : 2:15:45 - 2:15:54

It's not annihilation. It's a fear of repulsion. People will be pushed out of the way.

Yeah, and smashed into walls.

GM - DF : 2:15:55 - 2:15:55


Wulf - PB : 2:15:55 - 2:15:59

I can see that not being a thing. Very rapidly.

Fria - HT : 2:16:02 - 2:16:05

I'm going to say that the shield isn't moving.

Wulf - PB : 2:16:07 - 2:16:09

Fine. It was set up in that place.

Fria - HT : 2:16:12 - 2:16:27

Another big room. We'll push on. Okay, this room looks like people have been sleeping in it, and so there are sacks and various other things that you can add to your loot pile, if you wish, but there are no people in it.

Jestix - TE : 2:16:29 - 2:16:31

Yay! There are two doors.

Fria - HT : 2:16:38 - 2:17:08

What room number? Four people's loot. More pirate loot, however.

Three or four people's pirate loot. Which one of these two doors?

Jestix - TE : 2:17:10 - 2:17:11

Oh, that one.

Fria - HT : 2:17:12 - 2:17:12

This one?

Jestix - TE : 2:17:13 - 2:17:14


Fria - HT : 2:17:45 - 2:17:50

Right, this was in the other castle, the main kitchen.

GM - DF : 2:17:51 - 2:17:51


Fria - HT : 2:17:53 - 2:18:04

Yeah. It looks like it's set up to be some kind of possibly kitchen, possibly kitchen.

Jestix - TE : 2:18:05 - 2:18:05


Fria - HT : 2:18:06 - 2:18:23

Lab or something. Fantastic stuff. Have a look in.

You open the door and you see something. Ah.

Jestix - TE : 2:18:31 - 2:18:31

A golem?

Fria - HT : 2:18:33 - 2:18:33


Jestix - TE : 2:18:34 - 2:18:35

A vampire?

Fria - HT : 2:18:36 - 2:18:38

I like the idea of that, but it can't be.

Jestix - TE : 2:18:39 - 2:18:40

A vampire golem?

Fria - HT : 2:18:43 - 2:18:47

I believe that is classified as one of the illegal monsters.

Jestix - TE : 2:18:48 - 2:18:49

Ha ha ha.

Fria - HT : 2:18:51 - 2:18:51

There's a…

Jestix - TE : 2:18:52 - 2:18:57

She's been doing that. Anyway, so…

Fria - HT : 2:18:57 - 2:19:26

In the back of the original 3.5 days, you know, on the Wizards of the Coast website, they used to have like a monthly thing where they'd post it, where there's a series of these monsters are actually illegal, but we decided to make one anyway. Ha ha ha. I believe the vampire golem is one of the ones that's there.

There's some really stupid stuff.

Jestix - TE : 2:19:28 - 2:19:29

Which you've been trawling through.

Fria - HT : 2:19:30 - 2:19:37

I thought about them, I have to say. Where was this?

GM - DF : 2:19:44 - 2:20:34

Okay, it was there. That one? No.

Yes, that's the one.

Fria - HT : 2:21:11 - 2:21:34

Right. In the middle of the room is a very large work… worm thing.

Like any other worm things we've seen before? Oh, yes. Purple?


GM - DF : 2:21:37 - 2:21:39

I don't know what sort of description this was in there.

Fria - HT : 2:21:48 - 2:22:09

Lissandra turned the other mage into an undying worm monster. We had a hundred foot long black worm that erupted from under the ground I don't think we said what type of worm it was. Oh, yes.

Jestix - TE : 2:22:09 - 2:22:19

It was an undead sandworm or a nightworm. She's gone and resurrected Titan Slayer. Ha ha ha.

Fria - HT : 2:22:19 - 2:22:59

I thought about that. So there's a nightworm or a sandworm. I think the sandworm would take the entire tower.

I had a description of this, I'm sure. We had a purple worm still on its teeth. No, it's a kind of horrible black creature.

The big black undead worm thing.

GM - DF : 2:23:00 - 2:23:00


Fria - HT : 2:23:05 - 2:24:22

We called it a nightworm. Gigantic. It's a postulating black monstrous worm thing.

Yep. And some of the huge earth elemental and animated rocks to fight the worm. So, Bjarne.

Yep. I blast a hole with a disintegrator to find out where it is. Reveal the worm to the others.

And force earth thing attacked. And Vulf does. He casts a finger of death at Vulf.

Which he fortunately saves. Sorry, what? Finger of death?

No, I think you're thinking about the thing that was Titan Slayer. No, that was our fight underneath the whatchacallit Medusa's door. We were fighting some dire wraiths when a gargantuan head comes up through the floor.

No, no, no, it's not that. It's not the nightworm then? No, it's not that.

It's the one from underneath the dairy. Aha.

Wulf - PB : 2:24:29 - 2:24:30

Sorry, what's happened?

Fria - HT : 2:24:30 - 2:24:32

There is a large worm creature.

Wulf - PB : 2:24:35 - 2:24:37

Where? In the room.

Fria - HT : 2:24:37 - 2:26:07

In the room that's just about to attack. Okay. We gave Deodora a plus ten smell potion.

She tracks down a large worm digging these little tunnels eating the ossories and things. Hideous worm, pale green whitish skin and the skin that drips from it. Many tiny misshapen human heads with tentacles.

Yes, that's the one. It sees us and spits acid at us but not enough range. It animates some bodies around it and it spews out dead bodies which animate.

So it's a zombie creator. That sounds familiar.

Bjarni - PN : 2:26:08 - 2:26:09

Yeah, I think I remember it.

Fria - HT : 2:26:15 - 2:27:56

It's got multiple heads apparently because it keeps throwing out new ones which make it immune to blindness. It's a ghoul worm that eats dead bodies and creates ghouls. Nasty.

So we called it a ghoul worm. And that's where I got my magic rod of extent which I use every day. I can double the duration of the spell.

So this slightly bigger looking version has been boosted by the hideous Yeah. You, Wolf, oh sorry, Bjarne, you opened the door. Bjarne did.

I'm going through the support. So you open the door. I'm not sure you actually saw this creature before.

Not before Bjarne's time. There's this monstrous giant worm thing with kind of like faces pushing out of the side of it. Black, pustulous things.

It opens its mouth in your general direction. I saw it about six months ago. There.

Yeah, it looks vile and you'd think could possibly be evil just from its demeanour. It spews out dead bodies. The fear of this thing.

GM - DF : 2:27:59 - 2:28:05

I think the full horror of it.

Fria - HT : 2:28:12 - 2:28:17

If you beat its spot check, you can decide to act.

Jestix - TE : 2:28:21 - 2:28:29

OK, let's try 25.

Fria - HT : 2:28:32 - 2:29:22

It gets 28. Sorry, that's not 25. It's 31.

OK, so you can, it's just about to spew something at you. You can decide to accept it. Run in.

Close the door. Close the door. OK, so you hear stuff hits the door as you close it.

Projectile vomit. Lovely. OK, once the rattling or splattering ceases, then you hear stuff bashing against the door.

These will be the ghouls.

Wulf - PB : 2:29:22 - 2:29:24

I think this might be time for it.

Fria - HT : 2:29:24 - 2:29:51

And we have to be quite quick because it can keep vomiting them out quicker than we can destroy them if we're not careful. I open the door, go, what the? And then there are some, you know, icore-covered ghoul things.

Yep. Who basically brags. Brags.

Alright. Initiative rolls? Initiative rolls, yeah.

Wulf - PB : 2:29:51 - 2:29:59

OK, while you have the door shut, could I have done a Inspired Courage? Is there time for that?

Fria - HT : 2:30:01 - 2:30:02


Bjarni - PN : 2:30:02 - 2:30:07

Yeah, OK. Inspired Courage is running, yeah.

Fria - HT : 2:30:10 - 2:30:31

It goes, so if you only get 25, the ghoul gets 14, Isndael gets 13. I get 5. It goes on 16.

So next was fourth? 14. 14.

Jestix - TE : 2:30:32 - 2:30:33

It's up a bit.

Wulf - PB : 2:30:36 - 2:30:37

Isndael, 13.

Jestix - TE : 2:30:40 - 2:30:44

Just, it's 11. 5.

Fria - HT : 2:30:45 - 2:30:49

It's 5. Athenstoot. The end of the round?

Bjarni - PN : 2:30:50 - 2:30:59

Athenstoot is yet to roll, so who was it? Oh, he goes on 20 something. 24.

Fria - HT : 2:31:01 - 2:32:47

More than Bjorni? No. Bjorni's 25.

OK, so Bjorni, you, you, use your move action to open the door, yeah? Return to hell, foul undead spawn. Turn undead.

OK. Oh, you can do it. That would be a 18, so up to level 17 hit undead.

And I do, that was crap, 25 hit dice worth. OK. Anything of 7 or below is destroyed.

Boom. Excellent. And then I will move into the room.

Bop. OK, Will, it has a reach of 15, so it will try to bite you as you come in. 28.

Oh, you missed. Sure, you're going to bite my head off, then. Yeah, you too, but that's me.

OK, Amunstoot's go.

Wulf - PB : 2:32:49 - 2:33:28

Yeah, Amunstoot notices this thing, maybe he's heard about it, so he is going to cast a protective spell on himself of Death Ward, and he will move into a better position for next round, out of direct sight, ready to move in next round.

Fria - HT : 2:33:48 - 2:35:08

Right, on its go, it will puke up a whole raft of stuff. 40 foot cone of caustic slime and alcohol, which I think would cover Freya, by the way. Oh, I thought I was hiding behind the door, but you can have a bonus on your reflexes.

Thank you. So, Bjorni, you need to make your reflexes roll. DC 20 for half damage.

Freya, you can have plus 4 on yours. OK. I get…

I make it by… I make it to plus 4. I make 36.

So you're OK, apart from half damage, unless you take… I take half. Have the…

Reflexes. Then you have evasion.

Jestix - TE : 2:35:09 - 2:35:19

Evasion, so you take none. I have a normal evasion, not improved. Yeah, not normal means you take none, if you succeed.

Yeah. Cool. Improved means you take half if you fail.

Fria - HT : 2:35:19 - 2:36:08

I step out of the… out of the way of the blast. Bjorni?

I jump over its body and deftly avoid it OK, so there's like stinking bile all over the floor burning into the vegetation and in it is a further 3 rules. Get a grief. Oh, take my…

Yeah. So, not only would you have got acid damage, you also get damage from goons being spat on you. Ha ha ha!

Bjarni - PN : 2:36:09 - 2:36:14

Lovely. Seems to be it. It's so nice.

GM - DF : 2:36:15 - 2:36:44

Yeah. OK, wolf.

Wulf - PB : 2:36:50 - 2:37:12

OK, wolf will move up its full movement and then have a whack. OK. 5 point parry attack.

Fria - HT : 2:37:12 - 2:37:24

Do you think it's an attack of opportunity as you approach, or? Yes. Not necessarily.

If you make a tumble, but otherwise it's got a 15 foot reach.

Bjarni - PN : 2:37:29 - 2:37:32

Oh, it's just gone, hasn't it? So, yeah, didn't get around.

Wulf - PB : 2:37:41 - 2:37:50

Unfortunately, you move at half movement if you do a tumble and I was needing all my movement to get there, so. You're going to risk it. Risk it for a biscuit, yeah.

Fria - HT : 2:37:54 - 2:37:54


Bjarni - PN : 2:37:55 - 2:38:20

Ah, you missed. See, it's just failing around. So, 31, 26, 28.

Yes. Easy.

Jestix - TE : 2:38:24 - 2:38:38

It's big. It's not the network.

Fria - HT : 2:38:39 - 2:38:41

38 damage.

Bjarni - PN : 2:38:42 - 2:38:45

It's like undead bane greater.

Fria - HT : 2:38:46 - 2:39:03

38 points of damage. OK. As you slice into it, part of it opens.

Icore skews out at you in your general direction and so you need to make a reflexes roll.

Bjarni - PN : 2:39:05 - 2:39:10

OK. Let's see.

Fria - HT : 2:39:24 - 2:39:45

22. OK. You dodge out of the way of the Icore and you've got invasion as well, haven't you?

Yeah. Yeah. And the three ghouls that land on the floor near you.

Oh, this is gross. How is your fire resistance, guys?

Jestix - TE : 2:39:47 - 2:39:49

You're about to find out.

Bjarni - PN : 2:39:53 - 2:39:57

I think I took one from you so I am resistant to it.

Wulf - PB : 2:40:04 - 2:40:07

I do hate the smell of singed bear fur.

Fria - HT : 2:40:07 - 2:40:09

Have you got an attack left?

Wulf - PB : 2:40:09 - 2:40:14

No, well, that was my attack. I did some damage. Sorry, you sliced into it, didn't you?

Fria - HT : 2:40:15 - 2:40:16

Isn't it?

Jestix - TE : 2:40:20 - 2:40:23

Go on, spew some more ghouls on these people.

Fria - HT : 2:40:35 - 2:40:42

Do the ghouls suffer falling damage? No. But they do take a round to get up.

Bjarni - PN : 2:40:43 - 2:41:44

She's going to shoot the thing because she hasn't seen the ghouls spewing out yet. Yeah, AC35 is going to hit. AC30 will be.

31. Right, so, two arrows piled into it for 42 damage. Assuming it's affected by cold.


Fria - HT : 2:41:50 - 2:42:02

They do not. Ghouls do not spew out. But there is some jets of acid around.

Wulf - PB : 2:42:03 - 2:42:07

A piercing weapon is the way to go but less ghouls.

Fria - HT : 2:42:12 - 2:42:23

It seems unreasonable that a squirt of acid comes all the way towards Isindel. So I'm just going to say, Bjorni and Balth don't get a one.

Wulf - PB : 2:42:27 - 2:42:28

Do you want us to make a statement or something?

Fria - HT : 2:42:28 - 2:42:32

Yeah, acid just kind of squirts out of it in your general direction.

Wulf - PB : 2:42:33 - 2:42:34

Well, I didn't get a one.

Fria - HT : 2:42:34 - 2:42:54

I didn't get a one either. Yeah. Okay, very close.

So, some acid just squirts out of the holes where the arrows go in. Fuck, it's a xenomorph. Jestix.

Go on.

Jestix - TE : 2:42:55 - 2:42:56

I cast Death Ward.

GM - DF : 2:43:04 - 2:43:04


Fria - HT : 2:43:06 - 2:43:29

Oh, let's have some fun. I'll make one bit of Chain Lightning. Okay, where's your Chain Lightning going to be centred?

On the worm, please. Okay, so it's going to make a reflexes? Yeah, reflexes.

Reflexes, DC 29. I'll maximise it as well.

Wulf - PB : 2:43:30 - 2:43:37

Ooh, this looks good. let's blow those shoes out of it, eh?

Jestix - TE : 2:43:40 - 2:43:41

Of course, always those wounds.

Fria - HT : 2:43:42 - 2:44:22

It gets 25. Nope, yeah, DC 25. Hang on.

So, I've just moved away for that one a moment. No, DC 29. Okay, so what's your maximised damage?

Check to see if he changes. 96 points of damage, I think. Check to see if he changes form.

I thought you said it was Chain Lightning. Chain, yeah, it was Chain Lightning. Hang on.

Oh, 16 D6 damage, sorry. And, er, so 16, sorry, it's a lot more than that. 16 D6, 96.

Jestix - TE : 2:44:22 - 2:44:24

Yeah. But check to see if he changes form.

Fria - HT : 2:44:26 - 2:44:30

I've, I've got plus five, er, on my headband.

Jestix - TE : 2:44:30 - 2:44:34

check to see if it changes form. Yeah, so it's not a new one.

Fria - HT : 2:44:34 - 2:45:46

Energy type. Energy type. I thought you said it changed form.

Yeah, er, it's, it could have changed form, erm, no, it does not. OK, so what's the total damage? 96 to it, and half that to, er, to anything else that, so, well, it's either half or 40.

yeah, I don't do much. Erm, so that would be another 100, basically, there. Yeah, less four.

Yeah, so, it'll either be 48 or 24. OK, so, and, what's, anything within 30, yeah? Yeah, well, up to 16 different things.

OK, so effectively, all the ghouls. And the, and the paladin. Yeah.

Yeah, but none of my mates. A selective action. So, one, two, three, four, five ghouls.

And what was the minimum damage? Er, 48. 48 or 24.

Wulf - PB : 2:45:49 - 2:45:52

48, if they make, fail to save, 24 if they make it.

Fria - HT : 2:45:54 - 2:45:57

But it's quite hard to make. Well, quite hard to make.

Wulf - PB : 2:45:58 - 2:46:02

Very hard. Any of us could fail that.

GM - DF : 2:46:04 - 2:46:05

Almost every time. More than one.

Bjarni - PN : 2:46:16 - 2:46:17

Particularly you, Freya.

GM - DF : 2:46:19 - 2:46:25

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.

Fria - HT : 2:46:26 - 2:46:59

Not even worth my time trying to write the rolls. Nice and cauterised. Er, last night was, Kingsman, Golden Circle.

The night before was Kingsman itself. Jessie, although she's watched them like four times, wanted to watch them both again. But I am reminded of the scene at the end of the first one.

The heads explode. Well, yes.

Bjarni - PN : 2:47:01 - 2:47:02

It's a great scene.

Fria - HT : 2:47:06 - 2:47:49

So, lightning comes in and then boom, boom, boom, boom. Yeah, Bjorni. Yeah, I'll do a full attack then with a six point power attack I think.

So, oop, don't do that, don't do that. Right. So, miss a threat with a I'm sorry.

Jestix - TE : 2:47:50 - 2:47:53

With a 40. You can't threat.

Fria - HT : 2:47:55 - 2:48:36

Again, 30, 25, 20, 50, 21. Yeah. Okay, three hits.

Evil, you say? Yes. Okay.

That's gonna be plus three, plus 12. Okay.

Bjarni - PN : 2:48:37 - 2:48:43

First attack is 44.

Fria - HT : 2:48:43 - 2:49:24

49 points of damage. Second attack is 50 points of damage. Third attack is 50 points of damage.

Okay, it explodes and I call and things go around so you need to make both of you need to make the 20 saves. 20 saves? DC 20 reflexes.

It splashes all around me and not a thing comes in my general direction.

Wulf - PB : 2:49:26 - 2:49:36

I might have might need to change your clothing after this because it's very close but I made it easy 20.

Fria - HT : 2:49:37 - 2:50:09

Okay, so the I call and the ghouls that spew out of its body I made it exactly. Don't actually affect you but in traditional Hollywood hero style everything goes around me and my glorious aura just shines through. Don't just brush a tiny fleck of dust off your collar.

Bjarni - PN : 2:50:12 - 2:50:15

I've said it before and I'll say it again that's disgusting.

Fria - HT : 2:50:16 - 2:51:11

In Noblis the characters had a Taurus I think it was called which was zero was affecting having armour and one was like having more and more. I think when it got up to five no one could insult you with a hundred mile radius. So like the scales of this armour.

I like the sound of that. So that was purely Amunstut. But it's dead now isn't it?

Yes. Yeah, but it's left the contents of its stomach for you.

Wulf - PB : 2:51:11 - 2:51:12

Bunch of ghouls out there aren't they?

Fria - HT : 2:51:13 - 2:51:34

You've only got three each. He could remember that he could exorcise do an exorcism. He could turn undead eh?

I don't know, can he? Yeah. He might be able to or he might want to blow them up with a fireball or he might just go oh book.

Wulf - PB : 2:51:34 - 2:51:39

He will try to turn undead he's not very good at it.

Fria - HT : 2:51:42 - 2:51:44

Turn towards the army.

Bjarni - PN : 2:51:45 - 2:52:15

Alright, so he moves steps into the room and presents his fishy symbol and tries to go for turn undead. 14, 14. Which means he turning check is d20 plus 4 so that would be an 18.

Destroy undead creatures to the total of hit dice of up to 2.

Jestix - TE : 2:52:17 - 2:52:18

Probably not.

Fria - HT : 2:52:18 - 2:52:19

And how many hit dice?

Bjarni - PN : 2:52:22 - 2:52:23


Fria - HT : 2:52:24 - 2:52:35

Six hit dice in total. No, that's the maximum. Well they're not they're not more than six hit dice, yeah.

Okay. Are they more than two?

Wulf - PB : 2:52:36 - 2:52:40

Well they are two. Oh, well two. They explode.

Bjarni - PN : 2:52:40 - 2:52:52

And I get 14 hit dice worth. Boom. Boom.

Fria - HT : 2:52:53 - 2:52:53


Bjarni - PN : 2:52:54 - 2:52:54


GM - DF : 2:52:55 - 2:52:55


Fria - HT : 2:52:55 - 2:52:57

Boom. Boom.

Bjarni - PN : 2:52:57 - 2:52:59

Boom. If he could strut he would.

Wulf - PB : 2:53:04 - 2:53:10

Still got it he says. Mind you I never knew I had it.

Fria - HT : 2:53:11 - 2:53:14

I don't think he's ever done the next.

Wulf - PB : 2:53:15 - 2:53:18

No, it's not his strong point but against ghouls.

Fria - HT : 2:53:20 - 2:53:26

Okay, so yeah there's burning plant matter in this room and shall we call it an end there?

Jestix - TE : 2:53:26 - 2:53:26


Fria - HT : 2:53:27 - 2:53:32

The room does extend a bit more this way but there's nothing else in that room.

Bjarni - PN : 2:53:35 - 2:53:45

She's got a dubious taste in, um, amazing creatures, yeah. Yeah, she's got a dubious taste.

Fria - HT : 2:53:46 - 2:53:56

Well, if nothing else, we have cost her a fricking fortune in golem construction. Let alone anything else.

Bjarni - PN : 2:53:57 - 2:54:03

She must have a very busy day or two, putting all these creatures in here.

Jestix - TE : 2:54:05 - 2:54:07

Well, she's probably been cultivating them for months.

Fria - HT : 2:54:08 - 2:54:18

Out of interest, where did we leave the, uh, leave the, uh, the bystanders? I'm assuming they're still here.

Jestix - TE : 2:54:18 - 2:54:21

They're at the bottom of the tower, because we can't get them out.

Fria - HT : 2:54:21 - 2:54:27

Well, they can hide in the shrubbery somewhere. Maybe if you suggest they could possibly leave.

Jestix - TE : 2:54:28 - 2:54:31

It's not a good idea, but they still can't get past the shield.

Fria - HT : 2:54:32 - 2:54:32


Bjarni - PN : 2:54:36 - 2:54:41

We could destroy the stone, I suppose.

Fria - HT : 2:54:51 - 2:54:53

Okay, I think I've…

GM - DF : 2:54:53 - 2:54:54

Anyway, worry about that.

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