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Session 172: 10 Jan 24, day 109

We're just about to go to the next room and suddenly kerchiiing and we are all transported into a shadow world where each of us is in a similar small room with one door: Bjarni moves to open a door.. Jing's munchkin games!


  • Bjarni defeats his giant skunk and undead horse, gaining 5 treasures, loosing 2 levels in the process.
  • Ahmumstut fights his giant clowns, starting with a easily dodged flame strike, they fight back with pies. He blinds them and they silence him in a sensory deprevation race to the bottom. Missed force boxes and failed spells continue the jokular encounter: they try to squirt him with their squirty flowers and despite being blind they hit w acid. They finally fall to a scorching ray. 4 treasures.
  • Vulf is greeted by a Cat Girl and a giant floating undead nose.. he decides to get out the big twonking stick and lays into the Cat Girl with great haste, killing her with blows to spare and starting to beat on the nose. Isondel assists and the nose is nearly blown, it fights back with slime tentacles and nasal sprays which reduce his strength by 6 ! Vulf and Isondel blast back. Some awkward death-cloud moments later they get it.
  • Fria gets lots of monster 'buffs' but no monster, so she can loot the room and get a curse if 'fools gold, to play on someone and they get no gold in next encounter'
  • Jestix gets a cursed gazebo and a cursed item (disabled an armour thing) and a graphiti monster that changes his character sheet. He avoids beign grappled and squirted with ink. Jestix winds up the Titan SLayer and twonks it in return, brining down it's frame. It was highly resistant to magic. The graphitti continues to annoy: writing out a cause-fear-in-druids message. Henry does a touch attack raising a leg upon the ink. It sprays ink wildly at them but misses, and they struggle to find things to affect it, but finally down it with flaming spears. (7 Treasures)

the horrors continue, this time it's 6 monster cards not 5

  • Bjarni has an lvl15 frost-giant, a lvl10 face-sucker, and ghoul-friends but is aided by druid-fluid +3 potion. Bjarni fires up his paladins sword, changes his sex (Don't call me Shirley) and gains a +4 shoulder dragon. 2 hits later the frost giant goes down, and the face hugger is not as huggy only just functioning. The ghoul-friends try to charm him. The face-hugger grabs him and then realises that the bear is eating it not the other way round. It falls off.. leaving just the ghoul-friends rather toothless as the Paladin cannot be charmed. The bear eats them, gaining 10 treasure cards.
  • Ahumnstut find a set of friendly monsters who give him treasures: a gelatinous octahedron, a crawling hand and a sneaky giant cockroach (level 17) 7 treasures.
  • Vulf is attacked by a +5 undead psycho squirrel and a bad santa, but decides to also sacrifice some treasures to Jing. The squirrel is slow off the mark and vulf inspires courage while Isondel shoots santa 4 times and the xmas guy drops. The squirrel narrowly misses latching onto Vulfs nuts and is roundly twonked and shot for its' efforts
  • Fria gets an undead primate and a screaming geek: but because of the curse earlier she has to run away and not fight. She escapes easily.
  • Jestix gets a dominant genie, illusory Flying frogs, Humungous Leprechaun, and a income tax curse (Fria drops to lvl -1 because she has no treasure). The twonking starts and the Leprechaun being a giant falls quickly to titan slayer. The genie lasts only a few moments more: 8 treasures awarded

the game continues 7 monster cards a turn

  • Bjarni is attacked by a lvl 16 hippogriff, a bad smell and judge fredd (lvl17) and a curse that his only defence is his armour: this might be epic. Bjarni starts first and twonks Judge Fredd!! Fredd and the Hippo return the twonking. Fredd can declare any d&d rule/ books cursed and they don't apply. The full and frank exchange of blows continues. Eventually Fredd goes down and the dire-hippo carries on stomping for a round or two, while Bjarni suffocates from the bad smell. He attacks the smell and the hippo misses it's gore and is blatted. (lots of treasure 10 !)
  • Ahmumstut gets his 7 cards Plutonioum Dragon (lvl20), Snot Monster (lvl13), Grassy Gnoll (lvl 7) and some curses etc. He runs away
  • Vulf gets Harpies, Net Troll (lvl 10), Astounding Undead Laundry (lvl 11), Tentacle Demon (lvl 15) and a curse. The twonking starts, with Isondel misfiring slightly. The demon tries to summon more, Vulf carries on trying to hit & hurt the dirty undead laundry. Eventually the Laundry is finihhed off by Vulf and he turns jhis attention to the Demon.. Isondel carries on working on the regenerating troll. The troll drops and the demon carries on smegging both Vulf & Isondel, 5 tentacles hit Vulf for 73 ouch! Isondel similarly twonked by tentacles..(52) Isondel uses a friendship potion and it becomes friendly: so they only get the treasures from the 2 monsters 8 treasures and 3 levels
  • .. to be continued (w Fria)


  • 1440xp each for 18th Level characters
  • 3600xp each for 15th Level characters
Fria: 159,483out of 171,000 for 19th level (~ 8 sessions)
Jestix: 159,362out of 171,000 for 19th level (~ 8 sessions)
Bjarni: 122,576out of 136,000 for 16th level (~ 9 sessions)
Vulf: 159,086out of 171,000 for 19th level (~ 8 sessions)
AhumStut: 152,786out of 171,000 for 19th level (~13 sessions)

© Copyright - 2000-2024 - Dave Finch, Tim Evans, Pete Nash, Howard Tytherleigh, Pete Blake and James Finch

delve/session-172.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/14 09:23 by tim45tenwa