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Session 163: 18 Oct 23, day 107

We decide to pop in and see Thordeliouis in his jar to keep him updated. Vulf tries a regenerate spell and it seems to take effect: we wait for 15 rounds as he regrows ! He is a gibbering mess when he comes round. Ahmumstut heals him and he is ok. The mages 4 took him to the Crimson eyrie on Mt Arastus which is their 'base', he stayed with them for a bit then they decide to experiment on them: he was a wine merchant who sold them a below average batch. He talks of the 4 of them, worldweaver was 'very odd' talked about him self in 3rd person/ had multiple personalities etc., long robes hex pattern aged elf with widows peak.. Titan slayer looked feeble & weak, but was v v quick. Cassandra the enchanter (short hair Cheshire cat smile). They transported him here with a room like a turbo lift: using a distinctive key.

We return to town, all is quiet except for titan occasionally shouting in his sleep. Fria revisits the Brass Lantern to collect her ethereal jaunt scrolls and we revisit the sealed treasury room (237) Some spririt trolls have taken up residence and take umbrage as we wander in: they are standing over a body. Fria starts the party telepathy. Isondel shoots them and they cast an unholy-blight upon our leading chaps. Isondel's attack takes down one, and two charge while one prepares another spell. Vulf enters meat grinder mode and takes down the first one. Fria misses with a feeblemind. Isondel shoots away effectively. The spell casting troll summons something with a 'get them my pretties', 4 wraiths attack (one gets a touch on Vulf DC fort 14) Bjarni shows them his moon and the wraiths are banished/ destroyed.

Vulf clears the last standard troll from the passage and Jestix barrels in to attack hurting the spell caster a lot, and then Fria immolates it. The bodies are suitably cremated and we approach the treasury…


  • 4 spirit trolls
  • 4 incorporeal demonic wraith


  • 1020xp each for 17th Level characters
Fria: 145,837out of 153,000 for 18th level (~ 8 sessions)
Jestix: 145,716out of 153,000 for 18th level (~ 8 sessions)
Bjarni: 144,635out of 153,000 for 18th level (~ 9 sessions)
Vulf: 145,640out of 153,000 for 18th level (~ 8 sessions)
AhumStut: 141,005out of 136,000 for 18th level (~ 13 sessions)

© Copyright - 2000-2024 - Dave Finch, Tim Evans, Pete Nash, Howard Tytherleigh, Pete Blake and James Finch

delve/session-163.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/15 17:08 by tim45tenwa