A Ball of Snow in Hell


Week (Unknown) (Year of the Unknown))

First Swedish Session

Lord Krappi summons his most faithful hatamoto to council, revealing that retainer Hy-dro has found a way of opening a portal to Hell, that we may pass through and fulfill the final part of the Tenwa prophecy. A careful re-interpretation of the “hell line” indicates that we might reasonably expect to find out how to kill Altusu in that location. Preparation are mode.

On entering the grey and desolate place we are beset by 3 boar spirits who are overcome, and we are approached by a warrior spirit. He explains the predicament of hell, with many souls waiting for the boat of souls to take them to judgement, the actions of “The Judge” are questionable, and the Oni have stolen the boat of hell, to carry re-enforcements the queen of the Oni's favorite son in Osaja, The queen has apparently claimed areas of hell she believes are hers. Assessing this info quickly Lord Krappi recruiting the confused and angry souls of the local dead to assist in recapture of boat. Lee Ho thank Gadunga-Myoo for his assistance and recommend Mebe to watch the man (his duty) carefully after introducing them. The Buddha gives Lee Ho a scroll for Lee Ho to give to Mebe, once he realizes the import of the meeting.

Lee Ho summon a constable to ask directions and is embarrassed the he knows me from Lee Ho's time in hell but Lee Ho remembers nothing of him. With his directions we set off. We are attacked en-route by a “Son of the queen of Onu” a great serpent spewing darkness and ichor. Tokyo, Mebe and the great Tenwa attack ferociously and defeat in a storm of metal. Black Thunder lies dead at Krappi's feet

Every soul we meet we try to add to the retinue, hoping that more will join our rolling snowball, and descend upon Osaka like a avalanche.

Journeying to Osaka thru the polluting fifth of hell we encounter 3 Oni collecting souls. They admit the souls are not judges and are not theirs, saying Ematu us no longer The Judge of souls. A very rough combat later the Oni are dispelled and ghosts released, Krappi paints a picture of the Oni, while it is still fresh in his mind.

We are approached by Ambra, appearing as a pretty woman, with whom we converse, learning of the destruction of the temple of justice, death of Emahu and the nature if the mother of monsters.

Osaka is a city of many hundred thousands of souls, against a backdrop of inky-blackness. Ships seem to come and go to the port. We gain access to Osaka by brow-beating the constable at the gate and make our way through the city-of-the-dead to the port, and find the ships defended my many Oni, Bakemono, Vampires, and the second huge serpent “Fire Thunder” the brother of Black Thunder, one of 8 thunder snakes, Krappi orders his men to recruit like-minded souls to aid our attack. Mebe investigates in bat-form, seeing sailors etc aboard the boats. We attack with Krappi leading the troops in a great charge, and Mebe guarding Tokyo and Lee Ho. Braving firestorms and many dangers. Krappi leads the charge home to defeat his second wrym.

Taking two boats and boarding several hundred ghosts, we set sail for the Buddhist isle. At Krappi's request Lee Ho takes record of brave souls who join us, that we may honor them later.

Arriving at the island we find a scene of total devastation, and have to fish in the charnel house pit of body parts for the remains of Emahu, just as we find him two more of the thunder snakes arrive to stop us. Earth and Wind are unleashed upon us while we are un-prepared. Lee Ho falls and it takes all of power to recover. Tokyo, Krappi and Mebe fight on. “Reclining Thunder” and “Earth Thunder” fight well, ensuring the exorcists are taken out first, fortunately they fail. Krappi fights a duel with Earth Thunder, who starts loosing and flees, “Krappi” kills him with an arrow (no assistance from Lee Hi honest). We then turn on Reclining Thunder who also runs off but narrowly manages to escape.

Lee Ho conducts a ceremony to re-assemble Emahu. and the beligerand chap thanks us. bestowing gifts upon the parry. He recommends we attach / reprimand “Mother”, releasing those in the pit of body parts to fight for Krappi.

The Battle is Joined

“Great Thunder”, “Crack Thunder”, “Young Thunder”, “Sounding Thunder” and “Reclining Thunder”. Great Thunder sends a salvo of fire-darts at us, Mebe uses a mirror he found in the pit of souls to reflect it. Crack Thunder joins us and stops new troops joining the opposition from “Mother”.

Young Thunder visits an earthquake upon us, which is reflected by Mebe's magic mirror, however he decides to join us and assists his brother in stopping their reinforcements. Tokyo exorcises Great Thunder and he is dispelled, he then creates great mayhem among the Oni with his spells. Krappi's brave leadership inspires Sounding Thunder to join his vanguard, attacking his former fellows. Reclining Thunder turns into a Bakemono and hides among the troops, Battle rages, with our troops doing well but the Hatamoto is fighting itself ragged. Reclining Thunder tunnels beneath us and casts spells to stop all magics, leaving Lee Ho unable to exorcise him and stopping Tokyo from raining death and mayhem on the massed bakemono. At the last reclining Thunder joins us and Krappi routs the army of Bakemono. Lee Ho prays to Fudo-Myoo, who appears, with Gadunga-Myoo and Emahu. They thank us! speak briefly to the mother and dismiss us back to the living world.

Note to Lee Ho, Vampires cannot be exorcised.

© Copyright - 1999-2024 - David Finch, Howard Tytherleigh, Pete Nash and Tim Evans