Summary 103: Ghosts of Peasants Past (2013-11-14)

Giraine Summaries

Hi all,

You faced down a host of six ghosts of former Shaven family peasants, who wordlessly assailed you with poignant feelings of loss, regret, anger and guilt (in game terms, they attacked your passions, making you more apathetic). You dismissed them fairly easily, but their approach concealed the departure (again!) of the vicar-like entity that seemed to lead them and Sir Not and his knights– there was no brutal charge this time, oddly enough, even in your weakened state. The coming of the ghosts also gave the unleashed undead remnant of “brother” Lynistor Shaven time to lope up to you, and he charged for Inyana and the cart bearing the Baronet's body with ferocity, wielding his old rapier and a twisted left hand claw. However, Ciddar(right? Or Boamund?) boldly interposed himself between them, and fought just as savagely to defend the family. Soon Lynistor was blinded and then hewn down with a wicked blow. You stood over the twitching remains about to deal the death blow when Cyroosta lept in, trying to save some hope for her other son, but Boamund spoke strongly to her and she turned away as Boamund's flame-wall rendered the body unto ash. Traumatized, she silently followed you onwards down the path, and the only words that broke the silence were those of Ahappi cursing Sir Not for his continued cowardice!

You approached a new sight at the edge of the desolate lands of the wandering dead who sought their proper afterlives. It was some sort of bridge over a vast chasm, whose depth and extent along the horizon seemed limitless. The bridge was a great rune-carved pillar of stone lying on its side, and turning slowly, with a hellish glow from below lighting its runes as it rotated. A great group of the dead had gathered there, and they seemed to be queuing up to speak with some figure in white and blue robes, and then cross; some plunging swiftly into the chasm as they stumbled their way, incanting prayers as they went.

As you approached, Ahappi peered with intent at this priestly figure, and finally shouted with relish– “You!? You!? Haha, a fitting task for you, to be accountant for the hopeless dead, Brother Huriste!”

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