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Session 182: 3 April 24, day 113

We decide to etch all of the runes on ourselves and equipment and try the gate again. We also suspect that the runes have an order Fria & Bjarni didn't have '2' so went there, so we might not need them all it takes you to the next highest over what we have. Fria had all of the one we knew 1-4 written in her diary and she & Bjarni went to run 05. Fria notes down 5, and we 'jump' through. She gives a quick copy to Ahmumstut and they all try to go through the gate again. We all step thorough and again the door closes behind: into the sumptuously furnished and provisioned.. which the party ignore.

There is even a “meek table” with bread n water to tempt the pious. We ignore the food and open the far door into the next gateway chamber and open the room into the red-dragon chamber aha ! we do have all the dragon runes.

We enter the final chamber and see a huge red-dragon at the far end of a long dimly-let chamber, with a greyish glow from the ceiling. There is a statue of a reptilian humanoid with a mournful countenance: his head raises as we pass. There is a scorch mark on the floor. The dragon is on a raised area accessed by steps. There is a ledge on one side 20' up. Some figures appear and say greetings to the hall of metterak blah blah, and that the people came through looked and found something here.

Greetings Friends of Metteak to his hall, know that he welcomes into his presence only those most fitting.
At this moment the half dragon pauses
In this chamber and those beyond he gives an opportunity to proove yourself worthy.
Present yourself now.. (or something)

Bjarni buffs up an immunity to fire, Fria too. The half dragon tells us created temples in Metteracks name, he is “Birshwar”: he mistakenly announced the sigil locations by building temples near the sigils, but they were supposed to be hard to find. He is being punished.

Bjarni approaches, passing the scorched area, not bothered because of his buff, and the party are all required to make will s/th: we feel that something is making us feel a bit hungry. Bjarni steps into the flame area and is hit with a 24d10 fireball. Isondel is the only one untouched by the heat and ends up with a 'brand' which increases her fire damage by 6d8 and 30' extra range (1/day , 8 hrs rest), everyone else is singed.

Bjarni opens the door, and the others, increasingly challenged by the pangs of hunger rush to join him. There is another “chequered room” portal. We push through, and arrive at the food chamber. We rush through, Ahmumstut's pseudo-dragon has failed and is desperate to eat. He recovers after a short while out of the dragon's presence: but it is a close run thing. We leave by the 'in door' so we are no longer in the 'trap', and re-evaluate. Ahumstut heals everyone. We leave Metterack's challenge area and explore the remaining chambers in this level.

We decide to explore through the 'medusa door' using stone water and our amulets to get to the room Vulf saw earlier (481) and then using the stone powers we push on and explore. Vulf heads off down a corridor that seems to go a long way “when suddenly” a figures erupts from the ground , ones' dark hands trying to rip Bjarni's soul apart. He turns undead: affecting up to level 14: but they ignore it. Isondel breaths fire upon the wraiths: which seems pleasingly effective. The wraiths start distributing their dreadful touches: draining life & constitution. Isondel is set back. Fria takes her hide from undead potion. Bjarni smites around him effectively, dispelling one back from whence it came. Bjarni seems to attract their particular attention: but he is well protected from draining and the effects of undead. he fights on and dispels the last dire-wraith

The fight is turning our way when a gargantuan head comes up through the floor. It is part of a 7' diameter, 100' long black worm thing has erupted from the ground and tries to swallow our paladin. It has an absurd grapple and grabs him: It is a nightworm / night crawler. Vulf summons an huge earth elemental / animated the rocks into a gigantic critter to fight the worm. The worm dives back into the rock ,taking Bjarni. Fria blasts a hole with a disintegrate to create hole to where the worm is: succeeding in revealing the worm to the others. Vulfs earth thing attacks it as does Vulf: it casts a finger of death at Vulf which he fortunately saved and does not die( he takes 37hp) . Fria unleashes a maximized disintegrate with +2DC, which blows the crap out of the worms head. Bjarni crawls out and Fria prestigitates him clean and we move on (having checked there is no magic in the hole).

we follow the corridor that Vulf was going down “when-suddenly” there are stairs to the next level. The other way is blocked by stalactites etc. Fria can pass but others will need to smash rock: it opens out into a chamber. A large black obelisk taller than a man (1x4x9) on a foundation stone, it does not reflect the light. There is densely inscribed fine writing on it. The party smash their way through to it. Bjarni checks it and it is very very evil. Fria uses comprehend languages reads the abyssal script: the thing is sucking negative energy and sending it to somewhere else - pert of the elemental engine. We queue up to try to smash it and stop it. Bjarni tries to push it over with a 22 and fails. Vulf hits it repeatedly and it smashed: releasing a wave of black energy (inflict serious wounds) which hits the gathered party. We largely survive, and Fria steps forward to analyze it to discover. An extremely powerful object was being powered by this obelisk, and it has been unplugged: the 'thing' is due south. The party check for secret doors/ way south. A pile of long swords, battle axes and spears, 6 great oaken chests with rings to allow them to be carried. Leaning against the chests are two high quality long swords and a short-sword in a green black and red scabbard with a falcons head.

Fria teleports the party to the red-saints prison so we can study / rest and do stuff.


A pile of long swords, battle axes and spears

6 great oaken chests with rings to allow them to be carried. locked not trapped

(falcon = the dukes sigil)



19th Level achieved for AhumStut
Fria: 175,068out of 190,000 for 20th level (~11 sessions)
Jestix: 176,572out of 190,000 for 20th level (~10 sessions)
Bjarni: 149,927out of 153,000 for 18th level (~ 2 sessions)
Vulf: 175,316out of 190,000 for 20th level (~11 sessions)
AhumStut: 171,126out of 190,000 for 20th level (~14 sessions)



© Copyright - 2000-2024 - Dave Finch, Tim Evans, Pete Nash, Howard Tytherleigh, Pete Blake and James Finch