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Session 175: 31 Jan 24, day 109

Then move on to the final chamber, on the way Vulf finds a secret door in the meditation room. Fria checks it's not obviously trapped or locked. we decide to explore the last chamber before doing the secret door. A short corridor reveals another door that opens into a large-ish chamber: world-weavers' chamber.

Something is missing from this chamber, there are spaces for all sorts of tables etc pointing into the centre of the soom. A huge hollow in the middle is surrounded by cables, tubes etc. a huge sphere of something has “gone” from the middle. As vulf enters 4 large Ice devils look up .. big insectoid things. Vulf casts tounges and talks to them calling them 'hellish creatures of the other planes'. There is an unnatural cold on their side of the room..and a frost dew forms on the area. They look up and ask “where is Phebian”. The discussion continues, reducing to threats quite quickly. Fria casts a resist cold on herself. They agree to exchange info. We tell them Phebian is in the lower levels of the delve. They don't want to tell us anything but they say he created an artifact out of several ice devils. This thing is part of the 'entropy engine'. They leave without a fight, saying that the Lord of shadows aka Rivenick and the Queen Ghaal all have dibs on Vulfs soul!! Riveninc is the owner of the deed that Vulf has inherited. Devils say Rivenic is brown nosing to Metterack having failed to take the dragon he is serving a pennance. They give us a name we can summon them with if we need help with entropy engine or Rivenick. They tatto a symbol on Vulf arm: saying rub on that and we will come. They gate-out. We find a notebook written in multiple languages , comprehend language and read magic. It talks about exploration of other prime-material planes and discovery everyone has version on all different planes. This is the basis of his Phebian-Prime.

Fria searchs and the room has been used very recently : everything is neat n tidy and even the ink-well is still wet. Ahumnstut finds a gaudy RING made of red-iron.

By the door there is graphiti, 'there is no wizard greater than Phebian world-weaver', in his own hand. Fria spider climbs up and investigates the 'glowing cap' that was obviously something to activate/remove/ transport the missing sphere. It is a magical energy conduit, that can send things and is part of a trap. Ahumnstut comes to help the investigation: there is something in the room that will trigger and it will prismatic spray in the room. The trigger is a small door at the far end of the room. Vulf scrys past the trapped door. It looks like a small bed chamber with yet more books scrolls and papers, not recently used. Ahmumstut and Fria DD into the room setting of fireworks in the main room, we collect lots of notes that give us +2 insight bonus on knowlege of the planes roll. The closets etc have no clothes, its more like a work room with stuff dumped here. Vulf opens the secret doo: small room 20 pegs, each w broze 3“ medallion w image of tower, each on a silver chain. In one corner is a loose piece of crumpled paper: which are pages torn out from “the book”. They have questions and answers from the city.

'how do we get out'= stairs up or down, no guarantee of safety at other end
'how do mediallions work'= matched to a key that has no door and operate when required then return here.
'where do stairs down lead'= two stairs down, one stair leads down to one of two places depending on what you carry.
'what happens when you wear two medallions and approach the trigger point'= both amulets will return

previously we asked how to get to the city and it's down the stairs. An earlier question was
'how do you get out of the city' = 'if you figure out how to leave the city let us know'
'are you on an alternate prime material place' = no

So the medallions return to the pegs once used so it might be a one way walk down the stairs. Vulf identifies the tower being in the centre of the domed-mini-city. Ahmumstut checks the door that the 'head' said led to a stair, it does and the stair has a source of magic a short way down (conjuration).

We decide to check out the last two corridors before trying stairs that might lead away from the level never to return. At the one end there is another elborate door which we open . Beyond is a large room: a large furance in ne corner, series of anvils etc. Many metal working tools, bins of stuff. Western side walled off to create inner chamber. Mixing bowls eggshells etc. A great workshop for making magic armour, jewellery etc. The bins are full of magic items: gems, wires, coal, almost anything you could want for item manufacture. All labelled in arcane. The main area is a specialist crafcting area: it will reduce crafting time, xp cost and cost by skill as %. The walled off area is a design area with gigantic wooden table with many papers of designed and notes. A cabinet in one side , several chairs and couches. We start searching, Jestix notices the cushions are somehow wrong, perhaps a nest ? There is a tiny dragon like creature asleep among the cushions. Jestix approaches and tries to befriend it. It is smaller than a cat, resembling a tiny red dragon. He's a mages 4 pet called Fanbein, he may be small but he is very old and indeed immortal. It decides to follow Jestix around a bit. It says the entropy engine is a big machine on a 'lower level' it can change reality etc, but Metterack took it from them and is sucking energy from a god. ( a god called iamon, not glarius, he's was an ancient god who crashed down to earth somewhere )

Ahmumstut recruits the pseudo-dragon as a familiar. We explore the workshop a bit then go to the other end of the corridor and see what's there. A slightly unusual door, not like the ornate doors in the rest of the level, is a 20' section of the wall changes from stone to smooth silver metal with a brass disk mounted in midle with a hairline crack. A single line of runs is written on either side: it is very magical (strong/generic) Fria reads the 6 runes on each side:

left runes say numbers 1-6 in ancient dwarvish
right runes say current, right, left, open, close, clear

the dragon says you press buttons and sometimes there are tenacles, and this is the mages 4's vault. we ask the city about it.

'how do we safely open the vault'= press number that corresponds to the current chamber beyond the door.
'how do we avoid tentacles' = don't get the number wrong
'what is titan-slayers vault combination' = information not available

vulf's legend says “index then open”. “know the vault number before you open”.. recall the room using arrow keys . Fria presses current and rune '2' glows. right then current and number says '1'. left the current =2 left again 3, left again = 4. left again = 5. left again = 6. left again = 1. Vulf dials up 6 then open and tentacles erupt from the wall opposite. Vulf dives clear as an area of 20' is lashed by tentacles lots of them, for 2 rounds. Fria uses an unseen servant to try 5 and open: it is smegged. We search the area, Bjarni sleeps. Ahmumstut finds a cabinet and it has a giagantic foolscap diagram of the vault: with a 6 section doughnut, and it has same dwarvish runes . Press number of room that is currently there and then press open. so press 5 then open if current room is 5. Jestix finds the old water-stains on the wall are actually paintings not random water ingress: there is also a grass mat on floor w impression of a figure on it. Jestix checks out the mat then lies in the same position on the mat: he feels meditation is greatly increased. There's also some old clothes and teapot with single tealeaf & cups: Jestix tries the clothes on (monks robes) and drinks the tea. Fria's search includes the roof panels.

Fria opens


Ahmumstut remembers there is a ritual that can embed a magic item in someone, so Bjarni could embed soul-vault. Fria casts identify the medallions and the dice. One of the platinum medallions is a necklace of adaptation, allows you to breath water, noxious gases (perm fresh air).

Id on the dies- 2d8 “could be good could be bad roll them and find find out”. Fria rolls them (6,6)

“Fria gains the ability to cast first level cleric spells.”

last person to roll the dice : the die stay with me until someone else rolls them.



Fria: 162,863out of 171,000 for 19th level (~ 6 sessions)
Jestix: 163,342out of 171,000 for 19th level (~ 6 sessions)
Bjarni: 129,476out of 136,000 for 17th level (~ 5 sessions)
Vulf: 162,686out of 171,000 for 19th level (~ 6 sessions)
AhumStut: 157,266out of 171,000 for 19th level (~10 sessions)

© Copyright - 2000-2024 - Dave Finch, Tim Evans, Pete Nash, Howard Tytherleigh, Pete Blake and James Finch