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Session 169: 13 Dec 23, day 109

Having rested the party level up ! We etch some dragon runes on staffs etc: Vulf puts the rune on one of his weapon (+1 battleaxe), Fria etches the +2dc rune on Erlangers staff, Jestix has the same on titan slayer. We have a heros feast : immune poison, fear & disease for 12 hrs, 1d8+5 temp hit points, +1 moral on attack/will.

Fria gains a temporary 9 hp.

We descend the spiral stair a long way before it eventually comes to a large room. Lights in the roof illuminate as we near and we stare in to see our fate. It is a large well appointed room with comfy furniture, with the stair drops into the centre. There is a warming fire, the walls are hung with many items:

The exits are 4 ornate fancy doors and a normal door, and open corridor that leads off : fancy doors might be the rooms for the 4!

Ahmumstut casts detect magic and finds continual light in roof / continual heat in fireplace. Eyeball is magical. The piano works ! As you approach the tableau of little people animates. The big eye is of an ancient silver dragon: as you step close it says

“Who dares enter the sanctum of the blessed mages 4”
It is me Fria Scheppen, who are you
“Zarthartemesistand” …

discussion continues, he's not seen them for 843 years. He doesn't want to be reconstituted. but it will be reconstituted to fight metterack, which is nice. We grab a sample. Vulf remembers a legend of a dragon who fought in hell with one of the mages 4 and only his eye remains.

The armour is storm giant mithril, we discuss how to evacuate this.

The eye gives a little more info on the entropy engine that channels the power of the gods, and that the mages created the pyramid that channels pure chaos magic.

Jestix enquires which door is Titan-slayers.

Vulf tries to free the ghaele, succeeds and releases a very pissed off creature imprisoned for 900 years. Vulf placates it, speaking in celestial. She summons food ('chocolate') we provide her with some spiced wine and leave her to it.

Jestix opens titan-slayer's door, and enters some sort of vivisection room, with mummy wrappings and jars/ vellum. He approaches the stone table and looks at the wrappings in more detail, accompanied by Bjarni. They suspect that someone has been dismantling mummies.

There's a lot of papers and notes here too: jestix examines diagrams of mummification rituals etc. Many canopic jars labelled, and have many spell components. One fine bottle says “water from aborea”. There are a number of side-compartments each with a label of where the body inside came from / details. Vulf translates and Jestix and Vulf open one of the 10. They smell and look bad, one of them is very rotten covered in armour and stuff which looks up and attacks. Vulf quickly closes the door, but it escapes and it attacks Bjarni who is nearby. It tries a slay-living spell on Bjarni who fortunately survives. It is quite tough, speads disease (mummy rot) to which we are immune thanks to the heros feast earlier. Bjarni takes a lot of the blows , but thankfully it's second round is a lot less effective. Fria zaps it with shocking ray that transforms into a sonic ray. Excelsior works quickly once Bj gets the swing of it. Jestix presses on while Fria seacrhes more carefully. The next room has many tapestries with a large statue of black stone, in gold armour and a large bird like helm that obscures its head. Jestix examines the statue. Vulf taps it and it looks at his and says “don't poke me”. Vulf asks if he has seen titan-slayer : the statue responds angrily “Shikiran” he needs to be punished, he is violating laws of nature in his attempt to become immortal. Vulf quizzes him “mighty fist from heaven” he says, it is an “Inevitable”, LN celestial. He is not bound here but he is here waiting for Titan-slayer to return to punish him. Apparently he is not among the dead, so the Mighty-fist awaits his return.



Jestix presses on quickly leaving Vulf talking to the mighty-fist. A dojo ! with a weapons rack with blood stains and spider-web like cracks in some areas. Jestix and Bjarni explore, Vulf goes back to talk to the fist, but is called back when they find a secret door in the dojo. Ahmumstut opens it after Fria fails and reveals a writhing mass of worms that form a humanoid figure that steps out of a phase portal it was trapped in.

It envelops Ahmumstut almost instantly and he takes a massive amount of damage as the worms eat him (10d10), it simultaneously attacks Bjarni and Jestix then blinks to the other side of the room tryng to carry the unfortunate Ahmumstut with him, which Ahmumstut fortunately resists. Isondel breaths fire on it, it picks up a pole arm weilds it competently and the weapon glows magically as it does so. Fria fails to dimension anchor it.

It fights well, casting a lot of buff & heal spells while it does. It fights two folk at a time AND casts spells..quite a dojo opponent. Finally Jestix batters it to a standstill!

The inevitable walks in and congratulates us on killing what was left of titan slayer !!! That was “the creature which was once Shikiran” who obviously got a ritual wrong and was cursed.

(a quick review of Titan-Slayer's abilities : omg)


AhumStut buying off LA1 (3000)
15th Level drop for Bjarni buying off LA3 (39000)
Fria: 156,963out of 171,000 for 19th level (~ 9 sessions)
Jestix: 156,842out of 171,000 for 19th level (~ 9 sessions)
Bjarni: 117,896out of 136,000 for 16th level (~13 sessions)
Vulf: 156,566out of 171,000 for 19th level (~ 9 sessions)
AhumStut: 150,266out of 171,000 for 19th level (~14 sessions)

© Copyright - 2000-2024 - Dave Finch, Tim Evans, Pete Nash, Howard Tytherleigh, Pete Blake and James Finch