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Session 167: 15 Nov 23, day 108

we decide to check out the corridor it is covered with knob shaped heads: highly trapped. An arcane eye shows the body of an armored man at the end of the corridor, just round the corner. An invisible servant sent to investigate is killed by trap#1 a falling slab from the ceiling. Body has nice plate, nice sword, backpack full of stuff. A mage hand carrying a stick and the stick is hit by 3 poison darts and is broken. We use the body's femur to trigger the magic mouth at the end. “fool why would you go down a trapped hallway, of course there's nothing, you need to be taught a lesson - ZAP!!!” We discuss avarice vs caution and decide to try to get the body. On the way back the femur is sliced in two by a scything blade. Vulf summons an arcane Bralini? and sends it to fetch the body: and it survives the ceiling falling, fireballs, magic missile, poison darts, lightning bolt etc. to retrieve the body! Fria searches the body. He appears to be John Nameless III.

we consider which of the mages 4 created this challenge : Lyssandra, vulf uses the new +5 knowledge check and it checks out. We rest and leave the challenge area into the end-zone. After a possible miss pronunciation of her name he recovers and we return to challenge central.

we move to the final challenge: while this chamber is similar to others the walls/floor and ceiling are covered in a sheet of ice. It is like a gigantic freezer. Fria, Isondel and Jestix cast resist energy: cold. Vulf crosses, and is attacked by a pretty large claw from below: raking him with an awfully effective attack. He saves and avoids getting frost bite in the hit area. Bjarni carries fria across avoiding the claw, others follow and are attacked by smaller claws. Vulf is standing in the middle as the others charge over and is attacked twice ! Vulf flies over on Frias' griffon. A smaller ice elemental rears up to attack the folk on the other side. The griffon is hit and gets frost-bite, is seriously hurt and fria sends it back to recover.

As each of us cross they attack, directly or as an opportunity. Ahmumstut flies over and a gigantic ice elemental erupt under him to grab him. but at 30' Ahmumstut is just too high. Leonora is left on the other side as Ahmumstut cannot dd over and vulf took the griffon. Isondel takes Leonoras collar of reduction and goes to collect Leonora, the rest of us cover and fight off an attack by the big elemental. As she returns isondel is attacked from the ceiling as a smaller elemental rakes her with cold ! It rakes her and she narrowly misses getting frost-bite. Bjarni decides to take the fight to them and charges in setting about him with a great sword. Fria does a very effective hit on the big elemental and it singles her out in return bashing her about a lot: the resist cold helps save her. Bjarni destroys the small elemental while Isondel and Leonora hover awaiting a safe time & place to land. The big one attempts to rise under Bjarni who blats it and finally kills it. We press on into the next room !!!! The next room is a room of sky & clouds chequered with cloudy platforms about 30' deep , above thick dark thunderous clouds gather. and below a huge abyss beckons.



18th Level achieved for Fria, Jestix and Vulf (~15 Sessions)
Fria: 153,353out of 171,000 for 19th level (~17 sessions)
Jestix: 153,232out of 171,000 for 19th level (~17 sessions)
Bjarni: 152,051out of 153,000 for 18th level (~ 1 sessions)
Vulf: 153,056out of 171,000 for 19th level (~17 sessions)
AhumStut: 148,421out of 153,000 for 18th level (~ 4 sessions)

© Copyright - 2000-2024 - Dave Finch, Tim Evans, Pete Nash, Howard Tytherleigh, Pete Blake and James Finch