==== Summary 242: Hard Truths in Hard Bay (2020-04-18) ==== [[Giraine]] [[summaries-2020|Summaries]] ---- Greetings, Amur urged that you get the Shadow safely away from the iceberg and you agreed; you could have explored that floating island for hours but it also seemed treacherous for those on foot. Amur had a rough time getting the Shadow out of the Fosnoir's battering icy winds of Dark Season, and even past that along the more normal Orninior Coast the weather was rough and Amur lost direction at times, but by morning you came into the calmer waters of Hard Bay; and even got a bit of rest along the way. The tiny port town had a nice sheltered harbour by a lighthouse on an island, a dock suitable for four large seafaring ships (occupied by three), and a wooden walkway tortuously ascending the rocky cliffs to the bluffs some 50m above, where the town was safely situated. There, two warehouses sat amidst some smaller buildings; one was falling into disrepair and looked abandoned. Above it all, to the northeast, a squat green hill with a ring of dark standing stones loomed. But your attention was quickly drawn to the docks, where a Vadeli galley "The Mythspeaker" sat, its sails proudly embossed with a large horned-Law-rune of Vadel. You gritted your teeth; while Brown Vadeli ships were common at most ports, its presence here on Ahappi's quest could only bode ill. A rowboat came from the docks to greet you, and Ahappi met it atop his mosasaur. It was a young dockworker who presented himself as the son of Illian Moisan, Dockmaster, and asked your business at the port. Ahappi quickly intimidated him with his story of his quest for justice and the poor boy fell apart under the pressure- he first tried lying, that nothing was wrong in Hard Bay, then admitted that (I forget details) the Vadeli worked with the families and the Cult of the Deep was very active here but he was just a new lay member, with no knowledge of the entity it revered. The boy was frightened of his fate in town and of Ahappi; caught between two threats. He rowed off in great haste, terrified. You docked, casting a side-eye at the Vadeli ship across the docks, which was full of slave-rowers and some obvious Vadeli that were unfamiliar to you. But down the docks there sat eight Waertagi; pale sickly-green-skinned (to those in the know, a sign of lower birth/mixed blood further from the ancestral Waertagi) young men in ragged peasant attire, dangling their feet in the water and conversing. They looked with much interest at Ahappi as he approached, and one acted as their spokesperson- his name was Aribert and his comrades looked for work, but were too principled and proud to do some kinds-including working for the Vadeli slavers. They longed for the fabled days of dragonships, and couldn't stop talking about them, but confessed they were no heroes and could do little except odd-jobs as sailors, in which they eyed risk carefully. Aribert was frightened of Hard Bay's ruling three families and their allies, and quietly told Ahappi that the Waertagi had seen sea trolls lurking around these waters, and that they'd come ashore on Wilddays (full Red Moon nights) to dance atop the standing stones of Maritime Hill with the townsfolk; Wildday was tomorrow. After some coaxing and critiquing of the Shadow's physical shape and scant crew, Aribert agreed to go talk to Amur about helping the ship out with repairs and maybe even joining its crew for some time. You all came onto the docks and began ascending the walkway to the top of the bluffs, but then the odd-looking but charismatic, dark-haired and pale-skinned Dockmaster of the Moisan family came down to meet you in a huff, demanding to know why you'd scared his son out of his wits, almost beyond words. He at first scoffed at Ahappi's threats of Magasta's judgement, and tried to laugh off mention of sea trolls or Vadeli affiliations, but then after another very intimidating performance by Ahappi he spun around and ran off, after some final threats that there was already trouble here (for you, implied!) and that you'd be watched-but he too was scared, and it looked like the will of this town might be crumbling before you... for now. A swarthy Pithdaran man, Aldal Stronghammer, came out of his smithy just atop the bluffs amongst the town's buildings, coming to meet you. He beckoned you inside his noisy, smoking shop to talk, and there was a welcoming air to him that made you feel confident to go inside. He explained that he'd had much success here running his family business because he'd kept his nose out of the three families' iron grip on Hard Bay, but that he'd seen things that disturbed him (enough to drive him to drink, at times, and give him nightmares), and he knew from what he'd heard happen today that you were in much danger from the town. He urged you to leave immediately but of course you'd have nothing of that; it merely piqued your interest more. He gladly explained that, yes, things came up to do ceremonies on Maritime Hill on Wildday, and the Vadeli were in league with the town's families, that all families were wrapped up in the Cult of the Deep and you'd find few or no other friends here because of that. People had disappeared without explanation, and sacrifices atop the hill were suspected. There was no way to raise enough fighting people to challenge the stranglehold on the town. The town had been founded by the Sharkrazor pirates just over 100 years ago and prospered in its decadence for many years, then the Duke of Pithdaros sent his forces in and routed them; then the 3 families took over, and then the Vadeli came and got involved somehow; the pirates were still around but more of a nuisance than a real threat now. Aldal also confided that more than one voice was said to be heard at Lookout Point lighthouse, but only one sounded human; he'd heard rumoured. You thanked him for his honesty and trust, and bought some spare weapons to make it look like you had come for real business there. Next you crossed the main north-south road to Maritime Hill, ascending its slick path through meadows and groves of trees to the odd standing stones. Five grey-green twisting spires stood in a ring around a central plinth of similar stone; and a stark black altar atop that. Magic runes were the only common inscription on these, and Miguel spotted that the whole ring had magic and the altar more so. It looked like it might be dangerously warded or bind something nasty, so you opted not to go in, for now. Townsfolk had been watching you from below, and you had a good look around town from the vantage point here, seeing some buildings of interest including three large manors that must be the Talar family houses. The townsfolk dispersed calmly as you came down to them, and Boamund's Sense Chaos spell did not feel any taint upon at least one of them, but you still felt in some peril. Nearby there was a small wooden shop, The Driftwood, which you entered to find a lot of books, scrolls, curios and other oddities, with the purveyor Clarne Blufont, an elderly Seshnelan man of thick white beard and hair, grouchily engaging you. He didn't have any fire magics for Boamund, insisting this was a place of peace, and said that he'd collected many things from the centuries of history from many dead civilizations that lay buried under the lands hereabouts, so he did have much of value. Miguel asked about healing magic or teachings, and Clarne came forth with a dusty old Seshnegi tome from the Second Age that bore lessons of the Healing skill; "The Mannie Routes Unto Returrning of Healthe". Miguel tried bargaining with Clarne, assisted by Fraud, over the offering price of 2500 silvers but the wily old shopkeeper saw Miguel's wealth and desperation and only raised the price despite Miguel's hard haggling; in the end you could only have it for 3100 silvers, and you emptied your purses to find enough, using up some of the loot from past sailing adventures. But you had it! Clarne urged you to be on your way; you felt your welcome wearing thin, and more than a little unkindness or even menace from the old Blufont family man. More people watched you leave, and you chose to hurry down to the Shadow to put the book in safe-keeping. BTW: Miguel first got Clarne to identify three things he carried: * 'tumbling' mushroom - from Siphula's voralan -- ?? have more info? I cannot find. * Rundown Toadstool- "make him faster" - Black slender mushroom, eat fresh/dried (1/2 effect dry), +DEX by 1d6 for 1hour after 1d10 rounds. Then has some side effect that is known to few. * Jar of "red paste" (from Atro Purho)-a potent blade venom from sea urchin innards. Can apply to a weapon 3x, lasts for 3 parries or 1 hit, allows Envenom special effect and Venom : Potency 80%, delay 3 rounds, paralyzes location hit if overcomes Endurance, wears off 1 hour/Endurance reroll then take 1 pt to location that only heals naturally. Yet on the docks, a sinister Red Vadeli stepped forward from the gangway of his vessel to interpose himself between you and the Shadow! He confronted Ahappi, saying that he was Wahhab the Peeler and he knew you were on a quest, and he yearned to gut Ahappi but would not (or could not, yet?) deign to stop you now. He mentioned he'd seen the book. Wahhab wasn't thrown off by Ahappi's mention of past defeat of a Red Vadeli, and traded a few barbs and threats before he turned nonchalantly to stand by his ship's gangway. You could now see at least three or four other Vadeli on board; one of whom was in strange red clothes, another tall one in long brownish robes with a big forked staff, and one-or was it two?-morbidly obese figure(s) in florid jewelry. You left the book with Amur and warned him of the Vadeli and other dangers. The Lighthouse had maintained your interest for some time, and you'd been warned about its precipitous causeway that was the only route in or out from the little island it sat on. So you headed there. All of you crossed the slippery path above the jagged coastal rocks and crashing waves; it was certain death to fall from here. Fraud even nimbly ran across. The old stone tower was not impressive; just a basic grey-brickwork construction of no more than a century's age. You stood at the door and Ahappi keenly heard a voice despite the frigid wings and roaring surf-the man spoke in Seshnegi of how he'd called whatever he was speaking to there to protect him, that danger was looming and many had come to town that meant him harm, but it must protect him. Ahappi shouted to know what was afoot here and the surprised voice replied simply telling him to go away. Ahappi would have none of that, hearing more muttering to the spirit or whatever the man spoke to, and wasn't put off by threats to send a demon to devour his soul, either. The conversation turned quickly when Ahappi made a passionate plea about talking over the situation with the Vadeli and sea trolls. The man then welcomed you in as friends, changing his tune drastically. He didn't seem to understand that the barred door blocked Ahappi's entry, so Miguel used his sorcery to de-hinge it and you entered, with Fraud replacing the door. A middle-aged Zzaburi man, another Seshnelan but with a crazed look to him and many Fire, Spirit and Magic runes about his tower and his robes, descended the spiral stairs from the fiery top of the lighthouse and introduced himself as Old Moreg. He was a local Orninior hedge wizard who knew of all the local essences, daimones and spirits, and treated with them here. It became clear he'd been isolated here in those dealings, and had gone rather mad. But he was sane enough to hold a discussion with you, explaining important information he had-the families were all corrupted by the demon Yaknath, who was behind the false "Cult of the Deep" (a lie, he said; no real cult) and in league with the other evils here. Moreg would have no dealings with Chaos- he was a proper Malkioni, he convincingly insisted, and he knew that Yaknath lurked somewhere in the waters below; centred in sea caves whose location he was not sure of. The Blufont family, he related, was the most deeply ensconced in all of this corruption, and you might learn more from them. The standing stones, he explained, were an old Malkioni site, a centre of the town's former sorcerous power (and from their look, going back well beyond that in time; maybe even into pre-Time?), corrupted by Yaknath's power and blasphemy-chaotic sea-magics. Through a lot(!!! 6 crits from Ahappi!) of skill and luck, you'd assembled what felt like a clear picture of the mystery here. The Vadeli played at least some role in the evil demonic corruption, with layers of worsening threats plaguing this town, from pirates to power-hungry Talari to Vadeli and Chaos demons and sea trolls! The heart of it all seemed to be the sea caves, "The Depths", and you planned to rest for a night then tackle finding that location at dawn. Boamund went to rest at the Shadow whilst the others opted to have a drink and carouse with the locals at the Evening Mist, a small, simple inn (bearing a misty lighthouse sign) on the north side of town. Nothing could go wrong now! ----