==== Summary 62: (2012-01-13) ==== [[Giraine]] [[summaries-2012|Summaries]] ---- You left the vaporous crack in the earth behind and eventually made your way down a trail into the swamps toward New Arvonesse, or "New Arv" as you'd learned it was called by locals. On this trail, you were startled by some small forms that darted across your path as they passed between two areas of undergrowth at high speed. You assumed they were prey being hunted by something. Some time later, that something did appear- savage-seeming humans stealthily investigated you from cover in the swamps, and you coaxed one forward to speak after there was a muted call for help from them. The eight humans were ugly to your eyes (scrunched, big-nosed faces, hairy and pale Wareran/white people), filthy, scratched by briars, malnourished and desperate, but not without some pride. Their command of Seshnegi was poor at best, but you learned from their matriarchal leader, the 30-something huntress Narak, that they were (as the Baronet began to realize) Mraloti (beast-worshippers) from the Wenelian wilds to the southeast. With some coaxing, and Boamund's successful hunt of an odd dwarf deer ("short horse" to the Mraloti) with Ciddar to provide fresh food, they told you more, in fractured words. It seems they had been slaves/captives on a pirate ship that was caught in a storm off the Giraine coast (perhaps near St Granno's Mountain to the northeast) and they took the opportunity in the chaos to wreck the ship, in which all(?) pirates died (perhaps even by their brutish hands). This had been some time ago, and since then they had slowly moved along the island, plying survival from the lands while fleeing from civilized settlements and Giranois intolerance alike. The ordeal was clear from their faces and bodies. You earned more of their trust and they agreed to follow you to outside New Arv, then wait, as they feared the city folk. Perhaps the Giranois had not been the only ones to show them intolerance. You gave them some weapons (they only had improvised gear) and promised more. You soon entered New Arvonesse as twilight approached, and found that it was prospering, among other surprises, foremost of which was that it had a functioning harbour amongst the reefs! A few mid-sized ships were anchored there and there seemed to be a bustling fishing trade, among other business. And the town itself was nicely placed on solid bedrock perched just above the water table, with a sturdy wooden stockade surrounding a ramshackle shanty town of rough-looking guards and entrenpreneurs. On your way in, you could see the old 'bones' of ruins sticking out of the swamps- this place was nicely positioned on the coast and must have been a settlement before. Even inside the walls of New Arv there were some bits of old ruin, and the newer ruin of a Rokari mission as well as the growing new construction of an impressive (but unfinished) Ship of Life chapel. It quickly became clear that New Arv was really ruled by its captain of the guard, named Captain Gulos, "the Scoundrel of Leplain," a name familiar to some of you as a 'criminal' wanted by the Rokari church. You soon met him in the barracks, finding a casual disrespect for the ruling Barapitis family from his guards and indeed him as well. Gulos is a swarthy (perhaps with Pithdaran blood in him), sinewy, battle-scarred veteran in his late 30s. He is stern, blunt, and resourceful, with a cunning that hints at a flexible moral code (to put it generously?), but a seeming loyalty to Big Ron. He explained that Baronet Hiripetis Barapitis was an absentee landlord, leaving much of the family business (which was rich, being exiled Nolosian traders) to his twin brother Kristaphis, whom you soon met and found to be quite unhinged. Gulos was cagey about his work in New Arv and especially about the channel that led through the reefs between harbour and oceans (he reminded the Captain that he must have his permission to enter, and deferred such request until The Shadow was repaired). He seemed (or acted?) to know a lot about you and wanted to know more. You were reminded a bit of Baronet Dupres from Toadhaven, but this Gulos at least was in the thick of it in New Arv, not isolated in the Toadhaven swamps. A connected man. He said the town had had its share of troubles but was now secure. He had his own mysterious wizard named Ytor at his back, and seemed personally very secure indeed. You asked about Fort Mudlark, your next destination, and he said it was under siege. Later, Ahappi and Ciddar learned from the local nightlife that it was considered to be the worst posting for any military person on Giraine. But Gulos, for some reason, helpfully confided in you that you should seek a man named Wendel there at Mudlark, when Fraud Shaven danced around the purpose for your coming. He also mentioned, matter-of-factly, that there were Vadeli aplenty here, which did not make you feel like staying long... Furthermore, he warned you to avoid the ruins of the Rokari mission and the old sewers in New Arv. Leaving Gulos with a gruff farewell, you visited the Baronet's manor and found it to be adequate with little charm except for a nicely outfitted entrance hall with superb acoustics (Wood panelling). The Baronet's brother proved to be what you expected, and less, although after a bit of wine he seemed to change and become more wistful. Lost, this one seemed to be. No wonder the Captain rules here. The acoustics turned out to be a curse to your ears, as servants came out and placed a horrendously disturbing and embarrassing "tickle music" on their bellies while you drank and tried to wring sense out of Kristaphis, who thought you were someone else (real or fanciful heroes?). Ciddar and Ahappi prayed at the Chapel while the other two examined the thriving night market that was also near the harbour. It was full of what seemed to be quackery- claimed magical tokens and holistic medicines or alchemy, but also expensive little imported snacks, and little else. Boamund and the Baronet had a sketchy encounter with a cloaked man who wanted to sell something and implied he could get what you wanted; when you asked for weapons or armour for the Mraloti he lost interest in disgust, telling you to come to the main market in the morning. At the Chapel, the Knower (priest) in charge turned out to be off on a pleasure cruise with the Baronet Barapitis, so the two sailors had to do their best praying in the meagrely consecrated space. Nonetheless, they could see that good money was being invested in constructing this place. Soon enough it was time to find room and board, and you did so at one of the two local inns; this one had a free bath and scrub brushes, plus a rollicking good drinking area, so the two sailors spent the night in good company (the Captain regretting it later). By the night's end, it had struck you how New Arv, while smaller than St Thosos by a long shot, was surprisingly well outfitted (even if the peasants were remarkably scarce here), and so you wondered why Big Ron had never mentioned it before. Such mysteries, however, would have to wait, for you still had to achieve your major goals that lay somewhere beyond, in the Big Gunge swamps outside the comforts of the stockade of New Arv. And what anarchy and misery would you find at Fort Mudlark, if the Giranois would even let you approach? ----