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tenwa:tenwa-chapter8 [2024/03/17 16:13] tim45tenwatenwa:tenwa-chapter8 [2024/03/17 17:06] (current) tim45tenwa
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 <sup>Actual Game date (2000-01-12)</sup> <sup>Actual Game date (2000-01-12)</sup>
-The return to Baamebu Daa. MeBe receives a visitor from the Imperial Court. It is lady in waiting and Head retainer for the Imperial Princess Easilo who is the fiancé of MeBe they have come to see if MeBe's house is suitable for and Imperial Princess. Being a small house outside the Baamebu Daa main complex, it is completely unsuitable, and they let this me know. MeBe decides to look for a suitable location in the local area for a new house. Having found what he thinks is a good location, he invites the Imperial representatives, Lee Ho and Tokyo to inspect the site, and to ensure it has good Fengu-Shui. They all approve that it is a good site. MeBe now approaches Lord Krappi to buy the plot of land for the house.+The return to Baamebu Daa. MeBe receives a visitor from the Imperial Court. It is lady in waiting and Head retainer for the Imperial Princess Easiko who is the fiancé of MeBe they have come to see if MeBe's house is suitable for and Imperial Princess. Being a small house outside the Baamebu Daa main complex, it is completely unsuitable, and they let this me know. MeBe decides to look for a suitable location in the local area for a new house. Having found what he thinks is a good location, he invites the Imperial representatives, Lee Ho and Tokyo to inspect the site, and to ensure it has good Fengu-Shui. They all approve that it is a good site. MeBe now approaches Lord Krappi to buy the plot of land for the house.
 Here is Lord Krappi's response to MeBe's request Here is Lord Krappi's response to MeBe's request
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 The party then returned to our compound to prepare for what was to come? The party then returned to our compound to prepare for what was to come?
-While waiting to be summoned by the Emperor again, the party mingled with the locals in the castle. Toriyoshi reports some rumors that he had heard to MeBe concerning his future wife. Which seemed to indicate sympathy for MeBe as he was getting the Princess Easi Ko, because see was becoming a embarrassment to the court because she had little or no moral character (palace bike) and she had been though most of the palace guards!+While waiting to be summoned by the Emperor again, the party mingled with the locals in the castle. Toriyoshi reports some rumors that he had heard to MeBe concerning his future wife. Which seemed to indicate sympathy for MeBe as he was getting the Princess Easiko, because see was becoming a embarrassment to the court because she had little or no moral character (palace bike) and she had been though most of the palace guards!
-MeBe took this badly and over the following few days spend his free time in the form of a mouse looking for who ever was spreading these scurrilous rumors. MeBe also attempted to get in to see Princess Easi Ko in the form of a cat. He crept passed the main Imperial compound guard, and was walking down one of the corridors, when he was confronted by a Buddhist priest, trying to shoo him out of the compound. He retreated and tried to go round the priest. The Priest then pointed at the main doors and said 'Out', and then began casting some form of spell. MeBe guessing that the gig was up returned to his human form, he bowed respectfully to the priest, and left. The Priest followed him to close to the door where he then sat on a stool and watch.+MeBe took this badly and over the following few days spend his free time in the form of a mouse looking for who ever was spreading these scurrilous rumors. MeBe also attempted to get in to see Princess Easiko in the form of a cat. He crept passed the main Imperial compound guard, and was walking down one of the corridors, when he was confronted by a Buddhist priest, trying to shoo him out of the compound. He retreated and tried to go round the priest. The Priest then pointed at the main doors and said 'Out', and then began casting some form of spell. MeBe guessing that the gig was up returned to his human form, he bowed respectfully to the priest, and left. The Priest followed him to close to the door where he then sat on a stool and watch.
 Toriyoshi and Lee Ho are attempting to get maps for the journey to Kyoto and of the city of Kyoto, and also how the ceremony needs to be performed. They do not have much success, but Toriyoshi manages to make contact with one of the priest who may have access to the ceremony information, but can not let Toriyoshi have a copy. But he is interesting in seeing Toriyoshi's bell. Toriyoshi agrees to let him see the bell, and later that day the priest arrive, he also brings a scroll with him, that is the ceremony information, so while the priest studies the bell, Toriyoshi studies and memorizes the ceremony. Toriyoshi and Lee Ho are attempting to get maps for the journey to Kyoto and of the city of Kyoto, and also how the ceremony needs to be performed. They do not have much success, but Toriyoshi manages to make contact with one of the priest who may have access to the ceremony information, but can not let Toriyoshi have a copy. But he is interesting in seeing Toriyoshi's bell. Toriyoshi agrees to let him see the bell, and later that day the priest arrive, he also brings a scroll with him, that is the ceremony information, so while the priest studies the bell, Toriyoshi studies and memorizes the ceremony.
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 Lord Krappi and MeBe then go into town to buy some gifts. Lord Krappi buys a some gifts for Lady Mi-Lan and there son. MeBe buys a single perfect Chrysanthemum, a exquisite porcelain Vase to contain the the flower, and a exquisite lacquered Box to contain both, he also buys a exquisite piece of Chinese porcelain. Lord Krappi and MeBe then go into town to buy some gifts. Lord Krappi buys a some gifts for Lady Mi-Lan and there son. MeBe buys a single perfect Chrysanthemum, a exquisite porcelain Vase to contain the the flower, and a exquisite lacquered Box to contain both, he also buys a exquisite piece of Chinese porcelain.
-The next day MeBe puts the Chrysanthemum in the Vase and puts the Vase in the Box, and had a note written to say who it was from, and seals the box. He then put the box and the Chinese porcelain in a sack, and turns into the form of a cat. He then returned to Imperial compound. Shortly after entering he was approached by the same priest, who tried to shoo him out of the compound. MeBe then returned to his human form. And spoke to the priest, saying. Hello honorable sir, I have come looking for you to beg a boon. I have a small gift for the Princess Easi Ko, and if he would agree to make sure see gets it, He would give the priest the piece of Chinese porcelain for the inconvenience. The priest agree to do it this once, but warns MeBe to only return to Imperial compound when formally invited.+The next day MeBe puts the Chrysanthemum in the Vase and puts the Vase in the Box, and had a note written to say who it was from, and seals the box. He then put the box and the Chinese porcelain in a sack, and turns into the form of a cat. He then returned to Imperial compound. Shortly after entering he was approached by the same priest, who tried to shoo him out of the compound. MeBe then returned to his human form. And spoke to the priest, saying. Hello honorable sir, I have come looking for you to beg a boon. I have a small gift for the Princess Easiko, and if he would agree to make sure see gets it, He would give the priest the piece of Chinese porcelain for the inconvenience. The priest agree to do it this once, but warns MeBe to only return to Imperial compound when formally invited.
 ==== Week (Unknown) (Year of the Unknown)) ==== ==== Week (Unknown) (Year of the Unknown)) ====
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 Toriyoshi spend the remainder of the day preparing for the Emperor to view his Bell. The following morning all is prepared. MeBe positions his Budoka around the edge of the viewing area, telling them to keep an eye open, but to be discrete. Toriyoshi spend the remainder of the day preparing for the Emperor to view his Bell. The following morning all is prepared. MeBe positions his Budoka around the edge of the viewing area, telling them to keep an eye open, but to be discrete.
-The Emperor and retinue arrive and take up position, at one end of the viewing court yard. Lord Xinji and his retinue take up position at the opposite end. And Lord Krappi and the party are on a third side. MeBe notices that the Princess Easi ko seems to have picks the wrong set of colours for her Kimono, as the colours clash. Toriyoshi invites the Emperor to approach the bell for the ringing. The Emperor and body guard approach and sit a few meters from the bell. Toriyoshi then has the priests under his supervision ring the Bell. A perfect clear tone is produced, and ways of blessing are felt to ripple out from the bell, Toriyoshi is very pleased. He directs the priests to strike the Bell a second time. But as he does so Lady Amora stood up from Lord Xinji's retinue, pulled a dagger from her kimono, and charged at Lord Krappi. MeBe acting quickly steps between Lord Krappi and Lady Amora, and knocks her out easily.+The Emperor and retinue arrive and take up position, at one end of the viewing court yard. Lord Xinji and his retinue take up position at the opposite end. And Lord Krappi and the party are on a third side. MeBe notices that the Princess Easiko seems to have picks the wrong set of colours for her Kimono, as the colours clash. Toriyoshi invites the Emperor to approach the bell for the ringing. The Emperor and body guard approach and sit a few meters from the bell. Toriyoshi then has the priests under his supervision ring the Bell. A perfect clear tone is produced, and ways of blessing are felt to ripple out from the bell, Toriyoshi is very pleased. He directs the priests to strike the Bell a second time. But as he does so Lady Amora stood up from Lord Xinji's retinue, pulled a dagger from her kimono, and charged at Lord Krappi. MeBe acting quickly steps between Lord Krappi and Lady Amora, and knocks her out easily.
 Unfortunately while this was going on, a member of the Emperors retinue took a throwing knife out of her kimono, and threw it at the Emperor. It struck him in the neck and he collapsed. The assassin then jumped up onto the roof of the court yard. Two of the Emperor's bodyguards attempted to strike her but failed. The two closest Budoka attempted to get to the assassin, but more of the Emperor's bodyguard attacked them, because they were approaching the stricken Emperor. MeBe having finished off the combat with Lady Amora, jumps up onto the roof, and gives chase to the assassin. A spectacular battle then ensued with the Assassin throwing Shuriken, at MeBe, and MeBe attempting to knock the assassin of the roof, before she could be picked up by a Tatsu, who had come down for that purpose. When it became obvious to the Tatsu that the assassin was not going to make and easy escape, It attempted to roast both MeBe and the Assassin. Eventually MeBe overcame the assassin, by breaking her leg, and sliding off the roof on here, causing here to land chest first on the ground killing herself. MeBe landed gracefully, in a spectacular move, and dodged under the eaves of the roof to avoid a further toasting from the Tatsu. After a quick breather, MeBe picked up the assassin, and starts to carry her body back into the Bell Compound. Unfortunately while this was going on, a member of the Emperors retinue took a throwing knife out of her kimono, and threw it at the Emperor. It struck him in the neck and he collapsed. The assassin then jumped up onto the roof of the court yard. Two of the Emperor's bodyguards attempted to strike her but failed. The two closest Budoka attempted to get to the assassin, but more of the Emperor's bodyguard attacked them, because they were approaching the stricken Emperor. MeBe having finished off the combat with Lady Amora, jumps up onto the roof, and gives chase to the assassin. A spectacular battle then ensued with the Assassin throwing Shuriken, at MeBe, and MeBe attempting to knock the assassin of the roof, before she could be picked up by a Tatsu, who had come down for that purpose. When it became obvious to the Tatsu that the assassin was not going to make and easy escape, It attempted to roast both MeBe and the Assassin. Eventually MeBe overcame the assassin, by breaking her leg, and sliding off the roof on here, causing here to land chest first on the ground killing herself. MeBe landed gracefully, in a spectacular move, and dodged under the eaves of the roof to avoid a further toasting from the Tatsu. After a quick breather, MeBe picked up the assassin, and starts to carry her body back into the Bell Compound.
tenwa/tenwa-chapter8.1710692009.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/03/17 16:13 by tim45tenwa